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Posts posted by blackbird

  1. "Wow. In just a couple of days, over 2,000 British Columbians signed the petition in support of standing up for BC Forestry jobs. Sign yourself and share at: https://www.ellisrosscampaign.ca/forestry
    The NDP are jeopardizing 18,000 jobs which put food on the table for BC forestry families. This is wrong! It's time to stop playing politics and stand up for BC Forestry."
    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    The Canadian Government's policy to begin limiting carbon emissions is the right direction. 

    I can see we're drifting too far off topic, so I will let most of what you said pass for now except the last sentence is more closely related.  I disagree with all your other comments in that last post as well but won't go into it here.  I think I would be wasting our time.

    You obviously believe the hoax of man-made climate change.  You will pay for that because governments at all levels are making you pay for carbon emissions, even if it doesn't do anything to stop climate change and it won't.  Man-made climate change has never been proven.  Do you have any proof that man is causing it at all?  Didn't think so.

    Dr. Suzuki is more of a CBC television radical environmentalist cult leader than anything. 

    For a guy that makes much of fighting climate change and carbon emissions, he sure emits a lot of CO2 with all four of his mansions plus jetting around.  He's all talk:  do as I say, not as I do.

    " OTTAWA — Green sage David Suzuki has some expensive tastes for someone who wants to shut down the carbon economy within a generation.

    QMI Agency has learned that Suzuki, who's made a name for himself fighting for the environment and against development, owns four homes, including one property he co-owns with a fossil fuels company.

    His primary abode is a sprawling mansion in the Kitsilano neighbourhood of Vancouver, worth approximately $8.2 million.

    At Occupy Vancouver, Suzuki extolled the virtues of his anti-corporate agenda and condemned excess.

    He owns another slightly more modest property in the Kitsilano neighbourhood. Its value is listed as $1.01 million.

    Suzuki owns a waterfront property on the Quadra Island area off the B.C. coast, that appears from photos to be something of a cottage getaway, complete with boat dock. The property is valued at $1.1 million.

    Perhaps most interesting is a property on Nelson Island of which Suzuki is one of several co-owners listed on a B.C. land title registry, another of which includes Kootenay Oil Distributors.

    Nelson Island is predominantly forested with little economic activity and a tiny permanent population."  David Suzuki a man of property | Toronto Sun  

    "David Suzuki has spent years telling Canadians that we all need to pay carbon taxes and reduce our carbon footprint. Yet, Suzuki himself loves to travel and has a massive carbon footprint."

      CRAIG: David Suzuki's carbon footprint is immense | Toronto Sun


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  3. 1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    When I want to know something about physics, I turn to Professor Hawking. For genetics, Dr. Suzuki, and for theology, I ask Professor Jobling from St. Andrews College.

    "In response to criticism, Hawking has said; "One can't prove that God doesn't exist, but science makes God unnecessary." When pressed on his own religious views by the Channel 4 documentary Genius of Britain, he has clarified that he does not believe in a personal God." stephen hawking criticism - Bing

    The Bible says "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. " Psalm 14:1 KJB  Since Hawking said he does not believe in a personal God, it seems he is at odds with the teachings of the Bible.  So I'm not sure where that puts him on the scale of wisdom versus foolishness.

    Down Under blunder: David Suzuki unmasked as a know-nothing huckster on Australian TV | Toronto Sun

    For theology you have an infinite resource in the Bible and countless knowledgeable theologians and Bible scholars, many of whom have their information on the internet; I'm not sure how Professor Jobling could be the answer to everything or why anyone would say they go to a professor instead of the source of all spiritual knowledge,  the God in the Bible.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    I'll believe people who know what they are talking about like Steven Hawking instead of some random anonymous name on the internet.

    I'm  not sure why anyone would put much credence in anything a well known atheist would say about the future.

    "One more word of clarification about the so-called “end” of the world. In speaking this way neither the Scriptures nor I are suggesting that human existence on earth will ever end. What the Bible tells us is that human history in its present form or shape will come to an end. But God’s people will continue to live forever and ever on a new and redeemed earth, an earth that is free from pollution, free from corruption, free from natural disasters, free from the effects of sinful human beings, free from war and pestilence and disease, free from the presence of Satan and his demonic forces, an earth that will be glorified and transformed to serve as the habitation in eternity for those whom Jesus Christ has redeemed and saved by his cross and resurrection (for this, see Revelation 21-22)."   

