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Danny Williams Goes Nation-wide

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BC did the same in 2001 when it was getting equalization but it was only part of a program to get the economy moving and get us out of receiving equalization, which has now happened. Will Quebec do the same or just keep bellying up to the trough?

We can only hope.

Quebeckers don't see equalization as bellying up to the trough. They see it as their money being rightfully returned to them.

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BC did the same in 2001 when it was getting equalization but it was only part of a program to get the economy moving and get us out of receiving equalization, which has now happened. Will Quebec do the same or just keep bellying up to the trough?

We can only hope.

Quebeckers don't see equalization as bellying up to the trough. They see it as their money being rightfully returned to them.

Yes, the political culture of Quebecers is one of constantly offended dignity. No matter what is done they regard themselves as the victims who are treated poorly and taken advantage of by the rest of Canada. It is like a mass psychosis of some kind, in which despite the admitted fact they are a "have not" province, and have been for many years, they still think they pay more than they get.

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On more than one occasion, I've heard that Danny Boy's style is one of "Megaphone Diplomacy". Cute and accurate. A year or two ago, Danny made such a stink in trying to get a better deal from the Oil Companies for new offshore development that they just walked away. They'll probably come back one of these days but in the meantime, N & L are missing out on hundreds of jobs.....and will he get a better deal in the future? Maybe with all the environmental emmission restrictions, new oil development will be curtailed and he'd get nothing. We'll see. Megaphone Diplomacy.

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On more than one occasion, I've heard that Danny Boy's style is one of "Megaphone Diplomacy". Cute and accurate. A year or two ago, Danny made such a stink in trying to get a better deal from the Oil Companies for new offshore development that they just walked away. They'll probably come back one of these days but in the meantime, N & L are missing out on hundreds of jobs.....and will he get a better deal in the future? Maybe with all the environmental emmission restrictions, new oil development will be curtailed and he'd get nothing. We'll see. Megaphone Diplomacy.

Somewhat reminiscent of Glen Clark in BC.

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Maybe with all the environmental emmission restrictions, new oil development will be curtailed and he'd get nothing. We'll see. Megaphone Diplomacy.

That's why Harper isn't bending over backwards to please him.

The CPC currently hold three of NL's seven seats.

Two (both in St. John's) have been long time right of centre seats.

The third was a pretty big win.

Maybe Harper loses one seat in NL by following the tact he is following.

Expect it to continue.

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On more than one occasion, I've heard that Danny Boy's style is one of "Megaphone Diplomacy". Cute and accurate. A year or two ago, Danny made such a stink in trying to get a better deal from the Oil Companies for new offshore development that they just walked away. They'll probably come back one of these days but in the meantime, N & L are missing out on hundreds of jobs.....and will he get a better deal in the future? Maybe with all the environmental emmission restrictions, new oil development will be curtailed and he'd get nothing. We'll see. Megaphone Diplomacy.

Williams is just trying to negotiate a better deal than that of Churchill Fall Hydro deal. NFLD has been bleed by Quebec on that deal which helps keep it poor. Nfld cannot even start anything without Quebec sapping it dry. Nfld would like to expand there hydro capacities, but Quebec will only transmit the power it they get a huge cut. But who cares, screw the East coast for Quebec and blame the East coast for being screwed.

I'm sure the oil companies will be back. Danny is a better businessman than anyone here. He just doesn't want to sell low. He is Danny Millions...

I bet Michael that Harper would be lucky to get 1 seat in Newfoundland. Plus Danny is reminding people outside of Ontario, Quebec and Alberta that they were the ones screwed so Quebec can be bought...

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\I bet Michael that Harper would be lucky to get 1 seat in Newfoundland. Plus Danny is reminding people outside of Ontario, Quebec and Alberta that they were the ones screwed so Quebec can be bought...

Fabian Manning and Norman Doyle each won by almost 5,000 votes in 2006.

Loyola Hearn won by over 4,000 votes.

Which one will Harper be lucky to win?

