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Everything posted by Zeitgeist

  1. Protest is illegal in Canada now? Yup, nuff said.
  2. Looks like Britain is the only large western power committed to maintaining democracy. The US is in full-scale culture war. Canada is firmly under socialist control and opposition is discredited. If the situation doesn’t change soon, those who care about freedom with the ability to leave Canada will do so. I trust Westminster over the Canadian Parliament. Canadians aren’t protecting their constitution. It raises serious questions about the value of Confederation.
  3. I want out of Canada right now. I have British citizenship but I can’t roll the dice with employment for my kids’ sake. I keep hoping most Canadians will wake up to the fact that their basic freedoms are suspended indefinitely without reasonable justification, but I think many people here have given up. No one wants to be fired or canceled for questioning government policies. Look how average people supporting the convoy are treated by government and media. The PM won’t even meet with the leaders.
  4. Unfortunately Canada isn’t as free as the United States, but the states also vary in their levels of freedom. California and New York states are marginally freer than most Canadian provinces right now, but Americans are fleeing California and New York for states like Florida and Texas. Even Democrats are making the move. When even members of the radical Democratic wing are vacationing in Florida to feel free again (AOC), well, actions speak louder than words. The point is that freedom has tremendous inherent value. The importance of the truck convoy is preventing government from being able to violate our rights and freedoms at will. In Canada, individuals don’t have discretion over their own healthcare. Don’t obey the mandates and your basic citizens’ rights are removed. It’s totalitarian.
  5. Great Britain ends all vaccine mandates. Canadians, oppose your government’s totalitarian policies. Defend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms! https://apple.news/ARXBSHRF9SFiLyITAYziCQA
  6. It’s interesting. I had a few conversations with well-respected people in my organization’s community the past couple of days. The impression overall is that Trudeau’s communications and PR people have made an unconvincing attempt to paint the protests as radical. Ottawa’s own police force said that there haven’t been any riots or violence. The so-called vandalism of national monuments consisted of a flag and sign on Terry Fox saying, “Mandate Freedom” and some urine at the foot of the war memorial which might have come from a dog. The protest has been a mostly folksy grassroots movement supported by families who are desperate to get back to having normal lives They are protesting government overreach Thank God! Protests will soon take place in Quebec where Premier Legault has realized that the public is against further alienating unvaccinated essential workers and restrictions in general. I think most provincial governments and the federal government are placing a losing bet associating themselves with continued restrictions, which are absolutely a violation of Charter rights. The opposition is strong but needs unification and a confident clear message that laughs off the inevitable attempt to use identity politics to discredit valid concerns. Our mainstream media is still largely supporting the government, but the cracks are growing. The Conservative leader’s attempt to mimic Liberal messaging to win support is a clear failure. People are crying out for a real opposition, a real choice that’s against government overreach, high taxes (including carbon taxes), and brutal regulations on resource development. The Wall Street Journal has it pegged: https://apple.news/A7oaj5j5dRe6b0iZdrMH48g
  7. No that’s enough of mandates and restrictions after two years of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines up the wazoo. Let people protect themselves as they see fit.
  8. You’re not allowed to board a plane or interprovincial train unless you’re vaccinated in Canada. Unvaccinated people can travel to and from the UK, no vaccine passport required.
  9. So much for anti-establishment hippie street cred.
  10. It may be time to pack in Confederation. Not interested in living under dictatorship.
  11. I know that. I posted that information. I’m sure I’ve already read more than you’ll read in your lifetime.
  12. It’s dawning on the population the lengths our leadership will go to pressure the unvaccinated and trample their civil rights. I think the majority are realizing that such mistreatment of people who are asking for medical discretion violates our Charter rights and can take many other forms of oppression if ignored. Either our rights are protected or they aren’t. The burden of proof for suspending citizens’ rights is high. Vaccine passports don’t meet the criteria because it’s unreasonable to suspend people’s access to basic freedoms like using a train when people have ample measures to protect themselves from Covid, including vaccines, masks, and antiviral treatments. Basically the civil liberties of an entire population are being suspended without reasonable justification.
  13. I work on the frontline as an essential worker. Do you?
  14. This article characterizes our plight quite well: https://apple.news/AYgPGSPSiQiqoFg8fQSiilA
  15. Do you know what any of it means? No
  16. Frontline workers are burnt out from managing Covid protocols, not from fear of getting Covid. Our ICU’s aren’t full. Stop exaggerating. Staff shortages are almost always due to absurd and over the top Covid protocols. Life will never be risk free. We can’t live like neurotic obsessive-compulsives, shutting down normal human behaviour for what is now a flu-like disease for the vast majority of people. We’ve compromised our freedoms in ways we haven’t absorbed. I’m not sure they’ll return. Opponents of totalitarianism are branded extremists by our federal government. That is our reality.
  17. You’re talking about enslavement of the population to satisfy the selfishness of hypochondriacs who have unprecedented ample protections: vaccination, masking, antiviral treatment…No, you don’t get to shit all over our Charter rights. We’ve endured two years of lockdowns and restrictions. Mental health and businesses destroyed. Education badly compromised. Families kept apart. It’s insane. If it was ever warranted it most certainly no longer is. 90% of our population is vaccinated. People have lost jobs because of mandates. People must accept state-dictated healthcare and show proof to access basic freedoms. No no no!!!!!!!
  18. Well Hobbes’ Leviathan needs to be constrained to prevent despotism. Trudeau is an unconstrained despot.
  19. My goodness these young adults are enemies of the state. Demanding food from a homeless shelter? What next, vaccine passports?
  20. I think that the Liberal Party of Canada should be sued for false advertising. There’s nothing liberal about the Liberal Party. That word comes from the French Revolution idea of laissez faire. It’s the idea that government should not dictate the particulars of one’s life or limit freedoms except where absolutely necessary. It’s the old Rousseau idea that “Man is born free yet is everywhere in chains.” Vaccination passports to enjoy basic freedoms, restrictions on movement, mandatory face coverings, and other extreme state controls over human behaviour must bear a high threshold of justification to prevent tyranny. Canada hasn’t been occupied like Denmark. We didn’t have to have a revolution to gain our freedoms (the Americans did and the Brits had to provide greater freedoms to attract Loyalists). The history of democracy is one of continuous struggle for rights and freedoms. We must never slide back into tyranny. Freedoms are easily removed if we don’t demand their protection. Protect our Charter rights!
  21. The government is desperately trying to flog restrictions and mandates when Omicron is everywhere, most people are vaccinated, and the PPE and vaccine piles are miles high for anyone who wants them. ICU’s aren’t full and hospitalizations are declining. This is a story about government trying to maintain controls that violate our Charter of Rights and freedoms. I guess after all this spending, procurement, and fear porn, some of it justified early on, government is struggling to change course. Freedom shouldn’t be politicized in Canada, but since the Liberal government insists on vilifying anyone who protests restrictions and mandates, the Liberals can be known as the Oppression Party, supporting arbitrary and harsh violations of our rights and freedoms every day. Your tax dollars at work.
  22. End all testing requirements at the border, ports, and airports. We should also end the requirement of vaccination and vaccine passports. Canada must be free. ?? https://apple.news/AQmzuvbtCQcOyY0R-P6OkWg
  23. No, Britain is maintaining rights and freedoms. Unvaccinated Brits are allowed to travel internationally and re-enter Great Britain. God save the Queen! ??
  24. Name one act of violence against the government. Silly remarks. I don’t think twenty-somethings asking for dinner at the shelter counts.
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