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Posts posted by blackbird

  1. Canadian liberal politicians embraced multiculturalism back in the 70s under PM Pierre Elliott Trudeau.  But I don't think ordinary Canadians were ever asked about this.  It was just forced on Canadians, much the same way many things have been forced on Canadians without their consent.  This was also done in Australia around the same time ironically.

    "Multiculturalism was imposed on Australia. As if any nation would ever vote to kill its own culture. It was a policy that in the 1970s breezily swept aside the normative significance of the still largely British nature of the Australian nation and simply declared that we had no culture but multiculturalism. Australians were never asked whether they were happy for Australian culture to be radically changed over a generation through high levels of non-Anglo-European immigration without an emphasis on assimilation. Young Australians ever since have merely been taught to recite the creed: ‘There is no Australian culture but multiculturalism.’ It became a self-fulfilling prophecy."  The one huge problem with multiculturalism | The Spectator Australia

    It is a coincidence that this happened in Australia about the same time as in Canada.  Coincidence or what?

  2. 2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

    Could it be because she comes from a very conservative religious background?


    You think inclusiveness and reconciliation with indigenous Canadians is strictly a liberal ideology?


    Political Islam is not conservative in the sense of western conservatism.  It rejects western values and is in conflict or at war with western culture.

    Inclusiveness and reconciliation are just shallow words that don't begin to describe the broader term of multiculturalism.  The words are weasel words to hide a much broader agenda.  The word liberals includes a broad spectrum of people including progressives, left wing ideologues, and generally those of liberal thinking. 

    The CBC is engaged in a steady war against what they see as white privilege and systemic racism of north American society.  They are constantly broadcasting angry racial minorities with grievances and throwing gas on fires to incite racial division and hate.  Incidentally the CBC at this very moment has activists on discussing Netflix and some kind of trans controversy.  The constantly give voice or platform to various activists on the subject of racism and transphobia.

    If you want find out some of the problem and aspects of multiculturalism read this article.  The word does not begin to describe the various aspects of the word.   It is really another broad subject.  In a general sense it is a broad attack on hour historic Judeo-Christian civilization/culture.

    WHAT’S THE PROBLEM WITH MULTICULTURALISM? | Pandaemonium (kenanmalik.com)


  3. 5 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

    So it is only a propaganda tool for the Liberals when you don’t like their reporting?  But, when you do like the reporting , then it’ s not?

    Obviously it is a mixture.  The news and politics broadcasts seem to lean toward liberal and tow the liberal ideology.  As an example, the host of the evening news broadcast is a Muslim woman with a Hijab.  The obvious purpose of this is to send the liberal message of multiculturalism rules.  Other political broadcasts often use racial minorities although the number of minorities they often use does not represent the demographic cross section of Canada or Canadian thought.  Often they use aboriginal pundits to constantly push their liberal ideology of inclusiveness or reconciliation.

    The Fifth Estate program might be more of an independent branch.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 12 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

    But I thought the CBC was a Liberal propaganda machine?

    Generally it is.  The program the Fifth Estate does sometimes reveal some deep failures about the government.  This is one of those cases.  The deal with China was pure madness.  But it makes me wonder why this was not broadcast by the CBC Fifth Estate before the September election, instead of a month and a half later.  I doubt if it would have made much difference though because the Liberal voters are not listening or probably would not have understood.  The fact is obvious that China weaponized the Covid vaccine that was supposed to be jointly developed by Canada and China, through the Chinese company Cansino BIO and the People's Liberation Army, and simply refused to ship the first samples to Canada for testing in a lab in Canada likely because Meng Wangzhou was being held in Canada.  Trudeau failed from the beginning to realize what he was doing was utter madness.  Any government that thought they could make a deal like that involving the PLA must be in an alternate reality.  This really put Canada's national security at risk.  As the Fifth Estate said, this delay in Canada getting it's own vaccine production capability might have cost thousands of lives.

    I am reading the Kindle book "Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World" and just learned how deeply embedded China's CCP operatives and puppets are embedded in government and all levels of society in Canada.  Britain has been infiltrated and influenced so deeply by the CCP now that the book says it is probably beyond recovery.  There are British, European, and other followers of Maoism, Leninism, and Marxism who really believe China is leading the way in bringing enlightenment to the world.

