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Everything posted by NYLefty

  1. What a fvckin nitwit. And there's people who want Cheeto imbecile running this country ??
  2. Why don't you import some of these rightwingdingaling politicians we have into Canada. Then you could cast your vote for them and watch them butcher your healthcare system. Hmmm, probably wouldn't fly in Liberal Canada, Eh?
  3. The programs (HB-1 Work Visas) are still in force, always have been and have to be. Green Giant, Birdseye, Tyson Foods, the meat packing industry including poultry, beef and , pork, wouldn't survive without them. We wouldn't only fall into a major depression but America would starve without illegals. So all this idle right wing gibberish about open borders and caravans is all just hogwash to keep the Nazi Republican base ginned up.
  4. We have illegal immigrants in blue states and they work their asses off, they pay state and federal taxes. Your ignorance on basic economics is typical of brain washed Reich wingnuts. Explain how people who work like hell and contribute to our economies and local employers work force are a bad thing.Small and medium businesses couldn't survive without them. Employers paying cash is a thing of the past, and doesn't happen anymore. You say you can't run a country like this, RUBBISH. You couldn't run a country without them.
  5. You mean like gun legislation that would prevent sick people from buying an AR-15 to murder school children is just too complicated. Seems to be an American problem
  6. Why do you get your Canadian bloomers so bunched up your snatch about Americas politics. Don't you have some maple syrup to boil or something
  7. Good Lord you're confused, misdirected and simply stupid.
  8. Why the hell do you Goobers think there's no federal requirements for employers to check the legal status of the immagrants they hire????
  9. If some how it were possible to completely stop illegal immigration "Which it's Not" this country would collapse. I'm tired of politicians who spend way too much time trying to make racist whites feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  10. No but I am connected to your mother's rear end for the hefty fee of 5 dollars behind the Quicky Mart on many a Friday night
  11. Yea your some right wing idealist who's never run a business or really worked a day in your life. You statements scream that.
  12. I feel this whole thing about comprehensive immigration reform is nothing more than a huge charade perpetrated by the right and left to pacify racist whites in this country in some feeble attempt at giving them false hope that the country won't become browner and browner. Time to come clean America
  13. Sorry but when arguing with low brow dimwits you need to use the proper tools to get under their skin. I've found arguing actual facts to be totally in ineffective and a complete waste of my time. If you would like to discuss RamenSalami's flawed ideals with me then that would be a different story. But in the end we both realize that would be preaching to the choir.
  14. As some here may know I'm someone who's been involved in the construction industry my whole career. I'm retired now but still travel to job sites of family members and friends and use my experience to give guidance, a consultant of sorts who doesn't get paid. I've visited close to a dozen job sites in the month of August and every single crew of every single outfit has Illegals doing the work white men could never do. Latinos laying pavers in the blazing sun not standing erect the entire day. Latinos setting steel handling blazing hot I-Beams at a brand new strip mall. Latinos on their knees laying thousands upon thousands of ceramic tile never getting up to take a break. Twelve hour days most of them, never complaining showing up every single day. And despite all the Reich Wing hokum, these illegals receive paychecks and pay state and federal TAXES. Yep these illegals are doing the jobs that you comfy white boys could never do. They keep our economy HUMMING!!!
  15. RamenSalami ImmaSalami RammaSlimey RamPastrami I think the Reich Wingnut party better think this one thru ??
  16. Making things up to divert from "Actual" facts and historical data makes you look,.. well in good ole NYinese "A Putz" ? But nice try
  17. He was voted out in 2020. Given more time there's no telling what he and his cohorts would've attempted. Isn't trying to steal a presidential election by any and all means possible enough evidence of how sick this portion of America is?
  18. How do you monkey brained rightwingdingalings dream these stories up. Pure Hokum. Oh and the correct spelling is MaraLardo
  19. Correct, he's worse and has a portion of America's population in his cult that is larger than the entire population of WW2 Germany.
  20. In my observations southern/red states poverty and crime, drugs is spread from the inner cities right into the countryside. However most Northern states cities have a small region that's impoverished but the majority of these cities are usually very nice, low crime with high end real estate. And once out in the country side your surrounded by beauty and nature with low crime family neighborhoods and suburbs. And I'm seeing a remarkable improvement of most cities bad areas in the state with things like gentrification, and to everyone's surprise Latinos converting once terrible neighborhoods to nice areas.
  21. In a Democracy no-One rules. But for your type that's a bit difficult to grasp.
  22. There's wrong and there's right. Unfortunately it takes time to sort these things out. Those that supported Nazism in pre WW2 Europe woke up on the wrong side of history and eventually Trump supporters will too.
  23. In my travels thru most southern and basically red state cities and even rural locales I've witnessed poverty, crime, drug use which makes NY city and rural towns in NY look like Mayberry
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