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How dumb yah gotta be for jeebus sake!

The trees in the surrounding area not the trees in, for example, Stanley Park.

Honey, they don't fall trees inside cities for remanufacture. Generally the forest companies will go out into the surrounding woods and take the trees.

If I had known I was discussing this with a five year old I would have worded it differently from the beginning.


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Honey, they don't fall trees inside cities for remanufacture.


You obviously know much more about this than I do. Please tell me, how do they remanufacture a tree?

And you aren't discussing it with a 5 year old so simply being coherent will suffice.

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hey baby.

When you insult me you get it right back atcha.

Remanufacturing is when they take a log and turn it into a rough beam so that it can be shipped as manufactured wood.

Manufacturing is when they take a log and turn it into lumber.

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hey baby.

When you insult me you get it right back atcha.

Remanufacturing is when they take a log and turn it into a rough beam so that it can be shipped as manufactured wood.

Manufacturing is when they take a log and turn it into lumber.

I haven't insulted you. Unless of course you think being being shown where you're off the wall is an insult.

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and White, M... I never said anything about lawfully BANNING a corporation. I said they should not locate in small communities. Far cry from BANNING innit?!

I see. so it was just meant as a fantasy, not reality. thanks for clearing that up. You were just playing make-believe.

If everyone loves WalMart so much and it is sooo good for communities -- why do some communities fight tooth and nail to disallow them? Why do hundreds of people turn out to city (or town) council meetings? Are they their to say "Give us WalMart!". No they are not, they are there to stop WalMart from ruining what they consider a prosperous community.

And why does that same walmart do such a thriving business afetr it opens? same answer, people liek Walmart. How could they have become the biggest retailed in the world if they did not? Those ignoramuses protesting have the same thoughts as you and they are not thought out, lack proof and are not credible. People do lots of things based on non-rational beliefs. this is just one of many. Do you think every demonstration ever made was based in reality? If so, you need to do more reading and open your eyes and think for yourself.

As far as corporations having a "duty" to the communities they locate in... take the forest industry. Warehauser, Canfor and the like have a DUTY to the communities they open in. They cannot, for instance, simply take all the trees they fell and sell them -- a portion of those trees MUST be further manufactured in the community.

Silly example. Canfor would not want to do that. They replant because it is in their best interests to do so AND because there is government legislation compellign them to. The forestry companies often plant more trees than they are forced to under law. It is obvious why.

Corporations are not "purely" capitalistic. They have a public responsibility. Or would it be better if we were like Chili or Peru where there are no duties, no responsibility to the communities there.

Morally perhaps, but they are not legislated to.

You would think with your background in 'marketing for businesses' that you would know this already?

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What on earth is "off the wall" about not wanting (notice it does not say banning!) WalMart to locate in small communities.

What is "off the wall" about corporate responsibility.

What, exactly, have I said that could be considered "Off the wall"? Besides calling you a five year old.. ;)

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What on earth is "off the wall" about not wanting (notice it does not say banning!) WalMart to locate in small communities.

What is "off the wall" about corporate responsibility.

What, exactly, have I said that could be considered "Off the wall"? Besides calling you a five year old.. ;)

Your jejune insults aside, off the wall nonsense is in red.

WalMart killed Quesnel.

There are NO small businesses that survive there at all. It's a ghost town. One either works in one of the pulp mills or WalMart.

That being said, I still shop there but I think WalMart should not move into communities of less than 50,000 people.

WalMart does not participate in the local economy EXCEPT for the employees
Quesnel's population is shrinking

Each one of those statements is a crock.

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Wal-mart does nothing for the community.

West Park Mall and Wal-Mart are pleased to help out Big Brothers Big Sisters and provide the locations for the clothing drop off bins. There has been tremendous support throughout the community for this fundraising program for Big Brothers Big Sister


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M Dancer. I don’t mean to disrespect Quesnel. But it is true.

