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Sandy MacNab

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Everything posted by Sandy MacNab

  1. Natural resources belong to the provinces. Get your facts straight before turning your covetous eyes on Alberta's wealth.
  2. I hate to say it but, you don't know what you're taling about. I know many here in Southern Alberta who have talked about separation and would again should a pack of socialist parasites try to institute something similar to another NEP or do anything else to single out the P&NG industry for abuse. Just like Stelmach, some Redmontonians haven't a clue about Alberta's source of wealth.
  3. You'll never know. Liberal lie like the proverbial sidewalk. And, "true Liberal" is a non sequitur.
  4. C'mon punked, be honest. You know darned well the NDP and Liberals would be shrieking themselves hoarse.
  5. The NDP is dangerous. For those who want some common-sense "safety nets" the Conservative's policies are the only ones that can assure us that the national treasury has the cash to afford them. Under the NDP, we'd be taxed and spent into national poverty thus the government would eventually be unable to give anyone a helping hand.
  6. Yeah? Layton gets all giggely and rather foolish when he publically daydreams about being PM. It may not be hysteria but he certainly loses control of himself.
  7. Well, for Jack's sake I hope they were also able to make it hard illegally.
  8. Could be they can't stand the odious, corrupt Liberals like far too many men can?
  9. So, that's where some of the missing $40 million is going!
  10. During the English debate he appeared to be wearing a lot of makeup. I think he looks really ill; could kick the bucket before the end of the campaign.
  11. Although I disagree with their policies, the NDP are far more ethical and moral than the LPC - and that isn't heaping that much praise on the NDP. How anyone with a the smallest shred of decency can vote Liberal is beyond me.
  12. Has anyone pointed out that it's been a few decades since Iggy voted here too? Sorry, I'm new and haven't read all the posts.
  13. They're spreading something all right, but it's the first time I've heard it called "love"
  14. All the hate shown towards Harper is pretty irrational and pathological. Of course, the majority comes from Liberals who see what they have in comparison and break down from the trauma of excess envy.
  15. Hey, we Albertans don't whine! Quebeckers do more than enough, thank you very much. We do get rather miffed when the greenies, Liberals, and the socialist trash our province in order to score cheap points with the other envious. Albertans are just as aware of and concerned with environmental issues as others. And, we're tired of underachieving have-nots taking our enormous contribution to their equalization pogie and then giving us the finger. Nittany Lions, eh? My daughter married a Penn State engineer they are living in New Jersey.
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