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Everything posted by reason10

  1. LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP violated no law. The only reason the Nazis are going after him is because most polls show him beating the shee it out of UNELECTED JOE, and this is the only way those goose steppers can stop it.
  2. LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP as well as private citizen Donald Trump violated no law whatsoever. It is not illegal to make liberals cry.
  3. No crime was committed. This trial is part of the Biden Reelection strategy. That pedophile cannot run on his record.
  4. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/florida/2023/07/15/report-florida-ranks-as-best-state-economy-in-the-us/ EPORT: Florida ranks as best state economy in the U.S. https://www.flgov.com/2024/03/11/floridas-economy-continues-to-outpace-the-nation-in-2024/ Florida ’s Economy Continues to Outpace the Nation in 2024 https://myq105.com/2023/08/02/florida-has-the-best-economy-in-america-heres-why/ Florida Has the Best Economy in America – Here’s Why https://floridajobs.org/news-center/DEO-Press/2023/10/23/florida-ranks-1-in-the-nation-for-entrepreneurship Florida Ranks #1 in the Nation for Entrepreneurship https://www.wjhg.com/2022/07/06/florida-surpasses-nation-economic-growth/ Florida surpasses nation in economic growth A lot of different and diverse sources pretty much say the same thing. There are some others that put Florida close to the top, over most blue states. One single chart? Any idi0t can make a chart. I prefer consulting more than one diverse source.
  5. Which is the student being "blocked"? I don't see anyone trying to get past the "chain." We didn't see any students being blocked with RACIST DEMOCRAT ALABAMA GOVERNOR WALLACE stood at the registration door of that college campus to prevent blacks from enrolling. Maybe you think the Jewish students should have Star Of David armbands, like your predecessors required of Jews, just before putting them in camps. Hitler, Democrat liberals Same ideology.Same tactics.
  6. There’s no such thing as a CENTRIST abortion position to a woman who needs an abortion: She can obtain the abortion, or she can’t. That's true. And there is no CENTRIST position for a rapist, a serial murderer, a mugger. He/she can either kill, rape, mug or he/she can't. Here’s an idea: If we can break the abortion decision down to the STATE level, why not make it at the COUNTY level? Better yet… at the TOWN level. WAIT!! I’ve got it! Let’s make the abortion decision at the INDIVIDUAL level. That way, every single person can have their own personal abortion policy. I call it “Freedom and Liberty.” Right now, it's about as good as it is going to get, freedom wise. (And that includes freedom for ALL humans, not just those who have been born.) Again, the total ANTI ABORTION crowd would outlaw the procedure entirely. No abortions for ANY reason. The total PRO ABORTION crowd would require taxpayers to pay for ALL abortions, and they could occur at any time, including an hour after a live birth. The country is kinda split in the middle. The Trump solution is about as in the middle as it is going to get. So, if you don't want a child, don't make a child. Don't engage in the activity that makes babies, unless you have birth control. If you achieve conception, NO STATE will prevent you from ending the conception at that point. Even the state of Mississippi allows abortion exceptions for rape/incest and/or saving the life of the mother. If you are raped, report it to the police. Go to the hospital to get a rape kit, which will help the police to find the animal who did it. Then the doctor will likey give you a morning after pill which will either halt conception or prevent it. That's reasonable. And that's where most of America is right now.
  7. One thing Trump has that NO OTHER PRO LIFER can boast of. He appointed THREE of the justices who OVERTURNED ROE. In the Pro Life universe, that's a lifetime achievement. He gave America the three justices who helped OVERTURN ROE. That gives him more pro life street cred than ANYBODY.
  8. Look at the track record. Alleged "pro life" presidents like Reagan and Bush 43 had Republican congresses. (KInd of.) They could have written a LIFE bill that would have outlawed the very practice of abortion. Even as they had appointed Supreme Court justices who actually READ the constitution, the issue came up several times before the Court and was shot down. Right now, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP owns the credit for getting that Nazi law Roe overturned. He appointed three CONSTITUTIONAL judges (Gorsuch, Barrett and Kavanaugh) and Roe is history. Trump has done something NO OTHER REPUBLICAN president could have imagined. Most of America wants the decision to go to the states. If most of America wanted abortion overturned at the federal level, there would have been veto proof Congresses and Republican presidents. If most of America wanted abortion on demand right up to birth (and even an hour afterwards) they would have voted for DemoNazi Congressional majorities and DemoNazi presidents. I'd say FINALLY the people have gotten what they want.
