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Lod residents protest Arab neighbors

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Hundreds of demonstrators gather in front of home sold to Arab family in attempt to change owner's mind; plan to protest all week

Published: 05.13.07, 03:46 / Israel News

"Hundreds of Jews protested against an Arab family moving into the Naveh Zayit neighborhood in Lod on Saturday, and two demonstrators were taken in for questioning.

Preparations for the protest began after residents of the neighborhood discovered that one of their neighbors had signed a contract to sell his home to an Arab family.

Immediately upon hearing this, tenant representatives went door-to-door, distributing fliers calling to "save the neighborhood".

The demonstrators, who were carrying signs and shouting slogans against the family in protest of the sale, tried to talk with the owner of the house, who had heard about the planned protest beforehand and was not home at the time."

Here is the kicker, this paragraph alone, just say's it all. It's like listening to a white RACIST speak of a black person."We have no problem with Arabs living in their own neighborhoods, but they'd better stay out of our neighborhood," Particularily loathsome was the statement, we don't go live in their neighbourhoods, they shouldn't live in ours, HELLO, what are all those ILLEGAL settlements in the occupied territories.??

Don't the Jewish people, go and live in Arab neighbourhoods, in fact, don't they simply occupy someone else's territory.

"We have no problem with Arabs living in their own neighborhoods, but they'd better stay out of our neighborhood," one of the residents told Ynet, "this is their way to slowly kick us out of the city by taking over Jewish neighborhoods. Just like we don’t go live in their neighborhoods, they shouldn’t come live in our neighborhoods."

priceless. Racism is alive and well.

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defintion of racism, just to be clear:

is a form of discrimination based on race, especially the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism may be expressed individually and consciously, through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and unconsciously, through institutions that promote inequality between races.

"institutions that promote inequality between races"

like all those evangleical christian groups, they certainly promote inequality between races, sorry off topic, but that popped in my head, as I was reading that definition.

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Yeah I saw this. You can bet your bottom dollar this story is not going to get much airplay. Neither the ones pertaining to the new land grab in East Jerusalem and forced evictions of both Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Behaviour such as that above wrt Lod speakes volumes about how hate is clearly alive and well in Israel, just as much as in the Occupied Territories.

It's really sad.

I read on another forum that Lod is apparantly one of the towns in which Arab collaborators are moved to from the West Bank. Here's an article from Jpost: Thanks for your cooperation


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Yeah I saw this. You can bet your bottom dollar this story is not going to get much airplay. Neither the ones pertaining to the new land grab in East Jerusalem and forced evictions of both Christian and Muslim Palestinians. Behaviour such as that above wrt Lod speakes volumes about how hate is clearly alive and well in Israel, just as much as in the Occupied Territories.

It's really sad.

I read on another forum that Lod is apparantly one of the towns in which Arab collaborators are moved to from the West Bank. Here's an article from Jpost: Thanks for your cooperation


well exactly!

That is the point, hate and racism oozes from both sides,' as it takes two to tango' as the saying goes, wrt israel/palestinian.

It's this absolute mindset, that see's but one side as is what suits the adherent, BUT, that is never the case,in real life, where there is two or three or more sides to any situation any story, to claim otherwise, is really to be fanatical, and unrealistic.

"fanatic: marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist"

now we see, this discussed verbatim, when it comes to Islam, but then, the fanatics in the west fail to see their own fanatacism.

The fanatical support of the US or Israel's policy's and actions as always right, no matter what, are perfect examples of western fanatacism, can do no wrong.

This western (particularily evangelical christian) fanaticism is contributing to many of the problem's we are living with EQUAL to Islamic fanatacism.

But it is never acknowledged.

The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Back to the story, it's quite clear in this new's story racism is the issue, even the language is frightful, and the naivety?? if it can be called that,, or just blatant arrogance?? dunno which.

Did you see also the news story about the two Jewish men, who slit the throat of the Palestinian cabbie?

Just because he was an Arab, that's it.


