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Everything posted by robosmith

  1. Gang rape and murder of a US citizen is hardly a "pretext." I suppose you'd just slap their wrists, right?
  2. You gotta stop watching those right wing propaganda sites. Your gratuitous accusations just make you look foolish.
  3. It's the voices in his head. If he had actual evidence, he'd have posted it. It's become apparent that he has NO CREDIBILITY and doesn't care.
  4. Don't forget voter suppression, cause they can't win voters on POLICY. And making black neighborhoods wait in long voter lines doesn't work with vote by mail and drop boxes, so those are headed for the trash heap in Republican controlled states.
  5. Unlike Canadians here who pretend to know what's happening in the US, I won't do that for Canada. It does not mention offsets in his plan here: Andrew Scheer unveils climate plan promising 'green technology, not taxes'
  6. No evidence for religion. Plenty of evidence for carbon offset CONTRACTS. Understanding the carbon offset market
  7. You have nothing but your big mouth to claim ^this. Carbon offset CONTRACTS are real no matter how much you IMAGINE they are not.
  8. There is actually far more to it. By taking Crimea and Southern Ukraine, Putin has put MAJOR gas reserves in Russian hands. Eliminating (currently untapped) energy competition from Ukraine AND giving Putin far more wealth to plunder for HIMSELF.
  9. OF COURSE you have NO WAY of knowing that. Whatever MAGIC helps you sleep at night.....
  10. You are "not surprised" because you FAIL to understand. I never said ANYTHING about rejecting the Constitution. I ONLY reject the parts which GIVE MORE political power to certain individuals. AKA, violate the PRINCIPLE of one man, one vote. That was certainly NOT wise. In fact it was a compromise of principle and a BRIBE to get signatories. It is LONG PAST TIME to correct that BRIBE.
  11. The key word is "believed." None ever said they have PROOF. Like I said, people have always believed in god because it relieves their anxiety about not understanding reality. And they have that anxiety because being driven to understand reality has always given man a survival advantage.
  12. Testimony from ancients who believed the Earth was flat carry ZERO weight in the determination of REALITY. Maybe you don't, but scientists know ORDERS OF MAGNITUTE more about reality today, than ANYONE who wrote the bible.
  13. Carbon offsets are REAL. When you pay someone else to bear the extra cost of carbon free energy, that is a wash.
  14. Kennedy blockaided Cuba, NOT threatened war. At least not any more than Russia did by INSTALLING NUCLEAR MISSILES there. The US NEVER installed NUCLEAR MISSILES in Ukraine. You are off your rocker. We can see that you're completely deranged on this "threat" that Ukraine posed to Russia, when you defend Russia killing thousands of Ukrainian civilians and completely leveling cities. Bye, bye, idiot.
  15. 3. Energizes His Own Ministers Satan gives power to his own ministers. 4. Controls People's Hearts And Minds Satan has the ability to control hearts and minds. 5. Hinders The Gospel The message of the gospel is hindered by the Devil. 6. Prevents People From Hearing The Gospel Satan's main goal is to prevent people from hearing the good news about Jesus. The message of forgiveness offered through Jesus Christ sets people free. Jesus said. 7. Misrepresents The Truth Satan lies, denies, and misrepresents the truth. To Eve he said. 8. Takes Away Gospel He also takes away that which the unbeliever has heard. Satan attempts to get the unbeliever to think about subjects other than the gospel of Christ.9. Encourages False Trust In Religion Finally, Satan attempts to get people to falsely place their trust in themselves, religion, or good works. He wants people to feel religiously satisfied, but without having a saving knowledge of Christ. The Bible says. 10. Goal Is Destruction His ultimate goal is the destruction of people. 11. Hope For Escape Fortunately, there is hope for unbelievers to escape the traps of the Devil. Summary Satan has his methods with unbelievers. He wants to keep them from hearing the good news about Christ - the forgiveness of sins. To accomplish this he prevents people from hearing, blinds them to the good news, takes away the good news once they have heard it, and has them falsely trust in something apart from Christ and His gospel. This is his strategy to keep people from hearing and believing the truth about Christ. unquote How Does Satan Keep Unbelievers in Spiritual Darkness? (blueletterbible.org) Ok, you have fairy tales. Now how about evidence? LMAO
  16. LMAO So childish. WTH are "satanic powers"? Do you have evidence of them? I'd really like to see that. LMAO
  17. Wrong. Atheism is the belief that god does NOT exist, not that it is UNKNOWN.
  18. Do you even know what agnostic means? True reasoning is based on accepted FACTS. I do NOT accept god's existence as FACT, nor do I claim the opposite is FACT. It is UNPROVEN and thus UNKNOWN.
  19. Ukraine would seem to have much to gain from disabling Putin's revenue source.
  20. Every hear of nuclear winter? Or do you also believe that won't affect the climate? FWIW, I am NOT an atheist; I am agnostic. Because I don't allow mere belief to affect my judgement. If a profit can be made sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere, they will SCALE IT UP and make a big difference. Duh. Ever hear the Parable of the drowning man?
  21. What man can do, we can undo. If only you had the faith in the ingenuity of man that you have in magic.... We now have machines that can suck CO2 out of the atmosphere, and maybe someday make a profit doing that.
  22. Implementing modern energy policy has nothing to do with 20th century fascists so take ^this shit and shove it. Externalizing costs of fossil fuel energy pollution would be much more in that line. The average US cost of weather catastrophes since 1980 has been $53B/year. Over the last 5 years, it has been $158B/year. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/billions/#:~:text=References-,Overview,332 events exceeds %242.275 trillion. Not to mention the LIVES LOST. It would be STUPID to not switch to renewables ASAP where feasible.
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