    Stephen Hawking, the End of the World, and the Bible - The Aquila Report

    Better to read and study the Bible and trust in Jesus than put trust in man.

  5. For those who think they are losing their freedoms or that the Covid restrictions are onerous, be prepared.  This W5 CTV program is predicting another pandemic and it could come from anywhere and be worse than the Covid pandemic.

    Best you read the Bible and make sure you have salvation.  Only Jesus Christ saves.  Believe the Bible.  Ultimately the Bible, God and Jesus are the ultimate answer because the pandemic could take your life.  And then what?  


  6. 1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

    End all restrictions and vaccine mandates immediately. That’s quite enough trouncing on people’s health privacy and discretion. We’ve got about 90-92% of Canadians aged 12 and up with at least one vaccination and 80-85% fully vaxxed. Clearly the hospitals are quiet. Hospitalization and death rates are low and will likely remain so. The vulnerable age groups can be vaxxed if they want to be vaxxed.  People have had their pay suspended or have been fired en masse.  Nice.  At this point if you’re worried about getting Covid, mask up, wash your hands compulsively, etc.   We’ve lived under 20 months of public health technocratic fascism.  It needs to stop.  Push back or continue to live as slaves.

    Wearing a mask indoors and showing a vaccine passport is hardly like slavery.  Ridiculous comment.  We are still in the pandemic and statistics show there are still lots of deaths every day and new cases.  Lockdowns have been lifted and replaced by more relaxed measures like continued masking and passports for restaurants and gyms.  So what is the problem?  You are not under onerous health guidelines.  Vaccine mandates are necessary to protect the people working and patients in hospitals and care homes.  Nobody should have the right to infect other people if it can be avoided.  Getting rid of these requirements would just cause the number of cases to climb and put innocent people at greater risk of catching it from the people who refuse to get vaccinated.  It is pretty stupid to advocate getting rid of restrictions and mandates.  Those measures are there for the same reason we have speed limits, seat belts, stop signs and forbid drunk driving. Think about others for a change.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Goddess said:

    Which "experts"?  The ones that receive funding from Big Pharma?

    Because the science says different.

    We are living in the me first generation, when many under 50 or 60 just don't care about the older people or others in general.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Goddess said:

    How many healthy children and young adults have to die or be permanently disabled before you feel "safe"?

    Very few children or young adults have died or been disabled by vaccination.  You need to get out of the dark ages.  Vaccination has saved millions of lives in the last 75 years.  Covid is no different.  The rare case gets pericarditis but this is usually just temporary and is treatable.  People do not die.  If anyone died, it would be extremely rare.  Covid is a much worse risk.  You must be reading the conspiracy websites.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Goddess said:

    How many healthy children and young adults have to die or be permanently disabled before you feel "safe"?

    Frankly that comment doesn't make any sense.  Experts tell us that young people are in danger of more harm from Covid than vaccination.  I will stick to my belief that society in general needs to be protected from Covid.  

  10. 2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

    It's ironic that you chose to use the words "I can see why" in the same sentence where you just proved that you don't understand the topic at all.

    Healthy people under 50 are at basically no risk at all of dying from covid. You need to understand that last sentence in order to weigh in on the topic with any credibility at all blackbird. It's all right here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1228632/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-age/

    If you look at the graph then you can see that only about 630 Canadians under 50 died of covid since the very beginning.

    That's 630 people out of approximately 25,000,000, or one out of every 40,000 or so Canadians under 50.

    Just think about the unhealthiest <50 person out of 40,000..... that's who died of covid under 50 yrs old.

    Tell me blackbird, why do 25 million Canadians under 50 need to get vaccinated if the vaccine works? By your own logic - "the vaccines work" - so if we just protect the people 50+ (more realistically 65+) then there should be almost no covid deaths. 

    Why do people between 12-30 need to get vaccinated blackbird? Look at the stats and then come up with a realistic answer, not some fear mongering bullshit (Big Pharma propaganda) that you heard from Fauci. 

