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Everything posted by Wilber

  1. Churchill was in imperialist but he didn’t.start any wars. “To jaw jaw is always better than to war war” Winston Churchill
  2. You saying Britain should have made peace with Hitler?
  3. Neither did Churchill but unlike Trump, he wasn’t afraid to serve in them.
  4. Churchill saw action in at least three wars, was captured and escaped in one of them. Fist Lord of the Admiralty twice as well as armaments minister and Minister of War in WW1. Several senior posts including Cancellor of the Exchequer after the war. He was responsible for Britain’s first minimum wage, and had a big hand in several other social reforms such as lunches for school children and pensions for those over 70. That was all before he became PM. Oh, and he also got the Nobel prize for literature. Trump, not so much.
  5. I didn’t say whether they were right or left, just that they were white.
  6. No, I don't think they should be doves, I think the opposite. I've seen so many articles about how this or that could backfire on the Democrats while Trump just goes more over the top and gets away with it. It has become a zero sum game, it became that way in 2008 when The Turtle said the GOP would focus all their efforts on making Obama a one term president. No thought of the country's welfare there at all.
  7. If a third party held the balance of power, Congress might go back to working the way it was intended with the need to compromise in order to get things done. I used to be an admirer of the US system because of that. That admiration dissolved a decade or so ago, not getting things done has become more important.
  8. Here's the thing. People keep saying the Democrats have to be careful what they do and which celebrities support them or they will alienate voters. On the other hand, Trump and his bunch get a let on spewing any garbage they want. It's bizarre.
  9. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FCVJpjKkWUAASuzx.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fstevesteinbach%2Fstatus%2F671715347419017217&docid=PmlDiO5qv84tRM&tbnid=YLleheLViX5UlM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiDibzmgrfeAhU_ITQIHSsjDNsQMwg9KAEwAQ..i&w=582&h=360&client=safari&bih=740&biw=1438&q=mussolini pout&ved=0ahUKEwiDibzmgrfeAhU_ITQIHSsjDNsQMwg9KAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  10. I was referring to the similarity of the body language, Everyone has body language.
  11. When you look at their body language, Trump and Mussolini are very similar.
  12. Fact is, right wing or not, since 9/11 white men have been responsible for the majority of deaths due to terrorist acts in the US.
  13. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from the consequences of what you say. If you are in a service industry in particular, your personal image is the company's image. Freedom of speech only protects you from government restricting your speech. If it were otherwise, Kaepernick would be playing and his lawsuit against the NFL would be a slam dunk. Amazing how many can't get that through their thick sculls.
  14. I’ve always assumed the CRA could get any financial information they wanted about me without any help from Statscan. That is not an issue for me.
  15. Nothing to do with CRA. How many people do I have to share my information with? Each new one is just another potential data breach. The point is, people who choose an agency to share information with should not have that agency coerced into sharing it with another without their permission. Twenty years ago, collecting this much personal data would have been impossible, Statscan wants to do it now simply because it can. If someone doesn’t say no, then there is no limit to what they will be able to demand.
  16. It may start that way but future governments won't be able to keep their hands off that money. BC's carbon tax was revenue neutral with carbon tax increases being matched by reductions in provincial income tax, but our new government said the hell with that and it now just goes into the big pot.
  17. It's already a problem in Canada. It's a noble idea that is being badly abused. BC Health Lawsuit. Birther tourism up over 2000% since 2010 in Richmond
  18. I thought that's what I was referring to. I would have been surprised if you didn't agree though.
  19. How the US manages its borders is its business. Actually the US restricting illegal immigration would be good for Canada because it represents a huge pool of cheap labour that Canadian business (particularly agriculture) has to compete against. Trump isn't about not speaking properly, he openly promotes and exploits fear to marginalize people and advance his agendas. He is a lowlife.
  20. My guess is that I have spent more time in the US southwest than Trump and the Hispanics I have come across on a daily basis are anything but the type Trump goes on about. Nice people who aren’t afraid of work are the people I see.
  21. I don't find it that odd. He may have been the first driver she had in months that showed up for more than two shifts in a row. Getting reliable help for a lot of jobs is almost impossible these days even if you pay fairly decently. I know a contractor who also works with his son. His kid wanted him to fire a guy who was always on his phone. He refused because he figured he wouldn't be able to find someone who would actually show up every day. I've heard stories like that from several people.
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