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  1. No, that is not obvious at all. As I already explained to you and you completely ignored (A disturbing theme with you) is that IF whatever Trump said was true, it was insulting... the way "losers" was used here was merely a description of fact, that if you die, they have lost their lives. It was not insulting... his comment was clearly in defense of them not losing their lives, not mocking them for it. Why do have to purposefully distort what others are saying like this?
  2. How does any of the truck drivers know the community wants carrots? are they full time carrot drivers? How do they know to move their family and life and get a home near the carrots and what stores to deliver to? What if everyone wants asparagus instead? it’s a gift economy, so what prevents people from wanting and taking something more than they might otherwise? Asparagus is usually harder to grow, so why is someone going to grow asparagus? Why stops someone from coming into the store and taking it all?
  3. Why is a truck driver going out to a carrot farm? Why are any of them?
  4. It’s a Carrort farm man. All the person does is grow carrots. How does he get them all to all the stores by himself when his time is spent farming them?
  5. If you grow carrots for a living and someone doesn't need carrots... what are you gifting them? Do you just carry around a truckload of carrots everywhere you go to gift people? How is that practical? What happens when you have too many carrots and can't practically gift them all, do they just rot?
  6. Well... it doesn't matter who you are if you are outright violating the 1st Amendment. Anyone can do that or want to do that or abuse their power to do that.
  7. It is as ILLEGAL after the fact as was Al Gore's attempt to seize power and illegally disenfranchise millions of voters. Let me know when you want to quote something specific from the article you want me to review that you agree with.
  8. Now you are making stuff up. There is ZERO evidence that Trump was part of any plan to engage in violence. Trump did not go to court over any of his plans because he never executed them. He walked out of office peacefully. Trump did not send a mob, Trump engaged in a peaceful protest and left.
  9. What are you gifting if you abolish money?
  10. And what is meant by saying we are a Christian nation? That can mean many things and is a very common saying among folks in regard to our country being predominately Christian. Thinking such and saying such and wanting such is not a violation of the 1st Amendment at all.
  11. No. It wasn't. And the facts... what facts? Have you seen the documents the Department of Education has that outlines their methodology and reasoning for the fine? Last I checked, they were not releasing those and folks were fighting to get them with FOIA. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona testified to Congress on the record last week that he was going to shut them down. The facts seem to show this is a very vindictive targeting of them, and likely out of retaliation. They fined them 37 Million because they claimed they were not disclosing the continuation credtis often needed to complete a Doctoral program, when GCU did in fact provide a calculator which showed this to student on one of the website pages to help them calculate costs. Here you go, if you want to read some more on this: https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2024/04/19/cardonas-vow-to-shut-down-gcu-called-disturbing-and-inflammatory/
  12. No, his actions do not check every box of what a coup is, no more than Al Gores did. Not lying about anything. Now you claim what he did was not illegal? Um, try again: "Despite violating the Fourteenth Amendment by using disparate vote-counting procedures in different counties, Florida did not need to complete a recount in the 2000 presidential election because it could not be accomplished in a constitutionally valid way within the time limit set by federal law for resolving these controversies." https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/531/98/ ILLEGAL. AL GORE TRIED TO VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION AND "SIEZE" POWER! If it is so obviously a coup, if it checks all the boxes, why would there be any risk of conviction? If there is some rogue Trump juror, that doesn't change regardless of the charges.
  13. Yes, I know what your failed and illogical argument is: Its a coup because its a coup! Just brilliant. Of course there is Constitutional provision... any legal theory that Trump would have claimed supported his actions that day would be based on some legality... that could be challenged on those merits. You are seriously fear mongering here, that if Pence had come out and declared Trump ruler of the Universe that the Constitution doesn't specifically say what to do... so oh well, I guess Trump is ruler of the Universe! That is absurd nonsense. It doesn't matter if Trump decided to respect the decision or not... That is speculation on your part either way. Even if Trump grabbed onto the White House sofa screaming I am not leaving... WHO IS GOING ALONG WITH THAT? That is my point. Coups involve an actual plot that would result in staying in power if they worked. Otherwise... it isn't an attempt to seize power illegally. Its just a legal theory being tested. Al Gore: Was it an attempt to seize power? Yes. Was it illegal? Yes. Did everyone involved know it was illegal? Yes. Was it a small conspiracy? Yes. Was it sudden? Just as "sudden" And on and on. Great. Welcome to the reality that this was an attempted coup. You keep proving my point. You claim it was obviously a coup... but then balk and claim it was not easy enough to prove in a court of law. My goodness, listen to yourself! ROFL If it ticks every box that it was a coup... then why do you claim it isn't easy enough to charge him with crimes related to it being one? ROFL
  14. I did not ask you to define coup. I asked you to support your claim this was a coup. Testing specious legal theories is just that. How many times do we have to have the same discussion? When Al Gore tested his legal theory that he could selectively recount ballots in a way that benefited him... it should have been obvious on its face what he was doing was trying to find an end around the votes that had already been repeatedly counted already. When you are testing theories... they prove out to be legal or not AFTER you test them. And again... a coup needs something to be successful, Trump had no support of the military, of other government apparatus, nor people... he was playing out an absurdly concocted legal theory and it failed. Even if Pence went along with it... then what? The Military is going to go along with it? Congress was going to go along with it? The Supreme Court? Just because Pence comes out and declares Trump supreme ruler of the Universe doesn't make it so. A coup, it was not. A coup would fall under any of the crimes around sedition, treason, or insurrection. That is why I said very specifically related criminal statutes, not just coup. So, your little word games are a strawman on your part. As far as CATO goes... Have you ever heard of the horseshoe theory? They are so far right-wing libertarian on some issues, like immigration, among others, that they circle back around to meet up with the far left wing. Acting like because some CATO commentator's opinion on this was that it was a coup doesn't make it a coup.
