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What must we do to protect our White culture?

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If I had a crush on a woman of another race I would personally have no problem marrying that woman. It's no big deal to me. But I know a guy who says he thinks no less of other races but says he would only marry a white person. Now I dont agree with him on everything, but he can marry whoever he wants and thats his business. And whenever he says this he is booed and called racist this bigot that, like its anybody's business. But if a black person said the same thing and only wanted to date "sisters" no one would be upset.

You know it, and I know it.

There are many people who say things that society deems terrible who turn out to be nicer people than most of us.

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white culture...or rather white (yea small w) English culture...

Hmm......I know what it is. It is a glass of Tomato Juice , 3 shrimp on a bed of lettuce in a small glass , no standing with a drink , no drinks at all on sunday, chain the swings at the park , padlock the movie theatre, do not allow any sunlight in taverns , hand around a stale cheese sandwich because food must be served with booze, bad shoe leather roast beef, powedered milk and expressions of horror if someone moves onto the street with the last letter of their surname ending with a vowel.(by the way , all true)

white culture.....could it get any more boring?

Oh yeah , by the way, what a load of crap this thread is. Some good, majority bad.

Should have named this thread " What must we do to proteect our White culture, or How can I fixate my hate on French Canada and the rest of the dirty smelly people I dont like."

Edited by guyser
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Ok, what do you see beyond the superficial that you can point to as an example of a value immigrants have brought here that Canadians have embraced?

Well, if we're talking of cultural integration I would point out philosophies such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism to name a few. Certainly new age spiritualism has deep roots in these. Yoga is from Hinduism.

And, I'd like to point out that in many cultures, the lack of respect for women is not something that's hidden away in a dark little corner. It's front and center. And of great importance to approximately have of the population?

I think cybercoma has done a far better job than I could in articulating this aspect of culture. I will add that there are feminist struggles for equality in other cultures just as there were in western cultures at the turn of the century. Women here in north america still do not have equal rights nor would I view our pop-culture as being respectful towards them.

And it usually is. It seems to me that whenever a white person intentionally harms a non-white person, it's never just an isolated jerk or an isolated incident. It seems like it's described as "an example of the underlying racism in our society".

And maybe it is. I don't discount the possibility that sometimes when an immigrant gets beat up, it might be the end result of a kid who grew up hearing his dad grumble every day about how it's the immigrants' fault that he couldn't get the job at the GM factory. Or the result of hearing about terrorism on the news every day. I certainly recognize the possibility.

And think one should likewise recognize that maybe hearing from your Imam or your dad every day about how those other women are whores with inferior morals might likewise bring a *cultural* aspect to incidents that one might wish to dismiss as just a bad apple going rogue.

Absolutely, these are examples of racism and hate. I don't think a society should be measured by the lowest denominator. I think media has the effect of portraying certain events as being more prevalent than they actually are. I know that by looking at my own multi cultural community there is no reason to believe that *cultural aspects* are to blame for the vast majority of violence.

And what worthwhile elements of other cultures do you see that we might add to our own that would "expand on our tradition of freedoms"?

Their presence in the quest for the higher potential of humanity. Values are held at an individual level with culture being the collective. I believe in the intrinsic good of humanity. I believe that to expand on 'the outstanding tradition of freedoms and democracy and human decency' we must as individuals make the transition from values of money and material excess to life and spiritual fulfillment, from relationships of domination to relationships of partnership, from a belief in our limitations to a belief in our possibilities, and from fearing our differences to rejoicing in our diversity.

Sure that is one thing, but multiculturalism does not work that way and that's why people are pissed off at it. I had an argument not so long ago with a fellow about kirpans in schools. He agreed with it I was against it. But he was also a proponent of prohibiting Christian students to bring Bibles to school, because its offensive apparently (I tried to explain to him that most people dont sharpen their Bibles). And people who think like this are a reality. You may have read about the case a few years ago where a student in Tennessee no less was barred from bringing a Bible to school for personal use because another student saw it, and that students parent made a complaint.

No one can stop people from being multicultural anyway. So why do we need "multiculturalism". If I wanted to lay down a mat, burn incense, and say Ohmmmmmmmmmm for ten years I can do it anyway. The cops wont bust down my doors and arrest me. Its when multiculturalism turns into a campaign against the predominant culture that it becomes a problem. When people are offended at everything predominant here. The fact that poppies blew in Flander's Fields beneath some "CROSSES" should not affect a Muslim's ability to be muslim. Do you feel the need to complain about Stone Buddha's when you are in Asia? Of course not, but the Alabama Legislature had to scrap the Commandments. Why?

