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Everything posted by robosmith

  1. "can" being the key word. It DOESN'T MEAN "WILL." Small donors are getting tired of paying Trump's LAWYERS. Really? What "financial skin"? Trump's tax cut was mostly for 1% and large corporations. The TCJA 2 Years Later: Corporations, Not Workers, Are the Big Winners
  2. Never has there been an alternate elector slate fraudulently claiming to valid AFTER the vote count was certified until Trump.
  3. Because you imagine the woman who was shot didn't bleed? And ALSO all the cops who were beaten with weapons like fire extinguishers? It is YOU who LIES CONSTANTLY. Who had just broken down the door to illegally enter the House chambers soon to be followed by a violent mob. You've stated yourself you would shoot ANYONE breaking down YOUR DOOR.
  4. It's a coup because it was a PLAN to ILLEGALLY disrupt the EC vote count with violence and ILLEGALLY force a contingent election. Look that up and inform YOURSELF.
  5. You look like what you are: a completely IGNORANT viewer of FOS LIES. Thanks for demonstrating the IGNORANCE of FOS LIES once AGAIN.
  6. Trump scared Pence by getting his goons to erect a gallows on the steps of the Capitol and an armed mob to chase him down. Unfortunate that FOS LIES didn't report that to you. ONLY AFTER his COUP ATTEMPT FAILED. Duh
  7. Gore went to court, LOST, and complied with their decision. Trump went to court 60+ times, LOST and decided to send a mob to the Capitol to disrupt the EC vote count. Duh The former: LEGAL. The LATTER: attempted coup. Your responses are 100% vacuous as usual. AKA BANKRUPT.
  8. I can tell you have NO IDEA what their reputation is. It is completely independent of MY EVALUATION. Duh
  9. No, he did NOT. And also told them to "fight like hell" and they knew which he WANTED. Yes, AFTER BLOCKING the EC certification FAILED. I can tell you're speaking from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. LMAO You have NO IDEA what constitutes EVIDENCE. AKA NOT YOUR OPINION.
  10. He clearly pressured Pence to ILLEGALLY refuse to certify the EC votes and return the decision to the state legislatures cause a contingent election would make him POTUS. But ONLY by illegally disenfranchising millions of voters. You should google "contingent election" cause you are obviously ignorant about that. You are right about one thing: Eastman agreed that his plan would never get past the SCOTUS.
  11. I already told you it is evidence of the insurrection on Jan 6th. It's the easy version. There's also the final report from the Select Jan 6th Commision Hearing. If you don't at least watch the video, that is YOUR CHOICE to remain IGNORANT of the EXTENSIVE EVIDENCE. For the record, I believe the SWORN TESTIMONY of WH INSIDERS detailed in the video I already told you I don't have to believe an ENTIRE ARTICLE TO POST IT HERE. You CLEARLY don't even want to discuss it, cause YOU FAILED TO DO SO.
  12. Thanks for not disputing that ANYONE can edit it and write whatever they want.
  13. Christian nation means different things to different people. Some believe we are bound by laws detailed in the Bible. New Testament, of course, since that is post Christ. Depends on who you are and whether you have the POWER to implement it. If you're JoSCOTUS, ruling against the 1st Amendment, violates it.
  14. That is just YOUR ASSumption. Like everyone outside of the MAGA CULT, she knows about the extensive EVIDENCE justifying the prosecution as decided by the GJ. Has nothing to do with race outside of the satisfaction that some blacks are finally in a position of power which was LONG DENIED ALL OF THEM. You obviously don't know his history. Google Trump racial discrimination in rental and Trump racial discrimination Central Park Five In any case, Reid referenced Trump's cronies, NOT Trump himself. Duh No evidence of ^this. Your mere claims are hollow and gratuitous.
  15. If you can't exercise your rights, they are meaningless. There are many other ways to own a gun. Duh Now you're just making up shit. You have free speech and everyone else has the freedom to ignore you. People listening to you has nothing to do with your freedom to spout bullshit.
  16. Do you want to answer my question? What does it MEAN TO YOU? Equality can mean many different things. What does "equality of process" mean to you?
  17. It's clearly the idea that we are a Christian nation; which is explicitly prohibited by the 1st amendment and something Republicons have a hard on for establishing. Duh Which you might know if you were an American and not so IGNORANT.
  18. Certainly ^YOU are not. Inequities are very different from inequalities under discussion. Duh Equity is results like the equity you have in your house; equality is opportunity. No he was talking about the neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville. WTH are you talking about?
  19. What does that mean to you? Just because the DoI says that, does not mean there is ANY basis in the law for it. The law is the Constitution and CODES. No one cites the DoI when they're in court. It is OBVIOUS that you and I do not have equal privileges with Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. And few have EQUAL opportunities as those born to great wealth. I believe that the DoI says ALL MEN have equal rights under the law. Children certainly DON'T. And women are getting there. There is a saying in US law that goes: "Defendants have all the due process they can afford." That means UNEQUAL rights under the law. For example, people like yourself say Trump is not a criminal because he's never been convicted of a crime, completely ignoring that he uses wealth to manipulate the justice system is ways unavailable to the average Joe. Pointing out where you make no sense is not a personal attack, it a FACT that you make mistakes. You post beliefs and claim they are observations, but contain NO FACTS you claim to have observed. In a way, they are. Blacks have a LONG HISTORY of UNEQUAL RIGHTS under the law here. It is RACIAL PROGRESS that they are gaining opportunities LONG DENIED due to skin color. She said NOTHING about Trump's skin color, ^this is just DRIVEL. What she mentioned was RACIAL OPPRESSION policies promoted by Trump cronies like Stephon Miller.
  20. You posted ONLY BELIEFS with NO OBSERVATIONS. Are you STILL disputing that inequalities exist? Why? You've not demonstrated hypocrisy, ONLY STATED YOUR BELIEFS. ANYONE can SEE inequalities, except it seems for you. They ARE obvious. I said NOTHING which proves your point. Nothing about superficial characteristics nor hatred. You made PRESUMPTIONS AGAIN. That is YOUR BELIEF that the REASONS are "superficial." How about you explain YOUR case that your videos show "hatred" for superficial reasons. Joy Reid is celebrating the PROGRESS made by black people prosecuting those who advocate their OPPRESSION. Are you claiming the OPPRESSION of qualified blacks is "superficial" ? AKA means nothing or doesn't exist.
  21. Same for you. Let us know if Trump disputes Orban's attribution. It is clear that the only way Trump can end the war in 24 hours is SURRENDER to Putin.
  22. Trump has STATED he would end the war in 24 hours. And he's NOT contradicted what Orban attributed to him in any way. In FACT cutting off funding for Ukraine is an OBVIOUS way to end the war in 24 hours. Let us know IF he does dispute what Orban said. Until then, I stand by my undisputed claim.
  23. Why can't you answer my simple questions. I asked you nothing about the source of your OPINIONS. We already know how skewed they are by "what you see," because your cognitive dissonance is a really strong FILTER and your sources are PROVEN LIARS.
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