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  1. The level of dishonesty behind this post of yours is just something I have a hard time wrapping my head around.
  2. Negotiating peace... You can stop pretending like you don't know why we say you support Hamas staying in power and continuing to kill Israelis.
  3. Yet again... we just let them go into the US after they were caught illegally entering. This is all Trump should do, just blast the airwaves with every woman and child raped and murdered by illegal immigrants this administration just let go or Democrats in sanctuary cities just let go. "A former ICE director said it was “unconscionable” that two men from a country with one the highest murder rates in the world are even let into the country before thorough vetting in the first place. ”This tragedy underscores the grave shortcomings in the Biden administration’s use of Alternatives to Detention (ATD),” John Fabbricatore, former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Denver field office director, told The Post. “It is unconscionable that young adult males from high-crime areas are placed in these programs instead of being held in custodial detention, prevented from entering illegally or prioritized for removal." https://nypost.com/2024/06/21/us-news/illegal-venezuelan-migrant-cut-his-ankle-monitor-after-allegedly-killing-12-year-old-jocelyn-nungaray/
  4. Just amazing how only recently Biden was able to change the way they handle asylum seekers without needing any legislation... Why, it is almost like he could have been doing this the whole time if he wanted to.
  5. No, how an administration interprets the asylum rules is not pure fiction. The Biden administration had loosened those rules to allow for more people to claim asylum and be let into the country easily. The majority of those who do abscond and never show up for their hearings. Then Democrats support so-called sanctuary policies where they refuse to cooperate with helping to identify and apprehend any of these people, and to the point of this thread, even when they are criminals who broke the law. Thus... we have a defacto open border. Thus we encourage more people to come here and do this which is why we have record amounts of people doing just that... and why we have even more who do so illegally because most of the Border Patrol is hung up processing all these people into the country. It is an open door, by design, supported by Democrats. The fact that you sit here pretending otherwise is all part of the ruse to continue supporting this by denying it is happening.
  6. Really? Tell us in your own words, what the most significant aspect was of the legislation you supported.
  7. And hopefully, Israel will keep giving it to them until they are destroyed.
  8. The only propagandist between the two of us here is you. You jumped in here to try to make some inane and deceptive point as if I was talking about all immigrants. There is no common understanding between us because you apparently support letting these criminal illegal immigrants back out on the street to murder and rape people, because *checks notes* generally speaking migrants don't commit as much crime. Run along now.
  9. Me: I give two specific examples of how illegal immigrants committed murder and cite specifics about the policies behind them You: You are generalizing all immigrants! Yeah, one of us is being deceptive here, it isn't me. Of course you did. It is a matter of routine with you now. When the going gets tough, you get going.
  10. This is comical. Lets do a quick review: You: Claim Trump did not say anything for over 3 hours. Me: Yes he did, here let me show you You: No, that doesn't count, and here, if you move the timeline around to a point that Trump was still giving his speech, it was 3 hours! Me: Um, no, that is still only 2 hours and you moved the timeline up to when he was still giving his speech You: OMG DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WhY yOu TaKe ThIs So LiTeRaLy?! Me RuN aWaY nOw! DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  11. Yes, that is how prison works and law enforcement works. I am all for prison reform to provide bare minimum necessities for folks. I imagine though, like your fellow leftists, you will rather insist on any prison accommodations being much more than tents out in the desert with stale bread and beans... But please do tell, when a criminal keeps illegally entering the US and is caught, what is your solution? Let me guess, it is to not care at all and just make everyone a citizen that shows up?
  12. No, what is cynical is this mindless talking point being parroted. When you can explain what part of that immigration bill had anything to do with these specific issues outlined here in this thread, let me know. I will then humor such as an actually good point to consider. Biden already has the Executive power to do more to combat illegal immigration, he chose to use it on day one to pass orders doing the opposite and continues to do so. Besides, that immigration bill was dead on arrival in the House anyhow. They barely scraped up a handful of Republicans to maybe get it over the finish line in the Senate, knowing it would have been a battle in the House.
  13. This is a deceptive argument on your part. We are not talking about some generic abstract statistical analysis about "immigrant crime" in general. This is quite specifically an issue with the policies supported by the left to effectively open the borders and provide sanctuary to known criminals. Rather than release them to ICE for deportation when they commit crimes, Democrats want to let them go... or Democrats are wanting to flood the country with asylum seekers knowing that most will abscond. These are people who shouldn't be here to begin with to ever commit any crime to begin with and worse, some of them are arrested for breaking the law, but still Democrats want to let them go... and they end up raping and murdering people, things that should never have occurred had we enforced the existing laws on immigration. And to that point, we are talking about ILLEGAL immigrants, not lawful migrants. So, you want to ignore the fact they are already criminals to begin with to then say they don't commit as much crime as compared to the general population...
