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Everything posted by robosmith

  1. The machine controlled how the punch tool interacted with the card, NOT THE VOTER. I explained it to you AGAIN, cause you STILL FAILED to understand due to cognitive dissonance. Prove it. Where are the instructions telling the voter to check the scan and flag errors? Thanks for admitting that the machines were SO UNRELIABLE they produced AMBIGUOUS RESULTS. That is why those machines were discarded. The machines were defective because they produced UNINTENDED RESULTS. You've already admitted the machines were defective, because they produced AMBIGUOUS RESULTS. You are FULL OF SHIT. Trump incited violence in an ILLEGAL ATTEMPT to overturn the election and intimidated elections officials to change the count. I HAVE DONE NOTHING to change ANY ELECTION DECISION. Thanks for proving just how UNHINGED YOU ARE. 👋
  2. No one said Trump could not challenge the results LEGITIMATELY IN COURT. He did that, AND LOST. That is THE END. But Trump didn't STOP THERE, he INCITED VIOLENCE and TRIED to intimidate Pence into an ILLEGAL CHALLENGE. You're LYING. What Gore probably believes is that the SCOTUS decision was CORRUPT. And a strong indicator of that is they said it SET NO PRECEDENT. Both CONCEDED. They NEVER said they won the elections like Trump STILL DOES all the time. Seems you've joined the MAGA CULT to push their FALSE EQUIVALENCES. 🤮
  3. You're a sucker if you STILL believe FOS LIES. Nothing in your cite about "Democrats LIED." YOU WIN AGAIN in your contest over who tells the BIGGEST LIE. 🤮
  4. Because YOU say so? LMAO IT IS TRUMP'S GAME. And you've been CONNED into believing CALLING HIM OUT is "unreasonable." 🤮 You are such a MAGA CULT sucker. Just like those who believed him telling Russians to hack Hillary's server was a "joke."
  5. Trump either posted it or it was posted from his account by a staffer, either way, he's RESPONSIBLE, no matter how much you want to deny it. If it was his only use of Nazi phrases, it might be an accident, BUT IT'S NOT. You've been CONNED.
  6. I'm talking about you stating that "not complete or accurately marked" is a binary result. IT'S NOT. The punch cards were ONLY "marked" with punches. It was the voting machine which CONTROLLED the punches. I read what you wrote, MORE THAN TWICE. It's WRONG. You're not making any sense. If a punch card is fully punched (chad gone), that is one result. If a chad has NO SIGN of a punch, that is another result (chad fully intact with no deformation). But IN REALITY some chads had ONLY dimples (PARTIAL PUNCH) and others had "hanging chads" also partial punch. It was the machine's design which produced non-binary results (AKA AMBIGUOUS) results, and THAT is what made the recount arduous and very time consuming. The SCOTUS cancelled the full state recount, so no one knows who actually won. So you see, what should be a machine that gives a clear BINARY result, in REALITY gives AMBIGUOUS RESULTS. AKA NOT the BINARY RESULT THAT YOU CLAIM. Do you understand now? I doubt it.
  7. Nope. The deficiencies of the punching MACHINES played a huge role and as a result there were many PARTIALLY PUNCHED votes. AKA not the BINARY RESULT YOU CLAIMED. Duh
  8. Trump Hilariously Claims He ‘Doesn’t Freeze!’ in Viral Gaffe Pushback Very McConnellesque loss of consciousness.
  9. Trump posts video referencing ‘unified Reich’ if reelected Not really that shocking that Trump uses Nazi language AGAIN. Nor that MAGA is a CULT.
  10. Depends. He will ask for a recount and accept the results if there is no EVIDENCE of FRAUD. Trump challenged and LOST the vote count in 60+ court cases, but still would not concede. He's STILL saying he WON.
  11. You don't understand what happened in FL. For instance, there were numerous reports of vote counting machines which were not cleaned of vote chads and that made it difficult to impossible to punch the cards in the locations which were "full" of previously punched chads. And that was just one of the deficiencies of voting with punch cards. Another was the infamous "hanging chads" which were only PARTIALLY punched. AKA human error was involved.
  12. Rubio, a Trump V.P. Contender, Won’t Commit to Certifying 2024 Results Add Rubio to the list which already includes Vance and Scott, cause they know Trump will dump if they do. 🤮
  13. Arizona and Florida could send a big message on abortion rights On top of huge margins in favor of women's healthcare freedom, the issue being on the ballot is likely to motivate a large turnout of Democrats.
  14. How about you parse the "evidence" files you linked and quote the parts which clearly show Hunter lied? I KNOW you CANNOT after looking at a couple of those files. LMAO
  15. No, I mean like naked Legato ^links to BULLSHIT.
  16. I attack you for LYING LIKE ^THIS. I already told you what a naked link is, LIAR. At LEAST ^this NAKED LINK appears to point to some kind of evidence. You posted a naked link without actual EVIDENCE NOR a LINK to EVIDENCE. With that kind of BULLSHIT there's no reason to take you seriously.
  17. No exaggeration whatsoever. They were allowed to fly back AFTER the ban was instituted. And NO PRECAUTIONS AGAINST SPREAD were taken. He LIED about the danger, further endangering citizens. All to HIDE IT for his CAMPAIGN. It would be one thing if he'd actually instituted precautions like they did in Canada, where you have a much lower death toll. Masks and distancing were never proven to NOT HELP. I wore a GOOD MASK and flew international 30+ hours during the height of the pandemic without getting sick. Masks were downplayed to reserve them for healthcare PROFESSIONALS. I made my own CUSTOM MASK. Nothing uncredible about my claims. What's uncredible about your claims is your denial of the FACTS of what Trump said. Did you get that in a memo from MAGA CULT central? LMAO
  18. Your cite ONLY CLAIMS evidence was "released," NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE IS REFERENCED NOR LINKED. Typical gatomontes99 naked link BULLSHIT.
  19. I wonder why you believe BULLSHIT. Obama didn't start any wars. At best he ordered NEW air cover for Libyan Rebels. That was NOT a war.
  20. You don't even understand that when Iran launched 300+ missiles at Israel recently, WELL OVER HALF of them were shot down by US weapons and NONE got through mostly because of the US military. IOW, you've been listening to FOS LIES.
  21. YOU'VE fallen for Trump's BOGUS CLAIMS. For instance: after Trump's "travel ban" from China, he let 40,000 citizens fly back from China with NO TESTING, NO TRACKING, and NO QUARANTINE. AKA, it was the FIRST SUPERSPREADER EVENT. Do you even know what that is? Tell you what, listen to Woodward's Trump pandemic interview tapes and hear how he LIED to the US population about COVID. LIES which COST LIVES due to LACK of PRECAUTIONS TAKEN.
  22. I'm looking forward to you doing a faceplant, cause you're out touch with reality. Polls show there is a virtual TIE. In the RepubliCON primary, 20% are still voting for Haley. LMAO
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