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Status Updates posted by Smoke

  1. No shortage of lefty fear for a Trump presidency. They're grasping at anything, small hands, orange glow, sniffles, etc. Fun to watch!

    1. Argus


      Megalomania, extreme narcissism, bullying and cruelty and greed and ignorance and dishonesty... Just little things.

    2. bush_cheney2004


      Didn't hurt Justin Trudeau in Canada.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Smallc


      Yeah, I never bought the argument that Conservatives were lowering the transfers by having a smaller increase.

    3. drummindiver


      Why do we spend millions on voting when it's the same as it ever was?

    4. Smallc


      It's not the same - but not all that much has changed other than social issues. That's why I think most of you are giant hypocrites.

  2. Why has Justin Trudeau done nothing about the increasing wage gap? Originally this was posted under Squid's status update but, Squid deleted it, in his typical cowardly fashion.

    1. Smallc


      Only Trudeau can change the world in 10 months.

    2. ?Impact


      Where is the wage gap increasing?

    3. poochy


      Nope, not in ten months or ten years, no matter how much he lies about the things he believes in.

  3. Some busy bodies from Toronto sticking their noses in others business. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/greasy-pig-contest-cancelled-1.3728683 The organizers are getting the last laugh. They will be slaughtering the pigs instead and having a pig roast.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The_Squid


      The organizers are lying to make themselves seem more of the victims...

    3. Smoke


      Oh the horror!!!!

  4. If you want to see heads explode on a forum, just troll. Is that what you meant to say Squid?

  5. There'll be lot's and lot's of fearmongering about a possible president Trump this Wednesday.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smoke


      The end of the world if Trump gets elected....the horror!!!

    3. The_Squid


      No... just the end of NATO...

      Canada needs to join a new Warsaw Pact!!

  6. Wow msj! Must be a new record for responding to your own status update. Trump must really be getting to you. I mean it's totally another country and all!

    1. msj


      Yep, had some good laughs last night. Melania and The Donald are pure gold entertainment. Let's hope they win so we can get at least 4 years of the gong show!

    2. sharkman


      Oh, Trumps getting to him, he still suffers from Palin Derangement Syndrome too.

    3. kimmy


      You know who'll never recover from Palin Derangement Syndrome? Sarah Palin.

  7. The thing I like most about this site is watching "the waldo" obsessin' after MLW member "bush_chaney2004" like a rabid little pitbull. Makes my day every time!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. The_Squid


      Personal insults in the status updates is chickenshit Scribblet.

    3. scribblet


      Really, if someone can mess with my screen name then I can mess with theirs.

    4. Smoke


      Just as I expected....a flurry from a frazzled waldo, the usual suspects stickin' up for him, and even a bonus hypocrite Squid calling out someone for personal insults in a status update, something he frequently does himself. Life is good haha.

  8. Yet another election promise that sounded good but was not based in reality. Seems to be a trend with young Justin and his "sunny ways" party. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/liberal-government-housing-rrsp-1.3665912

  9. Bye, bye George. Welcome back Ron!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. overthere


      George is a 'personality', and a smarmy flyweight one at that. McLean is a hockey guy, as well as being a media type. It shows and it matters to the quality of the program.

    3. overthere


      More Ray Ferraro, less David Amber. Please.

  10. The Squid; "Fear mongering works on the stupid...." Yes indeed Squid, just look at how the Ontario Liberals got their majority. Hudak bbbbbaaaaaadddddd!!!!!!!

    1. Smoke


      See now....is that so bad of a comment that you had to delete it....or are you just enraged by the truth....yes??

    2. Smoke


      Sorry...it was just to show you what MLW member "The_Squid" does on a regular basis. Besides, you would have been able to debate Hudak in "The_Squid's" status update, except well...he deleted it. There are others here who have had their comments deleted by "The_Squid" as well. I really like the status update you made above by Tyrion Lannister. Fits in with exactly what I'm saying. "The_Squid" should read it sometime.

  11. When people on the right say that people on the left like to quash free speech when it runs counter to their ideology, the left always asks for an example. Enter exhibit "A" with MLW member "The Squid" once again deleting the comments of others. What a spineless coward!