"JERUSALEM: Police said Monday they have arrested two Israelis with French passports on suspicion of killing an Arab taxi driver in Tel Aviv. They said the attack was politically motivated.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the two were spotted in Tel Aviv with blood on their hands, and police arrested them. He said they took police to an apartment in Tel Aviv, where the body of the cab driver from east Jerusalem was found. Rosenfeld said the police investigation was continuing.

Channel 2 TV said the two attackers were newly observant Jews who killed the driver because he was an Arab."

again, racism, is at play, in this situation.

I have an issue, with racism, since my own personal belief, is there is but one race, the human race, therfore, I do not belive, one group of my human being supercedes any other group of human beings based on skin colour ,geography, religious beliefs, or any other trumped up , imaginary excuse to justify abusing members of our human race.

I wish more people believed as I did.....sigh!

But as long as division can be fomented, attrocities, war, etc., can be justified....sigh, again.

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Hundreds of demonstrators gather in front of home sold to Arab family in attempt to change owner's mind; plan to protest all week

Published: 05.13.07, 03:46 / Israel News

"Hundreds of Jews protested against an Arab family moving into the Naveh Zayit neighborhood in Lod on Saturday, and two demonstrators were taken in for questioning.

Preparations for the protest began after residents of the neighborhood discovered that one of their neighbors had signed a contract to sell his home to an Arab family.

Immediately upon hearing this, tenant representatives went door-to-door, distributing fliers calling to "save the neighborhood".

The demonstrators, who were carrying signs and shouting slogans against the family in protest of the sale, tried to talk with the owner of the house, who had heard about the planned protest beforehand and was not home at the time."

Here is the kicker, this paragraph alone, just say's it all. It's like listening to a white RACIST speak of a black person."We have no problem with Arabs living in their own neighborhoods, but they'd better stay out of our neighborhood," Particularily loathsome was the statement, we don't go live in their neighbourhoods, they shouldn't live in ours, HELLO, what are all those ILLEGAL settlements in the occupied territories.??

Don't the Jewish people, go and live in Arab neighbourhoods, in fact, don't they simply occupy someone else's territory.

"We have no problem with Arabs living in their own neighborhoods, but they'd better stay out of our neighborhood," one of the residents told Ynet, "this is their way to slowly kick us out of the city by taking over Jewish neighborhoods. Just like we don’t go live in their neighborhoods, they shouldn’t come live in our neighborhoods."

priceless. Racism is alive and well.

You should know.

You will never read this happening in Palestine. No Jewish family would survive moving into an Arab neighbourhood. There would be no protests or petitions. They would simply be attacked and murdered as soon as they arrived.

But that won't bother the likes of you.

It reminds me of the fuss international media kicked up last year because one organization's Palestinian cameraman was denied credentials by Israel. There were all kinds of threats of boycotts, and sit-ins and such. Then someone pointed out that The Palestinian Authority held out the death penalty for any Israeli journalist to be caught in their territory. There were a few blushes, but not many. The hypocrisy among the Jew-haters and the self-righteous protectors of Palestine is so high that they are incapable of even seeing how ugly and ignorant they look to others.

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You should know.

You will never read this happening in Palestine. No Jewish family would survive moving into an Arab neighbourhood. There would be no protests or petitions. They would simply be attacked and murdered as soon as they arrived.

But that won't bother the likes of you.

"You will never read this happening in Palestine. No Jewish family would survive moving into an Arab neighbourhood. There would be no protests or petitions. They would simply be attacked and murdered as soon as they arrived."


then why , oh why are so many Jewish people moving into the occupied territories.

BTW: for myself to be a racist, I would have to ascribe to a belief in a difference in races, I DON'T GO FOR THAT NONSENSE!

"I have an issue, with racism, since my own personal belief, is there is but one race, the human race, therfore, I do not belive, one group of my human being supercedes any other group of human beings based on skin colour ,geography, religious beliefs, or any other trumped up , imaginary excuse to justify abusing members of our human race.

I let people like yourself, suck that crap up.

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Then someone pointed out that The Palestinian Authority held out the death penalty for any Israeli journalist to be caught in their territory.

