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  1. Why do you support the current President's fascism and depriving people of their rights?
  2. LOL, do you really believe this stuff or is it just a game for you to come on here and try to spread such obvious BS?
  3. You are the Pot calling the Kettle black... This is beyond stupid. No, Trump is not responsible for those deaths. He was not President, he had nothing to do with the way Biden orchestrated that withdrawal. How... how did the general in charge take full responsibility? Did he merely utter the words or did he actually face some kind of real consequences?
  4. You: Dehumanize the unborn and have no care for 1 million killed a year You have no room to talk to me about anything being "really ugly" or being ashamed.
  5. When you had Ralph Northman and Kathy Tran back in 2019 saying garbage pushing The Repeal Act, that is where this comes from. They were pushing for late term abortions and they were the ones saying stupid crap: The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” "When a Republican lawmaker asked during the hearing whether the bill would allow for an abortion to occur when a woman is in labor and about to give birth, Tran said yes." https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/lawmaker-at-center-of-abortion-bill-firestorm-elected-as-part-of-democratic-wave-that-changed-richmond/2019/01/31/d4f76ecc-2565-11e9-90cd-dedb0c92dc17_story.html The only "lie" here is if you believe they misspoke and thus are under some kind of obligation to correct them for them. Many folks on the right don't buy that they slipped up.
  6. LOL, are you still trying to gaslight us? We saw the debate. The curtain has been clearly opened now, exposing Biden. Hell, even the Democrats are panicking.
  7. Except, you are talking about the effectiveness of their artillery in causing casualties. The fact that it is not causing any casualties is exactly the point being made by Moonbox here, that it doesn't really matter if Russia is firing 1 Million shells a day or not... if they are not really achieving much more. The US is pushing to get to 100K artillery shells in 2025 and we are on pace for 80K by the end of the year. If your argument is lets do more, I am with you.
  8. Hunter Biden's Laptop is Russian Disinformation! Bush V Gore stole the election from Gore Trump Russian Collusion! Trump said Nazi's were very fine people! Trump was found guilty on a made up charge and the 34 times was nothing more than how many payments were made for the same thing... constantly saying 34 like it is somehow worse than 1 in this context is absurd.
  9. Huh? The primary is over. Biden has all the votes pledged to him now. There is no more running a candidate. What can happen is Biden can drop out and release his pledged electors, then they can go to whomever Biden asked them to or not... the party convention can be a circus and they can nominate whomever they want to run at that point.
  10. I have been following a lawyer defending J6 defendants for the last year + now and he made this prediction a while back and was one of the ones making this case to the Federal Judge in the trials he was in... but they all kept ruling in favor of the government here. This is exactly the kind of vindictive lawfare this DOJ has been engaged in, where they have been trying to find any obscure law they can to push and stretch it as much as they can to trump up charges even more on people. Glad the SCOTUS knocked this down. This is exactly why I am 100% on board with Trump turning the DOJ over to be this vindictive to the political left now.
  11. LOL, Oh, I hope there are enough of you out there that keeps Biden in this race. OMG... Hilarious. In one thread, he is bragging about how Biden is out campaigning. In the next it is a cold keeping him down... The guy will do or say anything.
  12. They declared their independence... and then the Palestinians and neighboring Arab countries went to war against them.
  13. So dishonest. No, they didn't somehow predict COVID was going to happen in 2019 and pass a budget with that deficit in mind. In 2020 both Democrats and Republicans started passing emergency spending bills because of COVID.
  14. I am friends with a local Democratic Socialist Professor, big Biden supporter, and his Facebook feed was enough to tell me how this went. He started by saying he would cover the debate tonight and that anyone following him should be prepared for political commentary. It never came. About 20 minutes in, he made a comment of despair... at 40 minutes in, he said he was going to bed and couldn't watch it anymore. All of his left-wing friends were in despair over how bad Biden looked. What a train wreck for Biden.
  15. What is this word salad? Israel was not created by the 1948 war. Israel came to be... and then Palestinians and the neighboring arab countries went to war against them. You can't sit here claiming the subjugation that came AFTER Palestinians started a war is the reason for the war.
  16. Still waiting for you to explain what subjugation existed by Israel the day they became a country...
  17. It is a limited resource with supply and demand. People make these decisions already. Instead of eating healthy, exercise, they choose to spend their money on junk food and sitting around watching the 10 different streaming services they pay for... These are all choices people make in how to spend their time and money vs their health.
  18. How? What? Seriously, you are just being deliberately obtuse here because you have nothing.
  19. The Palestinians did not go to war against Britain... we are talking about Israel and the Palestinians. When Israel was created, what was the subjugation at that time?
  20. That is half the answer... I keep repeatedly asking you what subjugation existed when Israel was founded that you think justified Palestinians going to war against them.
  21. And yet... immediately after they wrote on that... what you say they meant was not practiced, followed, or precedent in the Courts. You are wrong. The issue is not about the concept of separation of church and state, it is about your absolutist extreme belief of what that means.
  22. What does this have to do with Militias? Nothing that link shows.
  23. And yet... the concept of this was only ruled on in 1960... Your notion and understanding of what the First Amendment called for are only recent precedents in American history, not anything that was understood, practiced, or followed when it was founded. You are pushing some absolutist understanding that isn't even the case today for what the Establishment Clause means.
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