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Jewish group wants Outremont Liberal pulled from byelection

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Not you.

Gotta like how instead of admitting their errors some people *refine* them retroactively and still claim to be correct. Plus get self-righteous about it. :lol:

So you still believe that the Canada-Israeli Committee is on side with B'nai Brith about Coulon stepping down?

Or is this another case of you trying to convince me of something you know not to be true like the CCF being made of predominantly disaffected Liberals.

I guess if you are going to tell one, you tell a whopper.

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Not you.

Gotta like how instead of admitting their errors some people *refine* them retroactively and still claim to be correct. Plus get self-righteous about it. :lol:

So you still believe that the Canada-Israeli Committee is on side with B'nai Brith about Coulon stepping down?

Or is this another case of you trying to convince me of something you know not to be true like the CCF being made of predominantly disaffected Liberals.

I guess if you are going to tell one, you tell a whopper.

Thanks for proving my point.

I admitted I made a mistake on the CCF thing. That's what fair and honest people do. You wouldn't let it go and got spoken to by admin for your behaviour.

You can't admit your mistake at the start of this thread and are now trying to start a fight over it instead of doing the fair and honest thing.

Hope you got enough anger out for the day. Find somebody else to bully please. :lol:

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Thanks for proving my point.

I admitted I made a mistake on the CCF thing. That's what fair and honest people do. You wouldn't let it go and got spoken to by admin for your behaviour.

You can't admit your mistake at the start of this thread and are now trying to start a fight over it instead of doing the fair and honest thing.

Hope you got enough anger out for the day. Find somebody else to bully please. :lol:

You were wrong then, you are wrong now. I didn't get spoken to by the moderator on that thread so I have no idea what you are talking about.

Here is the Le Devoir reference I quoted.


Read it if you don't believe it.

Mais cette opinion n'est pas partagée par l'ensemble de la communauté juive. Le comité Québec-Israël trouve en effet exagérée l'interprétation du B'nai Brith et il estime que M. Coulon a tout à fait le droit d'être candidat libéral dans Outremont.

Here is what I said a few posts later:


The Canada-Israel Committee disagrees with B'Nair Brith.

This is what I got as a reply.


To whit, I said the full response of the organization was this:

However, he said that his group is comfortable with the stands the federal Liberals have taken in the past eight months, and expects that Mr. Coulon will have to adjust his views to match party policy.

No refining. No haziness.

I said the B'Nai Brith does not speak for all Jews and the Canada-Israel Committee said so in Le Devoir today and did not oppose Coulon's appointment as candidate. In fact, they pointed out that Dion has done a lot to earn their trust in the last months.

So what was my mistake? Please point it out. If you feel it is bullying when you won't answer that question, then fine. It isn't.

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You were wrong then, you are wrong now. I didn't get spoken to by the moderator on that thread so I have no idea what you are talking about.

You got spoken to by the moderator about your posts on that thread.

Wow, even Bill Clinton would be ashamed of such a weak semantic game as that.

Are you denying I publicly admitted to my error on the CCF thread?

This isn't your little sandbox dobbin. I stand up to a cyber bullies like I do bullies in real life.

Your posts are coming from nothing but hatred and anger. Such a sad, sad way to live. I pray for you sir that it truly is a just an Internet persona, but I'm not so sure that's the truth.

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You got spoken to by the moderator about your posts on that thread.

Wow, even Bill Clinton would be ashamed of such a weak semantic game as that.

Are you denying I publicly admitted to my error on the CCF thread?

This isn't your little sandbox dobbin. I stand up to a cyber bullies like I do bullies in real life.

Your posts are coming from nothing but hatred and anger. Such a sad, sad way to live. I pray for you sir that it truly is a just an Internet persona, but I'm not so sure that's the truth.

I assure you I didn't receive any warning about that thread you are referring to.

Your posts are simply incorrect. I am still waiting to see where you think I was wrong.

The Canada-Israel committee disagrees with the B'nai Brith. They do not oppose Coulon's candidacy.

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I assure you I didn't receive any warning about that thread you are referring to.

