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  1. Today
  2. Looks like the Carolinas need to improve their forest management. 

  3. Last week
  4. Democracy is dying in America as it sides with despots.  

  5. Just in! Trump signs an EO officially naming Measles Freedom Sores. 

    1. TreeBeard


      Due to the renaming of measles, Doug Ford calls another election in Ontario.  

  6. Happy Dofo 3rd mandate day. This Conservative politician will actually "bring it home" unlike PP evidently. 

    1. TreeBeard


      Why was there an election?

    2. Boges


      He wanted to renew his mandate. It could be because some unsavoury stuff could come up regarding the Greenbelt. 

      Calling a snap election when your opponent isn't ready to lead isn't unusual. 

    3. TreeBeard


      Cynical.  He should e been punished for such cynical maneuvering. 

  7. He’s whining like a little b*tch about it, it’s hilarious!

    1. sharkman


      I put him on ignore long ago.  I think Trump's win caused some around here to have their TDS spiral out of control,  this forum has become a whine fest not worth contributing to.  What did you used to call it, a bad case of the vapors?

  8. I heard that Black Dog was banned.  That’s hilarious! 😂

  9. Earlier
  10. "The strength of weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. If a nation's spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

  11. The profound idiocy of human rights tribunals was on full display in BC as a trans thingy was awarded money for hurt feelings.

    Human Rights Tribunal awards $10K to trans person with hurt feelings | National Post

    2. I am Groot

      I am Groot

      It's a soft paywall. All you have to do is remove the cookies from your last visit. Or you can go to https://archive.is/ like everyone else does who wants to get around a paywall.

    3. TreeBeard


      Did you read the actual judgement, not just NP’s biased editorializing?


  12. Another Muslim migrant who should have been deported after their claim was rejected commits a terrorist act in Germany. Will the Germans never learn?


  13. The state of Salinisque lunacy in the UK today is exemplified by the three day trial that is to begin to try an ex football player for saying insulting things about two TV presenters on twitter.


  14. Nice work everyone! Most of the new forum topic titles are descriptive and well structured.  I appreciate everyone pitching in!

  15. Carbon tariff Carney wants to reignite a trade war with the United States, by putting carbon tariffs on American products.

  16. The party of the working class wants to abolish OSHA so more workers can die for their bosses.


  17. Oh look! Who is that addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos!? Why, it's Donald Trump!

    1. Black Dog

      Black Dog

      "It's a big club and you ain't in it."

    2. betsy


      Yep.   Donald Trump - issuing an invitation to all businesses and investors to build and invest in the USA!

      Dangling a giant carrot  - no climate change policies, and low tax - that should strike fear to Canadians!


      And here comes...............CARNEY!  😁

      Threatening  businesses - the "polluters"  with higher tax, to compensate for the scrapping of the carbon tax!



      We'd see an exodus of businesses moving to the USA!

  18. Sounds like Trump isn't going to ban TikTok. I wonder how much they paid him.

  19. Carbon tax Carney and Freeland are trying to distance themselves from Trudeau’s policies.  Too little too late.

    1. Aristides


      Carney was never part of the Trudeau policies, probably why he turned down the job of finance minister. He is also against the carbon tax. 

  20. what's up waldo?

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Now we have web board bogeymen !  waldo is inside me, just like devil was in Regan in The Exorcist 

  21. Trudeau set to resign in disgrace, today or tomorrow.



      From a distance, your avatar looks like Kelsey Grammar. However, up close I see it's Rush Limbaugh. 

  22. Black Dogg followed me over to this forum.

  23. Did you twats really think three billionaires known for treating ordinary people like garbage really cared about the best interest of workers?

  24. https://x.com/FNLfreedomnews/status/1872186832110162237

    Poilievre’s father-in-law pleads guilty to money laundering conspiracy in Boston.

    1. betsy


      "Subject: Luis Fernando Galindo-Ramos, 55, from Colombia, pleaded guilty to money laundering conspiracy and related charges. He is the father of Pierre Poilievre's wife Anaida Poilievre (Borned Galindo)."


      I dont' think he's the father.


      Anaida Poilievre's last name is Galindo (not Galindo-Ramos), and she  is from Venezuela.

    2. sharkman


      I can find nothing definitive either way, but since it's old news this suggests that it's not that big of a deal.

  25. The bureacratic idiocy of the German government is beyond belief. They put concrete barriers to stop cars and trucks from ramming through the shoppers but... they left them wide enough apart so emergency vehicles could get through in case of an emergency... Ponder this for a moment. Consider how moronic you'd have to be to do this?

  26. Muslim fanatic kills people at a German Christmas market - AGAIN.



      Ironically, the man who committed the act, was a ex-Muslim, who had far right views. It appears that his motive, was that he was convinced Germany was becoming an Islamic state.

    2. I am Groot

      I am Groot

      He was a Muslim who, in order to get refugee status, claimed to now be an atheist, and said bad things about Islam. But there's little evidence he actually was an atheist. His online footprint contains some pretty anti-Western, anti-White, pro-Hamas and pro-Islam stuff. Also a supporter of ISIS.

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