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Som Poll Shows Liberals At 57.5 %

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CBC crows that Paulie Wallie will win the next election hands down, eh? Maybe and maybe not. Here's what will happen before election day, that is sure to bog down the Prince of Wales' march to the throne...

How Paulie Wallie handles the highly controversial issue of same sex marriage that Monsieur Chretien has left behind as his "legacy" for his arch rival, will determine the election outcome, IMHO.

69% of Canadians don't want same sex marriage legalized. We'll see if Paul keeps his 57.5% popularity in the election booth, if he says he will pursue the implementation of same sex marriage. This is sure to be an election campaign hot potato issue which wily Paul can't continue to stay dodgey on.

69% ...sheesh...that represents a huge meatball election issue!

Poll shows support for gay marriage down to 31%

A new National Post poll suggests Canadians' views on same-sex marriage have shifted markedly in recent months, with a solid majority now opposed to the notion.
Paul Martin, the Liberal leader who becomes prime minister on Dec. 12, indicated in the summer he would endorse gay marriage because his duty as a member of Parliament outweighs his personal beliefs on the issue. However, Mr. Martin hinted in the fall that he would consider alternatives to the draft same-sex legislation that has been sent to the Supreme Court of Canada for a legal opinion and would be voted on sometime next year.
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CBC Story

Unless something happens before the spring, I expect Martin will call on Canadians to give him a mandate to govern.

57.5 % Sheesh... That's a big meatball...

Som Poll's got the United Right at 2.6 %?

Phew, If a non-existent party with nonexistent leader can garnish this much suport I can't even imagine the numbers once they actually DO exist and HAVE a leader.

If they dig up someone good, i.e. Ralph Klein, Mario Dumont, Bernard Lord to lead them the future looks very bright.

I wouldn't be TOO surprised if they reduced Paulie Wallie's Liberals to a minority government.

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The problem is you have the Liberals riding a wave of Bono love in with Paul Martin not to mention most of the media in Canada. While we Conservatives continue to tear into each other. I don't see or hear any talk of how we would would do things better. Paul Martin is talking and taking our platform and instead of calling him Vanilla Ice we pull a Milli Vanilli and air our dirty laundry on counter spin (T.V.) This would never be seen by the Liberals! We need only blame ourselves and those leaders that let it happen.

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Oh, Another thing.

A recent poll showed that 42% of Canadians don't trust Paul Martin

Jack Layton the next day on T.V. was saying how we can't trust Paul Martin to do what is right for the average Canadian.

Both Conservative Parties did not mention trust at all. This issue and not gay marriage is what could win us seats.

On the issue of Plane trips again we dropped the ball

Jack Layton said, well the relationships between the corporate world and the PMO is not even suttle anymore. This rings in Canadians ears. Stephen Harper went on about the ethics counsellor not doing his job. Wrong answer!

This is why we lack in the polls

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Goldie, I think you are right.

I saw the Counterspin show.

Peckford said he'll be joining another conservative party with Orchard, and presumably supported by Joe Clark.

Scott Brison, who's in FAVOUR of the merger, intimated that he won't be part of the party if Harper leads it.

This all bodes well for Martin, obviously. And whether or not people trust him, they may see Martin as the most recognizable, or the least detestable candidate.

This is especially true in Ontario where Chretien regularly won around 100 seats. I have yet to meet an Ontarian who is/was enthusiastic about Chretien.

Even Mike Harris, who has fallen from favour here, could have won 30 seats just based on his recognizability.

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This poll seems poorly done. According to most polls that I have seen the new united right wing party could muster support between, 25%-35%, not 12%. As for the NDP in second, that's a load of bulls#@$. Once again, you cant trust anything coming out of the Canadian version of Pravda.

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25-35% for a united right party, hmmm....

We'll see next spring.


Don Martin in his NP article of today says:

"With the results locked in, the business of finding a leader begins. As the gene pool of contenders continues to shrink-wrap around Stephen Harper, the possibility becomes a probability he will replicate the Paul Martin steamroller effect on any kamikaze challengers."

This truly scares me. It's not Harper's ability as a leader (I don't have much feel as to whether he'd be a good or bad leader), it's his "Firewall Harper" monicker that scares me, the title he honestly earned a few years back.

He will NEVER be able to shake the western-separatist label east of Winnipeg, imo.

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He will NEVER be able to shake the western-separatist label east of Winnipeg, imo.

