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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2018 in Posts

  1. Yeah and 2/3 of those deaths are suicide so I'm guessing us evil republicans are responsible for that too? Stop buying what the fake news is trying to tell you. And second, just because someone is capable of doing evil through the misuse of a tool doesn't mean I'm responsible for it nor does it trump might right to own said tool. Telling people to give up their gun because someone is misusing it is like saying since some men are capable of raping people lets remove all male appendages capable of said use.
    1 point
  2. It ain't one cent and last I check..er erm. America was the most generous country on planet earth...by a wide margin... look we don't need to get into a debate about who is better at virtue signaling cause america is definitely number one. My criticism is we don't need to take in more refugees, america has been doing that since the beginning of its founding. Too many influx of immigrant/refugee can overwhelm a stable democracy. Look at what happened to the uk and europe. Remember what happened to the roman empire when it took in too many barbarians? If you want to help those refugee then do so at the expense of your own money. Don't expect all of us to contribute because some of us are struggling just as much for that 1 cent. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/america-new-zealand-and-canada-top-list-of-world-s-most-generous-nations-a6849221.html
    1 point
  3. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL You got me comrade. p.s. I spent 15 years welcoming home stay students, most from China. My mother was born in Shanghai. I would not be alive if a kind Chinese diplomat allowed thousands of Jews to escape Europe and come into China So I joke because I would hate a war between China and the US and China I believe has a super tough President who sometimes over plays his hand. He needs to not react to Trump so quickly. China could be a powerful positive force that acts as an alternative balancing act to the other financial networks and Trump. China-US trade is good for the whole world if its done fairly and peacefully. I hope it does and neither has to feel it has to swallow its enemy. Also Canada needs to trade with China. Let's be fair and avoid this nonsense. Trump is a meaningless side show. The people in the US government behind the scenes are who do the deal and they do it competently. They want a fair deal like China. It will happen.
    1 point
  4. I think my dear Comrade Rue was a typist before retiring back to his farmhouse. A typist means a person who used to types documents with many letters in very short time even without knowing what and who the documents are meant for...
    1 point
  5. My dear Comrade XUL: Greetings from the nation known as Project Alice. Please understand we Alicians do not wish to be caught between yourselves and the Americans in your trade battle. Now I understand you have 2 billion mouths to feed and so you are ruthless and unforgiving in your quest for market control to sell your products but may I suggest dear Sir, that your monopoly on all your businesses has grown far too large to control and so corruption is rampant. As well, your masses who are in fact hungry and do not share the profits and I am sure you know why. our profits are not being distributed to all citizens but remain coagulated in small cells of bank accounts run by elite Communist Party members. Look around dear Comrade, your Communist Party has so many layers of bureaucracy this enables the perfect cover for certain Party members to hide their misallocation of money. Of course any institution that grows to large suffers from this so please do not think I pick on you. You do have a real problem dear Comrade because unless you clean up your corrupt government, the masses in your country will rise as they always do when elite Mandarins run it. You see we Alicians avoid such things. We are very polite. We don't push in line and spit on the streets. We do have our virtues. Listen Dear Comrade, I appreciate Donald Trump is a pain in everyone's bum-bum, but your trade war is with the world not Canada. Kidnapping Canadians will not mean a thing to Trump. In fact it was a rather stupid thing to do. Do you really think he cares about Canadians? One other thing Comrade. You see in Canada contrary to what you think, that boy with the pants pulled up to his arm-pits and the delicately plucked eyebrows and manicured nails and who walks like he has a pretzel stuck up his ass, does not, I repeat does not, have the power or ability as Prime Minister to tell Judges how to handle extradition requests. No politician in Canada does. Tell the idiots in your Foreign Ministry to learn about how other countries' legal systems work. Your Foreign Ministry is inept and so are the idiots we react with knee jerk anger. Trump has made monkeys out of you. Why would you react and have a