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The colour of a persons skin does define their culture...

So...I guess that white people can't have Christianity as part of their culture, right? You might recall that Jesus was a brown fella.

Hey don't forget not only was he "dark" but yegads he was a Jew too! But then in Leafless' world we select what we want and simply legislate out the rest.

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Leafless, Canada is nothing more than a mish-mash of cultures. It has been that way since the English, French and Native people were scattered all over this country.

If anyone has a leg to stand on, in this type of discussion, it would be the First Nations. They could say that "european culture" ha ruined their nation, etc. etc.

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Yes but you understand my meaning. I am saying that if there were someone talking about black culture and preserving it you probably would not get hot and bothered. I could be wrong and I would hope I am. But that is not likely the case.

I remember watching a talk show a few years ago and seeing a black guy on there saying he would only date white women cuz he just found the look more attractive. While talk shows are not the best source of information they are a good source of popular opinion. The audiences are populated with real people and their boos and claps reflect the general opinions of society. This black man was booed and many people took the mic to bash him, while some black people said he was turning his back on his brothers and sisters. But no one gets upset over the black people saying such things....imagine if a white man were to say he liked black women better...would you get up and say he should prefer his white brothers and sisters?

I'd want to know what black culture the person was referring to. As I said, in Canada it appears that culture is tied to language or country of origin rather than based solely on the colour of skin

The example you've given sounds like it comes from an American talk show. It doesn't sound like the Canadian experience.

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white culture...or rather white (yea small w) English culture...

Hmm......I know what it is. It is a glass of Tomato Juice , 3 shrimp on a bed of lettuce in a small glass , no standing with a drink , no drinks at all on sunday, chain the swings at the park , padlock the movie theatre, do not allow any sunlight in taverns , hand around a stale cheese sandwich because food must be served with booze, bad shoe leather roast beef, powedered milk and expressions of horror if someone moves onto the street with the last letter of their surname ending with a vowel.(by the way , all true)

white culture.....could it get any more boring?

Oh yeah , by the way, what a load of crap this thread is. Some good, majority bad.

Should have named this thread " What must we do to proteect our White culture, or How can I fixate my hate on French Canada and the rest of the dirty smelly people I dont like."

Following the level of Leafless's original and continued posts I think you are a poo head and there should a law against you for being a poo head.


anyone with a tan or dark skin

anyone who is not protestant


anyone whose name can not be pronounced with one verb

anyone who does not speak English

anyone with their own teeth

anyone who reads anything but what Leafless tells them they can read

anyone who thinks anything Leafless doesn't agree with

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"No one can stop people from being multicultural anyway. "

According to Leafless he can. He will deport them. He will also legislate laws to prevent culture and religion other then his own. Read what he writes. He has it all figured out on how to sanitize Canada and save it. That is what the article is about SAVING HIS CULTURE which he believes is the only acceptable Canadian culture. To save his culture he simply gets rid of all the others.

'When people are offended at everything predominant here.'

You mean Leafless being offended at the fact that he feels there are too many people with dark skin or gays or non christians predominating his country?

Did it ever dawn on you that many of these alleged offended people are the very same people you are and Leafless is or do you think only people with dark skin get offended?

"The fact that poppies blew in Flander's Fields beneath some "CROSSES" should not affect a Muslim's ability to be muslim."

Well the next time I see a Muslim I will be sure to tell them you said that then tell them Leafless feels they are not patriotic and should leave. Yes as far as I know, Muslims al of them in Canada, sit obsessing about Flander's Fields and what it means to them.

"the Alabama Legislature had to scrap the Commandments. Why?"

In the United States (yoo-nuh-eye-ted stuh-ayt-sss ) they have what is called constitution (con-stih-too-shun).

That constitution states that church and state are to remain seperate (seh-puhr-ate). It says that because it felt tyrany comes about when one pople try impose their religious (ree-lij-uss) views on someone else.

It was felt if a government would be all things to all people, then it could not just be certain (suh-err-ten) things to certain people.

Thus the constitution does not allow religious displays in public institutions.

It has nothing to do with multi-culturalism or the prevention of it.

By the way this is Canada. (KAH-NAH-DUH) is not ALABAMA. We have a different constitution. Did you know that? Did you know we are a different country and that Alabama is a state is in the United States and so has different laws?