I dunno if that's as much of a problem as his low profile. Martin dominates the news - I'll bet a large number of people think he's already Prime Minister.

He's going to have to find some issues that will appeal to the east. Very tough.

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SOM is a Quebec based company that does not have much of a base or feel for the rest of the country. There's no way in hell that the United Conservatives can only get 12.5%. Hogwash.

The NDP could be up at 17 % or whatever it was, , because the potheads may not be too lazy to answer the phone, but certainly won't get out of bed to go vote, even if y could find the polling station.....man.

And all the bluster you hear from some MPs who say they won't come along oif Harper wins, is just that. Even the Pinkies Brison and Borotsik know , being relatively young men, that if they want a career of any duration, the place to do it will be the CP. No little PC party under the pre-cambrian (forget Jurassic!) Joe Clark will get anywhere, heck, even the riding associations for Clark and borotsik voted overwhelmingly for the merger!

Trust will be a fundamental issue. All Martin is doing is re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Nothing has really changed. He's just exchanging one gang of lickspittle sycophantic backbencers for another.

It's still essentially the same bunch that came to Ottawa with Chretien in 1993.

I am of the opinion that Paul Martin has nowhere to go but down, so basically I expect a May election. He does NOT want to have to face a combined opposition for any length of time, so that he can argue that these guys are untested as to whether they can actually work together, and that for stability the only choice is Liberal.

Therefore, Conservatives need to stop airing their dirty laundry in public, conduct a leadership campaign that avoids mudslinging, and focusses on issues, and most importantly , rallies around the winner. There won't be time for getting in a snit, since the writ will be dropped days after the new leader is named.

ON Sat. Dec 6th, the merger will be a done deal, and no more attention should be paid to the David orchards, Joe Clarks, Sinclair Stevens and Marjaleena Repos of the world. And as for Brian Peckford, isn't he the main reason Newfoundland suffered for nearly 15 years under Liberal governments?

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SOM is a Quebec based company that does not have much of a base or feel for the rest of the country.

That is utterly irrelevant. Any polling firm that wants to stay in business uses scientific methods. They don't ask people passing by the building.

There's no way in hell that the United Conservatives can only get 12.5%. Hogwash.

I think the low mark came because they used the term 'united right'.

The NDP could be up at 17 % or whatever it was, , because the potheads may not be too lazy to answer the phone, but certainly won't get out of bed to go vote, even if y could find the polling station.....man.

And all the bluster you hear from some MPs who say they won't come along oif Harper wins, is just that. Even the Pinkies Brison and Borotsik know , being relatively young men, that if they want a career of any duration, the place to do it will be the CP. No little PC party under the pre-cambrian (forget Jurassic!) Joe Clark will get anywhere, heck, even the riding associations for Clark and borotsik voted overwhelmingly for the merger!

Trust will be a fundamental issue. All Martin is doing is re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Nothing has really changed. He's just exchanging one gang of lickspittle sycophantic backbencers for another.

It's still essentially the same bunch that came to Ottawa with Chretien in 1993.

I am of the opinion that Paul Martin has nowhere to go but down, so basically I expect a May election. He does NOT want to have to face a combined opposition for any length of time, so that he can argue that these guys are untested as to whether they can actually work together, and that for stability the only choice is Liberal.

Therefore, Conservatives need to stop airing their dirty laundry in public, conduct a leadership campaign that avoids mudslinging, and focusses on issues, and most importantly , rallies around the winner. There won't be time for getting in a snit, since the writ will be dropped days after the new leader is named.

It seems that a chunk of the PC party isn't going to let it go. If McKay/Harper hadn't been in such a rush, they could have mitigated some of this.

ON Sat. Dec 6th, the merger will be a done deal, and no more attention should be paid to the David orchards, Joe Clarks, Sinclair Stevens and Marjaleena Repos of the world. And as for Brian Peckford, isn't he the main reason Newfoundland suffered for nearly 15 years under Liberal governments?

No more attention should be paid ?

A "remnants of PC" party could be a threat to the united right if they pick a good candidate and they play their PR cards right.

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A "remnants of PC" party could be a threat to the united right if they pick a good candidate and they play their PR cards right.

I don't think so.

Any remnant would affect the Liberals more than it would a Conservative party.

I would guess that an overwhelming majority of people that would support a new "progressive" party would vote Liberal in the absence of such a party.

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  • 1 year later...
We'll see next spring.


