I don't know how much of what is going on in our border states and some of our bigger cities that you are aware of. I assume it isn't much, since a big part of US citizens aren't even aware, due to the mainstream media's bias toward ILLEGAL immigrants.
"While they celebrated "massive" immigration protests with "huge" crowds, the broadcast networks largely avoided scientific polling data that showed the protesters were in an overwhelming minority." http://www.mrc.org/SpecialReports/2006/sum/sum082806.asp
Anyway, things are RAPIDLY turning ugly in the US because of this. ILLEGALS (notice I will always use caps on this word...there is a huge difference between immigrants and ILLEGAL immigrants...another point the MSM chooses to ignore). Our government and "big business" are sold out to them and are demanding "comprehensive immigration laws"...amnesty in sheep's clothing...be passed. http://www.nclr.org/ Our citizens are SLOWLY waking up to what is happening. Legal Hispanic immigrants are also outraged at what our government is allowing...http://dontspeakforme.org/ourstory.html
It is getting violent and some ILLEGALS and their supporters are advocating that we all return to Europe and that the southwest states actually belong to them. http://washingtontimes.com/national/200604...22222-1672r.htm (remember, this is mainstream media coverage...try this one, from someone who is living it...)
Over and over, we hear cries of "racists", "bigots", etc. That is the only thing they have to use against us. WE ARE NOT RACISTS, BIGOTS, OR MEMBERS OF THE KKK. We don't care if these ILLEGALS are brown, black, red, green, purple or teal. It has NOTHING to do with racism and EVERYTHING to do with the destruction of the American middle class. I belong to several forums and, unfortunately, the talk is slowly heading toward violence. The American people are waiting to see what happens in November with the midterm elections. If amnesty is passed, you will be able to hear the cries of outrage all the way up there.
Right about now you may be wondering what this has to do with you, as Canadians. It has EVERYTHING to do with the North American Union, of which you will be pulled along, same as us. Why ELSE would the US be allowing this to happen, if not for the globalization of the Northern Hemisphere? Our respective governments have sold out to corporate globalists who will profit from this influx of "slave labor". Nafta and Gatt were just the beginning...In the future you will see a lot of American citizens migrating to your country to get away from what is happening in our own.