Did you know Alabama is where they used to lynch people with dark skin and called them other folks who wrote the ten commandments they now suddenly care about, JUH-OOOH- BOYZ...

You see for some people in Alabama they get nervous when they hear people saying they want to preserve Christian values because in the past when they heard that phrase the person was usually wearing a pointed hood and burning a cross on their lawn and lynching someone. Kind of brings back memories. But if I tell you that would you think I am shoving my culture down your throat?

Please, don't feel you need to go to a Barbra Streisdan concert!

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I think people who move to another country have to adapt to their new surroundings. For me, that means that you leave the old country at the border. How tolerated do you think you'd be if you emigrated to Saudi Arabia and insisted on wearing a halter top to the grocery store? Why should we demand less of people who come here? Is our way of life less valid than theirs?

So what are you saying? Are you pissed that muslim immigrants are not wearing halter tops? Are you pissed that we are not as intolerant as Saudi Arabia?

Is it not permissible to be intolerant of intolerance? Because by our standards, Muslim immigrants, and to some degree Sikhs and Hindus, are extremely intolerant, bigoted, sexist and culturally backward. Now if they don't adapt here and change their cultural believes, and if we keep bringing them in in their millions, how is that going to make life in Canada for the rest of us? Will these people remain politically powerless? Unlikely. Will their cultural beliefs not have an influence on how we live our lives? I find it curious that most of the people who defend Muslim immigration to Canada are the same people who do not hesitate to bitterly denounce anyone who is not 100% supportive of the gay lifestyle and of all gay rights and equality issues. Do you actually not get that bringing hundreds of thousands of Muslims every year is going to impact those sorts of equality issues?

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So the east coast culture is the same as west coast culture? Each region has it's own sort of culture as distinct as Quebec. Why are we excluding Quebec? Hmmm.....

Culture or cultural variation?

Culture is a subjective word. If I was from Australia I would not see a cultural difference between East and West Canadians but I might notice a difference in language spoken.

What you consider cultural difference another might find simply a cultural variation since their predominant way of defining would be by language or nationality and that is why this post is so bloody retarded.

Humans by their nature will label and place things into categorizations to make them easier to understand.

Some of us though get so obessed with the need to label and categorize we feel "threatened" which is a simple way of saying, we don't think can't find enough labels when it could be they simply are labelling to much in the first place and just have to learn to let things flow.

People obsessed about difference necessarly become uncertain and in a constant state of anxiety because when they say they feel threatened what they really mean is they don't think they have control or enough labels.

This post is nothing more then someone who feels he is in a factory and lost control of the assembly line while he thinks he sees others able to continue at the speed he can not.

So now he cries out-those people that work at the other pace-they endanger me and my job someone get rid of them before I lose my job!

I would suggest his problem is very simple. He simply needs more bran in his diet, perhaps a colonic irrigation or two and needs a night out dancing in a club with some dark sinned people and eating spicy food.

Either that or a heart transplant.

And no I will no let up until someone admits culture and race and religion, are simply labels-subjective labels.

The colour of blood on the other hand does not vary unless of course you have a particular blood disorder or are from Zeticula Romuli, then it is supposedly a blackish green.

Edited by Rue
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Do you actually not get that bringing hundreds of thousands of Muslims every year is going to impact those sorts of equality issues?
Do you have any evidence that those attitudes persist beyond the 1st generation? You single out Sihks and Hindus in your attacks yet every second generation person that I have met from these backgrounds is fully assimilated into what we would call the main stream culture. Edited by Riverwind
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Do you actually not get that bringing hundreds of thousands of Muslims every year is going to impact those sorts of equality issues?

Since we don't bring "hundreds of thousands" , I guess not.

Hyperbole aside, assimilation is important , and I also think that most do assimilate.

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Ok people, lets have a reality check.

According to stats Canada. The nation is still 83% of 'white' decent and the population is still about 70% Christian. Only 1.9% are Muslim. So "white culture" is hardly being overwhelmed.

Canada is more then race or religion anyway. It is about a set of ideals based on freedom, openness and respect for others.

This isn't a reality check, it's a call for short-sightedness. Enoch Powell might have been a bit of a wacko, but he was prescient on several issues, one of which was the great danger of allowing wide open immigration of people from cultures which were hostile, in many respects, to that of the native UK. He was villified and fired and called every name in the book. But how many British in 1968 could imagine what London looks like today, and how many would have been horrified if they had?

