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Ron Paul June 5 Debate

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Some snippets of Ron's performance last night.

This man, IMO, is one of the most honest and down to earth politicians I have ever seen. It is so refreshing to listen to his no-nonsense, unscripted answers to some tough questions.

Ron who? A pity...I wish you could vote for Ron....then he would have at least one vote in 2008. As someone said earlier, Ron Jeremy has a better chance than Ron Paul, unscripted answers or not.

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I'm sort of surprised that Ron Paul (sitting at 1% in the polls) is getting as much press as he is. He's coming out of the fringes, making statements that can only be read as returning to a policy of isolationism.

Maybe things will change and we'll see a Paul vs. Kucinich ballot next year. :)

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The thing is about this man is he is consistent in his words. Can't say that for any of the other candidates up there. The guy just makes sense.

Watch some of the other vids on youtube, and compare that to the other candidates, you are gonna find yourself a fan of him sooner or later.

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The thing is about this man is he is consistent in his words. Can't say that for any of the other candidates up there. The guy just makes sense.

Watch some of the other vids on youtube, and compare that to the other candidates, you are gonna find yourself a fan of him sooner or later.

Yep...YouTube is going to turn an American election....LOL!

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More people watch You Tube than watch any given televsion station...there are a gazillion tv stations and only ONE You Tube.

And You Tube does not care if "advertisers" are offended -- they only care about the number of people clicking to view.

What a great concept IMO -- no longer having to pander to the corporate advertisers. ;)

You Tube rocks!

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Some snippets of Ron's performance last night.

This man, IMO, is one of the most honest and down to earth politicians I have ever seen. It is so refreshing to listen to his no-nonsense, unscripted answers to some tough questions.


Being the only one on stage unwilling to join in the peddling of the big lies that they are all wrapped up in, really makes the guy stand out as a loner...

And yes, the Paul fellow does seem to actually have some substance and principles to him - another strike against him in that crowd.

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Yep...YouTube is going to turn an American election....LOL!

I bet that there were some with that attitude about the televised debate too.

For people like me who have ditched cable TV, and TV in general, the Internet and sites like Youtube/GoogleVids offer much more at the click of a mouse, than a click of the ol TV remote. Read a paper now and then as well. Youtube cannot turn an election, but the people who watch it certainly can.

Bush-Cheney1999, jump on the bandwagon, or you might get left behind like a dinosaur. If you don't like consistancy in a candidate then I will guess you are happy with the current status quo of blunders, inconsistencies and lies. Through many Internet polls (no time to search for them at the moment) Ron Paul has come out on top on most issues against the other Republican candidates. Get as informed as you can about a topic. And that means using traditional and modern sources of information.

Ron Paul is not getting the epxosure or respect he deserves on TV. Fox's Hannity and Colmes (good cop bad cop duo) had Paul on a couple times and Hannity boggles my mind on his line of questioning. This is real journalism? CNN gave him some face time, and he comes across as more confident than any of the other candidates. He can back up everything he says. And a lot of what he says makes sense.

Mind you, the line of questioning from Wolf Blitzer is rather lame, HANDS UP FOLKS !!!! What is this grade school??

A year down the line, all the candidates but Ron Paul will have changed their tunes and will say something else, flip floppin flappers... Ron Paul will still be consistent in his speeches. That makes a great leader, consistancy, courage and confidence.

Take 9/11 away from Juliani and you have a worthless candidate who has to try marriage 3 times, and still may not get it right. Now that may not mean much to most, but to those who beleive in strong family values, Julliani has none of them that people are looking for in a leader. Also his time as a Prosecutor for the state of NY had some good points and bad points. Some of those bad points are comming back to haunt him now.

McCain is another you can toss out without the rhetoric of 9/11 and fearmongering terrorism.

I cannot say much about most of the other candidates, for I had never heard of Mitt Romney and some of the others before these debates. My opinions of them will be shaped by how they present themselves. So far Ron Paul is the only one that stands out in this crowd. A beam of light amongst the darkness.

Actually, take 9/11/terrorism out of the debate altogether. Then let's see how much substance

these candidates actually have.