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Eastern premiers often seem like beggars to me. Williams is like the beggar who jumps out in front of you and gets in your face and demands money, and then curses you because you didn't give him enough.
This is the closest that I've seen to an objective post on this thread.

Where are the Newfoundland-bashers?

If Jean Charest ever started an ad campaign and gave speeches criticizing Harper, there would be no end to the Quebec-bashing and how dare those French ingrates complain and whine....

So, if Danny Williams does it, what's the difference.

Here's what Newfoundland journalist Graig Westcott had to say about Danny Williams:

Folks, Danny Williams loves power.

He feeds on it.

He's addicted to it.

And like most people who love power that much, he'll do anything to keep it.

And do you know what the really scary thing is?

He has a lot of people fooled.

He loves their adulation, whether it's deserved or not.

The fishery is dying.

The forestry industry is struggling.

Rural Newfoundland is shrinking by the day.

And he's all but killed the economy's real breadwinner, the oil industry.

And what is Danny Williams doing this week?

He's campaigning against the Prime Minister in a federal election that hasn't even been called yet.

And why?

Because he's got people fooled into thinking that he is fighting for them.

He lives to hear himself praised.

I suspect he listens to the open line as much as Kevin O'Brien does.

I know he follows what people are saying about him on the blogs. He has even threatened to sue some of them!

He's making time for that apparently, during his busy day.

Danny Williams is another Joey Smallwood.

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First of all, I want to know if Harper DID promise and in writing to Nfld, wouldn't you?? If you had 12 kids and gave each a quarter and some of those kids went out and got jobs to add to their allowance, would you say to that child, well, you have more money coming in than the others so, I'm not going to give you your quarter?? Perhaps all provinces should keep more of the Feds taxes, like no one paying Fed tax and it would be more fair.
There are some remarkably stupid posts on this forum but this one is stupendously stupid. It's enough to make me swear off democracy.

Canada is not 12 kids. It's millions of people. The federal government does not take money from 10 (or even 12) provinces. It takes money from millions of taxpayers.

Through several agreements, the federal governments returns some of that money to provincial governments. Why the federal government does this is clearly beyond Topaz' ability to understand with the ridiculous metaphor of "12 kids". But I'll give a hint. The millions of Canadians can move around from province to province and that moving around doesn't always make sense.

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First of all, I want to know if Harper DID promise and in writing to Nfld, wouldn't you?? If you had 12 kids and gave each a quarter and some of those kids went out and got jobs to add to their allowance, would you say to that child, well, you have more money coming in than the others so, I'm not going to give you your quarter?? Perhaps all provinces should keep more of the Feds taxes, like no one paying Fed tax and it would be more fair.
There are some remarkably stupid posts on this forum but this one is stupendously stupid. It's enough to make me swear off democracy.

Canada is not 12 kids. It's millions of people. The federal government does not take money from 10 (or even 12) provinces. It takes money from millions of taxpayers.

Through several agreements, the federal governments returns some of that money to provincial governments. Why the federal government does this is clearly beyond Topaz' ability to understand with the ridiculous metaphor of "12 kids". But I'll give a hint. The millions of Canadians can move around from province to province and that moving around doesn't always make sense.

Actually, a better one would be that mom and dad have no jobs and collect money from their two working kids and then use it to pay allowances to the other ten - who constantly whine and bitch about the fact they don't get more. One is an especially large, fat kid who never does a lick of work, never wants to play with the others, and is always bitching about how the rest don't respect him enough. He's bitter about not getting more money and not always getting the special treatment he believes he deserves. Guess which kid that would be.

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One is an especially large, fat kid who never does a lick of work, never wants to play with the others, and is always bitching about how the rest don't respect him enough. He's bitter about not getting more money and not always getting the special treatment he believes he deserves. Guess which kid that would be.
Danny Williams seems to be a top-down kind of guy so a metaphor that means the Newfoundland government acts as a single "fat kid" is defendable.