Muslims are only 1.9%? Perhaps. In 1981 the total Muslim population was 98,165. Ten years later it stood at 253,260. Ten years later it stood at 580,000. That was as of 2001, in case you're not keeping track. The Muslim population has been essentially doubling every ten years. When religion is added to the next census the Muslim population will easily be over 1 million, most of them concentrated in central Canada. Ten years later it will be over two million, then over four, then eight. Most of you are of an age when you will still be around when it reaches 16. What will Canada look like with 16- 20 million Muslims if they retain their cultural practices and beliefs?

It will be a little late, by then, to do much about it if you don't like the answer.

Edited by Argus
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Ok people, lets have a reality check.

According to stats Canada. The nation is still 83% of 'white' decent and the population is still about 70% Christian. Only 1.9% are Muslim. So "white culture" is hardly being overwhelmed.

Canada is more then race or religion anyway. It is about a set of ideals based on freedom, openness and respect for others.

This isn't a reality check, it's a call for short-sightedness. Enoch Powell might have been a bit of a wacko, but he was prescient on several issues, one of which was the great danger of allowing wide open immigration of people from cultures which were hostile, in many respects, to that of the native UK. He was villified and fired and called every name in the book. But how many British in 1968 could imagine what London looks like today, and how many would have been horrified if they had?

Muslims are only 1.9%? Perhaps. In 1981 the total Muslim population was 98,165. Ten years later it stood at 253,260. Ten years later it stood at 580,000. That was as of 2001, in case you're not keeping track. The Muslim population has been essentially doubling every ten years. When religion is added to the next census the Muslim population will easily be over 1 million, most of them concentrated in central Canada. Ten years later it will be over two million, then over four, then eight. Most of you are of an age when you will still be around when it reaches 16. What will Canada look like with 16- 20 million Muslims if they retain their cultural practices and beliefs?

It will be a little late, by then, to do much about it if you don't like the answer.

Excellent post, as usual. It would be great if you'd add an opinion to the similar, but somewhat different, question in the thread I started.

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The only difference between what Leafless is saying and what Hitler promoted is about 70 years. Times have changed for sure but unfortunately recessive hate genes get passed through generations like a hereditary disease.

Leafless is bigot - much worse than a racist IMO, since a bigot acknowledges his prejudice and continues to hate people anyway.

And there is nothing worthwhile in a thread that starts off with promoting white sheet thinking.

Leafless simply posted in a simplistic, reflexive manner without putting a lot of thought into things. Comparing him to Hitler is asinine and insulting to those who actually suffered under Hitler. And most of those yapping like asses about his improper language, basically using the word "white" haven't spared much more than half a brain cell to figure out what he's saying either. None of it is rooted in racism. For example:

Schools are not what they use to be and reflect a dangerous racial diversity that is the cause of social unrest, even death within these schools harbouring the student body.

Frankly, the degree of immigrants in some urban schools is rather appalling. It's like Canadian born kids are growing up in a sea of foreigners. The high school closest to me has to have a police presence every day to break up fights and prevent all out gang warfare between the Somali students and the Lebanese students - who hate each others' guts. Together they make up about 80% of the student body. I know a man whose 14 year old (white) daughter was enrolled there - for one day, then after several incidents, mostly minor sexual assaults and major sexually loaded and insulting comments and confrontations she was moved to another school. Do you not think this father has second thoughts about the wisdom of immigration? How do you think his daughter feels? The school board had to step in to prevent more white students from fleeing without special permission as none wanted to go there. They left anyway, for private schools, or the Catholic system, or their parents flat out moved to get away. This is not a unique situation. Is no one allowed to comment about this, to question why and how it came about, and whether or not our immigration policy leaves something to be desired in this respect? (anyone who wishes to look up Ridgemont High school in Ottawa is free to do so)

Canadians enjoy malls and shopping which are now ruined by large crowds of foreign youth and adults hanging around making malls a place of social gathering defeating the purpose they were built for, intimidating White Canadians and causing many Canadians to shop elsewhere.

A lot of Ottawans stopped going to South Keys mall because of the swarmings, swarmings by "youths" according to the media, but basically, it's Somalians. And pretty much everyone knows it. Why wouldn't some old guy who grew up in an all white canada where kids had respect and you were safe to walk the streets pretty much anywhere not look at such a situation and be appalled? According to the paper, half of all youths in custody at the Ottawa detention centre are Somalians. Immigrants and crime are a real problem, and they are sowing the seeds of discomfort and dislike among the rest of the population. Yet anyone who makes a feeble complaint, without using the proper terminology and apologetic disassociation is compared to Hitler! How ludicrous!