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...Bush-Cheney1999, jump on the bandwagon, or you might get left behind like a dinosaur. If you don't like consistancy in a candidate then I will guess you are happy with the current status quo of blunders, inconsistencies and lies. Through many Internet polls (no time to search for them at the moment) Ron Paul has come out on top on most issues against the other Republican candidates. Get as informed as you can about a topic. And that means using traditional and modern sources of information.

Spare me your adulation....Ron Paul would wilt like the Ottawa Senators when his oh so modern PrisonPlanet "videos" hit MSM.

Can you vote in an American federal election? If not, it doesn't matter how well "informed" you are.

Got any hot Stephane Dion videos on YouTube?

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...Bush-Cheney1999, jump on the bandwagon, or you might get left behind like a dinosaur. If you don't like consistancy in a candidate then I will guess you are happy with the current status quo of blunders, inconsistencies and lies. Through many Internet polls (no time to search for them at the moment) Ron Paul has come out on top on most issues against the other Republican candidates. Get as informed as you can about a topic. And that means using traditional and modern sources of information.

Spare me your adulation....Ron Paul would wilt like the Ottawa Senators when his oh so modern PrisonPlanet "videos" hit MSM.

Can you vote in an American federal election? If not, it doesn't matter how well "informed" you are.

Got any hot Stephane Dion videos on YouTube?

You seem to have a connection to the Internet there, maybe find out for yourself? It's all there for the taking. Seize the day!

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Spare me your adulation....Ron Paul would wilt like the Ottawa Senators when his oh so modern PrisonPlanet "videos" hit MSM.

Can you vote in an American federal election? If not, it doesn't matter how well "informed" you are.

Got any hot Stephane Dion videos on YouTube?

I've noticed that (unless the board is heavily moderated) there is a poster on almost every forum that acts like bush_cheney. They seem determined to obfuscate at every opportunity when someone offers a fact or opinion that counters their world view. They rarely bring any real value to a debate and most of their posts are in the one to three sentence range. Has anyone else noticed this?

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Spare me your adulation....Ron Paul would wilt like the Ottawa Senators when his oh so modern PrisonPlanet "videos" hit MSM.

Can you vote in an American federal election? If not, it doesn't matter how well "informed" you are.

Got any hot Stephane Dion videos on YouTube?

I've noticed that (unless the board is heavily moderated) there is a poster on almost every forum that acts like bush_cheney. They seem determined to obfuscate at every opportunity when someone offers a fact or opinion that counters their world view. They rarely bring any real value to a debate and most of their posts are in the one to three sentence range. Has anyone else noticed this?

You mean as opposed to the forum biker gangs of liberals shrilly denouncing anyone to the right of Mao?

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I've noticed that (unless the board is heavily moderated) there is a poster on almost every forum that acts like bush_cheney. They seem determined to obfuscate at every opportunity when someone offers a fact or opinion that counters their world view. They rarely bring any real value to a debate and most of their posts are in the one to three sentence range. Has anyone else noticed this?

You mean as opposed to the forum biker gangs of liberals shrilly denouncing anyone to the right of Mao?

Perhaps if you read my original comment again you'll notice that I didn't say these posters were from one end of the spectrum or the other.

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Spare me your adulation....Ron Paul would wilt like the Ottawa Senators when his oh so modern PrisonPlanet "videos" hit MSM.

Can you vote in an American federal election? If not, it doesn't matter how well "informed" you are.

Got any hot Stephane Dion videos on YouTube?

I've noticed that (unless the board is heavily moderated) there is a poster on almost every forum that acts like bush_cheney. They seem determined to obfuscate at every opportunity when someone offers a fact or opinion that counters their world view. They rarely bring any real value to a debate and most of their posts are in the one to three sentence range. Has anyone else noticed this?

Well, perhaps you need some help parsing pithy postings...let's walk you through it:

1. Spare me your adulation....

This sarcastically urges the member to concentrate on ideas instead of personality. You have continued the trend for lack of a substantive response.

