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Posts posted by blackbird
1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:
Why don’t you have this same humility regarding the Theory of Evolution?
You are 100% incorrect about that.
A scientific theory is the opposite of speculation. Germs are a fact, and yet it’s called a theory. Gravity is a fact, yet it’s called a theory. The same is true of evolution.
But other Christians say the exact same thing, and yet you believe they are following the devil.
The theory of evolution contradicts the Bible and has been shown to be false.
I don't see the point of debating gravity or the definition of a theory.
Not sure what your point is. Satan is the prince of this world and millions are deceived by him.
1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:
How do I tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Devil, if the Devil has the ability to fool us?
Is there a thing called Germ Theory of Disease?
Theory of Gravity?
Do you know what a theory is when the term is used within science?
Do you think the biochemists, pathologists, biologists, etc involved in creating vaccines believe in the Theory of Evolution?
There are several basic principles to interpreting Scripture.
1. “INTERPRET LITERALLY (i.e. NORMALLY or NATURALLY).” In other words, take the words at "face value." Take the words & verses to mean just what they normally mean, unless there is clear evidence in the text itself that they should be taken symbolically.
2. The "Golden Principle of Bible Interpretation": "When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense. Therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic (self-evident) and fundamental truths indicate clearly otherwise." David L. Cooper.
Principles-of-Bible-Interpretation-full-paper.pdf (bbc-madison.org)
If you follow these principles you should be following the leading of the Holy Spirit, not the Devil.
I am not familiar with the germ theory of disease.
I am not a scientist so can't comment on the theory of gravity, but if there a theory on it, it is probably reasonable. We all experience gravity so we know it exists.
I believe theory in the scientific realm is speculation about something where it has not been proven by the scientific method.
Yes, many scientists likely believe in the theory of evolution, but many of them may not have given any serious examination of it from the point of view of those who have debunked it. Most people who do not believe the Bible likely do not even know the creationist point of view. You can read articles on the subject of creation at creation.com
48 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:
Got your MAGA hat?
44 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:
If it’s based on faith, then how can we tell that they’re in error?
And you do not accept the science of evolution.
So why do you accept the science on vaccines and not the science when it comes to evolution?
It takes study and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to tell truth from error.
Evolution is not science. It is called the theory of evolution. You used the wrong word. The theory has been debunked by many including scientists.
The science on the success of vaccines has been well-established over the decades. It has saved millions of lives.
24 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:
Most people don't need protection. Giving them a jab was pointless..
The person themselves might not need protection, but you remember we live in a collective society which means we need to protect each other and not be spreading it around. That's what vaccination helps to do. Granted it's not 100% effective, but it reduces the chances of spread and reduces the number of people filling up hospitals. That's why as many people as possible need to be vaccinated to beat this thing.
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2 hours ago, Accountability Now said:
Ok...so you are just talking about after vaccination
Ok....but you need to rationalize a few things on the deaths:
1. They are just starting to correct themselves by identifying Covid deaths due to Covid versus people that died while having Covid.
2. The vast majority of Covid deaths involve people with pre-existing conditions. I can't speak for US numbers but I know the Alberta stats show that 96% of deaths involve people with pre-existing conditions. I believe there was a stat in the US a while back that said 94% of their deaths were the same but I can't find it. This doesn't mean to show these deaths aren't real however it should show you that the risk factor (when discussing death) is not the same for people with no conditions.
I guess we will have to wait and see if the vaccine causes any long term issues that cause death.
There you go again making a binary statement on a situation that is very complex. A 20 year old with no heath complications has next to zero chance of dying from Covid yet could end up with myocarditis from the shot which probably won't kill him then but may factor into his death years later. For his age group, the risk to reward is not FAR FAR GREATER.
Move that up a number of year to the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions and I would agree with you.
You trying to divide people with medical conditions pre-dispose them to dying with Covid doesn't really have a place in this discussion because everyone has a right to live. The health measures are there to protect everyone. Covid is far more than a flu and causes widespread death. Over five million people on earth have died from Covid. So I don't accept your reasoning that you seem to be heading toward that we shouldn't protect people who are more likely to die if they get Covid. Everyone should be protected by society in as much as is reasonably possible. This is what society in general has tried to do in the past two years.
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28 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:
So as long as you only read why Islam isn’t real, you will realize why Islam isn’t real.
I don’t find that a good way to get to the truth. As I said, if evidence is off the table, then everything is possible everything is equally as likely.Bible Vs Quran (Koran): 12 Big Differences (Which Is Right?) (biblereasons.com)
24 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:
So as long as you only read why Islam isn’t real, you will realize why Islam isn’t real.
I don’t find that a good way to get to the truth. As I said, if evidence is off the table, then everything is possible everything is equally as likely.The bible teaches that the bible is true. This is all circular reasoning.
I want to know why your interpretation is the correct one. How do we tell, if everything is just based on how you feel about it?A lot of anti vaxxers use the bible as the foundation for why they won’t get a vaccine. How can you tell that they’re wrong?
