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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Old school business types? Yeah they'll save us alright. The ones still stocking Diet Coke and DIet Pepsi when 1/3 of the population is diabetic and they haven't noticed in all these years men don't order diet pop in public? Two companies that make two products essentially the same for years now? Duh it worked for Chevy and GMC.... (uhh what happened to Mercury and Fargo?) The ones so technologically incompetent they buy cheap tech that doesn't work or hire the most expensive where the techs customize software that holds the buyers to ransom? That sold us until saturated with hi-fi, then stereo, then quadrophonic, then digital... VHS, CDTV, DVD, until you're like me with a $400 BluRay that hasn't even been turned on in 5 years? Who sold us cable and satellite with optional "bundles" and are now doing the same with streaming? Gotta have Hulu for this Disney for that, Netflix for another, Prime for a couple more shows. They know how to milk you, they're too stodgy and stubborn to know how to do it efficiently so you don't know you're being hosed. Can barely play their own game.
  2. I watch news on CTV mainly. It's not as good as CBC's coverage, less in depth coverage just 60 second highlights of more stuff and often wastes time on stupid meaningless crap like Hollywood controversies. I watch CTV for more news content, if I'm interested I follow it up at CBC online. And BBC online for events in Europe, Africa & Asia. In most smaller areas CTV and Global are on free OTA only because they had to to compete with CBC who was already there. Hell where I live CBC decided not to 'spend all that money' during the digital conversion and went off the air here, forcing the community broadcast society to pick it up and relay it. So that's my point, it's now funded through another grant from the same public trough in the end. Hell the CBC could broadcast 4 stations on that old digital channel for the same cost, but guess what? No corporate station would share. None. No way. Just like a bunch of GOP Senators, not gonna cooperate even if it costs us way more just to spite their faces. Canada's not big enough to have a PBS, we've got KNOW here in BC and it's damn good but no way it can scrounge the money to deliver news content or fund it's own productions.
  3. OMG you missed the point entirely. A fee is a tax, but some will argue it's discretionary. You can avoid the tax by not having radio/tv, which is part of my previous post about people whining about paying for rural Canada. Just like you could avoid the old toll on the Port Mann by not going to work anymore if you lived in Surrey! Or on the old Coquihalla Hwy by using the out of the way old Fraser Canyon when you went for your cancer treatments. It's the tired old American 'why should I have to pay for someone else' argument used against CBC.
  4. And the pretend that a compulsory fee is not exactly the same as a tax. Oh- but it comes out of your right pocket, not your left(ist) pocket should be the usual reply...
  5. Asides from donation telethons, that's exactly what is has been and is doing. Most of the CBC haters simply refuse to see any criticism of any gov't as 'liberal', haven't watched CBC since Hockey Night in Canada was exclusively broadcast by them, and see "letting" Nature of Things and Marketplace as proof CBC is left wing. None have lived where CBC was the only broadcaster, many think if you can't afford cable or satellite you deserve to do without and very few ill even look at it just so they won't see any of the quality things it broadcasts that no commercial broadcaster will carry. They'd rather drool along with laugh tracks on Happy Daze reruns, pay an extra $5 a month for Faux News and watch modern version Westerns that are 90% gunplay. The money spent on CBC is just loose change in Canada's pocket.
  6. As you seem to have forgotten: Russia seized Crimea late in Obama's term and got only a smack on the wrist. Four years of Trump ass-kissing Putin made him well aware the USA was in no mood for war and the domestic bullshit over the election proved the USA was too handcuffed internally to formulate a serious response. That opened the door for Russia to start it's own Sudetenland BS and take more of Ukraine. But there was no Chamberlain waving peace in our time letters, was there? Or love letters from fat little Kimmie. Also anyone who can read can see that I never said Taiwan won't be attacked. I pointed out why it would be foolish and unlikely.