tantrum to his taunts? You think it shows strength to act like him in response? Are you people that collectively mentally retarded? Comrade, please its nothing personal, our government and pretzel-assed Prime Minister are not one and the same with our courts as your system is in. Have your comrades think before they act. They twitch like North Koreans. Have them think logically not with reactionary, subjective, irrational anger. For a nation so rich in Taoism and other philosophies that taught you not to allow anger to cloud your judgements, your Commie comrades clearly need some basic spiritual training. The problem with you atheists is you turn into absurd robots. Do watch Star Trek and in particular the Borg. I do believe it capture the essence of your weaknesses. Also your fondness for goose stepping in parades we can discuss later. Between me and you, I know your pilots have no idea how to fly your gets but your Navy is amazing. Very large. Oh come now Comrade after invading Vietnam and creating an artificial Island do they really want to attack Japan or Formosa? Really? You got all the Vietnamese oil. What next, Indonesia, the Phillippines? Really? Lol. You woke Japan up and Formosa has a navy and air force as you are well aware trained by your naval ally Israel. Stay calm. No nation wants problems with you. Relax. Let the Canadians go. Wait for the courts to decide. Appeal the case to the Supreme Court of Canada if necessary. By the time it is then decided, Trump could very well be out of office or someone in the US will drop the extradition matter. In the interim as its appealed, you can always use that fiasco to portray your nation as victims and not the nasty predators you truly are. Play that idiot Trump's hand. When he puffs and farts at you, play the victim underdog. He likes to be top dog tough guy for local media portrayals of how he stand up for America. The same media he is trying to use to get to his people with the message of how tough he is fighting or them is also running stories he is stark raving mad. Relax. You see in the US the media is your best friend. Oh come now. You know that. You worked with the Late George W., Bill, Hilary, you know damn well how to manipulate the government and media and bribe the politicians in the US. Your foreign spokesperson looked like an angry baboon. Tell him to stop flaring his nostrils. The ooh I am angry shtick he plays, it reminds us of the Angry Martian reacting o Bugs Bunny. Have your foreign Ministry find out what that means. Listen to me Comrade, Trump stated like the idiot he is that he would use that Chinese clone who runs Hua Wei as leverage. He opened that up to his own courts and our courts to maybe being able to determine by a Judge that the extradition request is for political reasons not legal ones and that may vacate the order. So shut up and wait and let the system of law we have work itself out before you continue having tantrums. Now before I say goodbye, please stop celling cell phones and electric equipment to spy on us. Just ask. We are Canadians. We will tell you everything. Buy our maple syrup and oil, and we will tell you anything you need to know about how to make a snowmobile. Also have your people drive more carefully and try have them comeout of Scarborough and Vancouver, and travel and talk to Canadians . We are nice. Also stop over programming your children with math and after school, school. You might want to let them play sports, engage in art, woodwork, nature hikes. You have a lot of fat soft children who can't handle walking let alone lifting anything. Comrade, I have welcomed Chinese children into my home for years as they learn English. Some do well, namely the ones I teach how to throw snowballs and eat something other than boiled rice. The others well my dear comrade, you have a generation of very soft, useless pampered Princes more concerned about their hair and nails than working. Good luck on that. Regards Rue, the Political Shadow Man
    1 point
  6. Such a sin to care about others. Who knew?
    1 point
  7. Some of it has to do with narcisim. Because they care about the world that makes them an even more virtuous social justice warrior.
    1 point
  8. Yaaassss, look its not some tin foil hat theory that globalist elites want us to care about the rest of the world at the expense of our own. That is one reason why the UN was created. To bring about a global governance. Canada for all intent and purpose is a prooving ground. Canada doesn't even have a canadian identity. The closest thing to an identity Canada have is vermont. One of the easiest way to tell if someone is a globalist is ask if they believe in the concept of a sovereign national border? If no then they are 100 percent globalist. They're not like big foot, they exist.
    1 point
  9. If you can watch CNN without your BS filter turned on you will believe anything Rue. You name the time of day, I will pvr ten minutes of CNN, and I’ll find you at least one obvious lie.
