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  2. Read carefully. I gave this link precisely to show how the elite in the 1910s - like now - think. ====== The Thirty Years between 1914-1945 were a disaster for Europe. In 1912, ordinary people had hope. By 1946, many were dead. Churchill in part caused this disaster. To his credit, Keynes changed his mind.
  3. Do we have lab-grown meat in Canada now?

  4. This is the popular American perception. Some American politicians want to be the next Churchill.
  5. Today
  6. Disagree. Island people are practical. In smaller islands, the women in particular. ==== But I agree that island people are different. The Japanese are different from the Chinese, and the British from the French.
  7. I don't support either guy But we Canadians have created a civilised place in the world: a federal state with two federal official languages but no official cultural. We get along.
  8. ^THIS is the warped LIES. My mother died from complications caused by a STROKE, and neither the CDC nor Biden had anything to do with "medications" that might have saved her. IOW, YOU'RE the LYING SACK of SHIT. Unlike your obesity and pending diabesity, I am in great shape even though I am several years older than you. I recently lost 40lbs and am near the weight I was at in HIGH SCHOOL. You need to stop driving the golf cart LIKE TRUMP.
  9. Let me know when you figure out how they can be not mutually exclusive. The SCOTUS works by completely DIFFERENT procedures and RULES than criminal courts. They are the ONLY institution in the US government which is NOT BOUND by the ETHICAL CODE of CONDUCT which is mandatory for all other JUDGES. Bet you didn't even know that. Supreme Court Justices Should Follow Binding Code of Ethics, ABA House Says Now you know. You're welcome.
  10. I just specifically explained to you how I don't see this issue in a binary way and never have and then you completely ignored it and accused me of classifying politics in a binary way, which is absolutely ridiculous and based on no evidence. Do you see me on Team Biden or Team Trump? Do you see me on team Trudeau or Team Poilievre (who I have always despised as a slimy weasel)? Did you see me on Team Convoy or Team Anti-convoy? Absolutely not. I already explained that I agreed with the mandates the convoy were protesting but disagreed with their illegal protest methods and always maintained that the truckers should have been fined and/or arrested. But you have ignored all of this. The same thing should happen to the anti-Israel protestors. Protesting the alleged genocide (which could very well be happening, but a legal investigation needed IMO) is fine, and wanting divestment? Ok sure protest for that if you want, but their methods are against school regulations and the law, including Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act which makes illegal racial/religious discrimination on campuses. They don't own the campus, can't block people from classes, aren't allowed to pitch tents unauthorized, can't put up barricades and physically block people to keep out those with the wrong views or wrong ethnicity, just like the truckers don't own the streets of downtown Ottawa. If Nazis marched down the streets of this country shouting and cheering genocidal antisemitic violence like some of these anti-Israel protestors are, would you accuse someone of being "black and white" for being revolted by it? Disliking Nazis doesn't mean you dislike all Germans. If there were recent German immigrants in Canada in the 1930's and a lot of them were Nazis then yes I would also want all of them who were chanting threatening genocidal Nazi chants deported There is no difference here. None. You want to pin me down as a characture in your own mind, leaving you as "objective". You're the one who is biased here, not me. One thing offends your politically correct sensibilities and the same thing happening by a different group doesn't. That's a you problem, not a me problem. I have consistent ethics regardless of the race, religion, ethnicity, but you don't, and I can say the same about a lot of progressives these days who have double-standards for everyone based on some victim hierarchy.
  11. Wow! IMHO, you Americans have a sustainable society for only some two hundred years China? For some 5000 years. Russia/Slavs? Some 1000 years - despite various invasions. A Mongol horde for 200 years, the Turks in Bulgaria for longer. Mongols? Turks? ==== And you Americans are going to dominate the world? .
  12. Fewer than you'd think. And as this case proves if there's nothing newsworthy they'll just make some shit up and pretend it's news and you'll lap it up I wasn't stupid enough to believe it in the first place I don't expect you to be THAT smart, but you COULD at least look shit up rather than just believe it hook line and sinker.
  13. Oh sorry. I was just going by your words. And previous statements. And general attitude. Oh you mean like Aga Khan treating Justin to a muti million dollar vacation where he had him to talk to on his private island? Yet you still support the guy and defend him daily? Or Jagmeet who talks about how hard people have it wearing a 15 thousand dollar rolex? You seem to be coping with it ok. I'm sure he proably is - but he's against a LOT of what the libs and dips have promoted and the crimes they've committed in recent years and works harder than anyone to get rid of them, so it's no surprise. No you won't. You'll still be here claiming every day that justin is a golden boy and it's all harper's fault.
  14. Yeah well that's what usually happens to newsworthy things. You found something when you looked into it way back when it was happening? Fu ck off.
  15. Purely inflationary? Disagree. ==== Everyone in Quebec says that Trump is a bad guy. Check what he did with SALT.
  16. Nope that's not even close. I said, no special access to politicians and other senior government officials for wealthy people. 3 percenters and up sort of wealthy. It seems Poilievre might be against the idea too given he's been telling corporate lobbyists to take their issues to the public instead of him. He'll apparently do what we say once we've made up our minds. 🤣 Seriously? I'll believe it when I see it.
  17. Yeah i have to admit, that baffles me too. It kind of defeats the whole concept of the anonymous vote for me. I mean we have to declare donors here but that doesnt' mean you voted for the party, lots of people donate to more than one party for political reasons and lots change their mind before voting day.
  18. I sense an angry letter from the municipality in your future.
  19. I don't think there was any 'fake' - i think a newsperson thought it would get clicks and put it out there. The real question is - why do people like you fall for that stuff so easily without looking into it?
  20. A. There is nothing peaceful about what's going on. These Libbies have attacked people and called for genocide. B. Passover ends and some jews come out and lay a beating of some upidy Libbies. Giggle.
  21. If Trump loses we are even, if he wins you owe me 57 camels.
  22. Really, you mean they faked that too? And you still figure it was just a mere handful of psyop technicians that pulled all this off? If they're that good at their job they probably should be running the world
  23. So its not that you hate them for being wealthy, you just want everyone to be poor LOLOL Kid - you've got the same opportunities and powers 'they' do. And we see that all the time, "litlte people" change the country plenty. You can be as wealthy as you want and your talents will let you . If you're feeling like you're a failure then the fault is not in the system or the wealthy but you. And if you ARE happy with what youv'e got then shut up.
  24. In their minds it can be both at the same time. Schrodinger's court if you will. You don't know if the judge is a champion of justice or a filthy bought out scumbag until you open his decision
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