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Khadr should make us ashamed to be Canadian

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In certain respects Canada been dragged down to the level of a third world country?

Who do we blame for this condition?

The federal government and the 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

The federal government and Canada's immigration policy?

Or is the federal governments 'Official Multicultural Policy"?

Sounds like whatever it is, is the fault of the federal government or we would not have embarrassing situations as with the Khadr family.

"Decent Canadians should be prepared to be called names by the political correctoids...and in turn tell them to shove it up their rectoid.

Decent Canadian politicians should begin drafting laws to remove the right of Canada to foreign fanatics and criminals. Lets' start by booting out those who spit on the oath of allegiance they took when they became citizens of this country."

I agree with these statements 100%. But what happens if the federal government chooses to ignore common sense and continue on with destructive policies?

Just who do we vote for? What can we do?


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Decent Canadians should be prepared to be called names by the political correctoids...and in turn tell them to shove it up their rectoid

Decent Candians should roll that blog up and shove it in his rectoid. What a waste of time that was to read.

Not a thing in that blog pertains to Canadians as a whole. Do we have undesireables? Of course, every country has them. His answer is to throw the baby out with the bath water. Idiotic.

And third world ? Oh yeah, we are spiralling fast to that now arent we???

He needs to see anger management , and while he is at it, a psychiatrist too.

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And I am sick and tired of being forced to conform to incorrect socialist policies that have wrecked this country.

Seeing how conservative and liberal alike support immigration, equalisation and the Charter, I say you have two options - start a new political party or go with the flow.

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Decent Candians should roll that blog up and shove it in his rectoid. What a waste of time that was to read.

CFP is an online newspaper and I think is a welcomed additon and an badly needed alternative, to the Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, National Post, Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen and others.

BTW- What you read in the CFP is a genuine 'article' and not a blog.

What you do here, is basically blog and not write articles, which I know you will find hard to believe.

Not a thing in that blog pertains to Canadians as a whole.

Canada currently is so politically diverse that it will be years before a conscientious PM will be able to do anything for Canada a whole.

Do we have undesireables? Of course, every country has them.

Of course every country has undesirables, but unlike Canada don't go out of their way to import them 'en masse'.

And third world ? Oh yeah, we are spiralling fast to that now arent we???

We bring them in by the boat load, along with all their political luggage and government seems to enjoy the international attention, as if we are in competition with other civilized countries in the world, to see 'what country will go down first' as a result.

He needs to see anger management , and while he is at it, a psychiatrist too.

That's right.

Give the guy the Guyser socialist mental nutcase number, the same number the Liberals have been using for years on Canadians, to tag anyone who dares to think different from our socialist pinko queens.

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Decent Canadians don't do this - Decent Canadians don't do that -

I'm sick to death of conforming to some boneheads idea of a 'Decent Canadian'.

And I am sick and tired of being forced to conform to incorrect socialist policies that have wrecked this country.

If I was you I'd vote for the PC party. Maybe they can get us all conforming to your idea of 'decency'.

Perhaps we should have a 'Decency patro' to ensure we all behave like Canadians.

Punish those who don't. Sorta like Iran.

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If I was you I'd vote for the PC party. Maybe they can get us all conforming to your idea of 'decency'.

Perhaps we should have a 'Decency patro' to ensure we all behave like Canadians.

Punish those who don't. Sorta like Iran.

Leafless sounds more like a Christian Heritage Party kinda guy to me.

The CHP is Canada's only pro-Life, pro-family federal political party, and the only federal party that endorses the principles of the Preamble to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Canadian Constitution:

"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law..."

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In certain respects Canada been dragged down to the level of a third world country?

Who do we blame for this condition?

The federal government and the 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

The federal government and Canada's immigration policy?

Or is the federal governments 'Official Multicultural Policy"?

Sounds like whatever it is, is the fault of the federal government or we would not have embarrassing situations as with the Khadr family.

"Decent Canadians should be prepared to be called names by the political correctoids...and in turn tell them to shove it up their rectoid.

Decent Canadian politicians should begin drafting laws to remove the right of Canada to foreign fanatics and criminals. Lets' start by booting out those who spit on the oath of allegiance they took when they became citizens of this country."

I agree with these statements 100%. But what happens if the federal government chooses to ignore common sense and continue on with destructive policies?

Just who do we vote for? What can we do?


Talk about spitting...

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Decent Canadian politicians should begin drafting laws to remove the right of Canada to foreign fanatics and criminals. Lets' start by booting out those who spit on the oath of allegiance they took when they became citizens of this country."

