PolyNewbie Posted March 14, 2007 Author Report Posted March 14, 2007 The faked Osama Tape Video "Wake up gentle reader, the whole world is laughing at you" - Paul Craig Roberts Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
Canadian Blue Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 No. My arguement has been fact after fact after fact - indesputable facts that make my case that you cannot discredit. Didn't you yourself say your facts were verifiably false? You just keep distorting things and using insults and you make stuff up like the above post. Of all the posters I have argued with you are by far the most lowly pathetic excuse for a human being that I have ever met on these forums. The others should take a look at you and see the company they keep. What, in the company with sane people who aren't in dire need of a psychologist. People who don't blame a single group of people for all of the worlds problems, and like to look at the big picture instead of trying to find a scapegoat. I guess I'm in the company of UNESCO, ASCE, the United Nations, and other organizations, so I'm not really depressed by your little idiotic rants against me. Quote "Keep your government hands off my medicare!" - GOP activist
Canadian Blue Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Alright, so let me get this straight, your using another crappy conspiracy video with some guy that has a nerdy voice and crappy music. By the way, the hijackers still being alive was already discussed, and as everyone knows many of the hijackers stole other identities. So let me get this straight, your case is made up of nothing but stuff you watched on youtube right? Quote "Keep your government hands off my medicare!" - GOP activist
PolyNewbie Posted March 14, 2007 Author Report Posted March 14, 2007 CanadianBlue:Alright, so let me get this straight, your using another crappy conspiracy video with some guy that has a nerdy voice and crappy music It shows the actual confession tapes of Bin Laden. You won't find those archived by CNN or BBC and the reason is obvious. That aint Bin Laden. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
kimmy Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 kimmy:This again? I thought I put this steaming turd out of its misery months back. Proof !!! YOUR OPINION DOESN"T CONSTITUTE PROOF. I saw that video when broadcasted I know it wasn't Bin Laden. Show us the real video then if you say that one has been doctored. You are definetly a contender for the Golden Hockey Puck award but show us the beef ! All of this was covered very early on in this thread. Refresh your memory by reviewing it: http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums//index....ndpost&p=163752 -k Quote (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
kimmy Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Can you geniuses come up with one single reason piece of evidence why we should thijnk Bin Laden did 911 ?Means ? Big jet airplanes full of fuel. Subordinates willing to die for their beliefs. A vast personal fortune capable of easily funding the operation many times over. Motive ? Opposition to American policy in the Middle East. Desire to retaliate for American support for Israel. Desire to provoke a confrontation between America and the Islamic world that would lead to Muslim countries freeing themselves from economic servitude to American interests. Lots of good reasons, really. Opportunity ? Provided by inadequate airliner security and lax enforcement of visitor visa regulations. -k Quote (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
PolyNewbie Posted March 14, 2007 Author Report Posted March 14, 2007 But kimmy, you didn't prove anything. You just keep posting your own analysis as proof. I found the tape and linked it above. Do you think that was faked by one of us truthies and that the real confession tape has someone that looks more like Bin Laden ? How do you explain that this seminal piece of evidence that supports why we invaded Afghanistan isn't posted on the BBC, CNN, etc sites ? Do you think they lost iot like BBC lost all their footage on the day of 911 or the way the Pentagon lost 3.3 trillion dollars (enough to buy and equip 500 Nimitz class carriers) ? Do you think this is all just a coincidence ? kimmy:In one of them he mocks Bush for reading the story about the butting goat to the schoolkids while "our planes" were butting against your towers. Lets see it. Link ? Bin Laden said he didn't do it as reported by CNN shortly after 911 and before this fake confession tape surfaced. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
kimmy Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 But kimmy, you didn't prove anything. You just keep posting your own analysis as proof. I posit that the JPG artifacting and blurring are obvious to anybody who examines the "Osama E" image. And I posit that the fact that difference in color of the walls between the video stills and the "Osama E" image is obvious, and that the dramatically different light/dark contrast levels between the video stills and the "Osama E" image are also easily apparent to anybody who compares the two pictures. As a result, I posit that the pictures themselves provide all the proof that is necessary to demonstrate that the "Osama E" image has been manipulated, and that the "Osama E" image is not representative of the I found the tape and linked it above. Is that what that was supposed to be? I listened to 3 seconds of it, heard some pimply-faced teenager say "voice morphing technology", and closed the page. Do you think that was faked by one of us truthies and that the real confession