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Everything posted by LemonPureLeaf

  1. I'll be happy when the left stops fear mongering. Seriously no need for everyone to wet the pants over everything PM Harper does. As you all keep saying the Const., Charter and the SCC will protect you from Harper. I know he is the boogyman for the left but seriously...slow your roll, as the urban blacks like to say.
  2. So a sheer wedding veil that is worn for two minutes is now identical to a solid black veil with only eyes showing that us worn at all times, even when driving. I would bet that the vast majority of Canadians would disagree with you.
  3. Canada must tell Muslims before they come here that in Canada honour killing is not allowed. Neither is female circumcision or killing cartoonists. Nor do we force women to wear a face veil or a body sack.If the Muslims do any of these things that are illegal they will be arrested and perhaps deported. We don't need people who won't embrace our values and way of life. We cannot force Muslims to not perform honour killings or not to treat their wives or wife like property. Nor can we force the Muslims to not kill cartoonists or bomb embassies. You're right.
  4. . All it will take is for the left to side with the SCC in order to push people to the Tories. The public needs to feel safe and the NDP or Liberals don't help people feel safe. Most people aren't political junkies like us, OK...they only see that the PM is trying to protect us from terror and the other parties are making excuses for them. Trying to see them as victims instead of the cold blooded killers they are. It doesn't matter about the fine details. The public simply doesn't have the attention span or really care. Its all about the sound bites. Do you understand this? Maybe we can't get you but we're not after you.
  5. I can only wish that Canada had a string leader like Putin. He takes action and doesn't care what anyone thinks. Let's not forget that Putin is wildly popular.
  6. . I don't know for sure but since the support for this bill is so widespread I could stipulate that support would come from many sectors of thought. Its only logical to see it as such. Some opinion that can be seen on just about any internet comment area would call Islam itself a "doomsday cult" or "death cult". This line of thought isn't unfounded given current events. Is it fair to tar the entire religion? No but Islam hasn't done enough to dissuade those people either. The bill appears to give better information sharing between the RCMP and CSIS. So people should be able to support that, surely. Not many people would support terrorism as written in the new bill. So its a good thing that police can have expanded powers to help protect Canadians. Good, wholesome Canadians wouldn't be out participating in "terrorist" actions. They would be at home with their families or with friends and not out planning to carry out actions against the crown. I hope that my fellow Canadians will be able to see this bill for what it is. A non partisan attempt to protect Canada and Canadians from terrorism, foreign and domestic. A vote for C51 is a vote for Canada. I urge you all to choose Canada.
  7. The opposition has to only claim that they will push for it to be put in front of the SCC. That will be enough to let the PM plant the seeds of suspicion within the public mind that the opposition cannot protect them as well as the Tories can. Sounds like a reasonable strategy doesn't it?
  8. The bill contains adequite oversight. Its obvious it does. No problem there.If the SC kills it prepare for a massive upswing in the undecided voting for Harper again. It will make terrorism an election issue and Mulcair is seen as being indifferent to Muslim terror. Meanwhile the shiny pony is like a deer in the headlights. Its quite obvious that Canada needs bill C51 in order to protect her from terrorists foreign and domestic. This bill delivers on all fronts. Muslim terrorists are not our friends. The left thinks they just need a hug then they will be beer drinking, hockey loving Canadians. Nevermind that they aren't interested in our way of life. Just ask France if the Muslims are just misunderstood creatures. Bill C51 is a measured approach to terror related issues facing Canada. We have Muslims killing people for drawing cartoons. We have abo's blocking train tracks. We have others plotting to blow up pipelines. Canada has a serious terror problem.
  9. PET and Chretien would often shut down debate and ram bills through. They were both dictators effectively.The bill has adequite oversight. It appears the left is representing the bill as having no oversight. Its simply not true. The bill, as it stands has oversight included. Truth is that a large majority of Canadians support the bill. The left seems to treat their fellow Canadians as idiots or like children who aren't to be trusted to support anything. The left just can't believe that such widespread support could be for something PM Harper is doing.
  10. Our societal values have nothing to do with Muslim extremism culture. Any women who is wearing a full face veil, forced or not, is an extremist. A fundamentalist. A Muslim who believes in a literal Koran. This isn't welcome in Canada.
  11. .Trudeau and Chretien were the masters of ramming bills through. Harper learned from them.Oversight is contained within the bill. Its very clear in its scope The bill is very well researched and gives our agencies the ability to share information which is sorely needed. This bill provides that. Canada needs our support. Supporting this bill means you support Canada. Perhaps some people would be happier is they found a different country to live in if Canada isn't to their liking.
  12. the vast majority of Canadians don't share your attitude. They don't see it as a removal of rights at all. Its about our PM trying to protect Canada from the threats which we face in today's world.Canada majority don't have any sympathy and don't see terrorists as victims like the left wing does. The majority of Canada doesn't want terrorists coddled like the left does. Nor does the majority of Canadians want roving bands of Muslims clad in black sacks of cloth controlling areas of the city. Those aren't Canadian values. The left values all cultures but the most of Canada sees some cultural practices as not wanted in Canada. Not needed. If some people don't like and respect our values and traditions then we don't have to respect them.
  13. . If that happens it only fuels and motivates people to vote for PM Harper. The longer this goes on the less likely it looks like the Liberals are ready to lead.
  14. Exactly. They'd be happier elsewhere. I urge people yo tell people how they feel to their faces and not just on an internet forum.
  15. you're in a tiny minority of people who oppose this bill compared to those that support it. Its going to pass. Nothing you or the left of this board can do about it.Maybe you can try to get Mulcair to be elected PM and repeal it Who knows. Until then stop going on about it. Its like a broken record. Its tiresome
  16. You forgot to mention these girls are going to support ISIS. Who us killing Canadians and her allies. What they are doing is treason and they should be executed never mind arrested.
  17. This is disgusting. If we go to a Muslim country women must adhere to their rules but apparently they can come to Canada and tell us how it is. Just disgusting.
  18. So you're ok with people taking the oath to join Canada wearing a KKK hood or Nazi arm band?
  19. Support for c51 is Support for Canada. If you go against Bill C51 you go against Canada.

  20. The problem is that without c51 the different agencies aren't allowed to share information.That's a serious problem. We don't know how many more people like this are out there. Instead of competing we need the agencies working together which us what the new bill helps to do.
  21. Its the devolopibg nations who ate the worst polluters. They need to clean up their acts. Canada has done enough.
  22. Ok. Great. Now can you please provide some documents showing the war crimes that were committed and the following trial at the Hague.
  23. . Our PM is merely telling the truth about terrorism. Thankfully the PM isn't prepared to stick his head in the sand, putting Canadians at risk. The left is prepared to do nothing instead the left would like to understand ISIS and Al-Shabab and that way they wouldn't want to attack Canada anymore. To the left they just need a hug.Thankfully, the vast majority of Canadians support this bill and the PM can only pray that the left makes terrorism an election issue. They will be handing the PM another sure victory. The other two are weak on terrorism and weak on crime.
  24. . What illegal war? Was someone tried for war crimes at the Hague? Who and when was it?
  25. Yet again Trudeau is likening Harper's anti niqab stance to Jews being sent back to Nazi Europe. With gems like this the Tories don't even need to campaign at all. What a funny man.
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