  12. Had to put the heat on last night! Brrrrr

  13. New record set by the waldo.... 7 responses in a row to his own status update. hehe heh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. waldo


      are you an 'internet doctor' as well? Are you a lil' gun-shy in taking up that challenge to create a related thread - why so?

    3. overthere


      Waldo also constantly deletes comments from his updates, which no doubt contributes to the appearance of several comments in a row. The Waldo does not like dissent, no sir.

    4. waldo


      says the guy, you, who deleted my scintillating update that highlighted your ongoing "Ding, Ding,... Pavlov's dog" routine! Way to put the whine in your pissant, hey overthere!

  14. Heh, heh, it's fun to watch "the waldo" and his new sidekick smallc in a panic, scurrying around the message board trying to stamp out leftie fires. Maybe we should send them to Fort Mac. lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Smallc


      Watch out, Radioactive Man!

    3. waldo


      Smoke, you had me at 'heh'! Good to read I complete you and validate your presence here!

    4. Smoke


      Haha, Only someone with a head the size of your's would believe that! lol

  15. For someone who supposedly means nothing to Canadian lefties, BC2004 sure has a lot of them obsessin' about him these days. lol

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. scribblet


      Too bad 'ignore' doesn't work on status updates but carry on waldick

    3. waldo


      lesbe friends, k?

    4. overthere



  16. The favorite website of the left for keeping track of Trudeau Jr's promises. https://www.trudeaumetre.ca/

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. waldo


      instead of deleting my status updates... why don't you take your concerns to a thread!

    3. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      Please direct me to a website of the right or the middle for keeping track of Trudeau Jr's promises so I am able to compare.

  17. There were some leftie types on this board boasting about how Trudeau Jr. was keeping his promises and we were usually linked to this site. Not so much lately, and I can see why....half as many promises now broken as promises kept. https://www.trudeaumetre.ca/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smallc


      Point out what I defended. It's not my fault that I don't care which team you happen to cheer for.

    3. ?Impact


      Not bad with only 6 months into their mandate and half done already. Or are you going to complain that it took them 2 months longer to approve 25,000 Syrian refugees?

    4. Smoke


      Read what I said again Einstein "half as many promises broken as promise kept". They are nowhere near doing half of what they said they would. Take the number of promises kept so far, now divide that by 2 and that's how many promises they have broken so far. Get it now?

  18. There seems to be many Canadians who get easily upset by an American who simply posts truthful comments on a message board that conflicts their own smug sense of superiority. Guys like Squid and Dildo (ooops sorry thats Waldo). It's a lot of fun to watch them lose their minds when "trolly" speaks hahaha.

    1. Shady


      Spot on. Except its pseudo superiority.

    2. Shady


      Kinda like trolly huh?

    3. Argus


      Dildos can be fun. Waldo... not so much.

  19. Trudeau Jr. speaking engagements......get rich quick scheme.....taking cash from the needy to blather for an hour.....speaking when he should be in the HOC working...stopped only after being criticized for it and scamming thousands.....great prime ministerial material! LOL .....and to top it all off, the Squid can't erase my comments, like he usually does.

    1. The_Squid


      Trudeau didn't scam anyone out of their money.

    2. rotary


      I think we all know Trudeau doesn't need speaking engagements to be wealthy. But speaking of speaking, it's nice he lets his cabinet ministers actually do so.

  20. Coward doing what he does best again. Typical leftie.

    1. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Who Noel? He's been dead a while.

  21. Flipping thru the channels last night. Came upon the Democratic Presidential Debate. The question posed to Hillary and Bernie was "Do you think Donald Trump is a racist?" Kept on flipping thru the channels.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The_Squid


      He's appealing to racist elements, but he's probably not a racist himself.

    3. Smallc


      Trump believes about 5% of the things he says. His previous positions prove him a convenient conservative.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I'm rooting for Trump, I hope he wins the nomination. That will save the US from having to suffer another Republican in the WH for some time to come.

  22. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-politics/afghan-war-memorial-in-limbo-as-liberals-roll-back-perceived-tory-militarism Liberals roundly criticized Harper for his treatment of of our veterans. Where's the outrage over Trudeau Jr.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Smoke


      Of course lefties like spending more money on govt. employees and programs. It's what they're all about.

    3. The_Squid


      Yes, helping veterans is what we're all about. Thank you.

    4. Smoke


      I didn't say "helping" I said "spending more money".

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