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Inhofe calls the goracles hand

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I watched some of this today and Gore made himself look like an idiot.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people who adore you and would follow your example by reducing their energy usage if you did. Don't give us the run-around on carbon offsets or the gimmicks the wealthy do," Senator Inhofe told Gore.


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From what I heard, Inhofe constantly interrupted Gore as he tried to explain himself. To be honest, from the reports that I read it sounded like the Republican's didn't have a clue what they were talking about, beyond what some Exxon mobil scientists told them.


From the sound's of it Inhofe was being a 'dick' to Al Gore.

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From the sound's of it Inhofe was being a 'dick' to Al Gore.

Wrong, Gore wouldn't answer the questions. Inhofe kept telling him to answer the questions, but instead he kept going off on a rant to avoid answering the questions.

Of course the MSM ignores, and is actually complicit in a cover up of the underpinnings of the man made global warming fraud.

Responding yesterday to U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, and former House Speaker Denny Hastert, R-Ill., the Czech leader said: "It becomes evident that while discussing climate we are not witnessing a clash of views about the environment, but a clash of views about human freedom."

"As someone who lived under communism for most of my life I feel obliged to say that the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity at the beginning of the 21st century is not communism or its various softer variants," said Klaus, responding to questions posed by the two lawmakers. "Communism was replaced by the threat of ambitious environmentalism."


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Displaying a photograph of icicles in Buffalo, Inhofe demanded: "How come you guys never seem to notice it when it gets cold? . . . Where is global warming when you really need it?"

Oh wait: that's stupid.

Inhofe is right. The alarmists try to associate everything they can with man made global warming. But can't make the same connection when the weather doesn't cooperate with their global warming alarmist scare tactics.

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I watched some of this today and Gore made himself look like an idiot.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people who adore you and would follow your example by reducing their energy usage if you did. Don't give us the run-around on carbon offsets or the gimmicks the wealthy do," Senator Inhofe told Gore.

Spin this all you like, but the video clips I've seen of the issue show Senator Inhofe making a fool of himself.

When Senator Boxer chided him about losing his gavel was particularly amusing. Inhofe was impotent.

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Spin this all you like, but the video clips I've seen of the issue show Senator Inhofe making a fool of himself.

When Senator Boxer chided him about losing his gavel was particularly amusing. Inhofe was impotent.

Gore wouldn't answer the questions concerning the real known science that proves he is a liar. Inhofe tried to make him answer the questions. That makes Gore look like fool. Gore refuses to debate climate scientists time after time. Boxer is as big of idiot as Gore.

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I watched some of this today and Gore made himself look like an idiot.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people who adore you and would follow your example by reducing their energy usage if you did. Don't give us the run-around on carbon offsets or the gimmicks the wealthy do," Senator Inhofe told Gore.

Spin this all you like, but the video clips I've seen of the issue show Senator Inhofe making a fool of himself.

When Senator Boxer chided him about losing his gavel was particularly amusing. Inhofe was impotent.

Dead on. Boxer had to intervene when it was clear Inhofe was obviously acting like the school yard bully. Cudos to her.

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Wrong, Gore wouldn't answer the questions. Inhofe kept telling him to answer the questions, but instead he kept going off on a rant to avoid answering the questions.

Of course the MSM ignores, and is actually complicit in a cover up of the underpinnings of the man made global warming fraud.

Responding yesterday to U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, and former House Speaker Denny Hastert, R-Ill., the Czech leader said: "It becomes evident that while discussing climate we are not witnessing a clash of views about the environment, but a clash of views about human freedom."

"As someone who lived under communism for most of my life I feel obliged to say that the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity at the beginning of the 21st century is not communism or its various softer variants," said Klaus, responding to questions posed by the two lawmakers. "Communism was replaced by the threat of ambitious environmentalism."


I'll trust worldnetdaily to deliver unbiased news when the four horsemen of the apocalypse come riding in the clouds.

Communism is the equivalent of environmentalism, now that's stupid. So somehow if you care about the state of the planet your some kind of Stalin. It's such a ridiculous statement, and it's pretty clear how "intelligent" they are if those kind's of statements are being made.