Can you prove this?

Or is it just more BS?

Can you in any way discuss this issue without being rude and resorting to name calling and pigeonholing others?

Or is that you only method?

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Argus said:

You should know.

You will never read this happening in Palestine. No Jewish family would survive moving into an Arab neighbourhood. There would be no protests or petitions. They would simply be attacked and murdered as soon as they arrived.

But that won't bother the likes of you.

It reminds me of the fuss international media kicked up last year because one organization's Palestinian cameraman was denied credentials by Israel. There were all kinds of threats of boycotts, and sit-ins and such. Then someone pointed out that The Palestinian Authority held out the death penalty for any Israeli journalist to be caught in their territory. There were a few blushes, but not many. The hypocrisy among the Jew-haters and the self-righteous protectors of Palestine is so high that they are incapable of even seeing how ugly and ignorant they look to others. unquote

Right on Argus, doesn't bother them pushing their terrorist agenda though

terrorists right - Israel always wrong

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see smear and namecalling that's all that SC and Argus got, lol!

weakness in arguement requires smear and namecalling.

Name Calling-giving any idea a bad label-is used to make us reject and condemn the idea without examining the evidence.

like I said, weak arguement, no rational arguement, resort to name calling, smear.

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see smear and namecalling that's all that SC and Argus got, lol!

weakness in arguement requires smear and namecalling.

Name Calling-giving any idea a bad label-is used to make us reject and condemn the idea without examining the evidence.

like I said, weak arguement, no rational arguement, resort to name calling, smear.

I would agree that you have an anti-semetic agenda.

Buffycat too.

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Nobody called names but a predictable reaction from a cur when cornered.

I agree whitedoors, definitely an agenda havn't seen either one of them admit that Hamas has problems with gun control :)-

I also notice that because anti semitism can be spotted they often replace it with rants about zionism which is easier to condone but is just a copout for anti semitism. We could accept their critique more easily if they didn't ignore Palestinian terorrism. You know, when in doubt blame Israel.

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see smear and namecalling that's all that SC and Argus got, lol!

weakness in arguement requires smear and namecalling.

Name Calling-giving any idea a bad label-is used to make us reject and condemn the idea without examining the evidence.

like I said, weak arguement, no rational arguement, resort to name calling, smear.

I would agree that you have an anti-semetic agenda.

Buffycat too.


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Nobody called names but a predictable reaction from a cur when cornered.

I agree whitedoors, definitely an agenda havn't seen either one of them admit that Hamas has problems with gun control :)-

I also notice that because anti semitism can be spotted they often replace it with rants about zionism which is easier to condone but is just a copout for anti semitism. We could accept their critique more easily if they didn't ignore Palestinian terorrism. You know, when in doubt blame Israel.

yup, actually you, argus and whitedoor, did, you used namecalling, labelling and smear.

Neither of you discussed the articles posted, or how racism runs both ways , between israel/palestine.

In fact all either of you did was discuss the posters who actually did discuss the topic.

I requote my personal belief okay, so you will know exactly and unquestionably where I stand with regards to racism

I have an issue, with racism, since my own personal belief, is there is but one race, the human race, therfore, I do not belive, one group of my human being supercedes any other group of human beings based on skin colour ,geography, religious beliefs, or any other trumped up , imaginary excuse to justify abusing members of our human race.

What are the rules on this forum, again, kids???


These seven techniques are called:

* Name Calling

* Glittering Generalities

* Transfer

* Testimonial

* Plain Folks

* Card Stacking

* Band Wagon

These techniques are designed to fool us because the appeal to our emotions rather than to our reason.

Name Calling:this technique to create fear and arouse prejudice by using negative words (bad names) to create an unfavorable opinion or hatred against a group, beliefs, ideas or institutions they would have us denounce. This method calls for a conclusion without examining the evidence. Name Calling is used as a substitute for arguing the merits of an idea, belief, or proposal.

shall I go through these posts and recount how many negative words were used , as a substitute for actually discussing the articles posted? How about if you do it and have some fun with your own inabilities to discuss rationally???