tape has someone that looks more like Bin Laden ?How do you explain that this seminal piece of evidence that supports why we invaded Afghanistan isn't posted on the BBC, CNN, etc sites ? Do you think they lost iot like BBC lost all their footage on the day of 911 or the way the Pentagon lost 3.3 trillion dollars (enough to buy and equip 500 Nimitz class carriers) ? Do you think this is all just a coincidence ? You and the missing trillions again. (last time it was $2.3 trillion. Now it's $3.3 trillion. Inflation?) I've dealt with this many times already elsewhere, but to summarize once again: -Rumsfeld never once claims that the money was lost or stolen. He states that there are $2.3 trillion in untraceable transactions, which is hardly a claim of malfeasance, theft, fraud, loss, or anything else except for inadequate accounting practices. In a speech where Rumsfeld was calling for updated accounting and oversight in the DoD, this is hardly surprising. -$2.3 trillion would represent ten times the annual budget for the Bush regime from the time they took office up to Sept 11. Stealing 10% of the budget without being caught would be a remarkable feat. Stealing 100% of the budget without getting caught would be bloody astounding. But stealing 1000% percent of the budget is just impossible, which in itself proves that the $2.3 trillion figure doesn't represent what the truthies claim it does. -you knuckleheads have never once come up with an answer as to why Rumsfeld would admit to a huge heist if there was a plan to execute a massive cover up the very next day. kimmy:In one of them he mocks Bush for reading the story about the butting goat to the schoolkids while "our planes" were butting against your towers. Lets see it. Link ? here you are: But because it seemed to him that occupying himself by talking to the little girl about the goat and its butting was more important than occupying himself with the planes and their butting of the skyscrapers, we were given three times the period required to execute the operations - all praise is due to Allah. from Al Jazeera, November 2, 2004 Bin Laden said he didn't do it as reported by CNN shortly after 911 and before this fake confession tape surfaced. Lets see it. Link ? -k Quote (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
Black Dog Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 But, ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation: does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests. The Chewbacca Defense Quote "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Francis M. Wilhoit
sunsettommy Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Here are a series of quotes demonstrating that Polynewbie does not want to fully address the sectional link I had posted about THERMATE. Polynewbie: Which point specifically do you want me to rip apart using simple science and/or logic that can be found on the 911 Myths site ? sunsettommy:I already gave you an opening.It is plain that you think like a Cauliflower.Just evasive replies. WHEN WILL YOU EVER MAKE A REAL FULL AND FRONTAL REBUTTAL? Your evasive reply to something I plainly gave you an opening about the THERMATE analysis: Polynewbie: You gave me a link to a site that basically says "anything and everything" can be found in the rubble of 911 and your arguement is that if that is true then sulfidization could be found on the beams.I say your site engages in pure speculation and that Jones points to specific phsysical evidence on the steel beams that shows sulfidization and therefore the use of explosives. FEMA found this evidence and could not explain it in the context of the official conspiracy theory. I won't make a full rebuttal of a site that is based on speculation alone. Its a waste of time and doesn't prove anything. I will make a suitable rebuttal to any point that 911Myths makes or that Popular Mechanics makes. If you choose this as your single point I will deal with it but I think I have already. I could elaborate but its a weak point. I'm suggesting you pick a stronger one - perhaps one that doesn't require any speculation on their part. I never once asked you to make a rebuttal of the ENTIRE WEBSITE. This is what I was asking you to make a "FULL AND FRONTAL REBUTTAL" over, Refer to post #1535.That is what I was referring to. THERMATE Your feeble reply at posts# 1538,1540 and 1541 are not decent rebuttals. Meanwhile MY posts at 1539 and 1542 was an attempt to redirect you back into discussing Professor Jones analysis and the section at the website you obviously detest that discuss THERMATE in some detail. Your other two postings are just evasive and smearing.(#1544 and 1545). You have utterly failed to convince me that Dr Jones OR the section of the website are either right or wrong. LOL. Quote Visit GLOBAL WARMING SKEPTICS
jbg Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Bin Laden Confession ROTFLMAO This again? I thought I put this steaming turd out of its misery months back. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I want attention to. Could someone give me 104+ pages on a thread I spawn with something real on it? Mommy, Daddy, they're ignoring me. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Quote Free speech: "You can say what you want, but I don't have to lend you my megaphone." Always remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it. - J.J. Reynolds. Will the steps anyone is proposing to fight "climate change" reduce a single temperature, by a single degree, at a single location? The mantra of "world opinion" or the views of the "international community" betrays flabby and weak reasoning (link).
