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Status Updates posted by OftenWrong

  1. JWR has played Trudeau like he's a schoolboy. He now looks like a complete idiot. There is no move he can make on this without failure. Checkmate...

    1. DogOnPorch


      Even the Aussies are making fun of him, now. 

    2. capricorn
  2. Go away, Huawei.

    1. OftenWrong


      Hua-wei actually means go away roundeye in chinese. ;)

  3. Only the RCMP would have a "surveillance" aircraft that is so loud everyone can hear it and starts wondering what is going on.

    Repeated flights over Kingston by an RCMP plane provided a clue

  4. Trudeau is in the pea soup again, this is becoming habitant.


    PM Trudeau apologizes for response to protester

    "I licked respect"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OftenWrong


      This couldn't look any worse for him. Really, it's  good thing that the PM is a complete idiot.

    3. OftenWrong
    4. AngusThermopyle


      It looks like he's determined to make the Federal Liberals the next mini van party.

  5. If there ever was a privileged, entitled, 1-percenter who refuses to accept responsibility for themselves, it is on display now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. betsy


      Lol....it's like raining darts on Trudeau!  :lol:

      Raybould also issued a statement suggesting an investigation to the source of the leak.

      Also....can't wait for the statement of Raybould (which she submitted to Justice Committee) to be made public.   CBC says it'll take about a couple of days before we get to know what's in it.

    3. scribblet


      They won't make it public, at least not without major redactions

    4. scribblet


      check this out 

      "It was hard not to feel sympathy for Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, a politician visibly struggling to maintain principles despite being a Liberal MP"


  6. We do not believe the left, nor the right. We believe the double-edged sword of justice. 

  7. There needs to be an investigation alright- into Media collusion.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Yes I've noted this as well. Also the best way to attack a woman these days is to send in another woman. 

    3. betsy


      Very obvious.

    4. DogOnPorch
  8. Someday a real rain is gonna come and wash all the scum off the streets.

  9. Now stay tuned for another broadcast of "How wonderful everything is being improved upon, now that we're liberal"

  10. Liberals seek to incriminate the unusual, the loner.

  11. GM invests $3 Billion into automotive manufacturing plants in Brazil.

    1. OftenWrong


      Globalism is no longer merely an abstract idea, for folks in Oshawa. In its wake it leaves a litany of broken homes, foreclosures, child poverty, divorce and miserable death.

  12. Justin Trudeau in Free-Fall



    Justin Trudeau in Free-Fall


    PM Justin Trudeau in free-fall as election approaches


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OftenWrong


      He might make the front page again, after recent shenanigans.

      Trudeau's SNC-Lavalin coverups are more disturbing than the alleged crimes

      However, don't count him out quite yet. There's a budget coming up. Expect much sugar to be blown up many asses.

      Go, Justin! :D 


    3. DogOnPorch


      Not sure a massacre is the best way to get off the front page...but there you go...problem solved.

    4. OftenWrong


      Yep. The system is showing its true face through the cracks. Quick, cue the disaster news.

  13. Minister of Justice? Nay.

    Minister of Justin!

  14. Quick, cue more news stories about plane crashes and women and children getting hit by cars. Only the state can protect you.

  15. PMO denies 'hostility' in Trudeau's interactions with Liberal MP

    Hey PMO, doesn't she deserve to be heard? That's what I thought the Prime Minister said, any time these sort of matters arise. They seem to be arising a lot lately.

    My advice to Mr. Trudeau is, maybe it's time to take a long walk in the snow...

    1. scribblet


      Yup, and all the other female MPs sent out boiler plate tweets saying how great Trudeau is...

      Got this from Facebook,  from her husband but


      MP husband.jpg

    2. BubberMiley


      Is there something wrong with hostility? I find it very effective.

    3. OftenWrong


      For one, hostility is not permitted in the workplace, BubberMiley. People who have real jobs all know that.

      Unlike Mr. Trudeau who has never had a real job before.

  16. Canada's golden boy loses his shine.

    Headlines from around the world

    "Once bathed in a divine light..."

    Trudeau a tragic hero of Aristotelian proportions.

    You can't make this shit up, bro!

  17. Liberals have quietly changed the title "Ombudsman" to "Ombudsperson". Nice to know they have time and money for the important things that matter!

    Liberals appoint a new veterans 'ombudsperson'


    Liberals there are many more word challenges on the horizon!
    - Humanity, Humans
    - Other species, Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon Man
    - Job designations, Garbage Man
    - Personal names, Manfred, Manolo
    - Place names, Manchester, Isle of Man
    - Movies, The Man from Uncle
    To name but a few!

  18. Trudeau a veritable Canadian Tragedy. Icarus hath fallen, having soared too high against his father's advice.

    1. bush_cheney2004


      Agreed...a Greek tragedy for sure...complete with hubris.

    2. OftenWrong
  19. Babe Ruth steps up to bat, then points to where his home run is going to go.

  20. Apparently there was a kerfuffle between Jody Wilson-Raybould and the Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister "over the direction of the Indigenous Rights framework".



    Sunny Ways!


    Did PM Trudeau score political points off the death of 7 Syrian children?




    1. scribblet


      He Hope's   damn tablet keeps putting in the apostrophe

    2. DogOnPorch


      Politics 101: When times are good, kiss a baby. When your Party is sinking faster than a Japanese aircraft carrier at Midway, attend children's funerals and wakes.

  22. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

    1. scribblet


      and in Canada   


  23. Ever notice the second part of the word, Environmental?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Nother example- A young man and his wife go to the grocery store. They purchase their groceries, which the store packs for them into paper bags.

      Next week the young man and his wife go to the grocery store. They purchase their groceries, and are shocked that the store no longer has paper bags. All bags shall now be plastic, they are told. "What the? says wife. "I know, I don't get it, isn't that shit really bad for the environment?"

      "This is truly f-ed man. Can you imagine,in twenty or 30 years, all the plastic bags in the landfill?"


      Environ-Mentalist: "Trees are a valuable resource and should not be cut down. Cutting down trees for useless things such as grocery bags, is bad for the environment."


      The year is 2019. A young man and his wife go to the grocery store. They purchase their groceries, which the store packs for them into plastic bags. The store charges them a fee for each plastic bag. The young couple think nothing of paying for this and pay the fee. The them it is normal.

      Old man-
      "This is truly f-ed man. Why should I pay 5 cents for a plastic bag? Why not let me buy a paper bag?"

      Environ-Mentalist: "Paper bags cost far more energy to produce per bag. As long as the consumer pays a fee for each plastic bag, it goes toward purchasing carbon credits to offset our country's financial penalty, since we didn't meet our commitments."

      Normal person: "Ah, so" :wacko:

    3. OftenWrong


      Example # 3

      Trudeau Imposes Carbon Tax

      Each industry will have a certain emissions target relative to that sector’s current average -- companies can pay a tax if they go over the level, or they can buy credits from others that are above it.

      Paying a fee is all that's necessary?, and you can bet where that money comes from. Environmentalism.

  24. We need to allow in unskilled, uneducated immigrants because there are jobs left unfilled? Are there no unemployed? Are there no welfare roles?

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