Regardless of where the quote originated, and the knee-jerk response to the word "decent" no sane person can actually argue that our refugee system isn't in need of massive overhaul. People like the Khadrs are merely the more visible results of policies which care far more about the well-being of foreigners than what is in Canada's own interests.

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Are we really tired of being told what makes up a decent canadian, hell we can't even define what it means to be Canadian, let alone a decent one...

That all being said i'm sure we all pocess the mental capacity to determine whom we would want as neibours or living in the same town as the rest of us...And i'm sure i would not want to be living next door to a group of people that is hell bent on destroying my way of life.

Perhaps we don't need to be told how to act but rather just shaken out of our slumber... Kick them and all like them back to thier orginal countries to spread thier poison somewhere else...they are taking advantage of our good will and welfare to further thier cause...a cause that i may remind you that is killing our own soldiers in thier country right now ,they are also tarnishing the image of those immigrants who actually want to be here.

we need to stop shrugging our shoulders "oh well" and instead be driving them to the airport, with a little pat on the ass, and a thanks for coming out, but you are no longer welcome...

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CFP is an online newspaper and I think is a welcomed additon and an badly needed alternative, to the Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, National Post, Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen and others.

BTW- What you read in the CFP is a genuine 'article' and not a blog.

What you do here, is basically blog and not write articles, which I know you will find hard to believe.

Newspaper ,blog,commentary, birdcage lining, whatever.

Badly needed? Pro Life Pro Family? Then knock yourself out. Smart marketing that one, can anyone counter by being anti-family? Probably not my cup of tea

Do we have undesireables? Of course, every country has them.

Of course every country has undesirables, but unlike Canada don't go out of their way to import them 'en masse'.

I thought that immigration asked all the consulates to take down those signs " Undesireables register here" Damn them, they should have.

Dont be silly.

We bring them in by the boat load, along with all their political luggage and government seems to enjoy the international attention, as if we are in competition with other civilized countries in the world, to see 'what country will go down first' as a result.

And more than half have a degree IIRC. So, I agree we need to do better.

Give the guy the Guyser socialist mental nutcase number, the same number the Liberals have been using for years on Canadians, to tag anyone who dares to think different from our socialist pinko queens.


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CFP is an online newspaper and I think is a welcomed additon and an badly needed alternative, to the Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, National Post, Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen and others.

And with content like this, or this on their front page, who can refute their worth?

What???? Clearly no bias there.

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CFP is an online newspaper and I think is a welcomed additon and an badly needed alternative, to the Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, National Post, Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen and others.

And with content like this, or this on their front page, who can refute their worth?


Looks like that CFP has all the journalistic integrity of the National Enquirer.

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army guy:

Kick them and all like them back to thier orginal countries to spread thier poison somewhere else

and there's the goon; who are "all like them"? Brown people? Muslims? folks who don't cut their lawns? People who think our morality has gone to shit?

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Btw, didn't Khadr's charges just get dismissed for a lack of evidence?


"In his ruling, Brownback said the war crimes tribunal lacked jurisdiction to try Khadr because the U.S. government had made no determination whether the Canadian was an “unlawful enemy combatant” - a finding required by Congress to proceed with the case."

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Do we have undesireables? Of course, every country has them.

Of course every country has undesirables, but unlike Canada don't go out of their way to import them 'en masse'.

I thought that immigration asked all the consulates to take down those signs " Undesireables register here" Damn them, they should have.

Dont be silly.

Informed Canadians already know what the troublesome countries are in the world concerning potential immigration to Canada.

Why is it the Canadian government cannot recognize these same troublesome countries as not being suitable for any immigration to Canada but yet allow immigration from these countries.

Could it be the government does not care, since it won't be government officials burdened with actions of incompatible lifestyles and criminal actions of unruly immigrants, but it will be the average Canadian that will suffer.

This is similar to the Quebec vs. Canada syndrome where the loser is not the federal government or Quebec but majority English speaking Canadians.

Maybe the federal government should find someone elses doorstep, other than English speaking tax paying Canadian citizens, to dump their failed political , socially troublesome, federally induced problems.

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If I was you I'd vote for the PC party. Maybe they can get us all conforming to your idea of 'decency'.

Perhaps we should have a 'Decency patro' to ensure we all behave like Canadians.

Punish those who don't. Sorta like Iran.

Leafless sounds more like a Christian Heritage Party kinda guy to me.

The CHP is Canada's only pro-Life, pro-family federal political party, and the only federal party that endorses the principles of the Preamble to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Canadian Constitution:

"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law..."

I really don't know what the big deal is relating to the word 'decent or decency'.

'Decency' from the concise Oxford Dictionary (hard cover):

1.- Correct and tasteful standards of behavior as generally accepted.

