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Everything posted by scouterjim

  1. I think you know more about COSMOTOLOGY that COSMOLOGY, Betsy.
  2. there is a difference between listening to Ontario and Quebec, and blindly kissing their asses like ALL PMs do. If Ontario farts, the PMO jumps. If Quebec farts, the PMO offers all kinds of goodies to them.
  3. It doesn't matter where the PM comes from. They will still bow to, and placate, Ontario and Quebec.
  4. I recall that pastor. He has a television program, and advocated Obama's assassination more than once. If it wasn't for the foreseeable outcry from Bible thumpers, his ass would have been thrown in the slammer long ago!
  5. nor does it mean they ARE true!
  6. Why not start with the Senate? We can rid ourselves of those drones, and save millions.
  7. As much as I think Palin to be a fool, I would never endorse political assassination, even in jest. If I didn't do so for Dubya (or in Canada's case, Trudeau), I wouldn't do so for Palin either.
  8. Reading your posts title on "Recently Added Topics" makes it look like you did it.
  9. There is s time and place for protest. During the Throne Speech is not either of those.
  10. An Arab insult is , "May you find yourself between the hairy thighs of a woman!"
  11. Quebec can go, but only within the 1867 borders of the province. The rest of the territory was mistakenly given to them.
  12. real Canadians? A real Canadian spends their time screaming and yelling at players on the TV thinking they can be heard?
  13. WILLARD? Wasn't that the guy in a movie who had a pack of trained rats? Oh...wait...I see a similarity in that. Rats...GOP...yep. I can see it.
  14. Hasn't all that idiocy come to an end yet? It is getting to the point where the next season can't start because the previous one hasn't ended yet.
  15. Religions have been the cause of more wars than anything else.
  16. Why would anyone name their child after a baseball glove?
  17. Layton says he would accept a 50%+1 vote on Quebec independence. Traitorous bastard!! Why doesn't he just come out and say he hates this country?
  18. The bastards. I have a reimbursement cheque coming back soon, and sure as shit, they will hold it up!
  19. Beam me up, Scotty. There is no intelligent life on this website.
  20. I can take a child away from civilization, and raise them telling them that Harry Potter is a real story, and that Harry is a god. By the time that child is 6, they will believe it. THAT is what the Bible stories have don. Told over and over and over for generations, they have comne to be accepted (by some) as fact. There is still NO proof that the Bible stories are FACT.
  21. Also, what of statues of Jesus, Mary and all the Saints? Aren't those idols?
  22. Who says Christians are correct? Who says Muslims are correct? Who says any faith is correct? Just because a book says so? The Hindu Holy Book outdates the Bible by a thousand years, so why is it wrong? Buddhism is older than Christianity, so why is it wrong? Why are the writings of an obscure tribe (the Jews) in a desert backwater supposedly the "real word of God"? There is NO proof ANY one of the myriad of holy books in this world is the correct one with all the answers.
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