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Then someone pointed out that The Palestinian Authority held out the death penalty for any Israeli journalist to be caught in their territory.

Can you prove this?

Or is it just more BS?

Can you in any way discuss this issue without being rude and resorting to name calling and pigeonholing others?

Or is that you only method?

Still waiting for proof of this lie Argus.

I imagine my quilt will be done by the time you find it.

BTW - did you actually read the article in the OP? Did you read the JPost article about resettling by Shin Bet of Palestinian collaborators?

Do you have anything to say about the topic here?

Ho hum... I guess I'll grab another square and start sewing.

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Then someone pointed out that The Palestinian Authority held out the death penalty for any Israeli journalist to be caught in their territory.

Can you prove this?

Or is it just more BS?

Can you in any way discuss this issue without being rude and resorting to name calling and pigeonholing others?

Or is that you only method?

Still waiting for proof of this lie Argus.

I imagine my quilt will be done by the time you find it.

BTW - did you actually read the article in the OP? Did you read the JPost article about resettling by Shin Bet of Palestinian collaborators?

Do you have anything to say about the topic here?

Ho hum... I guess I'll grab another square and start sewing.

Why is it so hard to believe that people who have no problems murdering civilians while they dance at weddings would hesitate to murder an israelis journalist?

Targeting Israeli Journalists

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Then someone pointed out that The Palestinian Authority held out the death penalty for any Israeli journalist to be caught in their territory.

Can you prove this?

Or is it just more BS?

Can you in any way discuss this issue without being rude and resorting to name calling and pigeonholing others?

Or is that you only method?

Ahh, you see, when I have so little respect for someone - and I have NONE for some of the posters here - it's rather difficult to respond to their idiotic, infantile postings with respectful debate. I would be no good at the UN - or maybe a valuable contrast. When those idiot Arab nations got together to bring out yet another identical copy of the same condemnation they'd already pushed through twenty times in the last ten years I'd be less than polite to them, too. Hypocrites all, just like the anti-Israel posters here.

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shall I go through these posts and recount how many negative words were used , as a substitute for actually discussing the articles posted? How about if you do it and have some fun with your own inabilities to discuss rationally???

I see no reason nor profit in attempting to rationally discuss an issue with someone who is clearly motivated by hate, and hate alone. There can be no reasoning with such a person. All that is left to is to show contempt for their hateful postings.

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The whole problem is that people cannot discuss Isreal (or America for that matter) in a calm and sensible manner.

If someone says "Isreal should not be doing such and such" the Isreal supporter says "Anti-Semite!"

If someone says "I don't agree with what America is doing" the American supporter says "Terrorist sympathizer! Freedom Hater!"


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If someone says "Isreal should not be doing such and such" the Isreal supporter says "Anti-Semite!"


Usually though, the such and such is Israel protecting herself, whether it be from suicide terrorists or rocket attacks on villages.

Now if anyone says something like, "israel should not be imposing a duty and surcharge on Canadian oranges..." Then yes I agree, that is not the kind of protectionism I support......

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Ahh, you see, when I have so little respect for someone - and I have NONE for some of the posters here - it's rather difficult to respond to their idiotic, infantile postings with respectful debate.

Your argument does not hold water, Argus. You seem to find an incredible amount of time to respond to the " idiotic, infantile " postings with your own petty diatribes, and I have yet to see you truly make an attempt at meaningful debate with any of the more qualified posters here. One can only assume that you do not because you cannot. Or in other words, you are incapable of the level of debate you criticize others for lacking.

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Why is it so hard to believe that people who have no problems murdering civilians while they dance at weddings would hesitate to murder an israelis journalist?

Targeting Israeli Journalists

didn't see anything about the death penalty, held out for by the Palestian Authority, so it doesn't have any relevance to argus's claim.

BTW M Dancer, do you address the US targetting of journalists. also , as terroristic?