  14. No, I don't have to answer that at all. My point was quite clear. Whatever guilt you think Trump has for January 6th, so to does Pelosi and other Democrats like Harris for violence around BLM protests. My point from the start of this thread was to call out the outright lies by folks on here trying to assert Trump literally directed folks to "invade" the capitol or that he encouraged them to storm... etc... and to your lies, to include that he just sat there without saying anything for 3 hours.
  15. Yeah, no crap. That is one of the points. You and other Democrats support letting an infinite amount of people go into our country on claims of asylum. However, in regards to this particular murderer, it was far worse than that. He was illegally let go on parole and worse than that even New York let him go before ICE could pick him up... because you Democrats don't give a crap about enforcing immigration laws. Even for criminals. DHS Confirms to Graham: Laken Riley Murder Suspect Illegally Paroled Into U.S. WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed to U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that the individual charged with the murder of Georgia student Laken Riley was paroled into the country illegally. https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/dhs-confirms-to-graham-laken-riley-murder-suspect-illegally-paroled-into-us NYPD Arrested, Released Illegal Immigrant Suspected of Murdering Georgia Student, ICE Says "NYPD officers arrested Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old immigrant from Venezuela, on September 14 over charges related to actions harming a child under the age of 17 and a motor-vehicle license violation, ICE said in a statement. At the time, he was released before ICE could issue a detainer." https://www.nationalreview.com/news/nypd-arrested-released-illegal-immigrant-suspected-of-murdering-georgia-student-ice-says/
  16. I understand this issue better than you it seems. The Border Patrol is bogged down on processing people at the entry points who are flooding our country on claims of asylum. That = less patrols = less captures = less deterrence for illegal entry I clearly called out we need to punish folks for repeated violations. He was captured 3 times. There are punishments which include prison time for repeated violations. I guess the Biden DOJ is too busy trying to send people to prison for a few months because they were wandering around on January 6th than to send repeat illegal immigrants to prison. I also included Laken Riley, whose murderer was let go by the Biden Administration into the country... These are just a couple of examples among the numerous instances of violent rape, murder, and other illegal activity like DUI's killing people by illegal immigrants.
  17. This issue alone should be enough for Trump to win on. He can hide in his basement and just flood the airwaves with pictures of her and Laken Riley. Enough of this madness. We need to secure the border and stop having the Border Patrol act like escorts, just letting everyone in on claims of asylum, unable to patrol the border for criminals like this. We need to be punishing people who repeatedly illegally enter. Illegal immigrant suspected in Rachel Morin murder entered US as gotaway after being released 3 times: ICE https://www.foxnews.com/us/illegal-immigrant-suspected-rachel-morin-murder-entered-us-gotaway-after-being-released-3-times-ice "U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed to Fox New's Bill Melugin that the illegal immigrant who allegedly murdered Rachel Morin, a mother of five from Maryland, had entered the U.S. as a "gotaway."
  18. I was responding to your comment: "Women want equality only when it suits them. "
  19. Holy crap. You are a Medium? Perhaps you should read some of the scripture about what was done to folks who were mediums. If you are a medium, you are no Chrisitan or friend to God or the scriptures. You need to be more worried about hell for yourself.
  20. This is an outright lie. Israel was not informed there would be an attack on October 7th like they just ignored it. What they had was vague intelligence on some kind of attack in the works, no real specifics. October 7th was a Jewish Holiday, like any other country has Holidays and would have many people off to celebrate. No one was "sent" to go party to ignore some attack they knew was coming. The entire way you are framing this is beyond dishonest, it is an outright lie. For someone who quotes the Bible as much as you do, perhaps you should spend some more time on the parts dealing with being a liar.
  21. Not sure this is an issue about women wanting to be drafted. They are free to volunteer if they want to. This is more about the political left wanting to push this onto all women.
  22. Equal how? It is not a 100% or 0% proposition. They are equal under the law, rights, etc...
  23. Equal how? There is no such thing as 100% equality. We have differing social norms among many other things. Women have title 9 to give them opportunities because they are not physically equal to men and can't compete with them in sports... I don't support a mandatory draft of women because we don't need it for as long as we have able-bodied men, men are more suited to warfare from a social norms state to a physical state, and I also don't support making women fight while men can for the same reasons I insist and societal norms insist that women and children are saved first...
  24. Funny... but if you read the law, they clearly proscribe what is supposed to be written in English verbatim.
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