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Everything posted by sharkman

  1. Wow, a reporter digs up a secret administration practice that menaces privacy rights! Oh wait, it's just a reporter trying to sell his book. http://www.drudgereport.com/flash9nyt.htm Personally, I have no problems with authorities tapping phone lines of those they suspect might be blowing up another building. They probably prevented some terrorists from commiting more mayhem. And you can bet they didn't waste their time on little old ladies like security does at U.S. airports, asking leading questions about nail clippers. And now, any such terror prone types in the U.S. know the gov. may be listening. Way to go book hawker. :angry:
  2. Leafless, do you have any links to go along with your numbers?
  3. It's quite amusing to see those who found nothing wrong with the beer and popcorn comment, or Martin's use of a private clinic while insisting that public healthcare be preserved, or criticism of the Americans on their emissions record when it far surpasses Canada's, now get bent out of shape over a mere handshake. For the record, I think Harper was wrong to not shake hands, and I'd like to hear his response to the criticisms raised.
  4. Then you may need to come up with facts and links to support your claim eureka, because the Canada - 13% U.S. 24% reduction is rock solid proof. And the oilsands only recently became part of the equation when oil rose above the break even point for oil production. The U.S. has a very distasteful envronmentalist movement that recently was able to remove wording in a bill in congress that allowed drilling in Alaska. California has ridiculously tough emission laws for cars and because of tough laws in the U.S., a new gas refinery hasn't been constructed in the U.S. in over 20 years while consumption has grown. When you say that the U.S. isn't doing as much or planning as much as Canada, I wish you were right.
  5. Don't kid yourself, when voting day comes, these so-called foes will hold their noses and vote Harper. Who else is there, Catholic Martin who doesn't seem to want the Pope to interfere with his religion?
  6. Look, 'honest', your opinion about the I love Canada question only shows how little you like Harper. If Martin had been asked that question instead and responded the same way Harper did, you'd be fine with it. So you hate Harper, big deal.
  7. And you can bet the MSM will under report on the good news of the election and have whatever bomb going off leading the broadcasts. They're so predictable.
  8. Aha, newbie, another leftie. Hey, that Coulter sure is controversial, eh? Why don't you take a Coulter quote out of context and explain it for us.
  9. I think you hit the nail on the head. And the media played it up, it wouldn't have been effective had they not. I have not heard Martin answer a question about his kyoto remarks in relation to the Americans when they are outperforming us. This thread is obviously just another designed for anti-american sentiment. Because no one seems to recall all of the U.S. bashing that's been going on in the Liberal camp the last few years, some can only recall the American's response and express outrage that the U.S. Ambas. would dare to criticize us.
  10. I'm pretty sure the MSM is burying that poll which shows 55% of Canadians favour same sex marriage. Some of them are scoundrels and worse than pimps, only showing what they want Canadians to see/think. Martin gets a free pass on many topics, this being one of them.
  11. Duceppe really has a quality that connects and makes you want to believe him. Martin, for all his passion at the end, has no such believability for me. He always says and acts the part (for instance, as 'defender' of Canada against the Americans, he play acts as if they're massing at the border) for the media, and this was no different.
  12. Why is it that people have to quote Hitler to get their point across. Thanks for the Coulter quotes. That woman has a finely tuned analytical prowess that leaves lefties with nothing but to sputter on about how 'controversial' she is. Too bad she's not Canadian.
  13. This thread has it backwards. China is benefiting greatly from making trinkets and cheap clothes for the West and is almost a super power already. They have a huge army and seem real interested in ballistic missiles. They will one day soon do something like grag Taiwan and nobody will be able to do anything about it. In the early 90s trade with China was started with the brilliant, the charismatic, the one Canadians love to love, Bill Clinton. Opening up trade with China only a few years after that massacre at that square was the biggest mistake that Bill made, and their have been plenty. The question of whether to shop at Wal-mart shows how brainwashed some are(the MSM love to hate Walmart and tell us to do the same) when, as has been stated, most stores carry products from China and no one says boo about those stores. On the movie thing, many of the companies that make them are now foreign owned, like Sony, so if you really want to support death row people why don't you do something pro-active and camp out at a prison where one is to be executed, complaining about it on a message board seems rather useless.
  14. Once again, judging (and fearing) Harper for things he said eight years ago is silly when by comparison Martin has a record in gov. that needs to be examined.
  15. One reason that this became such a circus was just because the left fights every death sentence(that's wey he served 25 years waiting for it, appeal after appeal) that comes along, and this one was no different. Because celebrities got involved, though, gave them extra ammo. Tookie deserved to die, and he should have died 25 years ago.
  16. Iraqis are grateful for freedom while we friitter ours away in Canada. And no one cares, how Canadian.
  17. And this supports your contention how? Christ, you can beat your chest all day long, but it in no way demonstrates any kind of evidence that Americans are getting increasingly upset with Canada. The bilious rantings of some guy on the internet about how Canada is gonna get it aren't evidence. The vast, vast majority of Americans don't know and don't care. I'd be very surprised if even 3/4 of Americans could tell you who Paul Martin is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> BD, I believe your hackles are rising! What the American government is thinking is more important than what the typical American is thinking since they make decisions like lifting or not the lumber tarrifs. And they are not happy with Martin. That much you have to admit. Furthermore, you say you'd be surprised if 3/4 of Americans could name Martin. That doesn't prove anything. But one has to wonder about American sentiment towards Canada when our gov. has been so knee jerk racist( I can use this term to describe anti-american feelings in Canada and if you can't get your head around it too bad) for several years. We are going to pay for our gov.'s attitude in the coming years, the passport thing is only the start.
  18. Funny thing, Liberal supporters want everyone to think that what Martin did in the 90s doesn't matter, but of course anything Harper said in the last 20 years is liable to being dragged up and worried about. What Martin has done is much more scary than the mere words of Harper.
  19. back to the topic, if this was Harper who had a private care doctor and shares in a private clinic, the main stream media would go bonkers for a week over that. But since it's Martin, he gets very little coverage.
  20. If the Liberal party is the only party that represents Canada, we be in trouble. The last decade has seen them dismantle large parts of Canada (military, healthcare) and single handedly give Quebec a reason on a silver platter to seperate. Canada is in the handbasket because our leaders pander to the voters instead of being stewards of the country.
  21. The Liberals have perfected this technique of coming out in favour of something, then later coming out against it, and it's usually to do with the U.S. In this particular case, I remember hearing the end result of us not participating being that if a missile from China or elsewhere were to enter Canadian airspace, the Canadian military would have to leave the room while the Americans would decide what should be done, since we aren't involved. We could do our own defense strategy, but since we have nothing to shoot missiles down with we would be at the U.S.'s whims. All because the Liberals never let an opportunity to jerk the Americans around go by.
  22. Wrong, again, Bubber. I think you need to be a little closer to the right in your ideology to actually know what righties are thinking on Christmas, you pot crusader!! At any rate Christmas is still the most highly anticipated holiday of the year, judging by the amount of Christmas shoppers in any mall this time of year.
  23. Yep, the lefty media is like having an extra player on the ice during the contest of an election, and your typical Canadian is too naive to realize they are being spoon fed leftist ideology and slant on a daily basis.
  24. Bubber, not really. Martin has so many things coming out of both sides of his mouth you can tell he learned well from Chretien. How can a guy so desperate for votes be doing as well as Martin is. It's sad.
  25. As interesting as Martin's feeble response was the non coverage it got in the media. None, since most of the liberal MSM are just fine with Christmas disappearing and Martin leading the charge.
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