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Everything posted by westguy

  1. but shouldn't that come from the energy industry?
  2. someone should point thaty out to Clark
  3. The natives are always willing to sell their opposition to the pipeline for an oil comapny cheque.
  4. canada did better than most nations during the 2008 meltdown. who do you "blame" for that
  5. The most misleading ad- so much for ethics by the NDP
  6. the decisions to which you refer were made by the Chretien govt.
  7. it only makes sense to speak English if you are surrounded by 300,000,000 anglophones.
  8. you act like the Cons are the only one playing dirty pool
  9. oh give it a rest. Harper merely encouraged "EI regulars" to contribute to the economy rather than sit on their seasonal asses. The OAS changes will not take effect for several years. Are you seriously suggesting that Harper caused the deficit when the world was in a major economic meltown? I suggest Harper DID help those of us who still pay taxes and those steps were long overdue.
  10. the ad is pure leftist propaganda. I suppose the NDP would like us alll to believe that Harper caused the great recession of 2008 or that Canada was immune. Thank god they will never have to govern.
  11. not to mention his selective law enforcement in Caledonia
  12. or by downloading a lot of government expense to the provinces
  13. the political landscape and terrorist issues have changed
  14. Quebec will be a third world basket case within a few weeks of leaving Canada. They will lose the billions they get from TROC in transfer payments which allows and lowest daycare in the country. Godd riddance.
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