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Everything posted by BeaverFever

  1. Neither. I admitted Trump won in 2016, I admit PP will probably win here in the next election. I admit that Trudeau and Biden are humans who can make mistakes and bad decisions. Trumptard MAGAS have zero ability to make any sort of admission or concession, they’re like juvenile children.
  2. Antifa’s not my brethren, loser. Your revisionist lie is pathetic the people who stormed the Capitol said they were there to prevent Biden from becoming president. it’s been 4 years and you deluded chumps haven’t been able to produce a single shred of evidence to support your election lie and you failed over 60 times, laughed out of every courtroom and venue with your absurd and baseless claims which were not only untrue but absolutely implausible only those with absolute ignorance could believe it. Trump also tried to steal the 2020 election with his fake electors plot and his attempts to bully election officials into falsifying their results to just say he won. Mark my words if he loses again you Trumptards will be at it again with more lies and more attempts to end democracy. Admit it no matter how clean the election is, if Trump loses you will never admit he lost fairly. You are mentally and psychologically incapable of accepting reality that is inconvenient to your ignorant uneducated beliefs.
  3. What joke Republicans haven’t “played fair” in well over a decade now. Jan 6 and your ongoing 2020 election lies fake news and conspiracies Given Trump’s refusal to debate his fellow Republicans I fully expect he will refuse to debate Biden because he is in full dictator mode and refuses to be publicly challenged or criticized . He will only speak to adoring audiences of his brainwashed minions. In the event he does debate he will continue to make a fool out of himself with his lies, implausible and baseless claims, inane off-topic ramblings and buffoon-like antics
  4. No that is clearly the right: Muslims, trannies, immigrants, liberals, Palestinians the list of the right’s Hated Ones is long, and the right’s track record of stating certain groups are “below the law” (ie undeserving of basic rights and fairness) is even longer. Most Canadians consider themselves “Christian” in the sense that they celebrate xmas, Easter etc, are descended from Christians and participate in a Christian-based SOCIAL culture…but a very small minority of these people are truly deeply religious. Most have never gone to chiropractic as adult except for weddings and funerals, most have never read the bible and have no plans to, most find overtly religious people boring and off-putting, most believe Christianity is or “probably” is man-made. Most so-called Christians in this country are really agnostic of atheist-curious. Canadians are strongly secular and the religious right is not a political force in Canada except maybe Alberta. There is no risk of a religious right takeover in Canada That said I can agree that the Prime Minister probably should be consistent year over year with their goodwill messages What do you mean there was no message from “the government”?
  5. More manufactured outrage. There was an easter message from him on Sunday, which I believe is the holiest day. But on a weekend with 3 holy days he didn’t separately tweet on each one of them. Oh the horror. A quick google shows that he has sent a Good Friday message in the past, at least in some years. I thought conservatives were opposed to politically correct pandering but their panties are in a twist because there wasn’t enough of it for their particular favourite group this time. For most people easter is just about the bunny and candy and ling weekend anyway, so a lit of the so-called outrage is just being offended on behalf of someone else, for political purposes.
  6. Pfft no liberal has ever fawned over a politician the way you conservatives always fawn over yours, even the biggest JFK/Obama/Trudeau fanbois cant top the way you Trumptards proclaim Trump to be a genius in all subjects and refuse to admit even his most obvious errors. You really believe he is an infallible saviour. Its hilarious, you sheeple have sucker written all over you. Conservatives have always had a psychological need to grovel and worship at the feet of a “Great Man” or messiah (I suspect childhood daddy issues). And just when everyone thought it couldn’t get any more absurd than when you proclaimed totally average underachiever George W Bush to be America’s greatest genius, you choose Trump as your new messiah, and you believe him to have supernatural abilities and character despite him showing every indication of below average abilities and very poor character. And now you can’t wait for your master’s promised dictatorship, it’s absolutely pathetic.
  7. 1. Yes they are. lol 2. That’s under Trump, he has said so himself, itll be more of fascist regime 3. Its what you do, observe how you MAGAs worship Trump and his acolytes as infallible deities. It’s utterly unheard of in any other political party or democratic system 4. You must mean January 6th. Actually going to detonate the pipe bombs this time? Please double down on your investment position.
  8. Yes please keep us posted. Don’t forget to double down on your investment at every chance. Maybe you could borrow money to invest! Even though you probably have terrible credit, I am you know plenty of low-life knee-cappers who will be happy to spot you.
  9. It’s down you mor0n, your own link says so. Maybe if you took a break from your violent misogynist rape fantasies and finished high school you’d understand how to read to a graph or could draw a conclusions from the heading in your own link which clearly says “Trump Media Stock Drops; Company Lost Nearly $60 Million in 2023”.
  10. Yea they are Best chance to become a dictatorship Sorry only conservatives do that worshipping other humans thing. Looks like you’re stuck with those sex workers you keep prisoner to satisfy your sadistic and narcissistic urges. He’s certainly not saving on Truth Social stock, that’s for sure!
