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Posts posted by blackbird
Just now, DogOnPorch said:
You're just another fascist, bud.
Why do you not care about other people in society? Inspired by the Devil?
A criminologist from Ottawa said some of the radical anarchists have taken their children to the Ottawa occupation to use their children as human shields.
1 minute ago, jbg said:
The truckers' demonstration started over the vaccination issue. I happen to be pro-vaxx. It later embraced lockdowns and masking. I am with the truckers on lockdowns and masking. To me, vaccinations are 30 minute affairs, three times over a five or six month period. I'm fine with that. I'm not fine over continuing dictatorial powers and restrictions.
The restrictions are to protect citizens. Why are you so self-centred?
19 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:
What low level of support, Can you give a cite? Here's one from me.
46% of Canadians sympathize with trucker convoy
Global News, Posted February 11, 2022An Ipsos poll published Thursday and conducted exclusively for Global News showed that nearly 46 per cent of Canadians say they “may not agree with everything” the trucker convoy says or does, but the frustration of protesters is “legitimate and worthy” of sympathy.
This sympathy has risen to 61 per cent particularly among Canadians aged 18 to 34, according to the poll.
Looks like pretty good support. it makes sense that Canadians wold feel this way. Turdeau has done nothing to try and calm the situation, only fanned the flames with his dismissive, divisive comments.
Canadians are taking note. (see poll)
Nonsense. The majority of Canadians oppose the illegal occupation of Ottawa and blockading of vital border and trade crossings. The protesters in Ottawa are a hard core group of anarchists who want to over throw the democratically-elected government. The more radical ones have been attracted there from everywhere, but they risk encountering serious consequences at some point.
"13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:13, 14 KJV
"13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. " Matthew 7:13, 14 KJV
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3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Unquote Romans 1:3,4 KJV
Notice here in God's inspired word that God has ordained rulers to enforce law and order. The rulers determine the laws and their enforcement, not the ruled. The responsibility of the ruled is to obey the laws. Those who refuse are rebelling against the God-ordained authorities and risk the authorities coming down on them with force in whatever way the authority deem appropriate. It becomes especially difficult when you have a large number of protesters who have convinced themselves they are on the right side of the law or an issue. These verses should serve as a warning to those who think they are above the law of the land. Tragically the Bible was taken out of public schools and many have imbibed the idea that individual citizens are final judge of what is right or wrong. Morality has become a relative thing based on whatever seems popular.
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The injunction has been granted and the time for leaving the Ambassador bridge was 7PM EST. The protesters said they are going to join hands and not leave. Penalty if charged and convicted is one year in prison and $100,000 fine. Time's up. Mob mentality has taken over.
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4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:
I know you're hoping for that result as you side with the fascist government. This is not a surprise.
Yes, I hope the authorities will end it soon because it is hurting thousands of workers and their families and the economy of Canada is taking a big hit. Also the people of Ottawa have suffered long enough under this tyranny.
12 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:
‘Freedom Convoy’ trucker protest: Inside Ambassador Bridge shutdown | LiveNOW from FOX
If you watched the police shut down the Fairy Creek old growth forest blockades, you will know how this ends.
Most likely, the blockaders will be carried away one by one by the police and charged. Probably happen within the next few days or so unless they decide to obey the injunction which is coming soon.
This is how it may end.
1 minute ago, West said:
How many of the vaccinated wouldn't have ended up in hospital without the vaccine or how many unvaccinated wouldn't have ended up in hospital without the vaxx?
That's the true value of the vaccine. And to be honest you won't know that answer which makes the argument full of fallacy
I gave the links. All health authorities say vaccination reduces the chances of catching Covid and reduces the spread. I accept the authorities advice.
I don't have to give you a detailed mathematical figure. I don't think you are being honest or sincere. Figure it out yourself and do some reading. You obviously don't accept what almost all authorities have said and almost all reports on the internet.
6 minutes ago, West said:
More kids die of the flu than of covid. This is a fact.
Just because there are SOME young people who get sick (remember young people can have comorbidities too) does not mean that it's a significant threat to young people.
Covid restrictions have certainly had impacts on childhood development. Speech and language, physical development through sports, etc.
I know restrictions have an impact on young people, but we are still in a pandemic and measures such as vaccination are extremely important. That is why young people are being vaccinated. Schools in many provinces are letting kids go back to school to help their development proceed.
We can't eliminate all restrictions because health authorities say we are not at the point yet where we can do that. The pandemic is still spreading. Vulnerable people are still dying. So government and society must continue to try to protect vulnerable people and our economy and health care system from being overloaded.
1 minute ago, Accountability Now said:
76% of the cases from fully vaxxed. How exactly is that slowing down the spread?
The reason is because if 10% are unvaccinated and both can catch Covid, then naturally the number of cases will have a fairly high proportion who are vaccinated. Simple math. But vaccinated people are still catching it less than unvaccinated and less likely to spread it. Nobody says vaccination prevents people completely from catching it. It simply reduces the chances and more importantly it reduces the chances of serious illness. That's the point of vaccination.
The number of unvaccinated people in hospitals per the ratio of vaccinated to unvaccinated is still greater. That is the point.
3 minutes ago, West said:
Young people end up in hospitals with the flu too...