The nature of the Koran and it's author (Mohammed) essentially eliminate any credibility in it.
The Bible on the other hand gives a complete credible accounting of God's dealing with Israel and mankind that makes complete sense. I believe the King James Version is the inspired Bible in English. It is based on the Received Text. Many of the writers and people recorded in the Bible had personal encounters with God that are very credible. Moses for example, who led the people of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. Other men who wrote parts or books of the Bible give very credible accounts of their encounters with God. Many fulfilled prophecies recorded in the Old Testament were fulfilled in some cases centuries later. These are a few reasons it is believable. Not just because the Bible itself teaches it is true. There is far more to it than that.
Nothing is based on how I feel about it. Each person has to have their own faith. Your faith in the Bible and God has to be based on your own belief about it. You don't have to believe me on anything. You are free to research it, study it, and come to your own conclusions.
I realize a lot of anti-vaxxers are Christians / Bible believers. I believe they are in serious error. They do not accept the science. That is a whole different topic which I won't delve into there. I trust the authorities on vaccination. The Bible says in Romans ch13 God ordained authorities and we are to obey them.
2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:
I asked about all the different gods. If evidence is off the table, which one should we pick, and why? A Muslim could look at the Koran and say the exact same thing that you just did, with the same level of confidence and the same justifications, couldn’t they?
Granting that your god is the best one (although, we still have no reasons why we should choose your god), can you and I look at the same passage in the bible and come to a completely different understanding?
What you're asking is a little more involved subject. You would have to do a bit of studying of the Bible and learn the difference between the teachings of the false religions and the God of the Bible. Islam and the Koran are easily debunked with a little reading. Try using a search engine and enter the words " Islam and the Bible but be careful you don't just read some Islamic website. There are lots of those. If you study the Bible a bit you will learn a lot of reason why the Bible is far superior to other religions.. The Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years by about 40 different authors (66 books) in the King James Bible. They were inspired by God to write the Bible. I can't really go into all the difference on here as the volume of information involved. You have to look at the founder of Islam, Mohammed, and see what kind of character he was and the claims he made when he wrote the Koran. There is no comparison with the Bible and the men who wrote the Bible. The Bible is centred around Jesus Christ, who the Bible says is the image of God or Son of God. He was raised from the dead and seen by many eye witnesses as recorded in the New Testament. In the Bible God is actually three persons in one. He is not three Gods, but one God in three persons, the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit). He is separate from his creation. The Bible says he is a spirit. He is different than the false gods in other religions in a number of ways. The God of the Bible is also a Spirit who is present everywhere. He is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and eternal (always existed). So God send his Son, Jesus, to earth to take on a human nature and body for the purpose of atoning for man's sin. The Bible teaches we are all fallen, corrupt sinners. Other religions do not have this and they do not have an atonement for sin. The God of the Bible is personally knowable and any individual can have a personal relationship with him. The Bible teaches this. God wants all to come into a personal relationship with him and thereby receive eternal life. Other religions don't have this. Yes, we can look at the same verse and come to different understandings. That is common in the world. That is why there are thousands of different denominations. But most denominations do agree on certain basic fundamental teachings about God. The Bible often has to be used to interpret itself, that is, scripture interprets scripture. Sometimes it involves understanding the context. Sometimes it requires understanding the Bible is divided into dispensations or ages of time.
2 minutes ago, Moonbox said:
Unless I'm mistaken, most of those deaths aren't even attributed to the vaccines. They're people who died after getting the vaccine, but other than a tiny handful who had blood clots or other rare complications, they weren't caused by the vaccine.
Folks here will be quick to scoff at the distinction, but if you vaccinate 500,000,000 people there are bound to be some that just drop dead randomly on certain days regardless of whether or not they got the vaccine shortly before. Because there will be a record of recent vaccination, doctors etc will examine those deaths but they determine that almost none of them were vaccine-related.You are correct. How many thousands of people die naturally every day in a country of 338 million people. Probably quite a few. Many die of natural causes, diseases, auto accidents, shootings, etc. etc. So the claim that 6,000 plus died after they were vaccinated does not really mean the vaccine caused it. We don't know the time frame either or the health condition of the people who died. But since some website bring this up, it must be dealt with on a rational basis.
32 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:
If evidence for a god is off the table, then how would we know which god is the right one? By having such a standard, haven’t you relegated all gods to be equally as likely?
The Bible is the answer as to which God. The creation demonstrates that God exists. The Bible is inspired by God and describes who this God is.
The number of Covid deaths in the U.S. has reached at least 920,959. The number of deaths from vaccination out of 527,784,089 vaccinations administered (if the deaths were caused by the vaccination, which has not been proven) is over 6,000 according to VAERS. 83,400 plus of the Covid deaths were unvaccinated people. So that works out to 0.0018% or 18 deaths per million people vaccinated and it's not clear that the cause was the vaccine in all cases. Calculate the number of Covid deaths per million people. It works out to 2725 deaths per million people. It is far greater than the number of deaths from the vaccine, 18, if indeed the vaccine caused some deaths.