To say that a province of several hundred thousand or several million people acts as a single "fat kid" is simply wrong. Any such metaphor is bound to lead to impressively wrong conclusions.

But that's not the point here.

As I said above, if Jean Charest travelled around the country saying that Stephen Harper was a dishonest SOB, the usual Quebec-bashers (and many others) would be appalled. When Danny Williams does the same, there are no Newfoundland-bashers in evidence - except maybe consistent Argus.

These metaphors of fat/thin kids have a different purpose than understanding a country of 30 million people.

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As I said above, if Jean Charest travelled around the country saying that Stephen Harper was a dishonest SOB, the usual Quebec-bashers (and many others) would be appalled. When Danny Williams does the same, there are no Newfoundland-bashers in evidence - except maybe consistent Argus.

You sound like the stereotypical Canadian after Lou Dobbs or someone along those lines takes a swipe at Canada. Many of us here (myself included) are equally critical of Newfoundland as Quebec. In fact, I think many of us are actually considerably more outspoken when dealing with the Maritimes then Quebec. I know I've personally taken quite a strong stand against equalisation in it's current format whether that goes to Quebec or New Brunswick or PEI.

Per capita, Quebec get's relatively small amounts compared to the Maritimes in traditional equalisation. Now, it's quite obvious that Quebec get's preferential treatment with most government programs... and Quebeckers can be happy that they elect people that represent their views to Ottawa and get that money.

The difference is that Quebec has potential, they've got alot of bright business leaders. The Maritimes are a write-off with the mindset that occupies them currently. Quebec has potential though... but they seem unwilling to realise it.

There isn't a profound amount of Quebec bashing. Criticising Quebec for getting more than their fair share is not Quebec bashing, especially when after they get "their share" they ask for more.

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Last Thursday on MDuffy, Duffy told the guest Liberal senator that He (Duffy) was bombarded with email right after Williams had his tirade on the show. Duffy read some of the emails....they all have the same message...they were all lambasting Williams and his ads!

There is also talk that his posturing may have backfired. A scheduled convention (?) involving the attendance or participation of some big companies had some companies cancelling.

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Last Thursday on MDuffy, Duffy told the guest Liberal senator that He (Duffy) was bombarded with email right after Williams had his tirade on the show. Duffy read some of the emails....they all have the same message...they were all lambasting Williams and his ads!

There is also talk that his posturing may have backfired. A scheduled convention (?) involving the attendance or participation of some big companies had some companies cancelling.

Danny Williams has gone past the point of defending NL's interests and is just being a media whore. He is facing an election in the fall.

It appears that the Liberals in Newfoundland are pretty disorganized, they had a "non-interim" leader last four months.

Hopefully the voters of NL put Williams in his place but it appears doubtful.

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First of all, I want to know if Harper DID promise and in writing to Nfld, wouldn't you?? If you had 12 kids and gave each a quarter and some of those kids went out and got jobs to add to their allowance, would you say to that child, well, you have more money coming in than the others so, I'm not going to give you your quarter?? Perhaps all provinces should keep more of the Feds taxes, like no one paying Fed tax and it would be more fair.

lol! A better one would be the parents buy a new house (or steal it from some indians) and give each of their kids their own rooms. One of the kids ends up in a room with a bag of money in it (or an oil well) and wants to keep it all for himself. The parents tell him he has to share with his siblings because he only ended up in that room on the luck of the draw.

The boy then whines, complains, and kicks and screams and threatens to run away every time he has to share the money.

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Sideshow, who are the kids/provinces who found a big of money in their room?

If you are talking about resource rich provinces are you arguing in favour of equalization?

Does anybody here really understand that part of the budget where the provinces have the option to have their natural resource revenues included in the equalization calculations?

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Does anybody here really understand that part of the budget where the provinces have the option to have their natural resource revenues included in the equalization calculations?

It's not much of an option. The provinces of Saskatchewan and Newfoundland (BC a bit too) lose either way. If they opt out of having their resources included, they take a massive slam in payouts. Their net equalisation is lower either way.