    1 point
  10. I'm sure people noticed the Liberals announcement the other day that Canada 'is trying to convince' China to double or triple the number of visa application centres for Chinese "workers, students and tourists". It was a blithe announcement which, as with all Liberal announcements, was all style in order to hide the substance. "They didn't say yes, but they certainly didn't say no," McCallum told reporters in Vancouver after a roundtable discussion on immigration. Uhm, uhm, but wait. Anyone remember the haughty Chinese foreign ministers who made an asshole of himself here a few months ago? No? Terry Glavin of the Post does. Because this was one of his orders/demands to Canada at the time. Now, suddenly, MccAllum is pretending this is a policy idea his Liberals just thought up and they're trying to persuade the Chinese to consent!! And uhm, how many of these 'workers, tourists and students' will be workers? It's hard to believe the Chinese foreign minister would demand this so that Canada could get more tourists and students. No this is meant to boost the number of Chinese foreign workers in Canada. Once again China is set to screw us, and the Liberals are rolling over like the gutless, spineless wimps they've always been. An acceleration of the availability and volume of Canadian visas accessible to Chinese citizens that the authorities in Beijing would encourage to sojourn in Canada was one of the many demands enumerated less than three months ago by Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister who made an international spectacle of himself at a press conference by barking at Canadian journalists that they had “no right” to raise questions about human rights in China. Now we’re expected to believe that Wang’s little-noticed demand that Canada boost the supply of visas available to Chinese citizens who are in good standing with Beijing was actually a Canadian idea. We will all be expected to believe a great deal of claptrap like this in the coming days, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to China approaches in advance of the Sept. 4-5 G20 Summit in Hangzhou. So be alert. http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/terry-glavin-canadas-servile-relationship-with-china
    1 point
  11. I am only concerned about Canada and Canadians and not the rest of the world especially the 3rd world. We have our own problems in Canada with people in poverty, going hungry and living on the streets to be concerned about. What is with this liberal/socialist nonsense that I must help feed, clothe and house the rest of the world anyway?
    1 point
  12. Corporate taxes are low in Canada. Our lower dollar and universal healthcare are also benefits for business. There are many large Canadian owned companies, but not as many as exist in some bigger countries. Also, there’s no such thing as a central bank giving direct loans to individuals. The banking system exists because of the higher interest banks charge than the Bank of Canada charges them. Same goes for the US or any developed democracy. Canada’s national debt is still among the lowest in the G7. The reason individuals pay higher taxes in Canada is because the country provides more services to citizens, and we fully fund our Canada Pension Plan and other items. We try not to live beyond our means, though Trudeau is overspending, as many other PM’s have.
    1 point
  13. Why? Are you saying that under the globalist mindset Western countries are no longer considered sovereign entities? If so, I believe you're agreeing with the emerging far-right, which is becoming more influential in much of the democratic West.
    1 point
  14. No, it is by design and necessary for separation of powers in the U.S. republic form of government. Otherwise, the president and other elected officials would be subjected to the criminal and civil whims of their enemies. The impeachment and trial process exists to remove the president in an orderly, political coup. President Bill Clinton was impeached, and faced several civil lawsuits after he left office, costing the Clintons millions in debt.
    1 point
  15. Apparently, the mere mention of M-103 is a trigger for you. Your overreaction to my citing it merely as an illustration of the Lib fondness for moralistic stratagems clearly seems to illustrate this. Hopefully, you've found a safe space.
    1 point
  16. NO the easiest way to deal legally with terrorists is with a 5.56mm, and lots of them....you don't have to pay out dead terrorist, nor do you have to figure out how to bring them back into the country. for resettlement, reeducation, at the tax payers expense....So lets recap they went over to Syria to play HOLY WARRIOR, cause thats fun, cut a few heads off, rape a few women, blow up some American soldiers, along with our allied.