    It's alarming how many prominent pro-choice activists die of 'covid', because it's far higher than the statistics would predict. Parhar doesn't look like the 1/40,000. 

    There are no 'deniers', just people who follow stats and know how to interpret them.

    When a fat 59 yr old, like famous "anti-vaxxer" that died in England last year, dies of covid, it's because he didn't understand that he was actually in the target demographic. 


    Just remember this: the Spanish Flu and the various 'plagues' are not comparables for covid at all

    Anyone who talks about those things and then mixes covid in with them is a pure idiot.

    Some of the hardest-hit demographics with Spanish flu were 28 yr-old men and pregnant wormen. IE, the healthiest people of all were at a very high risk from the Spanish flu. Covid is THE EXACT OPPOSITE of that. 66% of the people who died from covid in Canada were over 80 years old, but only 4% of our population is in that group. 


    Blackbird, please understand that covid almost exclusively kills very old people with co-morbidities. Outside of that it's a bad flu. That's step 1. 

    Also note that children who would have a 99.999% chance of surviving covid have died or gotten extremely severe side-effects from the vaccinations, such as pericarditis and myocarditis, so getting the shot is actually worse for them than covid. That's step 2. 

    You're not just asking people to do something that's extremely safe which offers them some kind of benefit, you're forcing people to take an experimental dose of medication that doesn't really work, which wears off, which still allows for the spread of covid, and which comes with its own serious health risks. 

    If you took it, good for you. Just know that unless you're extremely old or very unhealthy, it's not doing anything at all for you. If you're not in one of the aforementioned categories then you're just padding the stats for the vaccines, because your risk level didn't change at all. In any event, you will surely still spread covid if you're exposed to it, and you can still get sick and die. Those are the facts. But go ahead and try to force everyone else to take it, just because you did.


    Covid nazis remind me of my fellow strata owners back when I owned my condo, and there was a vote coming up about pet restrictions. I asked some people in the elevator how they were going to vote, and a common answer was "I don't have any pets so I'm voting to get rid of them." I'd say "Why, do you hear barking or meowing? Do you smell pet odours, or get bothered by animals in common areas?" They'd say "Nope, I just don't don't have one". Me: "Why don't you want other people to have them then? Do you think that it will raise or lower the value of our condos if we can't have pets anymore? Do you know that people who live here won't be able to get another cat or dog when their current pet dies, so they will be forced to move if they want another pet?" Then.... "Duh, I didn't think of any of those things." Bloody morons. FWIW the pet restrictions remained unchanged.  

    Everyone has to do their part to stop the spread of Covid.  It doesn't matter what age one is.  They can still spread it.  The experts say unvaccinated people spread is more than vaccinated people.  So just because someone is younger than 50 or 60, doesn't mean they should not get vaccinated.  Everyone should do their part to protect Canadians.  Vaccination is a simple quick thing.  Showing a vaccine passport is easy and only takes seconds.

  11. 2 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

    It's not just me, Buddy. The fact is out there anywhere you want to look. There have been studies.

    Sorry it bothers you, but sometimes facts will do that. You just have to learn to live with them.

    I never said there were no obese people.  You misread my comment.  All I'm saying is obesity doesn't mean we should not try to save people from Covid.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

    Boges needs a number for his diversionary trip down the Obesity rabbit hole. Very well, try this one from May.


    The Public Health Agency of Canada lists people with severe obesity, or a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, as among those at risk of more severe disease or outcomes from COVID-19.

    Around the world, numerous studies have shown that people with obesity face a greater risk of severe illness from COVID-19, with one meta-analysis suggesting that individuals with obesity face a 113 per cent increased risk of hospitalization and 48 per cent increase in death."



    And here's an interesting opinion from some site I'm not familiar with:


    It has been known since this pandemic began that there was a link between obesity and death from this virus. However, new studies show how strong that connection is. While we always knew that the elderly with comorbidities are at much greater risk of hospitalization and death, we now understand that one of their lethal comorbidities is almost always obesity.

    Most people of all ages who died from COVID-19 were overweight. These studies show that nations that do not have our obesity problem have as little as 1/10th the death rate. In essence, thin countries had no pandemic—only a normal flu year. Ours was really an obesity epidemic."