2. Ron Paul would wilt like the Ottawa Senators when his oh so modern PrisonPlanet "videos" hit MSM.

This is a very efficient, feature packed sentence. Taking advantage of the Sens lamentable performance in the Stanley Cup Finals (keeping it real for Canadians), I opine that Ron Paul would be beset with problems if he ever made it to national prominence, from going back to the gold standard to criticism of Selective Service, all featured on the Alex Jones conspiracy site "PrisonPlanet". I leave the remaining math to the reader.

3. Can you vote in an American federal election? If not, it doesn't matter how well "informed" you are.

This is a practical matter that is standard boilerplate. Not only can uninformed Americans legally vote just as well as the informed ones, Canadians cannot vote in such elections in either case. But thanks for paying attention. A variant of this idea was used skillfully to prevail on another MLW thread. A favorite indeed.

4. Got any hot Stephane Dion videos on YouTube?

This addresses the subtopic of "modern" internet communications vs. MSM, and it challenges the reader to demonstrate the efficacy of "YouTube.com" in Canadian politics. The unspoken subplot is that younger consumers of such media have deplorable voting records.

So there you have it.....pithy....biting....sarcastic....efficient. If there is someone like me on each "unmoderated" board, then that board is very fortunate indeed. No autographs please!

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I opine that Ron Paul would be beset with problems if he ever made it to national prominence, from going back to the gold standard to criticism of Selective Service, all featured on the Alex Jones conspiracy site "PrisonPlanet". I leave the remaining math to the reader.

Ron Paul has served 10 terms in office as a Republican. He has said those things over 10 years ago. So pinning him with the likes of Alex Jones (I consider Jones to be overzealous in his presentations) won't work if you actually know a thing or two about Alex Jones and ..or Ron Paul.

This thread alone proves he has what it takes to become a great President. If no one was talking about him, then you can say what you want about him, or would you? You are right I cannot vote, so my opinion means shit to the likes of you Bush-Cheney1899.

As you know Alex Jones just links the videos from other major MSM outlets. Kind of rehashing of what the MSM reports. Does it make it less legit because of it? Nope.

Ron Paul might actually bring some respect back to the White House.

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...As you know Alex Jones just links the videos from other major MSM outlets. Kind of rehashing of what the MSM reports. Does it make it less legit because of it? Nope.

Ron Paul might actually bring some respect back to the White House.

Guess again....Congressman Paul has been a welcomed InfoWars guest with Alex Jones, to wit:

Re-elected Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul joined Alex Jones on air last week to discuss the fallout of the midterm elections and what he sees transpiring over the next two years. He ended by ominously warning that if something is not done soon to overturn legislation such as the Military Commissions act, the law officially allows for citizen concentration camp facilities. (11/2006)

Mr. Paul might be a decent (but quirky) guy, but he will not be elected president of the United States. We've already been there and done that with another Texan.....Ross Perot.

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You are not getting it at all Bush-Cheneystoneages, Ron Paul has been telling about the problems with the current money federal reserve system for over a decade now. Again showing consistancey in his words. His words are even more consistant than yours.

And I guess going with the Devil (texan) you know is better than the Devil (texan) you don't know. Bush is from Texas too, correct?? If so, you are not making much sense to me.

What you are tipping at is that Ron Paul should run as an Independant, like Ross Perot. But Ron Paul does not have the deep money pockets to run and win as an Independant for President, so he has been trying to get back to the way the Republican party was decades ago when it actually had respectful leaders that were not into nation building.

Alex Jones has had many high profile guests on his show. Many that were in the know and now are comming out against the current policies and direction that the United States is heading.

So how was that interview with Ron Paul on the Alex Jones show? I did not catch it, but I am looking for it now. I will post the link once I find it. Just for you Bush-Cheneystoneages.

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For Example

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2...7phenomenon.htm has an article that is over at CNN.com


Just to show you it is in fact the same article.

One thing is for sure: Ron Paul supporters are effective at coordinating and mobilizing online quickly. For the three GOP debates so far, Paul has won or placed high in most of the unscientific online surveys including ABC’s, MSNBC’s, FOX’s, and unscientific polls conducted on a number of blogs.