Money or the planet earth, I think I'll go with the planet.

Inhfoe really nailed Gore when the latter couldn't explain why we still have winter.


Displaying a photograph of icicles in Buffalo, Inhofe demanded: "How come you guys never seem to notice it when it gets cold? . . . Where is global warming when you really need it?"

Oh wait: that's stupid.

Wow, Inhofe is an idiot.

If boxer was doing her job she would have made Gore answer the questions. In fact Gore should be arrested for lying to a senate committee.

When was that?

Barton informed Gore that some of his ideas "are just flawed." Under Gore's plan, Barton said, "we can have no new industry, no new cars and trucks on the streets, and apparently no new people."

But this was no match for Gore. "The planet has a fever," he lectured Barton. "If your baby has a fever, you go to the doctor. If the doctor says you need to intervene here, you don't say, 'Well, I read a science fiction novel that tells me it's not a problem.' If the crib's on fire, you don't speculate that the baby is flame-retardant. You take action."

The audience laughed. Barton started reading the newspaper, then discovered he wasn't getting much support even from his own side. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) admitted he paid to see "An Inconvenient Truth." Roscoe Bartlett (R-Md.), implicitly rebuking flat-Earth colleagues, said: "It's possible to be a conservative without appearing to be an idiot." Barton flashed a grin of annoyance.

Gore, given ample time to rebut Inhofe, had no shortage of material. "One of the leading scientific experts said the consensus supporting this view on global warming is as strong as anything in science -- with the possible exception of gravity," he said.

The audience laughed. Boxer smiled. Inhofe did not. He left the show early.

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Inhofe is right. The alarmists try to associate everything they can with man made global warming. But can't make the same connection when the weather doesn't cooperate with their global warming alarmist scare tactics.

Inhofe is an idiot. Climate change doesn't mean the seasons will stop being the seasons. And you should at least know the difference between weather and climate before you decide to wade into this.

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...Gore made himself look like an idiot. ...

Actually, Gore came off as the expert he is - the truth is, the zinc peddling greed merchants like Inhofe are finding themselves increasingly on the short end of the stick

Gore has won national and international awards and recognitions -- the polluters are, OTOH, diving for cover as they are bombarded by criminal investigations and congressional hearings.

even the freeper morons will eventually give up on this pathetic pap imitation of science which denies the truth about global climate change

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...Gore made himself look like an idiot. ...

Actually, Gore came off as the expert he is - the truth is, the zinc peddling greed merchants like Inhofe are finding themselves increasingly on the short end of the stick

Gore has won national and international awards and recognitions -- the polluters are, OTOH, diving for cover as they are bombarded by criminal investigations and congressional hearings.

even the freeper morons will eventually give up on this pathetic pap imitation of science which denies the truth about global climate change

Of course that is all nonsense. I suggest you produce the science. Right now.

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Inhofe is an idiot. Climate change doesn't mean the seasons will stop being the seasons. And you should at least know the difference between weather and climate before you decide to wade into this.

It is the climate alarmists who don't no the difference and of course the dupes of dooms day.

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I'll trust worldnetdaily to deliver unbiased news when the four horsemen of the apocalypse come riding in the clouds.

The facts are niether biased or unbiased, they are simply the facts.

Communism is the equivalent of environmentalism, now that's stupid. So somehow if you care about the state of the planet your some kind of Stalin. It's such a ridiculous statement, and it's pretty clear how "intelligent" they are if those kind's of statements are being made.

Money or the planet earth, I think I'll go with the planet.

So you chose communism.

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I'll trust worldnetdaily to deliver unbiased news when the four horsemen of the apocalypse come riding in the clouds.

Communism is the equivalent of environmentalism, now that's stupid. So somehow if you care about the state of the planet your some kind of Stalin. It's such a ridiculous statement, and it's pretty clear how "intelligent" they are if those kind's of statements are being made.

Money or the planet earth, I think I'll go with the planet.

So you chose communism, which tends to confirm what Klaus says. I'm quit sure then, that the apocalypse will be right on time.

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So you chose communism, which tends to confirm what Klaus says. I'm quit sure then, that the apocalypse will be right on time.