  9. You !diot. Trump was a DEMOCRAT back in 1999. He wasn't holding public office. He was contributing to Nazi candidates like Hitlary KKKlinton. He has more principles than ANY Democrat president in the history of America. I know. That isn't saying much. Kinda hard to link Nazis with the term 'principle.'
  10. That is a LIE. He has ALWAYS supported sending the decision back to the states. (And your UNELECTED COMMUNIST PEDOPHILE is the KING of pandering.) You NAZIS are the ones who claim overturning Roe was done by a TRUMP Supreme Court (which might have been true had Trump been president for the past 40 years.) He appointed THREE justices who had ACTUALLY read the Constitution and they voted with the majority to overturn Roe. Lack of principles? Out here in the land of REALITY (which you Nazis seem to be physically allergic to) LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP is a hero to the pro-life movement, by finally arranging for the overturning of that NAZI Supreme Court decision. Most of America agrees it should go to the states. Only extremist FASCISTS like you want a NAZI government to mandate their FINAL SOLUTION FOR BABIES. Sieg Heil.
  11. That is a LIE. LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP has ALWAYS favored sending the baby killing decision back to the states. Roe was BAD LAW. It should have been overturned. It was about as constitutional as Mein Kampf. And if the goose stepping FEMINAZIS on YOUR side of the aisle want baby killing so bad, they've had PLENTY of DemoNazi Congresses and PLENTY of DemoNazi presidents to write the bill and sign it into law. Why haven't they done that yet? Why haven't BABIES become an endangered species yet, Adolf?
  12. Trump would have to invest BILLIONS in a series of fertilizer plants to be able to come up with even HALF the bullsh!t the Unelected Joe campaign and the DemoNAZIS have been spewing for the last ten years.
  13. That time hasn't passed. The Unelected Pedophile is STILL flooding the dollar market with dollars.
  14. The reporter was obviously a left winger and a LIAR. It's hard for LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP to have a crowd that is LESS than 10,000. That's how popular this great president is. That's why most of America do not believe that a racist PEDOPHILE LIAR like Biden, who couldn't draw FIFTY PEOPLE for a rally somehow got more votes than Barak Saddam Hussein Obama. We know the truth. \
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-abortion-should-be-decided-the-states-will-the-people Trump says abortion should be decided by the states, 'will of the people' Trump vows support for IVF, abortion laws should be decided by the people and the states Former President Trump announced on Monday his position on whether abortion should be banned, following months of not taking a stance on the combustible and crucial issue in his 2024 rematch with President Biden. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee took to his social media platform on Sunday night to say that he would issue a statement on "abortion and abortion rights." In video posted hours later on early Monday morning, Trump explicitly affirmed his support for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and he emphasized his support for states determining their own laws for abortion so long as there are exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. "The states will determine by vote, or legislation, or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land – in this case, the law of the state," Trump said. Many states will be different. Many states will have a different number of weeks…at the end of the day it is all about the will of the people." Talking points. 1. Of ALL PEOPLE, Mister Moderate Mike Pence actually referred to LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP'S views as a "slap in the face" to the millions of pro-life Americans who voted for him. 2. Roe was BAD LAW, all the way around. I read the opinion and it was all over the place. And the word ABORTION does not appear in the United States Constitution. The ONLY reason the Supreme Court overturned it is because it was WRONG on the law and on the Constitution. 3. Overturning Roe does not mean a woman cannot murder her baby. It just means there is a time limit and the states get to decide on that time limit, (which is the way it is supposed to be.) 4. So far, ALL the DemoNazis had to run on (since they CAN'T run on the economy or foreign policy) is TRUMP BAD, ABORTION GOOD. The brilliant and LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP just took away that last card. 5. Those on the far right (which aren't that many in this country) want ALL abortions ended and outlawed, regardless of exceptions like rape, incest or saving the life of the mother. Those on the left (which include that minority of voters in this country known as the DemoNAZIS) believe abortion should be allowed even an hour after birth and paid for by tax dollars. LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP reflects the CENTRIST position of the vast majority of Americans.