I was up there in July and it is shrinking. Businesses closing up… Maple Park Mall has maybe one store… I didn’t go to the west side so maybe West Park is doing well. I was there when it first opened (same with Maple Park, I was 15 yo when it opened) and it was a beautiful little mall.

The Alamo Grill just sold for a lousy quarter million. Nobody wanted it so they simply auctioned it off.

As far as being a corporate citizen… WalMart does less than a good many small businesses that I work with here in the Lower Mainland.

I bet if I were to go to one of the Pulp Mills and ask for a donation it would be a lot larger than the one from Wally World. ;)


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WalMart is good when it locates in a centre with a large population. Not so good when it kills small town businesses.

Our community has only 10,000 population. And the small businesses here has been struggling and dying for years. The local mall always has two or three spots vacant - and the most recent "for leased" sign has been up for more than 2 years!

The downtown area suffers the same fate. The Business Association had tried all sorts of promotions to get people to walk down the street and buy. Sure, the festivities they throw in once or twice a year draw some crowd....but realistically, what good does that do?

We tried to support some of the local businesses - but in the end, we had to acknowledge that some simply do not have any clue how to treat customers. A lot of people were having a hard time to find full-time jobs in the community, and the price of gas made it tougher to commute 20 minutes or more to work out of town...so they start leaving. That's how usually towns start dying.

Then Wal-Mart and the rest of the gang (big boxes) had decided to come to town. The excitement of job opportunities is in the air! More houses being built in anticipation of the growing place. Real estate is robust! And hope for the struggling small businesses is there. You know why? People from neighboring smaller towns all around us would be coming here in our community instead of going to the nearest big city where there is a Wal-Mart and other big box stores to shop!

More people! More traffic! Of course not all still-existing and struggling small busineses will survive this....but those who have the creativity to exploit this opportunity will do well!

Btw, small businesses were being slowly pushed out long time ago! It didn't start with Wal-Mart!

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You are so having fun White!

Of course a business must have a moral conscience. Why do you think WalMart donates to Big Brothers?

So, I see that YOU are the five year old. I will remember this in the future and make allowances for you.

added: OMG you guys are ganging up on me! :D

You WalMart lovers you! LOL

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You are so having fun White!

Of course a business must have a moral conscience. Why do you think WalMart donates to Big Brothers?

So, I see that YOU are the five year old. I will remember this in the future and make allowances for you.

added: OMG you guys are ganging up on me! :D

You WalMart lovers you! LOL

Actually, people are ganging up on your ideas.

The point you're making is that a corporation should have a moral conscience. Everyone else is saying that a corporation is not capable of having morals, it's not a person. A corporation is motivated only by what gives the shareholders the maximum return on their investment.

If that means donating to Big Brothers, so families who use their services can say, "gee, WalMart donates to them, I should shop there because they've done a lot for my family," then so be it.

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Couldn't you tell I was kidding Cyber?

As a marketing exec I am fully aware of what business can and cannot do. In the community I live in >50,000 many many small businesses are more "morally aware" than their large corporate counterparts. It is all part of their marketing strategies which tend to be much more local than a corp such as WalMart. While WalMart may donate (through head office) to the Red Cross (for example).. the small business' donation goes directly to local community services.

Small business owners do more for the community through Rotary, Lions, etc than an absent owner of WalMart (or Zellers, etc). I highly doubt if the owner of WalMart Quesnel actually lives in Quesnel. I highly doubt if any of the shareholders live their either.

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Couldn't you tell I was kidding Cyber?

As a marketing exec I am fully aware of what business can and cannot do. In the community I live in >50,000 many many small businesses are more "morally aware" than their large corporate counterparts. It is all part of their marketing strategies which tend to be much more local than a corp such as WalMart. While WalMart may donate (through head office) to the Red Cross (for example).. the small business' donation goes directly to local community services.

Small business owners do more for the community through Rotary, Lions, etc than an absent owner of WalMart (or Zellers, etc). I highly doubt if the owner of WalMart Quesnel actually lives in Quesnel. I highly doubt if any of the shareholders live their either.