    • Thanks 2
  5. Interesting article here: 

      The Ties that Bind the Trudeau Liberals to Communist China

    "Canada-China relations dominated the news in the Nation’s Capital this week – more accurately, Canada’s many questionable dealings with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The fact is the governing Liberal Party has multiple tight relationships with the CCP and this factors into all matters between the two countries."     - The Niagara Independent

    This makes me doubt whether the Liberals will be too eager to abandon Huawei.  They claim they will make a decision in the next few weeks.  We will see.

  6. 7 hours ago, Argus said:

    So now we have a group calling itself the Chinese-Canadian Conservative Association calling on the party to change its views on China, who they clearly regard as a fine, upstanding world citizen to be admired not criticized. I had fairly soft thoughts on the loyalty of a lot of Chinese Canadians even prior to the newest bullying of Canada Choina has engaged in. But their actions obeying China in who to vote for, and the number of Chinese-so-called-Canadians coming out in support of China are rapidly hardening my views into saying outright that we should accept no further immigrants from China and should be investigating a lot of these public spokespeople to see just how close their contacts are with the Chinese Communist Party.

    At a surprising news conference for local press recently, spokesman Joe Li — a regional councillor north of Toronto and three-time former Tory candidate — said the two Michaels were detained after “Canada started the war,” that China had a right to fly its planes into Taiwan’s air-defence zone and Canada should not publicly criticize Beijing’s human-rights abuses.


    China has been building it's Belt and Road massive warehouse/headquarters in Surrey, B.C. China is paving its 'belt and road' to British Columbia - Asia Pacific | Business in Vancouver (biv.com)   Liberal Premier Christy Clark signed an MOU in 2016 which really helped China move ahead on this.

  7. On 10/7/2021 at 11:21 AM, cougar said:

    Not good for wildlife and the environment.  

    When I have to choose between two crooks, I select the one who seems to have more class.

    Do you support Trudeau, the master apologizer.  True North news said his apology was fake.  Now FNs expect to get some things out of him, like millions of dollars in some kind of benefits as compensation for taking a holiday on Truth and Reconciliation day.  He has no problem spending taxpayer money like water.  So he will probably have no problem writing a few cheques.

  8. 20 hours ago, EastCanada90 said:

    so whats everyone think about erin otoole should the party  kick him from leader or let him lead them into  next election.. personally i think he needs to stay cause moving to the center like he wants to is the only way  the cons can become government again  in this time and age..

    No, I don't agree.  O'Toole moving toward the left makes him look more like a liberal lite.  He lost some seats and didn't do well in ridings where he should have done better.  Trying to become more liberal just doesn't gain many votes for conservatives in the Toronto 905 ridings and in Quebec.  People just don't see him or the Conservative Party as being much different than the Liberals.  He adopted carbon taxes against the wishes of the majority of the party in the convention.  That was a fatal mistake.   Just claiming he wants the party to be a big tent party just doesn't cut it or convince anyone of anything.   He is not a true conservative.  He is too much of an appeaser.   Keeping him on would mean losing the next election.  I don't see any reason at all why he would do much better.  The way it looks is if O'Toole leads into another election, Trudeau will win another minority government and we will be no better off.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

    I find it hilarious that you think I wouldn't remember it if you said a discouraging word about wunderturd. 

    Trudeau also created a day of remembrance, truth and reconciliation, Sept. 30, for residential school children in particular, and then flew off on a vacation to Long beach by Tofino when if anyone in Canada should have been at the ceremonies, it was him.  He is not fit to be PM, but this was known for many years.  The ignorance of those who voted for him is astounding.

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

    How long after the resurrection was the New Testament written?

    Did the eyewitnesses write the accounts in the bible, or is it that the bible passages mention there were eye witnesses?

    Those questions are answered at this website.  

    Is there evidence Jesus rose from the dead?

    Yes, there were many recorded witnesses of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. You can read them in this article.

    Quote  Was Jesus actually resurrected? Many critics today find it hard to believe Jesus’ resurrection ever occurred. The apostle Paul had to quash rumors in the Corinthian congregation that Jesus Christ had never been resurrected at all, so in 1 Corinthians 15:5-8 he named eyewitnesses who had been with the resurrected Christ.

    People were questioning one of the fundamentals of Christianity—that we have a resurrected Lord. Can we prove to ourselves from the Bible that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and lives today? (Along with this article, be sure to read the accompanying article “Resurrection of Jesus: Can We Prove It?”)