  16. It was probably three times that number. Trump is the best and most popular president in history. And people EVERYWHERE want him back in the White House, especially after this unelected pedophile tanked the economy.
  17. This is hilarious. And unlike Colorado and other Nazi states trying to overturn the Constitution, this is a matter of incompetence on the part of the DemoNazi party. (These rubes come closer and closer every day to resembling the Germans in Hogan's Heroes.) https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-missing-ohios-general-election-ballot-due-key-deadline-issue-election-official-warns Biden may be missing from Ohio’s general election ballot due to key deadline issue, election official warns President Biden may fail to get on Ohio's general election ballot after the state's top election official warned his campaign about missing a key deadline on Friday. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, a Republican, notified top Democratic officials that their party's national convention is scheduled to occur well past the deadline for certifying a presidential candidate in Ohio. "The Democratic National Convention is scheduled to convene on August 19, 2024, which occurs more than a week after the August 7 deadline to certify a presidential candidate to the office," LaRose wrote to Ohio Democratic Party Chairwoman Liz Walters, according to the letter first obtained by ABC News. The Nazi courts of Colorado tried to illegally prevent LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP from being on Colorado's ballot, based on an ACCUSATION of ordering an insurrection (which never took place at all.) The United STates Supreme Court smacked down those FASCISTS. And it looks like the Dumbasses from the DemoNazi National Committee might be losing out on Ohio's Electoral votes because they didn't file in time. Of course, LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP would probably take that state in a landslide anyway, but I think it's funny as hell.
  18. Joe is running against the United STates of America. He is the worst liar in history. He is the worst president in history. Worse even than Barak Saddam Hussein Obama.
  19. Really? THIS is from YOUR side of the aisle, goose stepper. Your side of the aisle, Adolf.
  20. Excuse me, but THAT is a lie as well. And it is the OBAMA VIRUS epidemic, since Obama was responsible for the creation of the lab that produced that virus. And you are clearly the dumbest human on the planet if you think masks stopped everything. I don't see any masks on THESE animals. And Unelected Joe invited these animals to come here and register Demonazi.
  21. That is a lie and the source is a lie. It has been caught in LIES before. Shutting down the economy, forcing small businesses to lay off their employees, then allowing them to hire those employees back does NOT constitute positive employment numbers. Before the Obama Virus, Trump's policies brought in high paying MANUFACTURING JOBS and America's employment numbers were the highest of all. You might as well go to reliable sources, and not the Nazi rags. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/fact-sheet-president-donald-j-trump-has-delivered-record-breaking-results-for-the-american Since President Trump's election, more than 7 million jobs have been added to the economy. For the first time on record there are more job openings than unemployed Americans. There are more than 7 million job openings, outnumbering job seekers by more than 1 million. Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job, empowering more Americans with rewarding careers. This year, the unemployment rate reached its lowest level in half a century. The unemployment rate has remained at or below 4 percent for the past 21 months. The unemployment rate for women reached its lowest rate in 65 years under President Trump. Under President Trump, jobless claims hit their lowest level in half a century. The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population is the lowest on record. American workers of all backgrounds are thriving under President Trump. The unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma have all reached record lows under President Trump. The booming economy is putting more money in Americans' pockets. Wages are growing at their fastest rate in a decade, with year-over-year wage gains exceeding 3 percent for the first time since 2009. November 2019 marked the 16th consecutive month that wages rose at an annual rate of at or over 3 percent. Median household income surpassed $63,000 in 2018 – the highest level on record. President Trump's policies are helping forgotten Americans across the country prosper, driving down income inequality. Wages are rising fastest for low-income workers. Middle-class and low-income workers are enjoying faster wage growth than high-earners. When measured as the share of income earned by the top 20 percent, income inequality fell in 2018 by the largest amount in over a decade. Americans are being lifted out of poverty as a result of today's booming economy. Since President Trump took office, over 2.4 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty. Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans have reached record lows. Since President Trump's election, nearly 7 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps. Americans are coming off of the sidelines and back into the workforce. The prime age labor force has grown by 2.1 million under President Trump. In the third quarter of 2019, 73.7 percent of workers entering employment came from out of the labor force rather than from unemployment, the highest share since the series began in 1990. President Trump's pro-growth policies are helping businesses of all sizes thrive like never before. Small business optimism broke a 35-year old record in 2018 and remains historically high. The DOW, S&P 500, and NASDAQ have all repeatedly notched record highs under President Trump. President Trump is following through on his promise to revitalize American manufacturing, with more than a half million manufacturing jobs added since the election. President Trump has prioritized workforce development to ensure American workers are prepared to fill high quality jobs. The President has worked to expand apprenticeship programs, helping Americans gain hands-on training and experience with no student debt. Since President Trump took office, over 660,000 apprentices have been hired across the country. President Trump established the National Council for the American Worker, tasked with developing a workforce strategy for the jobs of the future. Over 370 companies have signed the President's "Pledge to America's Workers," pledging to provide more than 14.4 million employment and training opportunities. President Trump signed an Executive Order prioritizing Cyber Workforce Development to ensure that we have the most skilled cyber workforce of the 21st century. President Trump signed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act in 2017 – the largest tax reform package in history. More than 6 million American workers received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to the tax cuts. $1 trillion has poured back into the country from overseas since the President's tax cuts. President Trump is revitalizing distressed communities through Opportunity Zones, which encourage investment and growth in underserved communities. More than 8,760 communities in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and 5 Territories have been designated as Opportunity Zones. The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council has taken more than 175 actions to encourage investment and promote growth within Opportunity Zones. The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council is engaging all levels of government to identify best practices and assist leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs in using the Opportunity Zone incentive to revitalize low-income communities. The President is ensuring that America is prepared to lead the world in the industries of the future, by promoting American leadership in emerging technologies like 5G and AI. The Administration named artificial intelligence, quantum information science, and 5G, among other emerging technologies, as national research and development priorities. President Trump launched the American AI Initiative to invest in AI research, unleash innovation, and build the American workforce of the future. President Trump signed an Executive Order that established a new advisory committee of industry and academic leaders to advise the government on its quantum activities. President Trump has made supporting working families a priority of his Administration. President Trump signed legislation securing historic levels of funding for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, helping low-income families access child care. During his Joint Address to Congress and each State of the Union Address, the President called on Congress to pass a nationwide paid family leave plan. The President signed into law 12-weeks of paid parental leave for federal workers. President Trump's tax reforms provided a new tax credit to incentivize businesses to offer paid family leave to their employees. The President's historic tax reforms doubled the child tax credit, benefitting nearly 40 million American families with an average of over $2,200 dollars in 2019. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/state-of-the-union-unemployment-under-president-trump The White House said in a statement the end of last month: “With a 50-year-low unemployment rate of 3.5 percent and 1 million more job openings than job seekers, the ratio of respondents who say jobs are ‘plentiful’ compared to those who say jobs are ‘hard to get’ is more than 4:1.” A robust U.S. economy has proved solid and durable, and Trump has used that to his advantage. The tweet continued: “African-American Unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of our Country, by far. Also, best Poverty, Youth, and Employment numbers, ever. Great!” In December, the unemployment rate held steady at 3.5 percent, signaling that the job market remains strong at the start of 2020 -- even if hiring and wage gains have slowed somewhat more than a decade into an economic expansion. For the year of 2019, employers added an average of roughly 175,000 jobs per month, compared with about 223,250 per month in 2018. The U.S. economy added 2.1 million jobs last year, down from gains of nearly 2.7 million in 2018. Hiring may have slowed because the number of unemployed people seeking work has fallen by 540,000 people over the past year to 5.75 million. With fewer unemployed people hunting for jobs, there is a potential limit on job gains.
  22. Vanity F@g? Seriously? What's next, Mary? The VIEW? Unelected Joe's policies have cost American families TWICE that every year.
  23. Compared to all other politicians (including DemoNazi) LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP is pretty modest. And considering that unelected Joe could barely draw 40 viewers to his rallies, the comparison is telling, to say the least.
  24. And this is who Unelected Joe is running against. You would have to be a totally uneducated MOE RON to vote for Biden in November, after all the damage he has caused.
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