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Everything posted by robosmith

  1. How Far Trump Would Go Clearly he would go way too far cause that is his schtick and the MAGA CULT loves him getting away with breaking the law, cause they wish they could. We see that right here with their constant defense of his crimes and NORMALIZING lawlessness.
  2. The UCLA protests were allowed for a week before they BECAME ILLEGAL due to counter-protesters showing up and picking FIGHTS. Your interpretation of the word is very different from most occupants of the Southern US. To many down there, ANYONE with black skin qualifies for that derogation. Every heard of the one drop rule? I believe that is mostly anachronistic these days.
  3. Problem with that FALSE EQUIVALENCE is there is NO EC VOTE CERTIFICATION to disrupt at Columbia, so it is NOT COVERED by the same law. Do you really not understand the difference? Or just imagine that Mika is always right? LMAO
  4. Anyone who believes FOS LIES after they had to pay $800M for LYING is a FOOL.
  5. Incentivising specific action by a judge whom the briber has business before, is most definitely a BRIBE. And that's the REASON Thomas failed to report it.
  6. Then why didn't Thomas report it? A: he caught a lot of flack for accepting bribes before.
  7. His billionaire "buddy" whom he started hanging with only AFTER being on the SCOTUS gave him a quarter $million motorhome.
  8. It is when the purpose is to incentivise specific behavior. AKA, keep him on the bench. Thomas has made it known that he desperately wants more money and may leave the SCOTUS to get it.
  9. Oh, pardon me. I didn't know just how IGNORANT you were of what's been in the news for at least 6 months. Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From ... ProPublica https://www.propublica.org · 1 year ago For over 20 years, Clarence Thomas has been treated to luxury vacations by billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow.
  10. When they had to go back to 17th century misogynists to justify it, religion was all the non-scientists knew.
  11. Maybe it was BEFORE they found a reason (deny the right to privacy) to overturn RvW but not since.
  12. Your FAILURE to understand does NOT make it "nonsense." Maybe you should ask questions about what you don't understand IF you were interested in understanding. I quoted it already. What part of the 4th Amendment do you not understand? It contains the basis for the right to privacy.
  13. The "messenger" has NO CREDIBILITY cause they were caught LYING BIG TIME. And they didn't even report it so you didn't know about it.
  14. The economy is great when everyone who wants a job can get it, and wages are keeping pace with inflation that has declined. The only ones who are suffering are Trump's MAGA CULT high school dropouts.
  15. WAS a junkie. Which you confirmed. What exactly is your point here and why does it matter that Hunter Biden went off the rails? Are you stupidly trying to blame Joe Biden for that? He is clearly addicted to sugar. Probably diabetic.
  16. It's quite common for right wingers here to post ^this kind of FALSE EQUIVALENCE, as if BLM protesters were incited by the POTUS.
  17. Do you even know what happened on Jan 6th and about all the Republicons applauding Trump's promise to pardon the HOSTAGES? 🤮 That's some huge "RESPECT the rule of law" there. LMAO ^This is you stating that PEOPLE ARE FUNDING the demonstrators, and you just don't know WHO. Duh IOW, IGNORANT SPECULATION.
  18. After Biden threatened US support to Netanyahu, 3 more entry points were opened up and truck deliveries SURGED. Videos 4:53 Netanyahu opens 3 aid corridors after Biden call CBS News · CBS News 4 minutes, 53 seconds 4 weeks ago Ooops.
  19. Venerated Right Wing Judge Luttig Sets Right Wing Poster Election Denialists HERE Straight on What Happened on Jan 6th Of course, right wing Canucks here have more respect for FOS LIES than actual conservative JUDGES.
  20. NBC News poll says RFK pulls more votes from Trump than from Biden. Your refusal to accept polls you don't like ONLY proves you're a MAGA CULT member. Duh
  21. So you didn't read the link and are STILL IGNORANT about the meaning of EXCESS MORTALITY. How embarrassing for you.
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