    Assuming you're correct and obesity is a contributing factor to death for Covid patients, it still does not mean Canada should not do everything reasonable to save their lives.  Many people are obese for various reasons but in our system they are still entitled to health care and whatever can be done to save their lives.  Our health care system does not discriminate between people based on their weight.  The best care available still might not save a lot of them, but the health care professionals must do what they can.

  13. The third world countries are demanding the developed countries pay them for "causing climate change".  Already Trudeau and his cohorts in the U.N. have promised to give the third world 100 billion dollars to help them fight or ameliorate climate change.  This whole thing is dominated by the Marxist U.N. which is made up of about 200 countries, most of which are dictatorships or Marxists states.  They decide what the U.N. IPCC, more of a political body than a scientific group, will set as objectives.  Obviously the main objective will be to extort as much money as possible from the developed  countries.  Get ready for climate change alarmists in our country to turn their attention to everyone's every day life and look for anything that might release CO2.  They have already started talking about medical devices people use.  We will be punished just for living and will be taxed and fined for everything we do.  WE already are to a certain extent with the carbon tax scam.  The mainstream media is fully on the climate alarmism bandwagon.  We never hear opposing views on MSM.  They have effectively been silenced.  Cities and small towns have already started to declare climate emergencies, supposedly to give themselves the power to tax and charge every citizen for living.  This already started in my town with the distribution of new garbage collection system.  They delivered two large bins to every household, one for Organics and the Other for Recyclables.  We also have the original garbage container.  Everything must be separated, cleaned, and put in the appropriate bins.  Glass jars and plastic bags must be taken to the recycle depot by the citizens.  They also increased the monthly charge for collection by $4 per month or $48 per year.  But this could be just the tip of the iceberg of what is coming down the road.  People need to inform themselves about what is happening with this fake man-made global warming issue and stand up to defend their cities and country from the radical climate change politicians and alarmists.  Canada is in a dangerous place because politicians have been brow-beaten into accepting the madness.  There is no party for those of us who oppose this insanity.  Nobody wants to be known as a denier.  It has rapidly grown into a huge cult.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Shady said:

    Complete and utter nonsense.  The plague was far deadlier.  Covid has a survival rate of 99.5+ per cent.  It's almost exclusively deadly to older people with comorbidities.  That's why the average age of a covid death in Ontario is 83.  

    There have also been lots of younger people who died from Covid and others who suffer from long term medical problems.  But who cares?  Why bother protecting the elderly or anyone else?

  15. 2 hours ago, myata said:

    No, don't reflect your own problem. An enforcement is not just a word. There is enforcement and enforcement including, dictatorial, authoritarian and democratic ones. And the latter one presumes and requires of any authority accountability, oversight and recourse to prevent wrong and harmful decisions. And this is clearly not the case, here at least. Question closed.

    This of course directly relates to the well known issue of authority vs accountability. A dictator can write themselves any laws endowing them with any powers. That does not mean that they are seen as legitimate by the society. Without accountability in real, ongoing and demonstrable way a government moves to authoritarianism no matter formal ornaments and justifications.

    "A Canadian man has died two weeks after he boasted about having Covid-19 symptoms while insisting the virus isn’t real in a livestreamed video.

    Mak Parhar was found dead by paramedics at his home in New Westminster, British Columbia, on Thursday morning. His cause of death is still under investigation, Global News reported.

    Mr Parhar, who was an outspoken opponent of Canada’s mask and vaccine mandates throughout the pandemic, dismissed the existence of Covid-19 — which he referred to as “convid” — in an October 21 Twitch livestream.

    He reported experiencing several symptoms associated with the virus, including a cough, chills and fatigue, but said they were “not convid because convid doesn’t exist”.

    In another video posted on Wednesday, just hours before his death, Mr Parhar said he was feeling better and revealed he had recently taken ivermectin, an anti-parasite medication that has been promoted in conservative circles as a treatment for Covid-19 despite a lack of conclusive evidence that it helps people with the virus."

    Man dies two weeks after sharing video boasting about Covid-19 symptoms but saying virus wasn’t real (msn.com)

    Very tragic.  Sounds like someone you would agree with.

