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Everything posted by Zeitgeist

  1. And can you believe that he said that people must follow whether or not it makes sense? No, that’s the “I was just following orders” defence that failed at the Nuremberg trials. We each have a moral obligation to do what we know is right. In psychology we learn that the highest morality is that of the conscientious objector who, when faced with injustice, says, “No way!”
  2. A large percentage of people everywhere died in childbirth and life expectancy was short. If your point is that we should follow science, let’s look at that, because we can also look at what research has shown people will do when oppressed. There’s more to life that illness and death from one disease, especially given all our protections, treatments, and mass vaccinations. Nevertheless, you think that our basic rights and freedoms should continue to be trounced for this one cause. Nope, it’s totally unjustified and people are finally saying, “enough.” Don’t worry, endless boosts and masks for all who want them, but stuff your restrictions and mandates and creepy digital passport. Leave the unvaccinated alone. Let people live their lives. Faith over fear. Mandate freedom.
  3. The notion that government can remove your constitutional rights as a citizen and give some of them back to you if you agree to take any program of vaccinations that government deems suitable, and that you must carry around the proof of this to gain access to your remaining freedoms, is totalitarian. Our governments are contravening our rights as citizens indefinitely. When questioned or challenged, the government’s only response is to obey so we can get out of our crisis. Our totalitarian policies are the crisis! 90% of us got vaccinated. We carry the passports, yet our businesses are still put on hold and people are locked down. We were told if we got vaccinated we could get rid of masks, yet we have interminable mask mandates. The erosion, or rather, the overnight erasure of Canadian citizens’ rights is unjustifiable, totalitarian, and probably criminal. Thank you to the truckers for taking a stand to restore the rights and freedoms of all Canadians. I hope you can do it, because nothing else has worked.
  4. So minority protections null and void just like that. Ridiculous.
  5. Excellent feed, Goddess. Great to hear directly from the convoy leaders.
  6. Yup, government overreach is extreme in Canada. I don’t know what tools are left to citizens. Protests? Well we see how the protesters are written off by the PM and state funded media as “fringe” radicals. The PM called the unvaccinated racists and misogynists. Can we appeal to our Governor General? Well the PM appointed her. Can we appeal to Queen Elizabeth? She is very elderly and reducing engagements. Here’s an interesting piece on the unvaccinated, hardly the radical stereotypes that the PM tried to vilify: https://apple.news/AWwJEUfc6Sxm-eeZFEu0S6Q
  7. Without a Charter or Bill of Rights or some kind of constitutional guarantee of rights, and without the continued enforcement of such rights, a democracy can slide into dictatorship and become truly evil. It happened in Germany.
  8. We haven’t even gotten into what may be an active government cover up of what happened at the lab. Canadians still don’t know why our government allowed Chinese virologists to work in an infectious disease lab on Canadian soil with access to biohazards. We don’t know why they were fired. Talk about a government putting its own citizens at risk. They’re not telling us what happened on grounds of national security. What more secrets are there to protect? What happens when the government itself becomes a threat to the people? Is that what’s happening?
  9. It’s two-tier citizenship. Canada isn’t a free country right now. The Queen should dissolve Parliament. Trudeau has no sense of history. Out of his depth. Yup it’s two-tier citizenship in Canada. Should the unvaccinated wear identifiers so you can avoid them on the street? What other public goods should we mandate? It’s been done before. Forced sterilizations of developmentally delayed people? Segregation or internment of races and religious groups? We’re living under a quasi-dictatorship. Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms is actively being violated. Why enshrine rights without enforcing them?
  10. You don’t have your facts straight at all. It’s 56 deaths today in Ontario and the hospitalization rate is falling. Our death rate is the result of our higher case numbers a while back. It doesn’t matter. The province couldn’t process all the tests or get enough tests out to people. The guidance on testing had to change. The case numbers are far higher than reported due to lack of testing. Covid is everywhere. It’s come through my organization. I’m sure thousands of people didn’t know they had it or thought it was something else because the symptoms were mild. To protect yourself you have multiple vaccines and more masks than we know what to do with. We don’t need any further restrictions, mandates, use of passports, or other across the board measures to fight Covid. Even the screening is killing us, forcing people who aren’t sick and their household members to stay home, making staffing difficult. The frontline workers aren’t scared of getting Covid or overwhelmed by cases. They’re burnt out from wearing all this crap and maintaining obsessive-compulsive, over the top protocols. End all restrictions and mandates immediately! Restore freedoms. Respect the Charter. This is Canada!