The conclusion is that the facts and statistics show the chances of death from Covid are far, far greater from Covid than from vaccination. So it is irresponsible to spread anti-vaxxer fear mongering. That kind of thing costs more people their lives.
2 hours ago, Accountability Now said:
You really need to clarify your comments. Are you saying no deaths from vaccine induced myocarditis or myocarditis in general? Its well documented that deaths are linked to myocarditis.
Well....the recently released John Hopkins study would disagree with you on this.
I was incorrect. One website says the number of deaths in the U.S. after vaccination was 0.0018%. It says 527,784,089 people were vaccinated. This works out to 18 deaths per one million people. But it also points out the deaths occurred some time after vaccination; they said they have not confirmed that the deaths were a result of the vaccination or some other cause.
The number of Covid deaths in the U.S. has reached at least 920,959. The number of deaths from vaccination out of 527, 784,089 vaccinated (if the deaths were caused by the vaccination) is over 6,000 according to VAERS. 83,400 plus of the Covid deaths were unvaccinated people.
The conclusion is that the facts and statistics show the chances of death from Covid are far, far greater from Covid than from vaccination. So it is irresponsible to spread anti-vaxxer fear mongering. That kind of thing costs more people their lives.
Just now, TreeBeard said:
If evolution fails to explain something, is that evidence for a god?
The Bible assumes from the start that God is. There is no need to provide "scientific" evidence according to some kind of formula. The evidence for God is all around you in the creation. Only the blind claim they want evidence.
A colony for anti-vaxers, anti restrictions people is being started in Paraguay. Good place for the freedom convoy crowd on here to move to.
1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:
I want to be free of ineffective health restrictions
and save lives with actual effective measures that don't involve stripping people of their God given rights
There is no "God given right" to infect other people with Covid and kill them.
2 minutes ago, blackbird said:
You're the one who seems to not care about protecting people from Covid. You want to be "free" from health restrictions.
1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:
you can have it both ways
the mandates and restrictions are killing more than they save
guess you want people to die on top of being stripped of their God given rights
You're the one who seems to not care about protecting people from Covid. You want to be "free" from health restrictions.
Just now, Infidel Dog said:
Why do you? Adverse affects of the "vaccine" such as Myocarditis kill people. The suicide rate (especially among young people) sky rocketed during the mandates.
Why do you want to kill children?
People don't die from myocarditis. It is rare and it is treatable. I don't think people are committing suicide. But thousands of people could die if there are no restrictions and mandates.
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Just now, Yzermandius19 said:
I'm not
I am against stripping people of their God given rights
for mandates and restrictions that aren't worth that cost
You can't have it both ways. You either kill people with Covid or you save their lives with some restrictions when health authorities advise. Guess you want people to die.
1 minute ago, Infidel Dog said:
The political pressures for vaccine mandates has everything to do with Big Pharma.
Ridiculous. It's all about saving lives. Why do you want people to die?
Just now, Yzermandius19 said:
because that doesn't fit his freedom hating confirmation bias
Why are you against saving lives or old people and others?
Just now, Yzermandius19 said:
but that blindness is from the freedom haters
Bull. Why do you want old people and others to die of Covid when it can be prevented or reduced?
1 minute ago, Infidel Dog said:
You don't really have to be an expert to see there's folly in comparing different stats to different countries and hoping to make a point. There are too many contradictory stats and anybody with a link to charts can find those contradictions.
For example you were impressed by some Big Pharma stenographer comparing Canadian per capita death stats to the UK or America.
Very well. Now do Japan.
Japan is 163 deaths per million. Canada is 930.
Japan has never had Vaccine mandates. You can get Ivermectin there.
It's a simple fact the death rates in the UK and the US were far higher than Canada. Has nothing to do with "big pharma".
Trucker's Convoy
in Federal Politics in Canada
One thing we are learning from the blockage of the Ambassador bridge is Canada is far too dependent on one bridge as it's lifeline for food and trade especially for the automotive parts industry between Detroit and Windsor, Canada. Experts are now pointing out this weakness. Canada is extremely dependent on the southern U.S. and Mexico as it's agricultural food source and much of it comes across this one bridge. So any event that cuts this bridge off is catastrophic for Canada. Anything like a natural disaster, earthquake, terrorist attack, or simply a domestic blockage by any extremist protest group puts Canada in a stranglehold. It's time for politicians to wake up and find solutions to this weakness. To begin with, it should be legally designated as out of bounds for any protest group or blockading and be under constant guard from such actions. There should be immediate action taken if it is attacked again and serious consequences. It should be considered as an act of war.
Blockades show Canada ‘too reliant’ on Ambassador Bridge, experts say (msn.com)