    In vaccine-wary Latvia, bodies pile up in hospital morgue (msn.com)


  16. 7 minutes ago, myata said:

    Sure, and Russia, China and North Korea all have great government enforcements. I heard there's a country Tajikistan where Covid does not exist officially. Great enforcement does that, you know.

    Your problem seems to be you look at everything is either black or white, when in fact the world is a complex place.  Government control or intervention to save lives and protect the health of society has never been considered as authoritarian as Russia, China, or N. Korea.  Nobody stops you from writing and saying what you want in this country, but if you lived in China or N. Korea you would be very careful what you say or you would keep quiet.  In N. Korea you must also dress a certain way and are not allowed to dress in a way the government does not approve of.  You are not free to do much other than what the Communist government approves of.  You must worship the dear leader. 

    Here, even though you are required to show a vaccine passport to get into a restaurant, you have choices.   You can get vaccinated which is a simple thing and only takes a few minutes or you can refuse and you can get take out food.  Wearing a mask to protect others inside buildings or crowded areas is not an infringement of rights.  It's a minor inconvenience similar to wearing a seatbelt of obeying the traffic lights or speed limits. 

     You can worship what you want, watch whatever kind of movies you want, read what you want and dress how you want.   All of that is controlled or not allowed in China or N. Korea.  So I don't see any comparison with Canada or the west.  So I think you should do some studying and increase your knowledge of the real world.

  17. 31 minutes ago, myata said:

    With no accountability; oversight; and recourse Canada now has to be officially recognized as a health-authoritarian state. Well, that was easy.

    With all the Covid deniers, anti-maskers, anti-mandate people, I can see why we need government regulations and enforcement.  Sadly a prominent well-known Covid denier in the Vancouver area recently died likely of Covid, although he denied it up to the end.  There have been lots of anti-mandate and Covid deniers who were converted on their death bed and admitted they were wrong.  There have also been other deniers who went to their grave denying Covid and opposing mandates.  A strange world we live in.  The large number of deniers does go to prove why we need government and health authorities intervention.  Without them far more of us would be dead.  It would be like the black plague in Europe in the middle ages that killed 1/3 or 1/2 of Europe.  There was no health authority or government with the knowledge to do anything about it.

  18. I googled causes of man-made climate change and guess what?

    I got a list of the signs of climate change and a whole lot of speculation and assumptions, but no actual proof.  

    What Is the Evidence that Human-Caused Climate Change is Happening? | Caltech Science Exchange

    Speculation or pointing to signs of climate change is not proof that man is causing it.  How often do we hear on the fake news forest fires are proof man is causing climate change.  Everything happening today is blamed on man.  That is the major flaw of the debate and these websites.  Whatever happened to the scientific method and proof?  The way these sites operate is similar to a fake justice system in China where a person is guilty unless he is proven innocent.  According to modern day "science", man is guilty of causing climate change unless he can be proven innocent.  This is not science but it is politics.

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  19. 11 hours ago, cougar said:

    What a joke you are!

    Yes, I will go and pray to my God, the true God of the Bible, who created you.  Will pray for people like you too.  Mocking God and worship of God is the road to hell, not a pleasant place to spend eternity.  The comrades in hell will be Communists, thieves, murderers, all haters of everything and everybody.  But Jesus Christ saves and there is still time.

    • Thanks 1
  20. "What you need to know about old growth trees in B.C. — and the threats facing them | CBC News

    "The province says there are currently 13.7 million hectares of old growth in British Columbia, and 10 million of those hectares are protected or not economical to harvest. For reference, the entire province is roughly 95 million hectares in size, with approximately 57 million hectares of forested land.

    Around 20 million hectares of public forest in B.C. is available for harvesting, according to the province, of which 3.6 million hectares is old growth.

    Each year, 200,000 hectares of forested lands in B.C. are logged. The province says 27 per cent of this annual harvest comes from old growth."

    A regulated amount of old growth is harvested (27% of the annual harvest) because it is valuable for certain wood products as this article describes.  

  21. Speaking of governments in Canada spending money like it was growing on trees, I heard Saskatchewan gives fathers four months of paid maternity leave when wives have a baby.  Meanwhile the federal government is promising billions of dollars for third world countries to help fight climate change.   And some wonder why people are distrustful and dislike governments.  Governments in Canada are out of control and spend taxpayer's money like it grows on trees. 