    The records we will be examining are available worldwide. The events described had such an impact on some of Christ’s former enemies and disciples that they gave their lives believing in Him as their resurrected Savior. Consider the following evidence confirming Jesus’ resurrection:

    Numerous reliable texts: There are many documents, manuscripts and fragments of the Bible, Old and New Testament, in addition to secular sources that speak of Christ’s resurrection. This contrasts with relatively few documents about some historical figures such as Julius Caesar. God has ensured that the historical record of Christ’s resurrection would be preserved accurately for us.

    Dates of the biblical records: Biblical commentators believe the synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark and Luke—were written 20 to 30 years after Jesus’ resurrection. John’s account was penned between 50 and 70 years after the events. Paul’s first letter to the congregation in Corinth can be dated to around 25 years after Jesus’ resurrection. The dates of these records are consistent with being able to speak authoritatively on Christ’s resurrection.

    Many witnesses: In the Gospels, Acts and Paul’s letters, it is evident that many people were alive who could have disputed the facts provided by the New Testament writers if the details were wrong. Instead, there is agreement and consistency in what we are told. Former persecutors and detractors like Paul (previously Saul) did not dispute the records. Christians were willing to live under the constant threat of death—which would have been unthinkable unless they were convinced that Jesus was not a charlatan. We also have the promise that the Holy Spirit would guide the authors to remember events accurately (John 14:26; 16:13).  Unquote

    Jesus’ Resurrection: Eyewitness Accounts (lifehopeandtruth.com)

    I could search and read various other websites with similar information.  This site has much more information that what I quoted.  Give it a try.  Notice the dates that the New Testament books were written.  Three gospels written 20 to 30 years after the resurrection.  John's gospel 50 to 70 years after and Paul's first letter to the Corinthians about 25 years after.  This is undoubtedly the most important subject you will face in life.  So it would be wise to give it the most serious examination, particularly in the New Testament, King James Bible.

  11. On 10/2/2021 at 11:18 AM, WestCanMan said:

    The stats are here in case you're interested in actual information: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1228632/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-age/

    17,393 people over 80 died of covid in Canada. FYI people over 80 account for less than 5% of the population, but there are twice as many deaths in their age bracket as there are in the 95% of the population that's younger than them. 

    5,603 people between 70-79 died of covid in Canada. Again, there were more deaths among 70-79 year-olds than in the entire rest of the population that's younger than them.

    2,708 people died of covid between 60-69. Again, there were more deaths among 60-69 year-olds than in the entire rest of the population that's younger than them.

    1,067 people between 50-59 died of covid here. Again, there were more deaths among 50-59 year-olds than in the entire rest of the population that's younger than them. That's quite significant, because people between 0-49 still make up more than half of the population. 

    Only 629 people under 50 died of covid. 

    It is more than a flu, but not much more.



    To be totally accurate: C19 is a gain-of-function virus which emanated from a BSL4 lab in Wuhan, which is 'like a pandemic in the 70+ age group' and a really bad flu in the 0-69 age group. 

    Once you wrestle with that for a bit, just think really hard for a few minutes about what crazy conspiracy theories you could make from this. 


    The fact it kills the elderly more than younger people doesn't mean it should not be fought with the preventative measures it is.  I happen to be 76 yrs of age and would like to avoid dying of Covid related illness.  So I have been vaxxed and take whatever preventative and cautionary measures I can.  I also don't see what is wrong with protecting society from this deadly disease.

    • Like 1
  12. On 9/6/2021 at 10:41 AM, WestCanMan said:

    The Boomers were born from 1946 to 1964. They are from 57 to 75 yrs old now. 

    That generation has had a greater effect on the economy than any other generation based on their huge numbers. When they were kids there was a toy boom. Then there was a vehicle boom when they were young adults. As that group reaches every new stage in life there's a new economic trend coming with them. 

    Now they're getting into the 'dangerous flu season' age.

    The lobbyists at Big Pharma have always tried to get vaccinations mandatory for certain groups but they never got traction, and mandatory vaxxes were defeated in court. Here's an example: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/health-headlines/b-c-nurses-union-continues-fight-over-mandatory-flu-shots-1.1039192

    Was Big Pharma waiting patiently for the Boomers, and poised to spread hysteria when the boomers started to become the elderly generation? 

    This pandemic started off with hokey pictures of old Chinese men laying down in the street, and at no point has C19 ever shown that it poses a risk to healthy individuals - just like the flu.

