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Everything posted by West

  1. What do you mean "election interference"? She examined a voting tabulator on behalf of her client. Seriously if that's what America deems as a crime then that nation is more f'd up than I thought initially You are making assumptions. Maybe the prosecutor dropped the case on the more serious components because they knew they wouldn't get a conviction?
  2. It's the exact same Crapola as the Mueller investigation. Make outrageous claims. Use the entire weight of the government to investigate. Settle on significantly lesser charges far removed from the narrative to justify a bogus investigation. Justify it with other nonsense such as "security"
  3. They are MISDEMEANOR CHARGES stemming from her quest to seek TRANSPARENCY in how votes are tabulated. You actually think a FUNCTIONING DEMOCRACY should have such laws that crimonalize political campaigns seeking transparency? America is a messed up dictatorship.
  4. She didn't have to. They were withdrawn. A plea deal isn't an admission of guilt on the six felony charges. They caught her for essentially Jay walking. Nothing significant
  5. You talking about the lunatics who launched impeachment hoaxes instead of getting inflation under control?
  6. It's not a random person it was the lawyer from a political campaign and nobody "stole" anything lol
  7. Right.. im not desputing what she did.. they examined/looked at a voter machine. Why can't someone do that in a functioning democracy to ensure basic fundamental rights, such as the right to vote, is upheld?
  8. Lol.. like a caged hamster. Why I don't have respect for the so called legal system which is a joke in your country.
  9. They withdrew the charges. The prosecutor has a DUTY to pursue FELONY convictions if there's a strong case. I dont care if she looked at voter machines. She's a hero if that's what she's being charged by lunatic leftists for
  10. They didn't in the FELONY convictions moe-ron. If they did Phony Fani Willis would've went to trial on much more SERIOUS offenses than looking at a voting machine
  11. The fact they made Powell plead guilty to looking at a voting machine shows everything you need to know about whether or not America as a country should be taken seriously any longer
  12. Lol.. What this boils down to is the following: 1. Rudy Giuliani mopped the floor with the mob in New York. Democrats didn't like that. 2. Sidney Powell wiped the floor with them in the Flynn case. They don't like that. 3. Jenna Ellis laid an ars whooping on Newsom in California over targeted harassment of Pastor John McArthurs church during covid. They didn't like that. 4. Donnie mopped the floor with Hillary in the 2016 election. They didn't like that. 5. Allan Dershowitz has provided strong legal analysis over the unconstitutional attacks on politicians. They don't like that. This isn't just an assault on Trump. It's an assault on the US as a whole. They want to intimidate people into complying with their stalinism. Sidney Powell should have NEVER been charged for looking at election machines. She's a lawyer representing her clients. Why they've all the sudden ATTACKED lawyers should tell you all you need to know
  13. My guess is the vast majority get tossed out just like the half dozen or so charges against Sidney Powell. Just red meat for the 'tards like yourself to foam at the mouth over. What they REALLY don't like is the fact Trump beat Hillary in 2016. That's what it's really about
  14. I'm not TROLLING. I'm simply pointing to the TRACK RECORD of those making these claims, aka their credibility, as to why I don't believe this will be any different than the last ones. Just because you don't LIKE that I'm doing that, doesn't make me a troll. You Maybe should revisit the old children's story "The Boy who cried wolf" if you don't get this concept
  15. I never believed it because I tune out the noise ?. Difference between me and you is I don't get sucked in by empty promises. Maybe THIS TIME they'll finally get Donnie
  16. Take a step back and realize what these charges were all about. She's accused of looking at a voting machine. Any person should be able to know about how votes are tabulated, especially those in the legal profession. The amount of secrecy in so-called "democracies" is stunning
  17. That's your INTERPRETATION. Again, your INTERPRETATION on current events is meaningless. Democrats been claiming a Donnie jail sentence for quite some time already. Still NOTHING. Democrats have been going off about it for close to a decade now. We've tried to talk some sense into you that you are being manipulated
  18. Yes she is whether you choose to admit it or not. And as predicted she will never spend a day behind bars. Just a misdemeanor slap on the wrist for daring to try to examine a voting machine. Just like the collusion delusion where we were PROMISED a conviction of "treason", a crime punishable by the death penalty, predictably NOTHING SIGNIFICANT came out of this either and leftists are caught in yet another LIE
  19. Man you are going to be in for another disappointment when NOBODY in this "Rico" case spends a day behind bars. Facts are they DROPPED the felony charges against her when we were all promised they'd be going to jail lol. One of the "big fish" gets away.
  20. These are the charges dropped but they got her on "tampering" with a voting machine, presumably when they examined the machines for irregularities which apparently transparency is now a crime. Then we wonder why nobody takes this nonsense from Democrats DAs seriously
  21. False. The original design was perfection but man sinned against God. His plan of redemption comes through his Son, Jesus Christ who was born sinless, lived a sinless life, defeated the wages of sin which is death, and offers eternal life by grace through faith and belief in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He will return and put an end to sin and those who put their faith in him will be raised to life at his second coming.
  22. They didn't do their due diligence and spread disinformation. I'm personally trying to pursue what is true and rely on the media to give factual accounts of what has happened.
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