So if you are going to leave out and ignore the 'Youtubers, bloggers and such', then you are going to be left in the dark about most things. But even the likes of CNN wants to silence this man.

These informal polls are unscientific because supporters can often vote more than once, and are not randomly selected, and while they may be useful indicator of a candidate’s ability to organize online, they are not generally an accurate measure of support across the electorate.
Right now “Ron Paul” is among the top-searched terms on Technorati, the popular site that tracks blog posts. According to the community Web site, Eventful, there are more than 16,000 outstanding “demands” for Paul to appear in cities across the country – that’s up 11,000 from just one week ago, leapfrogging him over Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York. Ron Paul video clips get plenty of play on YouTube and there is no shortage of blogs devoted to his support.

Even CNN is recognizing the power of Youtube and bloggers. Grass roots baby, grass roots.

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You are not getting it at all Bush-Cheneystoneages, Ron Paul has been telling about the problems with the current money federal reserve system for over a decade now. Again showing consistancey in his words. His words are even more consistant than yours.

And I guess going with the Devil (texan) you know is better than the Devil (texan) you don't know. Bush is from Texas too, correct?? If so, you are not making much sense to me.

....So how was that interview with Ron Paul on the Alex Jones show? I did not catch it, but I am looking for it now. I will post the link once I find it. Just for you Bush-Cheneystoneages.

OK GotSacked (I can play childish games too), InfoWars and PrisonPlanet needs an audience, so it may just as well be irrelevant voters from Canada. My only guess is that your interest is sparked by the misplaced expectation that the outcome of an American election will somehow influence your own domestic issues (e.g. won't leave Afghanistan until the Americans do or take Kyoto seriously).

President Bush was actually born in Connecticut but relocated to Midland and Houston, cause there ain't much oil in Connecticut....LOL!

As far as the links to Alex Jones videos, MLW already had plenty of that from PolyNewbie. Ron Paul can't raise enough money to win an American presidential election, and he won't have the backing of his own party or the Libertarians. He is truly "Dr. No".

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My only guess is that your interest is sparked by the misplaced expectation that the outcome of an American election will somehow influence your own domestic issues (e.g. won't leave Afghanistan until the Americans do or take Kyoto seriously).

In a way it can. Since we are heading to a world type government (if you cannot see the convergence of Unions around the world, Europe, Africa and the soon to be NAU) I will have a vote in our next election. If you want to keep being an American and voting for Americans, then you best be voting for a guy like Ron Paul. Otherwise this new North American Union will take over and you and I can consider each other real brothers.

And for this war on terror, our Canaidan policies are getting intertwined with American policies and when you fail, we fail as well. Economies tightly linked and all that. I hope you are able to see the bigger picture in all of this.

Not to worry, I am not crazy about most of the members in the Canadian parliment as well. For Harper has done more to bow to the American bidding than most previous Prime Ministers.

But as a person that has an interest in United States politics, I can say what I want to. And maybe, just maybe, some one else would see the bigger picture and say. 'GotHacked, you were totaly correct in everything you said.' Just lookin out for my brothers and sisters south of the 49th. It seems like your current leaders aren't doing much for you.

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But as a person that has an interest in United States politics, I can say what I want to. And maybe, just maybe, some one else would see the bigger picture and say. 'GotHacked, you were totaly correct in everything you said.' Just lookin out for my brothers and sisters south of the 49th. It seems like your current leaders aren't doing much for you.

Touching indeed, but still irrelevant. More Americans (many more than the entire population of Canada) just don't even give a damn come election time based on voter turnout. And of course, they give even less of a rip what happens in Ottawa, as most don't even know where it is, and don't care. Even if the so called NAU comes to be, Canada would represent about 8% of the population, so maybe you are really looking out for yourself after all.

I've read between the lines of other posts (not just yours). There is a political paralysis and impotency that belies the strong sense of independence from American policies (e.g. Iraq invasion or SSM). In the end, the Americans cannot free you from yourselves.

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