No, I choose to be concerned about what happens to the planet. I'm not sure how caring about the environment leads to communism.

The facts are niether biased or unbiased, they are simply the facts.

Not really, the article was more along the lines of truthiness than facts.

It is the climate alarmists who don't no the difference and of course the dupes of dooms day.

aka climate scientists.

Of course that is all nonsense. I suggest you produce the science. Right now.

Here you go:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_Change -Has graphs and pictures.






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Unfortunately that is not evidence let alone proof, and is junk science, misleading information, and outright fraud at best.


In investigating this question, Siegenthaler et al. say they obtained the best correlation between CO2 and temperature "for a lag of CO2 of 1900 years." Specifically, over the course of glacial terminations V to VII, they indicate that "the highest correlation of CO2 and deuterium, with use of a 20-ky window for each termination, yields a lag of CO2 to deuterium of 800, 1600, and 2800 years, respectively." In addition, they note that "this value is consistent with estimates based on data from the past four glacial cycles," citing in this regard the work of Fischer et al. (1999), Monnin et al. (2001) and Caillon et al. (2003). Clearly, therefore, it is temperature that is the robust leader in this tightly-coupled relationship, while CO2 is but the humble follower, providing only a fraction (which could well be miniscule) - of the total glacial-to-interglacial temperature change.

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...Gore made himself look like an idiot. ...

Actually, Gore came off as the expert he is - the truth is, the zinc peddling greed merchants like Inhofe are finding themselves increasingly on the short end of the stick

Gore has won national and international awards and recognitions -- the polluters are, OTOH, diving for cover as they are bombarded by criminal investigations and congressional hearings.

even the freeper morons will eventually give up on this pathetic pap imitation of science which denies the truth about global climate change

Of course that is all nonsense. I suggest you produce the science. Right now.


Our beaches mirror the degradation of the environment.

The effects of global warming on polar ice are significant.

America is not responding to environmental danger signals.

Global warming is a strategic threat.

Half of all American waters are polluted.



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Unfortunately that is not evidence let alone proof, and is junk science, misleading information, and outright fraud at best.

So the United Nations, the EPA, the BBC, are all attempting to bring about a hoax why?

The only junk science I have heard is coming from the climate change skeptics, who seem to refer more often to icicles instead of actual science.

As for CO2 Science, I found out a little bit more about them.


The Center's current mission is to "disseminate factual reports and sound commentary on new developments in the world-wide scientific quest to determine the climatic and biological consequences of the ongoing rise in the air's CO2 content."

The Center means of disseminating information, their magazine and website CO2 Science, includes articles both questioning the existence of climate change as well as touting the benefits to the biosphere from carbon dioxide enrichment. All aspects of climate change and its predicted effects - from melting ice caps to species extinction, to more severe weather - are criticized by the Center and either refuted or presented as beneficial. Fred Palmer, head of Western Fuels, said about the center: "The Center's viewpoint is a needed antidote to the misleading and usually erroneous scientific claims emanating from the Federal scientific establishment and adopted by leading politicians, such as Vice President Al Gore." The Center has since tried to distance itself from the Western Fuels Association, however, the Center is run by Keith and Craig Idso, along with their father, Sherwood. Both Idso brothers have been on the Western Fuels payroll at one time or another. Keith Idso, then a doctoral candidate at the University of Arizona, was a paid expert witness for Western Fuels Association at a 1995 Minnesota Public Utilities commission hearing in St. Paul, MN, along with MIT's Richard Lindzen, Patrick Michaels, and Robert Balling (The Heat is On). According to news from Basin Electr ic, a Western Fuels Association member, Craig Idso produced a report, "The Greening of Planet Earth." Its Progression from Hypothesis to Theory," in January 1998 for the Western Fuels Association (Basin Electric Latest News no date given).

It's also good to hear they recieved $90,000 from Exxonmobile.

Your source is officially junk science.

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Not really, when some group which touts the benefits of climate change is also funded by Exxonmobil who would lose profits due to more environmental regulation's, it cast's doubt on the so called "facts".

I'll take the advice of people who aren't funded by big oil.

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