Good for Alberta. We get to pay less to Saskatchewan and Newfoundland. Unfortunately, Quebec takes up the slack. Not to mention I disagree with the move in principle, resource revenue monies should not be reflected at all in the equalisation formula... only the value added to such resources.

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Sideshow, who are the kids/provinces who found a big of money in their room?

If you are talking about resource rich provinces are you arguing in favour of equalization?

Does anybody here really understand that part of the budget where the provinces have the option to have their natural resource revenues included in the equalization calculations?

Currently its Alberta. They have oil, its making the province rich, and they act like spoiled kids.

But that will change. Manitoba had its wheat barons, and maybe it will be a water/hydro baron one day.

B.C. has lumber.

Some provinces capitalize on their wealth, some don't. But in the end, the country is just that-one country. I dont know why everyone gets so hung up on artificial boundaries (provincial,etc.) that are really just there to allow little fiefdoms and political agendas to flourish.

I would personally prefer the end of provinces, and just have one canada.

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Currently its Alberta. They have oil, its making the province rich, and they act like spoiled kids.

Ahh, I see.

What about the Constitution? Shouldn't what is written in that document matter?

The part where natural resources are an area of provincial responsibility.

Or is the constitution sacrosanct only sometimes?


Just saw Danny Williams on QP. My goodness he is a blusterer. I'll say it again, Harper is definitely making a smart strategic choice in this one.

Paul Martin bent over backwards to please Danny Williams and lost seats in NL. Harper is basically ignoring him. Maybe he will lose seats in NL, maybe not.

Regardless Harper is relegating Williams to the place he deserves. A minor annoyance, nothing more.

Williams is sooooo over the top it is ridiculous. He called on SK, NS natives, people fighting for social justice, people fighting for rights to have the Government pay for legal appeals all to join in his battle against Harper.

The more Williams blusters the more people tune him out.

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I would personally prefer the end of provinces, and just have one canada.

Most provinces would never have joined Confederation under that condition. It would be great for Central Canada though, they would have the population the seats and the power to make the rest of the country their economic colony.

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Currently its Alberta. They have oil, its making the province rich, and they act like spoiled kids.

Ahh, I see.

What about the Constitution? Shouldn't what is written in that document matter?

The part where natural resources are an area of provincial responsibility.

Or is the constitution sacrosanct only sometimes?


Just saw Danny Williams on QP. My goodness he is a blusterer. I'll say it again, Harper is definitely making a smart strategic choice in this one.

Paul Martin bent over backwards to please Danny Williams and lost seats in NL. Harper is basically ignoring him. Maybe he will lose seats in NL, maybe not.

Regardless Harper is relegating Williams to the place he deserves. A minor annoyance, nothing more.

Williams is sooooo over the top it is ridiculous. He called on SK, NS natives, people fighting for social justice, people fighting for rights to have the Government pay for legal appeals all to join in his battle against Harper.

The more Williams blusters the more people tune him out.

Hah! I might not agree with his economic strategy concerning NFLD (buddy drop the corporate tax rate!!) He is no idiot, he knows what he's doing. His academic credentials make Harper's look like a community college diploma. He gets constant approval ratings that are among the highest of any politician. He'll win the NFLD premier again. Harper should not underestimate someone like this who makes being a pest a science. He made Paul McCartney look like a fool on Larry King Live.

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I would personally prefer the end of provinces, and just have one canada.

Most provinces would never have joined Confederation under that condition. It would be great for Central Canada though, they would have the population the seats and the power to make the rest of the country their economic colony.

thats the way it pretty much is already-the only difference is, we could eliminate all the unnecessary political positions and duplication of services.

as for the constitution, what of it? everybody in the country should have the same rights, so why do we need different laws and rules and regulations in each province? one minimum wage, one set of laws, one national police force, one set of labour standards, one set of licensing standards, one set of taxes, etc.

why do we need all the red tape? its just a waste of money.

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