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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. It has nothing to do with what I think its what Scripture says. You reject Scripture for what your strip mall pastor says.
  2. doesnt matter where you "find" it what matter is faith alone does not save. anyone who believes that is grossly ignorant.
  3. so no absolute except the absolute that there is no absolute
  4. theres plenty of evidence but stevie wonder will never see red so you should stop it
  5. as I said people take Jesus as his word of they dont.
  6. 2. You dont care that people might be telling you screwy things????? Really????? That might explain a few things 3. Humility is good for the soul.
  7. It's all very relevant. What does the John 8:7 passage teaches us about this question. You will have to think not just talk. The headache will be worth the risk. Try it. You're the moral relativist here. Nothing I've said contradicts my initial argument
  8. People are free to say those things and saying women have penises is just as screwy. BTW the first three are untrue but that last one is spot on
  9. It's irrelevant. You want to equate God's behavior with mans behavior. In John 8:7 Jesus did not prohibit people from following the law to stone the adulteress he merely added a condition.
  10. So then you're in agreement that people have the personal freedom to say it's delusional to think women have penises.
  11. I didn't say it wasnt wrong. Youre listening to the voices in your head again. If only you were as open minded we you are obstinate you would understand things but youre not.
  12. I have answered repeatedly. You don't like the answer. I wished I cared but I don't. No I don't wish it
  13. But you can't disprove them as evidenced by your calling them "dumb ass" Is it? The fact is then first "dumbass" proof you cant disprove is Aquinas first cause. If nothing causes itself but we are here, then someone or something had to have created something from material not then presently in existence. Did evolution and science disprove the existence of God? Keep shining it just makes you look all the more pathetic
  14. Where did I say i didn't get then from God? I can't talk to you if you respond to the voices in your head instead of what I actually write. The Bible is that source. In John 8:7 did Jesus say it was immoral to stone the woman. Did he say it wasn't ?
  15. That's easy, people with penises can be women. Theres plenty more.
  16. I gave you the answer God can do as he wills. That has no bearing on what's moral or immoral for me. I said this to you from the beginning, it's always immoral to kill even if you think you have a good enough reason to do it. An immoral thing is not made good by your intentions. Your intentions will however decide your punishment.
  17. We know what Jesus thought of the law. He didn't follow the rules of the sabbath or ritual cleansing before meals. We know too in John 8:7 what Jesus thought of the law. He didn't deny it nor change it.
  18. You're asking me to judge Gods will, I'm responsible for my will. He can do as he wills I can't. I mentioned baby killing only to highlight the side effect of your mentality not to change the subject. It's right on subject.
  19. For at least the 5th time now sin causes death. In the OT it was physical death but the new and final covenant with Jesus tells us that sin kills our souls which is as good as physical deaths. Now killing babies is considered a "right". That's the result of a dead soul.
  20. This is a great example of the confusion people like you have and normally people are hesitant to express their ignorance but I've found that's not the case when it comes to this topic.
  21. And apparently it infuriates the hateful.
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