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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2017 in all areas

  1. There's a difference between challenging the words of a person as being bigoted and calling the person a bigot. As for you, the amount of times you've made personal remarks at people is legendary. Now let's deal specifically with denying the holocaust. If you don't think denying the holocaust is part of an anti-Semitic agenda, good for you. If you think its fun questioning the holocaust as Taxme has suggested go have fun with him. Go march on the streets and demand you be able to build time shares in Auschwitz.
    2 points
  2. There's some truth in that. But the problem is there are no real authority figures in Islam. Or rather, there are hundreds and thousands of them, all interpreting the Koran's demands as the verbatim word of God. No Catholic priest is going to call for the slaughter of Jews, say, or infidels, because he'd be fired by his Bishop. But you gets lots of Immans doing that. Even in Canada, since almost all Imams are from the middle east, we get nasty antisemitic sermons from many mosques. Well, not all of it. There's Texas and Kansas and other bible belt states. But I would wager you'd way rather like in Kansas than Cairo, and triply so if you were gay or a woman or a Jew.
    1 point
  3. Nobody is arguing that Islam today is better than the Amish in terms of respecting individuality and the equality of religions and genders. The argument is that Islam is far, far, far, far worse at all of this than secular western societies like ours, and that given this we are endangering our societal structure and order by bringing in in masses of Muslims.
    1 point
  4. Quit bringing people in from muslim countries, problem will die off. Keep bringing them in, say goodbye to this wonderful country.
    1 point
  5. If you approach any debate in the right spirit you can discuss things amicably, almost (there are exceptions) irrespective of your beliefs.
    1 point
  6. Another interesting thing: I was a JW when the paedophole scandals with the Catholic Church were going on, and the JW's used this to "prove" that Catholics were a false religion. Now that it's happening to them, of course, it's just "human imperfection".
    1 point
  7. If you go back and read what I posted, you will see that I specified situations where Christians are in positions of political and/or social power: closed Christian groups such as Mennonites, countries such as Uganda where people are very religious and throughout history where Christians held power. I also pointed out that as Christianity lost political and social power in Western countries, patriarchal attitudes decreased along with oppression of minorities. I spent quite a few years studying the Bible and discussing it with people from different evangelical churches.
    1 point
  8. Depends on how much power the religion has within the society. In closed Christian societies, women wear very modest clothing, are segregated and not allowed to go into public places without men. Sometimes they aren't allowed to speak to men outside their family, same as some Muslim women. The niqab is the only practice that doesn't seem to have appeared in Christian groups, although it does appear in the other Judeo-Christian religion, Judaism. I agree that at least in Western countries, such extreme practices are much less common - but the point isn't who does it more or who does it less, but that the drivers for that kind of extreme oppression exist in both Muslim and Christian religions when their power is left unchallenged and unchecked.
    1 point
  9. Well, that is what that M 103 Muslim woman has done. She went crying to the government because she was offended that some people were appearing to be too anti-Islamic for her and her sensitive hurt feelings. But thanks, I feel so much better now knowing that no one here will be running to big brother and complaining to some politician that I am being too politically incorrect here. WHEW. Now I can chill out.
    1 point
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