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Sandy MacNab

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Everything posted by Sandy MacNab

  1. Indeed! The Liberals have desperately tried to portray Harper as a monster .for years. But their "crying wolf" strategy proved ineffective long ago, is worn out, silly, and fooling no one - well, maybe other Liberals believe it. If Harper or Mulcair were to leave they'd certainly have a lot better chance. As long as the LPC choose their leaders for their "charm" rather than their ability, the CPC and NDP have little to worry about. The Liberals are trying to become the governing party by luck rather than hard work - "buying" Trudeau was just like the average Joe buying a 6/49 ticket. Basically, they are weak with little to offer.
  2. What if it is virtually certain that they are going to harm someone?
  3. A - The courts have been making a lot of goofy decisions in a wide range of topics. B- True, they are generally spear carriers for the politically correct and rather than interpret the law (their real job) they try to make the law. C- No, the real issue is - does one ever have the right to kill another human being in a peaceful, non-threatening situation. When the woman in question kills the kid because it is an "inconvenience" that is not a case of justifiable homicide.
  4. You've nailed it! It seems to me that Li's supporters are typical politically correct busy-bodies who can sure tell the rest of us how to live, how to think, and how to do as they say, not as they do.
  5. I don't listen to or respect the religious and legal mumbo-jumbo. No matter how vigorously some may try to rationalize otherwise, the fact is, at the moment of conception there is human life , a living human life. And, like other human life, no matter what its age, he/she is worthy of protection and respect. Furthermore, at no time should he/she be considered disposable. Or do some disagree? If so, I ask you, at what age is a human no longer disposable? Pick an age, starting with conception - 2 months, 6 months, 3 years, 4 years? How about 6 years? How about making any kid under six years old completely disposable? Or, how about any age when they're still needing food, clothing and shelter from mom and dad: AND worse, are in the way and a burden in every sense of the word? What about Grandma and Grandpa, they too can be a pain in the ass. How do we abort them?
  6. Well, I promised the kids I wouldn't smoke it until it's legal.
  7. He is setting the stage for the Liberals' new policy of complete transparency.
  8. Having read Star "journalists" from time-to-time, I view their attack on Ford to be malevolent; a lynching. Typical politically correct bullying and harrassment aimed to punish him for beating their candidate in the election. If this isn't actionable nothing is. Are the judges lefties down their?
  9. And, in order for the wind farms to be profitable (i.e. consumers don't have to pay the full load) they have to be government subsidized. The turbines also kill many birds and bats, a fact that some environmentalists and (dubious) animal rights advocates conveniently overlook. For those of us who also love the southern Alberta mountain vistas, the towers and turbines are a blight.
  10. Sorry, it is only extremists like you who don't listen or think and try to bury your opponents under mountains of BS.
  11. The way waldo behaves, I'm sure his underwear also needs changing.
  12. Your zeal and behaviour are more than enough evidence. You've marginalized yourself. As to my "position", I was a common-sense environmentalist long before you threw out God and substituted Gore and Suzuki.
  13. Moonbox, debating with a religious fanatic is futile. You'd have the same difficulty trying to argue moderation with the Taliban. This CO2, tar sands thingy has taken over waldo's life and mind. He is lost.
  14. Are you really trying to tell us that morals were that important to you when you were young? ROTFLMAO
  15. They are relentless. Having the misfortune of reading Starr editorials and other slanderous material written in that (alleged) newspaper, it is obvious they have no ethics, morality or interest in fair-play. The Starr is a left-wing rag, a third rate rag devoted to the fine arts of yellow journalism.
  16. I really don't think the Starr is interested in facts. They want a lynching; the evidence is not a consideration.
  17. Of course this is a witch-hunt. The lefties are acting and sounding like a pack of hyenas. The Starr, the Mop and Pail, et al, have gone way too far in their cruel, unnecessary and uncivilized attack on this man. Let him alone and let him do his job. Or, are they afraid he'll do a great job and make all their buddies look bad?
  18. I am sure the Liberals can be and have been worse. Go back and look at the scandals under Cretch.
  19. Canada has far, far too many politically correct lefties who will vote with their gonads - actually their minds are incapable of "intelligent thought".
  20. Is the phrase "low information voters" another way of saying "politically correct dreamers"?
  21. SO, the SCOC will take the easy way out and give Quebec what it wants; the way it has always been done in this wimpy country.
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