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Everything posted by NYLefty

  1. And this doesn't even take into account the fact that Republicans are aging out and the die off is well under way. Millennials have shown to be a politically active generation and completely reject right wing ideals, and every year millions more are becoming eligible to vote. Doesn't look good Republicants. Oh well.
  2. You do a good job of steaming your own clams over this gay thing. You can fantasize about as you say "Obliterating" them but that will only happen in your wet dreams. And truth be told the gay community could give two sh*ts what Reichwingnut Nazis like you think and will never alter their agenda for the likes of lowlifes like you. There'll be armbands for Nazi scuum in this country long before there'll be for gays
  3. OK, here's where I'll differentiate between an individual who's capable of critical thinking and a narrow minded pea brain such as yourself. Fat nude people parading in public is something I choose not to see and find freaky and bizarre. Nazis such as the Trump supporting individuals marching are also disgusting and in no way deserve any free speech defenses for their actions. Americans fought and died eliminating the disease of Nazism in this world. So now fill me in how Nazism really isn't that bad and how these poor screaming Tiki Torchers for Trump were just misinterpreted and misunderstood
  4. For decades infectious disease control scientists have warned us of new strains of evolving respiratory diseases that will likely be a major danger to mankind. All started with SARS in the early 1990s which bewildered experts. Forget Meteors, Extra Terrestrial invasion, or any of that Biblical apocalypse stuff. So now the next strain of pandemic will no doubt be met with resistance and ignorance by the Reichwing and anti Vax nutjobs will stand tall and fall small in defiance. Covid in a small way showed this.
  5. The more and more I read your vile attacks on gays the more I'm convinced your a repressed gay yourself. Perhaps being placed over your dad's knee and spanked resulting in orgasm when he discovered you pleasuring yourself to boys underwear ads? Let's talk, maybe we here can help you ease this secret burden you harbor. Being as you describe "Freaked Out" about somebody else sexual preference is an oddity in itself and your knee jerk reaction to any mention of being gay truly has us all wondering. We can help you❤️
  6. Like the hate you have for little minority children when you have to flip the bill for their healthcare costs, school lunches, tax breaks for their moms because they're especially good at being little brown baby makers and grandmaws at 35, head start programs all come outta your tax dollar??. Yep make em all have those kids... future Democrat voters ????
  7. What have yee Reichwing financial wizards to say to that. Obama delivers America it's first national Health Plan "ACA" making insurance available for all in America. It's not perfect but a hell of a lot better than "If You get Sick just Die and go bankrupt" Reichwing healthcare. Trump's national debt largely due to failed tax programs giving billionaires around the world more MONEY?
  8. Your mom should've had a late term abortion, her genetic make up with whomever she lifted a knee for to have you is a prime example why not everyone should breed.This novel idea that you starry eyed dreamers have that every child must be born is "Daft"
  9. He's whatever any dumb redneck wants him to be at any given moment
  10. President Biden has a unique way of saying "f*ck off" without ever saying the word
  11. President Joe Biden brings home Americans from Iraq completely ignoring Faux News and Reichwing media hysterical scream machine. President Joe, gettin er done ???
  12. Once again seems you've drifted off into Dreamland. Just like WW2 Nazis used to do dreaming of world conquest.
  13. Man the ole codger is so cool. Doesn't get caught up in the trivial right wing noise machine BS. He sets a goal and goes about business like a true leader does. Unlike the stark contrast of the orange baboon with the anus like mouth who stopped everything to argue and quibble about anything and everything often becoming so distracted that he wouldn't even remember what goal he set out to achieve.
  14. You need to look at the lessons of WW2 and what true American patriots did to Nazis/Fascism, worldwide. We BOMBED it into oblivion. Seems it's raising it's ugly head once again in our country and people like you a perfect proof of that. But it will and is being dealt with accordingly, rest assured.
  15. Make Putin bleed by taking on this senseless ego war. Make his people overthrow him. He will never win in Ukraine
  16. Violence against Nazism is our duty and right as Americans
  17. Actually if you stepped out of the confines of your self imposed bubble and knew anything about running a business in modern day America you'd see that I am not. Correct.
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