Pneumonia was around long before covid.
2 minutes ago, West said:
But Omicron is far less severe than Delta or the original and very few children (less than most flu strains) end up in hospitals.
So what's the point of stripping the ability to obtain services from people?
You going to answer that question or hurl more insults?
I agree not to hurl insults. I hope you also agree to that.
The reason for mandates and health restrictions is not to "strip ...services from people". The result for health measures is to slow down the spread and protect the population.
2 minutes ago, West said:
Look at you.
I've given you studies on who ends up in hospital with Covid. It's the people with 4 comorbities and the elderly regardless of vaccine status.
Are you going to actually acknowledge that fact?
Most websites speaking on vaccination and stats also say:
Vaccination reduces hospitalizations in general for all ages.
Older people with comorbities do end up hospital more often and are more likely to die, but you left out the fact that younger people also catch Covid and sometimes end up in hospital and die and younger people also often get long-lasting health issues from Covid. It is not only the older people who end up in hospital.
Just because people under 65 are less likely to be hospitalized and less likely to die, does not mean it does not happen. So what is your point?
Omicron: Vaccinated are less likely to spread BA.2, study finds (cnbc.com)
Transmission rates among unvaccinated people were higher with BA.2 compared to BA.1, indicating unvaccinated people were carrying a higher viral load with BA.2. Although fully vaccinated people are more likely to catch BA.2 than the previous strain, they are less likely to spread it to others, researchers found.
People who received a booster were even less likely to transmit the virus than people who were fully vaccinated.
“This indicates that after a breakthrough infection, vaccination protects against further transmission, and more so for BA.2 than BA.1,” the scientists found.
The study also noted that the higher susceptibility to infection and greater transmissibility of BA.2 will likely result in more extensive spread of the virus among unvaccinated kids in schools and day care. Unquote
1 minute ago, West said:
It's also debatable if it actually stopped the spread with other variants. Plenty of breakthrough delta cases as well
Sir, it is pointless to discuss with you. You are on here to throw insults and not interested in learning anything. Waste of time.
2 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:
It always amazes me when people post shit that’s out of date. Your post is from Nov 23….well before Omicron. Things changed with Omicron. Maybe you should too
2 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:It always amazes me when people post shit that’s out of date. Your post is from Nov 23….well before Omicron. Things changed with Omicron. Maybe you should too
Omicron: Vaccinated are less likely to spread BA.2, study finds (cnbc.com)
Get educated..
12 minutes ago, West said:
There's no evidence it reduces spread and 75% of hospitalizations at this time are fully vaxxed...
Some years the flu is worse than others.
I don't debate with ignorance. Try a search engine. There are countless websites that say it reduces the spread.
5 minutes ago, Boges said:
I don't actually think it prevents more spread with Omicron. Maybe if you're boosted, but how long is that going to last?
The main goal of vaccination is to reduce severe illness. And it's done that.
The spike in Hospitalization was due to the volume of people being infected. We already know almost half of the people Hospitalized weren't even there for COVID, they just tested positive.
- Studies show that people vaccinated against COVID-19 are likely to be less contagious than non-vaccinated people.
- This is because vaccinated people carry a viral load in their body that is overall lower than that of unvaccinated people; therefore, the virus cannot be transmitted as effectively.
- A vaccinated person is also less likely to contract COVID in the first place.
- Vaccination not only makes a person less contagious, but contagious for a shorter time, creating less spread of the virus through a highly vaccinated community."
- COVID-19: How do vaccinations help stop the spread? | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
- It always amazes me that people on here don't bother searching a reading a few sources. Almost all health authorities agree on this.
1 hour ago, Accountability Now said:
Hospitalizations is not spread. You said vaccines reduce spread and now have flipped your story to hospitalizations.
Your recent response shows that you are either completely ignorant to the differences or you are willfully lying which is a forum violation. Which is it?
Vaccinations and mandates reduce spread and reduce hospitalizations.
3 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:
hospitalizations is not spread
it's hospitalizations
you don't even understand basic statistics
I never said hospitalization has the same meaning as spread. You are being dishonest.
Lack of vaccination causes more spread and spread causes more hospitalization and increased hospitalization puts more pressure on our health care system and the health care providers. It also denies people urgent heart and cancer surgeries and other procedures.
Vaccination reduces spread and hospitalizations.
Is anybody listening?
in Federal Politics in Canada
Posted · Edited by blackbird
You raise a very good point. I am listening and I agree with you.
The cause of the anger in the world may be a spiritual or Biblical one. That is, it may be a result of the fall of man or separation from God. We are all born with a sinful, corrupt nature according to what the Bible teaches. That may be at the root of the problem. Many bible believers and prophecy experts say we are in the last days. This anger in the world may be a sign that we are in the last days. When I say last days, I mean we may be in the days before Jesus Christ returns. The Bible speaks about very troubled times in the latter days.
"1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, {false…: or, one who foments strife} 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; " 2 Timothy 3:1 KJV If what this passage says is true in the times we are living in, that would explain the anger in the world. Certainly anger would go with these faults.
Having stated the negative, the positive should be stated. It should also be mentioned there is still hope for those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. There is a bright future of joy and happiness.