  15. We are just going round and round now. You are back to vague comments about a peace deal... and never answered most of my previous questions around that. See you around on future topics.
  16. The issue here is that Trump made no such announcement. Your post was not accurate. You could have admitted to simply making a mistake, but you doubled down on it and tried to dishonestly argue that he "announced" it to Orbin to cover for yourself. Trump does not have to dispute Orbin for your claim to be wrong here. Be better.
  17. I will also add, that the local District Attorney in many, if not most or all, of these protests, has refused to press charges after these arrests or downplay them with excuses to obfuscate. The Austin protestors that were just arrested earlier this week have all had their charges dropped and the politics at play, they likely are not going to fix any paperwork to continue to press charges. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2024/04/26/ut-austin-pro-palestinian-protest-charges-dropped-against-all-57-people-arrested/73468467007/ If the authorities refuse to enforce the laws and encourage this behavior, we are fully justified in our responses to deal with them ourselves.
  18. You don't have to say these things explicitly, they are the logical deductions from your comments. You try to argue that Ukraine was trashing people to support Russias invasion and then put conquered in quotes to support Russian invasion. That is what you are doing. You are playing this up as Russia just saving the people from Ukraine to justify their actions. It is, quite frankly, not very accurate at all. Especially because you are completely ignoring the fact that Russia is the one who was meddling in those regions, arming the separatists and infiltrating them with Russian operatives to cause the problems in the first place and their "vote" to separate was about as legitimate as Putins continued wild success in his "elections" So, I have to ask myself, just how willing of a participant are you in pushing Russian propaganda here? Do you know what you are doing or are you just repeating it without much critical thought? Also, Obama had been sending military aid, not sure where you get he stopped. He always had an issue with certain types of weaponry, I don't think that was because Obama was upset that Ukraine killed some civilians in isolated incidents when trying to fight armed insurgents backed by Russia.
  19. It just gets worse... Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine across multiple fronts, including a head-on attempt to take Kyiv. They continue to push on all fronts beyond any land you talk about. You might as well be working for Putin as a propaganda agent on this forum now for the kind of crap you are pushing with Ukraine "trashing" their people. Ah yes, of course, and the good and benevolent Putin is just protecting those good people from Ukraine... So much for the moral equivalency game, you are cheering on Russia now.
  20. So, is that all you are going to do is laugh at my comment and then respond here making the same bad claim? This is not 1948 and all current plans and evidence point to Israel moving people around so they don't die when Israel is fighting Hamas and rooting out all their tunnel infrastructure. So, again, which is it: Are you going to complain about how many people Israel is killing or do you want to protect the people? It seems you are just as bad as Hamas here in wanting to have them continue to be used as human shields and die when Israel is trying to fight Hamas. Is that what you want? Be honest. Hamas wants that, so they can complain about the dead people even more to get folks like you to support them.
  21. Oh sure, its the moral equivalency game. Everyone is to blame, everyone is equally bad, so who cares if Russia invades and conquers Ukraine. I get it, its an awful argument, but would have saved us some considerable time to just have been forthcoming with it much sooner.
  22. No, my argument has been expecting you to actually articulate some kind of real logical and rational reason for why you call it a coup. Your argument has continually boiled down to: Its a coup because its a coup! Just brilliant. So, back to the same obvious question I asked you before and caught you in... its so obviously a coup, that he is not being taken to court for any such related charges. Clearly, it is not that obvious after all. I am no more speculating on the outcome than you are with your fear mongering about how if Pence did what was asked of him then that would have been the end! We are off script and have no clue what to do next! Yeah, sure. This is the same dumb stuff we hear about the rioting on January 6th. Like it was a game of capture the flag, only if the QAnon Shaman held onto the Chamber for another hour would he have been declared Emperor of America, and we all would have had to play along. Your kind of devotion to the pablum of "its a coup because its a coup" might be a big hit with the left-wing types at the local Democratic Socialist meetings... but when you start putting that garbage on a public forum, you need to be better prepared to explain it.
  23. Its funny. I have had this kind of discussion with many folks before like you. In the end, I always peel back the layers of crap they throw out and get to the real meat and potatoes. It took a bit longer with you, but now the truth comes out. You blame Ukraine. You think they deserve it. You don't see any difference between them or Russia. You want to see them get what they deserve now.
  24. No, not all large bombs kill indiscriminately. If you drop a large bomb on a large military target intending to kill all the military assets... that is not indiscriminate. Seriously, do you even know what indiscriminate means? It has nothing to do with the size of the bomb or action. It is not an opinion, I quoted you. That is an objective fact. However, I will gladly accept your change of mind now that you agree it is not genocide. All the buildings are not destroyed and Israel has been engaged in a massive effort to purchase temporary shelters in North Gaza. I am well aware of the facts, you clearly are not. There is no official Israeli policy regarding wanting all Gazans out. What you are doing is dishonestly acting like their version of radials, like Marjorie Taylor Green, expressing their own radical opinions, is official policy the majority supports. You are not being honest.
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