Once again, this is untrue. Local charities do benefit from corporations like Home Depot and Wal-Mart. In fact, Home Depot builds KaBoom! Playgrounds, Skating Rinks, etc. for local schools and parks. Home Depot is also involved nationally in Habitat for Humanity to build homes for those who couldn't otherwise afford it. WalMart donates to local Red Cross branches through their stores. They also work closely with local Big Brothers/Big Sisters clubs.

For more information on charities Walmart works with, donations and volunteer hours, check out Wal-Mart's American site. I couldn't find a similar Canadian one, but I know for a fact they run similar programs up here.


It's not just a matter of Wal-Mart head office donating to the head offices of these charities. The Wal-Mart stores donate to their local communities.

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I haven't been to Wal-Mart in over 11 years as they are on my banned list.

Did you see this:


Chemical burns from Wal-Mart's cheapie flip flops!!

Wal Mart of course, is still selling these things and doesn't seem to give a flip.

When has any mega corporation given a flip?

You know, what do you people think when you buy a 2.50 cents for a pair of shoes, we use on our feet, which we need, use every day, and is just a cheap pair of rubber. unreal, i saw the pics and that is horrible. but if you would spend a bit more for comfort, and protection, and balance, that would never happen. im so surprised so many women wear these shoes. they are the ugliest invention i have ever seen.

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For those of you who are tryng to avoid products made in China, good luck. The last time I look, a lot of President's Choices and No Name products are made in China....not to mention stuffs from Home Depot, Canadian Tire, Giant Tiger....even some fancy specialty boutiques and stores that sell high-end products.

I hope you say that honestly enough and never set foot in any dollar stores! Despite the heavy pressures from your kids!

Besides, even products that say Made In America can easily have China involved with it, one way or another! Do you know where those nuts and bolts they used came from? The fabric? The thread?

For those of you who believe lowered prices kill small businesses, tough luck. That's the trend! Stores that compete with your local yard sales! :rolleyes:

Everyone seems guilty of that these days - bargain, give-away prices.

Every year, several non-profit fundraisers sell all this perrenial plants for hardly anything - which should put our small, locally-owned garden center soon! Then there are the dinners and lunches being served by your local Legion, and churches, and other small fundraising groups. That should make some struggling restaurants and eateries groaning.

Uhhh....btw, how did this dollar craze ever got started???

For those of you who thinks all cheap prices are poor in quality, don't delude yourselves that high prices always mean good quality.

That's Martha Stewart's start-up concept that made her rich - raising the prices of her cookies at a bake sale - and people believed they tasted so great.

A good set of cookery items I got for cheap at a tv infomercial was up there with an expensive counterpart, beating all other expensive brands in America's Test Kitchen gadget-testing segments.


You might be surprised that even without ever setting foot in Walmart, you're still greatly involved in supporting and keeping those sweatshops all over the world.

And Starbucks-afficionados and all you coffee drinkers, if you're into this frame of mind, you should start weaning yourselves from coffee. It's now being called the "black gold"....and lots of poor planters they say, getting short-changed, doing all the heavy toil and long hours of work - for peanuts. Another sweatshop - outdoor sweating, that is. :lol:

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No it doesn't.

Oh of course it does. It destroys them in several ways. First, it wipes out smaller retail outlets with its ruthless efficiency, buying power and predatory pricing. Yes, it hires people, but not as many as lost their jobs in outlets they ran out of business. Second, its practice has long been to bring in small to mid-size suppliers, get them "hooked" on Wal-Mart sales to the point where they likely can't survive if Wal-Mart cuts them off, and then demand they cut prices beyond what is sustainable given their present operations. Wal-Mart has an entire group of marketing and sales specialists whose job it is to help suppliers relocate to China. And that is the third way Wal-Mart kills jobs. Wal-Mart pioneered the importation of ultra-cheap goods from China in massive numbers - including from slave labour camps - and more than 90% of what they sell comes from China.

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