    1 point
  17. 1. I don't see that anywhere in the text posted. Where specifically do you see that interpretation 2. There are a lot of gov'ts that are either clearly against migration, or politically do not feel they can afford to appear to support it
    1 point
  18. So, criticism of migration will become an extension of hate speech so will prosecuted as such. Though the pact is supposedly non-binding, it does establish the groundwork for an Orwellian type crusade to bind in stone, mass migration as a human right which would be legally, above any type of criticism. Sure they say it's not binding, but if it is as benign as the liberals would have us believe then why are so many countries refusing to sign on. I agree with the U.S. that argues such multinational agreements subverted the power of individual governments to control national borders. The U.N. Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner posted on its website a speech given Andrew Gilmour. The title of the speech alone shows they are not even trying to hide itheir agenda: “Words Matter: Role and Responsibility of the media in shaping public perceptions about migrants and refugees and promoting inclusive societies.” A primer on how to spread propaganda really.
    1 point
  19. Canadian companies can and do sell into the US market with few barriers. A Canadian company supplied the cell phone that Obama used when he was first elected. China, on the otherhand, persistently blocks access to its market through selectively enforced regulations and demands for 'Chinese partners' which often end of stealing whatever IP a company has. Trade requires reciprocity and China offers none to Canada. The TFW demand is taking the lack of reciprocity to a entirely new level. In most cases when a foreign company invests in Canada that means jobs for Canadians. But China does not even want to offer that - they want to import their own workers. Basically, unless China looks to build a relationship based on mutual benefit rather than simply taking what it wants and blocking Canadian trade everywhere else then we have nothing to discuss with China. You are completely delusional if you believe this.
    1 point
  20. So, to give you an idea of the brilliant minds the government appoints to oversee our refugee system, I give you one Trent Cook. Cook is one of those enlightened people who work for Canada's immigration and refugee system, and who decide the cases of would-be refugees. Last year he was faced with an illegal border crosser named Abdullahi Hashi Farah', a Somalian criminal from the US who said that if he went back to Somalia he'd be killed, him being gay and all. He admitted he'd had a little trouble with the law when he was younger, but that was all done now. Mr. Cook thought this man was perhaps the finest example of the sort of person Canada ought to be bringing in to live among us. "One of the biggest factors that play in your particular situation is your character," Cook said. "In my estimation, you are probably one of the most honest detainees that I have ever come across," he said, noting Farah had acted "contrary" to his own interests by offering up his criminal history and gang ties. "What this indicates to me is that you are, based on your character and behaviour, very likely to pursue all of your immigration matters in Canada with the same diligence and honesty as you have demonstrated in your interview." CBSA had its doubts, and wanted to hold the gentleman until they could check out his criminal record with the Americans, but dear Trent pish-poshed that, and set him free immediately. I don't know if he was beaming, and patted him on the head as he walked out, but I wouldn't be surprised. Unfortunately, Farah was not being entirely up front with Cook. Had Cook heeded the CBSA recommendation and waited to obtain his entire U.S. criminal record, he would have learned that Farah used eight aliases, two different birth dates and had convictions in four states, including a felony gun conviction. But Cook didn't heed the CBSA, and after a Federal Court judge denied the agency's challenge of Cook's decision the next day, Farah was released in Winnipeg. Oh, and kudos to the idiot judge, but then, you can't really expect much of judges. They see their duty as that of the noble protectors of whomever the state is trying to oppress - ie, criminals. Just six days after Farah was first released, he breached his conditions and was subsequently rearrested. That same day, Nov. 8, 2017, the CBSA gained access to Farah's cellphone. It contained recent photos and videos of Farah playing with a loaded handgun, doing cocaine, concealing cocaine and flashing wads of cash. There were also front-and-back photos of a credit card that wasn't his. Farah was on parole when the photos were taken, and was prohibited from possessing a firearm. The phone also contained Tinder chats, photos of Farah having sex with women, and photos of women in various stages of nudity. There was no evidence of homosexual activity And after that he was... immediately released again... This is not an isolated case. Remember that last year CBSA said that almost half the people crossing the US border had criminal records in the US. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/gangster-refugee-canada-immigration-screening-1.4943292
    0 points
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