  11. Yup, people losing their jobs over reasonable concerns. This is what we’ve come to in Canada. Incredible.
  12. The point is, if there’s any substantive question about their value for children, they should NOT be mandatory. Of course!!! Why do people now think this is even a question? What the hell happened to Charter protections?
  13. Almost all US states have ended mask mandates indoors. You’re just so used to them. Normalization of restrictions. Mask mandates should be abolished immediately.
  14. Yeah he’s a phoney. Flowery language coupled with totalitarian policies. Discredit the opposition and hide when the going gets tough.
  15. You’re right. I used to really believe in our public’s courage and ability to think for themselves. I still have hope, but I see a public that has become accustomed to being told what to do. There’s a real sense of powerlessness and resignation. Our governments should’ve encouraged us to take advantage of available protections but to continue to live normal lives. Instead, normal freedoms are being construed as extremist or criminal. It’s really sad. Kids are the biggest victims here. I remember after 9/11 there was a sense of civic duty to continue to live free lives and not let the terrorists destroy our way of life, yet a virus that now impacts most people like the flu has literally gutted our way of life — and that’s with one of the world’s most vaccinated populations. What are we doing?
  16. No one is keeping you from getting a vaccine. You are coerced into having all family members except infants vaccinated. I’m triple-vaxed by the way. My concern is entirely about medical discretion and other critical civil rights that are currently being violated.
  17. Yes and this is the blindness of our zealous governments. They have a list of requirements that people who were born here with citizenship now have to meet in order to enjoy the rights of citizenship. You must carry a vaccine passport with mandatory shots to live freely. What’s more, as an unvaccinated person you will be vilified and mistreated. Instead of racial purity it’s public health purity that our government is pushing at all costs. Our Charter protections are routinely ignored.
  18. False equivalence. First of all, I don’t have to present my immunization records to eat in a restaurant or travel by plane or train from London, Ontario to Ottawa. The C-19 vaccines offer some protection and there is no decisive science on their value in very young children. For many months we were told most unvaccinated kids are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. Some countries aren’t supporting the vaccination of children in their public health policies. How many vaccines would you have required on kids’ passports and how frequently would they need to get them? This is slavery to public health puritanism that isn’t even on solid scientific ground. It’s unethical. I actually can’t believe that this wasn’t at the core of a Charter challenge, but I think many challenges are coming. What a mess. I will tell you this, federal and provincial governments, law suits are coming. Your governments and you personally will share in the liability.
  19. Get real. For some people travel is a necessity. Vaccine passports for children to travel and enjoy basic freedoms is fascist.
  20. Anti-Charter government overreach 100%.
  21. There’s no decision with regard to children if you want to travel outside the country or take planes and trains inside Canada.
  22. Our government supports humanophobia.
  23. That is NOT what the movement and its supporters represent in the least. The game to discredit opponents is to accuse them of racism/misogyny/extremism. Trudeau paints all opponents with the same brush. Jagmeet Singh NDP leader plays this game too, but of course his own brother supports the freedom movement and donated $13,000 to the cause before Singh desperately asked him to rescind it. Lol. Sorry Singh, not going to work this time.
  24. End all restrictions and mandates immediately. Restore freedom and respect our Charter rights. Canada, look at your closest allies. They’re not doing it this way Faith over fear.
  25. Oh I think Canada is very compromised by foreign influence and in real danger of being written off by our allies as unwilling to protect our constitutional democracy. It’s not a future possibility. You’re witnessing the clash of grassroots freedom-loving regular Canadians against an elitist leadership that is totally insulated and disconnected from what essential workers face on the frontlines each day.
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