There are several facets of the dislike of current immigration trends and results, among them the crime generated, the cultural separateness of the immigrants, and the economic consequences. All are valid topics for conversation. Just because the original poster uses "white Christian" to refer to Canada's traditional population prior to immigration being opened up thirty years ago is no reason to drag Hitler into the conversation.

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Do you actually not get that bringing hundreds of thousands of Muslims every year is going to impact those sorts of equality issues?
Do you have any evidence that those attitudes persist beyond the 1st generation? You single out Sihks and Hindus in your attacks yet every second generation person that I have met from these backgrounds is fully assimilated into what we would call the main stream culture.

I haven't singled out Sikhs or Hindus, merely pointed out that they tend to be extremely religious and ovservant and that, like Muslims, their cultural attitudes tend to be quite hostile to most of the traditional Liberal values that those who defend them embrace.

I don't believe any studies have been done of the assimilation of second generation Hindus and Sikhs. And I don't actually believe they tend to embrace their cultural baggage to the same degree as Muslims. However, if those who defend the importation of very conservative religious Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs were asked about bringing in, say, 100,000 bible-thumping born again Christians every year from rural Georgia, Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee, I have to wonder just how happy they'd be.

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You are right the Whites have imposed on the Aboriginal culture in the same manner the British have imposed their will on France and subsequently conquered France on the 'Plains of Abraham'.

Culturally speaking all Canadians, Quebecers, Aboriginals and immigrants should have been initially given no other option than to conform to a single Canadian culture or go your separate ways.

A single Canadian culture? Why? What value is that? And if its singular why does it have to be christian? How would you have given no other option to them? Would you have killed them if they refused to conform (as our european ancestors in fact did in some cases). The forcing of native children into european christian schools is one of the most shameful aspects of our history.

I don't know why you think european christian culture is so great. Perhaps its better than some. But I'm personally far more impressed by the native culture we exterminated than i am by what we replaced it with.


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You are right the Whites have imposed on the Aboriginal culture in the same manner the British have imposed their will on France and subsequently conquered France on the 'Plains of Abraham'.

Culturally speaking all Canadians, Quebecers, Aboriginals and immigrants should have been initially given no other option than to conform to a single Canadian culture or go your separate ways.

A single Canadian culture? Why? What value is that? And if its singular why does it have to be christian? How would you have given no other option to them? Would you have killed them if they refused to conform (as our european ancestors in fact did in some cases). The forcing of native children into european christian schools is one of the most shameful aspects of our history.

I don't know why you think european christian culture is so great. Perhaps its better than some. But I'm personally far more impressed by the native culture we exterminated than i am by what we replaced it with.


Was it the constant intercene warfare you admired, or the cannibalism? The casual brutality? The torture? What precisely about the native culture did you admire so?

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Anyways whatever anyone means by white culture, the answer is you have to protect it for yourself. That's it. You can't enforce it, but realistically I dont think thats happening over here anyway. I think Leafless is saying that we shouldn't have to water it down for others. Like when the crosses were removed from a Rememberance Day display. I mean it's not hurting anyone. And if a student must check his religion at the school door why can't the Sikh leave his blade there.

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The problem is simple. And it is a reality in many situations, its undeniable. Many people for fear of being labelled racist are afraid to not judge in favour of a minority. I am not saying that racism does not exist among members of the predominant culture, but at the same time it can be quite irritating to have people screaming bigotry at you every time you disagree with the common political view of some minority.

So there is racism in the world....but also there is sort of a racism allergy. Sort of an over-reactive, over- protective immune dysfunction that makes people lash out at anything that could be mistaken for racism.

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The power group of any society enjoys systemic privilege. In our society, it's white privilege. It helps to have the right last name too - something WASPish. It seems that the protection is built into the system.

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Was it the constant intercene warfare you admired, or the cannibalism? The casual brutality? The torture? What precisely about the native culture did you admire so?

The warfare was neither constant nor anywhere as brutal as modern civilized warfare. There was no cannibalism in NA native culture. Torture and casual brutality did not exist anywhere to the degree it is found in modern civilized states, even Canada.

What did i admire? I admire the respect they showed for the earth. I admired the skill they had to live in the wild with almost no predation. I admired their sustainability. I admired their sense of kinship with the land and with their tribes. I admired their total lack of crime. I admire their sense of time. I admire their lack of totalitarian expansion and exploitation. There are really so many things to admire about the native way of life.

Modern civilization? I cant think of much that i admire at all.


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