  7. Oh Jesus, and I get shit for straying off topic... What has the specific minutiae of umpteen religions got to do with it? It was the POPE, apologizing for the actions of the Catholic Church dealing with residential schools. He can't for others and didn't for every action of the Catholic Church so it's moot. If he says it was a genocide, then if you're Catholic it was because he said it was and he's King Shit among them. If you know genocide is the deliberate erasure of a race, religion or culture the you know it was. If you want to pretend it wasn't genocide because they used hydrogen cyanide instead of Zyklon B and similar reasons, we know that you really just hate Catholics. in your black little heart.
  8. Oh jeez how about skipping the wacked out conspiracy shit? China owns a lot of Taiwanes companies. China imports shit loads of Taiwanese products, from computer chips to foodstuffs. If they invade and try to take them, the US & Japanese Navy will be in the way and the Taiwanese will blow it all up before they let it be captured. If they try to do like Russia in Ukraine they'll blow it up themselves. They're screwed either way. China only wants Taiwan for 2 reasons: open naval access to the Pacific ocean, and face saving. It won't be like Ukraine, other countries will not just send weapons, they'll actively step in to prevent the first. On the second, China benefits far more financially with the status quo than saving face is worth. But that's also "Western" thinking... who knows in the end.
  9. That's about the lamest reply an ignoroid could make. Better to remain silent and thought a fool than speak up and remove all doubt, bud.
  10. Jeez not only don't understand politics, don't understand economics or capital;ism either! Here's someone saying they trust US Republicans to save Canadian democracy when they're subverting their own to the utmost. Another who seems to think using tax dollars for social programs is bad. No wonder they like Americans, should we spend it on aircraft carriers instead? Yet another who thinks 'corporate taxes' should mean the revenue the gov't takes off their worker's wages rather than their profits. You pay the bulk of taxes, you choose the gov't that gives as much back to you as it can. the gov't makes the rules and business operates by the rules they make. Not the other way where business tells the gov't what to do and the gov't tells you what to do, which is what these same so called freedumb lovers seem to really want.
  11. No people who are stuck in pre Masters^Johnson attitudes about sex and try to use sophistry pointing out just one word of a phrase in an attempt to make it means something else, now they're the ones that 'deviate' from the norm.
  12. The site is called re:politics and most posters here don't understand politics either.
  13. Yeah they only pay lip service and throw them the odd bone. The GOP and Conservatives right out screw workers in the arse and convince them it feels good. Elect a billionaire he'll have worker interests at heart. Reducing the deficit is more important than dental or child care. That's why I no longer vote for either right-wing party. At least the Dems and Libs don't sacrifice lambs to Satan to include their socially backwards beliefs into practice.
  14. FFS Michael you're arguing with someone who doesn't know the word inclusion means everybody and spouts the usual if everybody gets the same, then that lot gets more than they deserve. On top of with the remnants from 1953 who think homosexuality is sexual deviance. How about we just let this thread die like it deserves to?
  15. You all know that Canada is ruled by the center and Mulroney and Harper were the only successful Conservatives in modern times. Now as a known NOT Conservative looking in who has voted for them (Mulroney & BC's Gordon Campbell) in the past I see this great rah rah that they're not "right enough" for most of you. I'm sorry for those of you that don't agree with August and realize as Canadians you have it better than any humans in any time in history, and with Queenmandy that Charest has the only chance, be it not likely. Take the advice from the other end of the spectrum that's so woke they kissed off any chance of success with the wrong leadership choice, there's over 20% of the voters would could rush to vote Liberal if they thought Poilievre stood a chance.
  16. Just held an event here over the weekend, and this town is 50% native. Many Metis, many other who are Catholic. No one I met was disappointed by the Pope's visit. As a matter of fact 100% were pleased by hearing an official apology from the Pope and truly believe this is the start of Reconciliations. Only a couple non-Catholic non-native people even mentioned the Doctrine of Discovery gripe so widely mentioned in the press. Usual comments were 'who they gonna colonize with it - Mars?' or 'they're welcome to TRY to convert people to the Catholic Church in 2022 - Good Luck at that'
  17. No I don't know shit. I only ran an ISP for 31 years and stupidly sent employees home if they were sick. I should have let them infect the whole office so I was short of staff and lost sales and money. And I'd happily talk about the Pope and genocide if the Russian Trolls would stop repeating their lies in every thread.