    It's just a simple fact that when the Boomers get into their 60s and 70s, flu seasons are going to start to look roided out. 

    Is covid just 'The Boomer Flu"?

    The answer is a resounding NO!   So far about 27,000 people have died from Covid related illness in Canada.  Many more have caught it and many have lasting health conditions as a result.  In the U.S. hundreds of thousands have died.  Worldwide millions have died.  I don't think it can be categorized as just a flu.  It has turned society upside down and cost the world trillions of dollars and countless lives lost.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. On 9/26/2021 at 9:13 PM, TreeBeard said:

    Hmmm….  An answer to a question I didn’t ask.

    Do you have those links to anything scientific that would prove that resurrection is possible?

    The accounts in the Bible such as the resurrection of Christ were supernatural events.  With God nothing is impossible.  That is why trying to debate it from a scientific angle is foolishness.  Nobody is suggesting it was a natural event in accordance with the physical or scientific laws of nature.  The evidence that the resurrection took place is supported by  eye witnesses as recorded in the New Testament and the gospels.  It is one of the key teachings that authenticate the whole Bible and is necessary to believe in order to receive eternal life according to the teaching of the Bible.  The Bible says faith is given to people as a gift from God.  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  Therefore if you want eternal life, start reading the King James Bible, particularly the New Testament because that gets right to this subject and the point.

  14. 10 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

    What are you basing this opinion on?

    Common sense.  Many of these protesters have been doing extreme things to make it very difficult to arrest them and resisting arrest.  Companies and government cannot allow these protesters to shut down vital industries that everyone depends on in B.C.  The forest industry is the main industry.

  15. 1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

    A judge ruled that police violated protestor’s rights.  Isn’t that what judges do?  Look at the evidence and pass judgement on legal questions?  What makes you think that this judge didn’t have jurisdiction to do that?

    No, whether the police were violating protester's rights or not is a different question.  That could be dealt with in a different court case.  This judge went beyond the matter of whether there should be an injunction or not.  This will be appealed and the protesters will lose.  I can almost guarantee.  It may take some time which will have negative consequences for the natural resource industries in B.C.  Lots of people may be unemployed in the meantime.

  16. 2 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

    Do you think police should be allowed to deny people’s rights?

    The police were operating under a court injunction to remove protesters.  The protesters are breaking the law by still being there and doing all the things they are doing.  If some protesters have a belief their rights are being violated, they can hire a lawyer and take it to court.  But the protesters are acting from an illegal position to begin with because they are breaking the law in doing what they are doing there.  I don't believe it is this judge's job to interfere and allow the protesters to continue blocking the road.

  17. 9 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:


    As of July 2021, the United States had the highest number of incarcerated individuals worldwide, with almost 2.1 million people in prison. The U.S. was followed by China, Brazil, India, and the Russian Federation.


    Seems that prison is not working.  

    The purpose of the prison system is to protect society from criminals, not protect criminals from society.  Rehabilitation is not the primary purpose.  Some cannot be rehabilitated.  Canada deliberately allows dangerous offenders to go free.  It is their Charter Rights to be out even if it is obvious they will likely re-offend.

  18. 1 minute ago, Cannucklehead said:


    As of July 2021, the United States had the highest number of incarcerated individuals worldwide, with almost 2.1 million people in prison. The U.S. was followed by China, Brazil, India, and the Russian Federation.


    Seems that prison is not working.  

    The justice system is not working in Canada.  They often let dangerous offenders out.  Let's talk about Canada.  A judge just declined to renew an injunction for the police to stop the Ferry Creek protesters from blocking logging.  The judge said the reason is because the police were too hard on the protesters and denying them their rights.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

    If someone breaks in in the middle of the night, chances are I'd be dead anyway.  I would still be groggy and would not be at 100%.  

    Theres also the argument that the criminals can get better weapons until I park an attack copter on my front lawn or get some kind of automated security like robo cop 2.  ?

    And then there's the research that having a gun in your house for defence typically leads to a violent situation that doesn't involve any criminals at all.



    What you're talking about is social engineering.  That is Marxist ideology that believes in denying everyone their personal right to protect themselves in the interest of the common good.  Instead of disarming everyone they should find a way to protect society from armed criminals.  They could start by keeping them in prison.  We constantly see criminals being let out on bail or parole who go on to kill innocent citizens.  Just happened again not long ago.  Criminals have more rights than law-abiding citizens.

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