Your posts are simply incorrect. I am still waiting to see where you think I was wrong.

The Canada-Israel committee disagrees with the B'nai Brith. They do not oppose Coulon's candidacy.

Have you ever admitted to receiving a warning from the mods?

Do you believe your denials have credibility?

I admitted my error on the CCF thread. That's what bolsters my credibility. Are you denying I did that?

Just like Dion should admit he made a mistake with Coulon and move on. Thanfully he's too obstinate to admit his error. But it's in the best interest of Canadians as it will make it that much more unlikely that he wille ver become Prime Minister.

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Have you ever admitted to receiving a warning from the mods?

Do you believe your denials have credibility?

I admitted my error on the CCF thread. That's what bolsters my credibility. Are you denying I did that?

Just like Dion should admit he made a mistake with Coulon and move on. Thanfully he's too obstinate to admit his error. But it's in the best interest of Canadians as it will make it that much more unlikely that he wille ver become Prime Minister.

The last warning I received by PM from a moderator was to not call you a stalker. I received no warning for pointing out you were wrong on the CCF thread.

I was told today within a thread today not to use tit for tat references about calling things childish. I stopped immediately.

As for your last paragraph, this is a diversion from what I asked you. I asked where exactly was I wrong when I said that the Canada-Israel Committee does not speak for all Jews on the Coulon candidacy.

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The last warning I received by PM from a moderator was to not call you a stalker. I received no warning for pointing out you were wrong on the CCF thread.

I was told today within a thread today not to use tit for tat references about calling things childish. I stopped immediately.

As for your last paragraph, this is a diversion from what I asked you. I asked where exactly was I wrong when I said that the Canada-Israel Committee does not speak for all Jews on the Coulon candidacy.

In my last communication with a mod I was asked to avoid flame wars with you, so I will sir.

That doesn't mean acquiesing to bullying. I've made my point and am done with this thread out of respect to the mods and the other posters.

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In my last communication with a mod I was asked to avoid flame wars with you, so I will sir.

That doesn't mean acquiesing to bullying. I've made my point and am done with this thread out of respect to the mods and the other posters.

Actually, you haven't made your point. And what you call bullying is an attempt to actually get an answer out of you which you have refused to do.

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Actually, you haven't made your point. And what you call bullying is an attempt to actually get an answer out of you which you have refused to do.

Sorta like how you refuse to answer this question?

Are you denying I publicly admitted to my error on the CCF thread?

quid pro quo dobby, quid pro quo....

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Sorta like how you refuse to answer this question?

quid pro quo dobby, quid pro quo....

I never said you didn't finally say you were wrong. I said you kept telling me that I was wrong in that thread until I repeatedly challenged you.

I am challenging you now to tell me where I was wrong in this thread.

Can't do it, huh? Where exactly was I wrong in saying that two Jewish organizations in Quebec disagree with one another? Answer that question, will you?

You admitted you were wrong when making the claim on the CCF? Will you admit that you wrong now?

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I never said you didn't finally say you were wrong.

Your semantic games are really tiring dobbin. Did you have to tip toe around such a basic recognition for that much time? Such a long, drawn out little game dobbin. What did you gain from it?

Your sad little games are painful and annoying to read. That much more so for me being the focus of your anger.

You got away with one diversion. No more.

Now I'll avoid your last little hijack and get back to the question of the terrible position Dion has put himself in.

Should he admit he made a mistake nominating Coulon? Based on decency and respect for Jewish Canadians. Or should he pander to the growing anti-semitism of the left?

Avoid the questions all you want, but they are the key to this thread.

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Your semantic games are really tiring dobbin. Did you have to tip toe around such a basic recognition for that much time? Such a long, drawn out little game dobbin. What did you gain from it?

Your sad little games are painful and annoying to read. That much more so for me being the focus of your anger.

You got away with one diversion. No more.

Now I'll avoid your last little hijack and get back to the question of the terrible position Dion has put himself in.

Should he admit he made a mistake nominating Coulon? Based on decency and respect for Jewish Canadians. Or should he pander to the growing anti-semitism of the left?

Avoid the questions all you want, but they are the key to this thread.