  18. After decades of "Poking the Sleeping Bear" it may seem like that. It may actually be that to see exactly how China reacts. It will be more sabre rattling. China isn't ready yet, Taiwan has more and better security agreements and promises from the US & Japan and Ukraine is probably a real eye opener to Peking. I wouldn't want to be an American tourist in China today. Canada knows how that works...
  19. Yeah the "it only works 90% so it's no good at all argument". Like I've said here before: I might get the sniffles, but you might die. You're free to choose. Come meet the lady down the street. She won't go to the cannabis store because you never know what the gov't is putting in the weed. (insert theramin music here)
  20. I created a new thread as the old one regarding these Buy American incentives drifted off into 'how the Glorious Yanks Saved Our Ass' instead. The subject is once again relevant. On this last round -no one pointed out something relevant at the time. Prince Rupert BC, it is not just a major Port, it's also the terminus of the Alaska ferry. Huge numbers of people use it and they travel back and forth along the Yellowhead Hwy to Prince George and then to all over Canada, down to the border in Vancouver and onwards. Traffic was growing and there was a push to expand the facilities in Prince Rupert. To qualify for that program at that time, it would have to be built with 100% American steel and American labour. In Rupert, in Canada, where employment was shrinking at the time. A gross violation of ALL trade agreements between the US and Canada. There was even local disagreement at the time with people arguing at least we can sell them burgers and hotel rooms. (Yet another from the 'we'll settle for the least we can get crowd'. It never came to pass, and thanks to Covid hasn't even grown back to the traffic levels in the Times of Trump. Now here again, Biden trots out the same sorry song about EVs being built in the USA entitled to special rebates. A blatant violation of the latest newspeak name for NAFTA. Looks like someone may have pointed this out to Biden as he's talking about maybe, just maybe if we're lucky 'extending the policy to EVs built in Canada'. Like we should be ever so thankful and throw Mexico under the bus begging for favour. I am not suggesting abandoning Free Trade, nationalizing or anything like that. Make a bloody effort to fix things fairly. Fix the big things first not the petty issues like milk and cheese etc.
  21. Cuz a national history of colonial capitalist exploitation just worked so well for Africa. If they'd just work for pennies for a few more generations they could save up and buy their own farmland, right?
  22. Happy for you. My Granma came from Glasgow and was damn proud to be a Canadian instead of the subject of someone else. The ex's folks were from Dunedin and acted like bloody colonizers to their graves. She and her folks said if I didn't leave here my daughter would end up marrying a 'bloody Indian' and can roll halfway over in their graves when I walk her down the aisle in a couple weeks. I'm sure most of them are, but all of them are so politically ignorant they can't tell WHO is screwing them in the ass.
  23. Let's expose another anti-vaxxer LIE. You lost your job if you didn't vax because YOUR BOSS mandated it. Because if you infected another worker HIS worker's comp premium would go up or HE could get sued by the one you infected. Not Trudeau nor the Health authorities who only suggested it. Just like the reasons your Boss can can your ass if you won't wear a hard hat, safety boots and glasses or a string tie if you work at OldTime Ice Cream. 100% free market, capitalist policy. Just as the fact that you didn't wear a mask or get the jab no one made you do it, proves beyond a doubt you lost zero freedumb. If you actually did lose your job you chose to by not following the rules of employment. But I'm sure the same handful of you will waste more bandwidth screaming even louder that black is white and night is day.
  24. None when you're an example of people who think talking is all about blabbing and never listening. My ass! The Canada of yore is no more. Good riddance to bad rubbish, like all the rest of "yore". Are you one of those people who think we should restrict immigration to only England because they're all gonna be white and have Cockney accents?
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