2.- Conformity with current standards of behavior or propriety.

3.- Avoidance of obscenity.

This does not sound religious to me and I suspect the majority of Canadians would support a 'decent' Canadian society.

But if the Liberals and Conservatives are unable to deliver the ingredients necessary to maintain a 'decent society', then maybe the 'Christian Heritage Party' is a political party worth supporting.

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And I am sick and tired of being forced to conform to incorrect socialist policies that have wrecked this country.

Seeing how conservative and liberal alike support immigration, equalisation and the Charter, I say you have two options - start a new political party or go with the flow.

I think you should back up your assertions with proof as I have never heard the Conservatives express any sentiments for the Charter.

Provinces are still squabbling over equalization.

Harper's immigration ideologies are not like the Liberals:


And do you really think a Liberal dominated senate would support aggressive Conservative inspired changes to the immigration act?

Your out to lunch as usual.

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Peter F:

and there's the goon; who are "all like them"? Brown people? Muslims? folks who don't cut their lawns? People who think our morality has gone to shit?

Am i the goon, I don't think so, I'm the guy that has spent 2 tours of duty in Afgan fighting those same people. I'm the guy that has watched 23 of my comrads get loaded onto the back of a herc, draped with our nations flag. So the topic does hold some importance to me.

So who are those people, There the people who's sole purpose in life is the destruction of our way of life, and the destruction of all infidals ( thats us by the way). they are the people who are only happy unless they surpressing thier own people and infidals thru terror, and brutality, they are the people that will carry out these tasks regardless of cost and consquences.

They come in all skin colors, and they come in all religions, so my remarks are not based on racist overtones unless of course you count my opinions on terrorists as racist.

I don't think we as a nation have come to the piont where we are accepting of all people regardless of race, religion, or beliefs. i think most Canadians would express thier discomfort at having the klu klux clan, or known terrorist, or any radical group as neibours, or even in thier towns or cities...does that make me a racist, or a goon....

Personally i could not care if anyone was brown, black or purple with warts on thier dicks, that is not the message i'm putting out there, what i have a problem is our nation sending me off to war to fight a group which we have deemed the enemy, to destroy and take thier lifes...and in doing so having to bury many of my comrads in the process, only to come home to find that we are harbouring, supporting, the same people, who still belief in thier cause, thier beliefs and openly support the taliban movement, and thier tactics.... So yes i think we have to take alook at this problem, and canadians need to decide what side of the fence thier on.

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...only to come home to find that we are harbouring, supporting, the same people, who still belief in thier cause, thier beliefs and openly support the taliban movement, and thier tactics..

Canada doesn't arrest terrorists? or those that harbour and support terrorists? We have no laws that allow the police to arrest these people? Who is it you see harbouring and supporting the same people you were fighting? Khadrs Mom?

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Peter F:

Canada doesn't arrest terrorists? or those that harbour and support terrorists? We have no laws that allow the police to arrest these people?

Are you joking me ...We most certainily do arrest terrorist, and we do have laws that do allow for thier arrests...


Who is it you see harbouring and supporting the same people you were fighting? Khadrs Mom?

That is a good question, but my guess is i don't know why they have not been arrested or deported. read the article below from an interview from one of the Khadr sons, then read the entire family bio you be the judge, would you want them living next to you...and can you honestly tell me they were not part of the same organizations we are currently at war with...

kdhar link

Khadr background.

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I love the shrill leftist response in this thread. The crowds of strawmen sauntering by, the smell of curry in the air...

Canada has spent the last few decades promoting immigration as a virtue in and of itself. Sure, there are mumblings now and then about the "economic necessity" of immigration, even though no-one has quite got around to coherently explaining that one, or why a promotion of indigenous birthrates wouldn't be infinitely better, but for the most part immigration has become a leftist shibboleth. It's a rite of passage for the good liberal to announce how unracist and accepting of others they are by embracing the "diversity" and "vibrancy" of multicultural immigration.

Hell, in Britain there's even a whole new revisionist school of anthropological thought claiming that Britain is in fact a "nation of immigrants," and painting a rosy hue of lipstick on the theoretical pig by trying to argue that what were hitherto known as the saxon invasions was really an orderly immigration. Full, no doubt, of "vibrancy" and and "diversity." Clearly this is a politically inspired bit of nonsense, based entirely upon conjecture and the excavations of one small village (which don't even support the thesis), and ignores the fact that the Saxon invasions happened within recorded history, and that those records don't support this farce in any way.

The problem with this notion of happy happy immigration is that one cannot find, throughout history, ever, a mass immigration that had desireable effects for the indigenous population. Not one. Ever.

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