I don't know what you gain from not answering the question. You are diverting. You were wrong on the other thread and you are wrong now. Admit it.

Dion was not wrong in nominating Coulon. The Canada-Israel Committee is not opposed to his candidacy. They like what Dion has done in the last months so I don't see what antisemitism you are referring to. Who is making that accusation? Citation?

You are the one that is diverting. You wrong that that there is a monolithic Jewish viewpoint that Coulon should step down. All of this rant now is just you avoiding the that basic question.

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Can't do it, huh? Where exactly was I wrong in saying that two Jewish organizations in Quebec disagree with one another? Answer that question, will you?

Because you pointed to the wrong Jewish group opposing the views of B'Nai Brith Canada.

Your post referred to the Canada-Israel committee while linking to an article that mentions the Quebec-Israel committee. Nice semantic game dobbin.


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Because you pointed to the wrong Jewish group opposing the views of B'Nai Brith Canada.

Your post referred to the Canada-Israel committee while linking to an article that mentions the Quebec-Israel committee. Nice semantic game dobbin.


Is that the mistake you are referring to? That I said Canada-Israel instead of Quebec-Israel?

How exactly does this change the fact that two different Quebec Jewish organizations having different views on Coulon's candidacy? Are you still insisting they have the same viewpoint that he should step down?

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Well dobbin, no better way for somebody to understand their own behaviour than a taste of their own medicine i.e. your pedantic obstinance on that CCF thread.

Now will you move on to the issue of the dilemma Dion now faces in Outrement?

Should he admit he made a mistake appointing Coulon? Based on decency and respect for Jewish Canadians. Or should he pander to the growing anti-semitism of the left?

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Well dobbin, no better way for somebody to understand their own behaviour than a taste of their own medicine i.e. your pedantic obstinance on that CCF thread.

Now will you move on to the issue of the dilemma Dion now faces in Outrement?

Should he admit he made a mistake appointing Coulon? Based on decency and respect for Jewish Canadians. Or should he pander to the growing anti-semitism of the left?

You called them Canada-Israel yourself.


And then went on to say their views were in line with one another.

You were obviously wrong that they are in line with another regarding their views on Coulon's candidacy.

There is no lack of respect, no monolithic view of Coulon's candidacy amongst Jewish groups and no charges made of antisemtism against Coulon.

Dion made the right choice and Coulon will be a good addition as a Liberal MP.

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The Jewish organization says Coulon, a political scientist and former journalist, has a "well-documented anti-Israel bias," including sympathy for Hamas, that is "out of step with current Liberal policy," according to a statement released by the group

When did the policy change, today. I must have missed it.

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I am challenging you now to tell me where I was wrong in this thread.

Can't do it, huh?


Maybe you shoulda read post 41 before making such a serious and elightened contribution to the thread.

As to dobbin, this post from Angry in the Great White North sums it up exactly. Are you Jason Cherniak?

Anyone can make a mistake in research. But it's fun to watch Liberals do it. They admit to being mistaken about the "fact" that was central to their argument, and then say "none of it matters".

If I was Stephane Dion, I'd ask Jason Cherniak to stop helping.

As for Jason's closing point on apologies, he just shows what a class act he is.

And I'd ask dobbin to stop helping too...

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Neither of you read the the link I gave. The Canada-Israel Committee is fine with Coulon remaining as a candidate. They disagree with the B'nai Brith and made a pointed remark that they don't speak for all Jews.

Yes congratulations neither of us have read the link you gave after we commented.

Nothing like being right, even if only in a post hoc sense......:lol:

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I said the B'Nai Brith does not speak for all Jews and the Canada-Israel Committee said so in Le Devoir today and did not oppose Coulon's appointment as candidate. In fact, they pointed out that Dion has done a lot to earn their trust in the last months.

So what was my mistake? Please point it out. If you feel it is bullying when you won't answer that question, then fine. It isn't.

Oh my Goodness.........you are like depleted uranium........

Let me take you out of your self induced misery.

The Canada- Israel commitee wasn't quoted in The Devoir.

Thanks for coming.....

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