What we'll see next spring is Stephen Harper in the Primeministerial chair.

After reading an article by Miro Cernetic in today's Vancouver Sun (page A3), I'm pretty damn sure that THE MOMENT that Stephen Harper starts poking fun at Martin's insistence on selling softwood to the Chinese, his Conservatives will take a giant leap forward in the polls.

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Here are some excerpts from the article.

Pro Harper excerpts:

"About 150 years ago a British industrialist famously mused that if every man in China just lowered his shirt-tail an inch, the textile mills of Manchester, England, could spin on forever.

Canada's leaders still dream in much the same way today."

"Prime Minister Paul Martin has recently been using the China card against the U.S. government, warning that if it doesn't follow the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada has 'other options': Namely, selling timber to China and its 1.3 billion consumers."

"But there's a rarely noted -- but massive -- barrier to all this optimism about selling our timber to Asia's rising giant. Namely, China's fetish for concrete."

"One of the problems is that other developing countries want to sell China their wood, too, at prices far below Canada's."

"The other challenge for lumber producers is the competition from countries like Russia, where lumber is available at a significantly lower price than in Canada."

Pro Martin excerpts:

"There's a booming industry in disposable wooden chopsticks,"

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We'll see next spring.


What we'll see next spring is Stephen Harper in the Primeministerial chair.

After reading an article by Miro Cernetic in today's Vancouver Sun (page A3), I'm pretty damn sure that THE MOMENT that Stephen Harper starts poking fun at Martin's insistence on selling softwood to the Chinese, his Conservatives will take a giant leap forward in the polls.

Man, you've got to be desperate for spin to resurrect an almost 2 year old thread......

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Man, you've got to be desperate for spin to resurrect an almost 2 year old thread......

Oh my God ... I'm so sorry!

I didn't know that this thread was about the last election. I thought it was about THIS election.

How could that have happened, you ask? I will tell you how!

You see, I have a dirty little habit of snooping on what other posters are reading by going to the attendance section and clicking on "Last Click" button. Then, by clicking on the topic others are viewing I view what they view.

I just hope that the poster who viewed this 2 year old thread yesterday at about 2 pm steps forward so that there is no doubt in ANYONE'S mind that this was merely an honest little mistake on my part.


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Man, you've got to be desperate for spin to resurrect an almost 2 year old thread......

Oh my God ... I'm so sorry!

I didn't know that this thread was about the last election. I thought it was about THIS election.

How could that have happened, you ask? I will tell you how!

You see, I have a dirty little habit of snooping on what other posters are reading by going to the attendance section and clicking on "Last Click" button. Then, by clicking on the topic others are viewing I view what they view.

I just hope that the poster who viewed this 2 year old thread yesterday at about 2 pm steps forward so that there is no doubt in ANYONE'S mind that this was merely an honest little mistake on my part.


Look look ... as I am talking to you someone is viewing a 2 year old thread. I bolded it. LOOK!!!

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Now can you see how a mistake like I made can be made? Hmm?

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Man, you've got to be desperate for spin to resurrect an almost 2 year old thread......

Oh my God ... I'm so sorry!

I didn't know that this thread was about the last election. I thought it was about THIS election.

How could that have happened, you ask? I will tell you how!

You see, I have a dirty little habit of snooping on what other posters are reading by going to the attendance section and clicking on "Last Click" button. Then, by clicking on the topic others are viewing I view what they view.

I just hope that the poster who viewed this 2 year old thread yesterday at about 2 pm steps forward so that there is no doubt in ANYONE'S mind that this was merely an honest little mistake on my part.


It's ok man, you made a horribly stupid mistake. Happens to all of us... Well no, doesn't happen to me but I mean it happens to Conservative all the time

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exclusive Global National/Ipsos Reid poll

According to the poll national vote support for each major Federal party current sits at:

• 31% for Paul Martin and the Liberals (-7 points)

• 30% for Stephen Harper and the Conservatives (+4 points)

• 19% for Jack Layton and the NDP (+1 point)

• 5% for Jim Harris and the Green Party (unchanged)

As for the Paul Martin being exonerated from all responsibility to the Sponsorship Scandal?

• 54% agree that “the findings of the Gomery Report show that the Liberal Party is corrupt and does not deserve to be re-elected”, versus 38% who believe the government deserves to be re-elected and eight percent “don’t know”.

The latest poll to come out....

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