  11. No it ain’t. It’s already started. Trump Media plunges more than 25% after company reports net loss of $58 million in 2023 The share price of Trump Media plunged Monday after the social media app company closely tied to former President Donald Trump reported a net loss of $58.2 million on revenue of just $4.1 million in 2023. Trump Media & Technology Group shares were trading down by more than 25% around 1:08 p.m. ET. … The losses last year by Trump Media — the owner of the Truth Social app routinely used by the former president — could continue for some time, according to the company. “TMTG expects to incur operating losses for the foreseeable future,” says the filing, which came a week after the company began trading under the ticker DJT on the Nasdaq. The filing also warns shareholders that Trump’s involvement in the company could put it at greater risk than other social media companies. TMTG also disclosed to regulators that the company had identified “material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting” when it prepared a previous financial statement for the first three quarters of 2023. As of Monday, Trump Media said these “identified material weaknesses continue to exist.”… https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/01/trump-media-lost-58-million-last-year-sec-filing-shows.html There is no viable business here, itself a typical “pump and dump” stock scam and you’re going to regret your idiocy. Then you’ll learn that prayers don’t work. Oh who am I kidding you can’t learn anything
  12. Yes but unfortunately for you, you’re such an uneducated dumbass you can’t grasp basic concepts or begin to contemplate the levels of your dumbassery (a new term invented just for you). Please invest your life savings (if you have any) in Trumps latest scam. It’s perfect for suckers like you
  13. Nonsense, heat pumps are quickly becoming a much more effective and environmentally responsible heat source compared to combustibles. And besides mild winters are the new norm.
  14. Lol. Talk about a waste of taxpayer dollars Im sure anyone who’s interested in reading that work of fiction already has a copy. And having a copy doesn’t make you any more honourable or intelligent than those who don’t….often the opposite in fact And then there’s that whole separation of church and state thing, which Republicans hate.
  15. You, the Russians, the Saudis, and every grifter and criminal who wants to make illegal campaign contributions and buy access and favours from the potential next POTUS. The absurd valuation is not based on any fundamentals, anyone looking for investment returns is going to lose their money.
  16. Yeah, please do. I hope all you Trump cultists invest all your meagre life savings there. It’s the only way you’ll learn. Who am I kidding you won’t learn and you’ll just hatch a new half-baked conspiracy to explain how you were left penniless by yet another Trump scam.
  17. You can’t make this shit up, people. Trump,the most hedonistic sacrilegious politician imaginable is now selling $60 bibles with a portion of the proceeds going to him, of course. After his failed ugly$400 sneakers, too…which still haven’t been provided to all buyers BTW Obviously all these cash raising schemes are just a front for various scumbags, American oligarchs and Russians to funnel him election money But hilariously there right-tards have a thread asking if Dems are a cult ans they shell out hundreds for hos scams.
  18. LMAO!!!! THE LAYERS OF LIES YOU TELL The riots did not occur because CNN “skewed a story so wildly” Nor was a “retarded kid” tortured, much less CNN being responsible. As for Fox News not skewing stories, has your lie-riddled brain already forgotten the nearly $800 Million Fox had to pay to Dominion for their stolen 2020 election lies? Fox is nothing except skewed news. You’re already in a lengthy argument over your bogus claims of Chauvins innocence. If there was any truth to what you’re saying the Republican donor machine that rescued Rittenhouse and Zimmerman would have gotten him off on appeal, especially because he’s a cop. Contract to your vague claims the bodycam footage contained no exculpatory evidence. Your claim that rioters stopped rioting when they saw the footageis hilarious logic. Even though Chauvin’s conviction remains. you want us to believe that all the rioters suddenly believed he’s innocent and stopped rioting on ethical principles or something after watching this body cam footage? Footage that nobody else believes is relevant to boot. Seriously this story of yours is so f-cking dumb, how do you not see the major plot holes here?. He was caught on camera shoving one person one time whole running away shoplifting That is not a violent crime nor is one incident a pattern of behaviour. It doesn’t mean everyone who knew him thought of him as violent and nobody could have thought of him as gentle. Your assertion is that you believe CNN should have censored out the opinion of the one family member who mentioned the Michael Brown they knew was gentle, in order to push a narrative that he was violent. Your feeble mind can’t under That THAT would be the skewed story. And again, the so- called “justification ” that the opinion should be suppressed is he pushed one person one time.
  19. A paid employee of multiple Kremlin operatives doesn’t deserve a second chance in the White House, no. The US Presidency is not a felon rehabilitation program much less a traitor rehabilitation program.
  20. He is a fascist no doubt. I don’t know if you can call the system that fascists use capitalism though. It certainly uses many superficial features of capitalism: private ownership, private profits, accumulation of private wealth, even a degree of competition. But in reality the ownership, profits and wealth are in the hands of of few powerful individuals who are closely connected to government, and who use the power of the state to eliminate competition, strong-arm other groups (labour unions, media etc) and protect their criminal activity.
  21. Hey at least he admits he’s guilty of confirmation bias. I’ll definitely agree with that! Hilarious he doesn’t know what the term means 🤣🤣🤣
  22. In other words under the Biden admin they are arresting more illegal entrants than any under any other President in their history. Literally the opposite of “open border”.
  23. Personally I always thought the Starfighter was ugly. And it was notorious for being hard to fly with a high stall speed that cost a lot of NATO pilots their lives. Not sure why this particular aircraft was used by Canada and some other NATO countries for tactical strike instead of say Voodoo or other, but once upon a time in the days before precision guided munitions, very high speed, very low level attack was a thing.
  24. LMAO!! 😂😂😂More opposite-of-reality nonsense from your fake news bubble! That’s like saying no radical Islamist websites have ever supported terrorism! Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoints, assumed motivation is ALL right wing news sources ever do! The cop who killed George Floyd was convicted of murder by a jury. Just because YOU PERSONALLY REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE FACTS doesn’t prove the media is biased. Michael Brown’ did not have a criminal record and the shoplifting and pushing someone doesn’t prove his shooting was justified or that he was a dangerous criminal. Nor was CNN late to report that detail….. You are so fukin clueless it’s hilarious
  25. Empty fact-free posts with nothing but insults are not an effective way of opposing anything. Since that is your standard M.O. it shows the only one spreading pure chickenshit is you.
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