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shall I go through these posts and recount how many negative words were used , as a substitute for actually discussing the articles posted? How about if you do it and have some fun with your own inabilities to discuss rationally???

I see no reason nor profit in attempting to rationally discuss an issue with someone who is clearly motivated by hate, and hate alone. There can be no reasoning with such a person. All that is left to is to show contempt for their hateful postings.

speaking of yourself, obviously.

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Ahh, you see, when I have so little respect for someone - and I have NONE for some of the posters here - it's rather difficult to respond to their idiotic, infantile postings with respectful debate.

Your argument does not hold water, Argus. You seem to find an incredible amount of time to respond to the " idiotic, infantile " postings with your own petty diatribes, and I have yet to see you truly make an attempt at meaningful debate with any of the more qualified posters here. One can only assume that you do not because you cannot. Or in other words, you are incapable of the level of debate you criticize others for lacking.

I've had many detailed debates and discussions with people here. But there is little point in trying to talk sense to people who see it as their duty in life to find every little thing they can about Israel they can then rush howling onto the internet, to show that, once again, Israel is the most evil country in the history of the planet earth.

And of course, that it's Jewish has no relevence to them. Oh no.

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I have an issue, with racism, since my own personal belief, is there is but one race, the human race, therfore, I do not belive, one group of my human being supercedes any other group of human beings based on skin colour ,geography, religious beliefs, or any other trumped up , imaginary excuse to justify abusing members of our human race.

This western (particularily evangelical christian) fanaticism is contributing to many of the problem's we are living with EQUAL to Islamic fanatacism.

But it is never acknowledged.

I wish more people believed as I did.....sigh!

If you are unable to see the irony in the above ramblings then so be it.

Also. Since when have Jews/Israelis become a race?

It is likely your racist comments re the Jews and Israelis are justified in your own mind, however, the Jews/Israelis are members of a religion just as the evangelical christian fanatics you display an inordinate dislike for are members of a religion. Neither religious faction are members of a Race. Ergo, you might then be considered more likely a Bigot if referring to the Christians and Jews/Israelis.

So, since in my opinion you are considered a bigot (possibly a racist; depending on the race of course) give yourself another pat on the back.

I, for one, am more than pleased that more people do not believe as you do.

Without the 'sigh' of course.

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If you are unable to see the irony in the above ramblings then so be it.

Also. Since when have Jews/Israelis become a race?

It is likely your racist comments re the Jews and Israelis are justified in your own mind, however, the Jews/Israelis are members of a religion just as the evangelical christian fanatics you display an inordinate dislike for are members of a religion. Neither religious faction are members of a Race. Ergo, you might then be considered more likely a Bigot if referring to the Christians and Jews/Israelis.

So, since in my opinion you are considered a bigot (possibly a racist; depending on the race of course) give yourself another pat on the back.

I, for one, am more than pleased that more people do not believe as you do.

Without the 'sigh' of course.

Yes, I am unable to see the Ironies, that you see.

I am fully aware that Jews do not constitue a single 'race' in the racial rhetoric game.

What binds them as a group is there religion.

My reference to the racism was the obvious racism being perpetuated by the citizens of the neighbourhood against the Arab, family, who they knew nothing about, but, were judging them soley on the basis of their ethnicity.

Had you read that, you would have understood, clearly you didn't hence your obvious confusion.

Norr did I claim anywhere the Evangelical christians were a "race". More confusion on your part.

You even quoted me comparing evangelicals to Islam, which is also a religion FYI, since you are very confused!

This western (particularily evangelical christian) fanaticism is contributing to many of the problem's we are living with EQUAL to Islamic fanatacism.

Ironically, you then go on , to say I made racist comments, or dare I say hilariously!

After you have finished admonishing me that Jewish people are not a race.


Could you please, quote me on that or retract you assertation??

In other words back up what you write, with something correct and actually realistic, and how about truthful.?

Or you are shown to be an obvious liar, user of rhetoric, unable to even read properly, and a poster who has to resort to the scummiest tactic of name-calling /slander, because you are so unable to be rational, or even truthful.

I will be waiting.................................

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