    • Thanks 1
  22. 4 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

    No one did.  This is a democracy.  


    16. Exceptional Circumstances

    In exceptional circumstances, and on the advice of the Department of Canadian Heritage and the recommendation of the Clerk of the Privy Council, the Prime Minister may approve the Half-masting of the Flag on the Peace Tower, and/or on all or some federal buildings and establishments in Canada or abroad, that is not provided for in the Rules.


    That rule no. 16 might refer to lowering the flag to half mast for one day for deaths of people in something like a terrorist attack.  Putting the flag at half mast for six months is a whole different matter which I don't think anyone dreamed that Trudeau would do.  That is a completely undemocratic move and should be investigated and laws passed to prevent such a travesty.  A nation's flag is not the private property of the PM or clerk of the Privy council to be used in such a way.

    • Thanks 2
  23. Who gave one man Trudeau the authority to lower the Canadian flag to half mast for six months?  Lowering a country's flag is a major move similar in importance to bringing in an important law.  If it is going to be lowered for anything, that should be a decision of the elected representatives of the people to decide for what reason and for how long exactly, i.e. Parliament and ratified by the Senate and declared by the Governor General.  If a PM can arbitrarily do something like that, he might be able to do anything.  That is not democracy;  it is a dictatorship.  

  24. On 11/1/2021 at 5:43 AM, myata said:

    On the scale from:

    "Any authority must be at all times responsible and accountable to the citizens, has to follow due process, be subject to checks, oversight and recourse, explain, justify and defend its actions whenever they impact rights and interests of the citizens" (zero authoritarianism)


    "The authority or a ruler always knows best and don't need, at least in some cases and situations, explain or justify its decisions" (formal or de facto authoritarianism)

    where does Canadian society stand? Specifically on this scale rather than in general, is it closer to Europe, or China?


    Good question.   Who authorized our flag to be lowered to half mast for six months.  This is supposed to be a symbol that belongs to all Canadians, not one individual to use for his own agenda.

  25. 2 hours ago, myata said:

    Right, that's what you'll leave your children, a pretty picture. Something "protected" now does not mean that it isn't logged or has not been logged three, 4, 5 and so on decades ago, and an old forest is an complete ecosystem that has not been disturbed for up to 200 years.



    In eight years, BC has doubled its protected areas to 13.8 percent of the province – one of the highest percentages in North America.

    BC’s protected areas are larger than all of the forest area ever logged in the forest. BC’s protected areas total 11.7 million hectares (29 million acres). A total of about 9.4 million hectares (23.2 million acres) of the province’s forested area has been logged over time (5.6 million hectares or 13.8 million acres are forests).

    BC’s protected areas size comparisons:

    Same size as the Cuba

    The same size as either the United Kingdom or Romania

    Three times the size of Switzerland

    Same size as Louisiana or Pennsylvania

    Larger than the size of Kansas

    2/3 the size of Washington State"

    Only a small fraction of B.C. is logged.  Most is wilderness.  Logging provides terrific homes for millions of people.  It provides a livelihood for hundreds of thousands of B.C. citizens.  We should not listen to the environmental radical's fear-mongering.  We need common sense and jobs.

    Canadian made Handcrafted Log Home and Log Cabin | Canada's Log People (canadaslogpeople.com)

    " Canada’s Log People harvests timber from designated forestry areas in British Columbia, which are then replanted with five saplings for every harvested tree. We put back what nature gave us."

    These log homes are really something special that not everyone can afford.  But they create fantastic homes and wonderful careers for those who build them.

    Of course not everyone in the forest industry builds log homes.  Most work in other jobs in the forest industry.  Many are employed in logging, sawmills, pulp mills, home construction, retail, etc. and many have good incomes that allow them to buy homes and support their families in B.C.  God has greatly blessed many people in the forest industry.  But the threat we now face is from ideologues who oppose our valuable industries such as oil and gas, forestry, mining, and want to shut things down.  Not sure how they would do if they didn't have the oil products they live on or the homes built with lumber.  Maybe they could find a cave somewhere and show us how it's done.

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