stignasty Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 Suspected 9/11 mastermind confesses at hearing: U.S. Last Updated: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 | 8:15 PM ET CBC News The suspect mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States confessed to 2001 attacks and many others during a military hearing at the U.S. detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the U.S. military says. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed claimed he planned, funded and trained attackers for 29 terrorist attacks, according to a 26-page transcript of the hearing released Wednesday by the U.S. Defence Department. The hearing into Mohammed's case began Friday. It's being conducted in secret as the U.S. military tries to determine whether Mohammed and 13 other alleged terrorist leaders should be declared enemy combatants and prosecuted by military tribunals. In the transcript, Mohammed confesses to the Sept. 11 airplane attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington. "I was responsible for the 9/11 Operation, from A to Z," he says in the transcript, according to Reuters news agency. http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2007/03/14/b...confession.html Quote "It may not be true, but it's legendary that if you're like all Americans, you know almost nothing except for your own country. Which makes you probably knowledgeable about one more country than most Canadians." - Stephen Harper
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 The suspect mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States confessed to 2001 attacks and many others during a military hearing at the U.S. detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the U.S. military says. Military Commissions act. Patriot Act. They could have got him to confess to being in love with his own cat after putting the pliars to his balls. The confession means nothing. From that story: "The hearing, which began Friday and is ongoing, is being conducted in secret, with no reporters allowed to attend. " Do you really believe the results of a secret trial conducted in private by the US military in Guantanomo bay where they use torture to obtain confessions ? Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 You have utterly failed to convince me that Dr Jones OR the section of the website are either right or wrong. I'm not here to argue for Jones. His analysis is not yet proof so its not fact. I don't care if Jones is right or wrong - there are competing theories. I will only discuss fact I have explained that I will not engage in speculation because it doesn't win arguements. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 JBG:Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I want attention to. Could someone give me 104+ pages on a thread I spawn with something real on it? Then post something real here yourself if you don't like it. Don't complain about others. JBG:Mommy, Daddy, they're ignoring me. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Thats probably because you haven't said anything. Grow up. Stop acting like a lawyer. I have shown: (1) How the official report doesn't say what people think it says (2) How the official investigators have demonstrated conflicts of interest (3) How the "debunker sites are full of only lies (4) How it was impoissible for the buildings to collapse the way they did without an additional source of energy and that this source of energy must be bombs (5) Congressional testimony of intentional stand down order (6) illegal cover up of evidence (7) motive: to start wars and allow political supporters to make piles of money, implement the police state to begin transition to North American Union. Excuse for imperial aggression. (8) Faked evidence - Osama Bin Laden Confession tapes. (9) Dozens of high level qualified experts that do not have demonstrable conflicts of interest saying it was an inside job. (10) Foreknowledge of wtc7 collapse (11) Witnesses: Firefighters, etc. Explosions before collapse caught on video. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 kimmy:Your other two postings are just evasive and smearing.(#1544 and 1545). These posts ask me to engage in arguements based on speculation. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 kimmy:Big jet airplanes full of fuel. Subordinates willing to die for their beliefs. A vast personal fortune capable of easily funding the operation many times over. Thats not evidence. The 2 trillion that was already missing from the Pentagon could have paid for the operation too, under the same logic. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
kimmy Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 kimmy:Big jet airplanes full of fuel. Subordinates willing to die for their beliefs. A vast personal fortune capable of easily funding the operation many times over. Thats not evidence. The 2 trillion that was already missing from the Pentagon could have paid for the operation too, under the same logic. Sure, money does go missing from the Pentagon, and it could be (and undoubtably some of it is) used to fund all kinds of shenanigans. I don't think anybody has ever doubted that the US had the means to perform the operations performed on 9/11. But so did Bin Laden. You asked "means? motive? opportunity?" Clearly, the means to perform the 9/11 attacks were easily within Osama's capability; he's astoundingly wealthy and has access to many willing recruits. Clearly, the opportunity was present. It's not difficult for people to live illegally in the United States, either with fake documents, or no documents at all. And it's been shown that airport security is pretty leaky even after 9/11. And you don't have to look very far to see plausible motives for angry Muslims to lash out against the United States. Objectives like attempting to change American middle east policy, retaliate against American involvement in the middle east, or provoking a conflict that would lead to Muslim countries pushing American interests out of their countries are examples. "Means? Motive? Opportunity?" Bin Laden had plenty of all of them. You asked what means, motive, and opportunity as if you thought they were difficult to answer for people who believe the official story. But in fact those are very easy questions to address. -k Quote (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)
na85 Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 All right Poly, I've watched that Osama tape. I am uncertain about its authenticity. I could be persuaded either way. It's possible it could have been faked. Now then, as you said you would, please let me hear this explanation about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Quote
GostHacked Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 All this talk about Osama bin Laden ..... interesting. http://www.foxnews.com/photoessay/0,4644,1527,00.html http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,258817,00.html "I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said in a statement read Saturday during a Combatant Status Review Tribunal at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the U.S. military who is serving as his personal representative. Mohammed, known as KSM among government officials, was last seen haggard after his capture in March 2003, when he was photographed in a dingy white T-shirt with an over-stretched neck. He disappeared for more than three years into a secret detention system run by the CIA. Alright, I am a tad confused. KSM admited to the 9/11 plots from A-Z and Fox had reported that the CIA operates seceret prisons. Ok and what is this ?? "We won't know that unless there is an independent hearing," he said. "We need to know if this purported confession would be enough to convict him at a fair trial or would it have to be suppressed as the fruit of torture?" OH NOES, the US does not torture now does it? http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/14/guantanam...mmed/index.html "I don't like to kill people," he said. "I feel very sorry they been killed kids in 9/11." Was that exactly what he said? Or some looked over editing was needed? OK and CNN talks about secret prisons as well. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/03/14/...in2571406.shtml And why the fuck is everyone relying on info from AP ? Both the CBS and FOX stories are the same, identical. CNN at leasts tries to reword it paraphrase it. He also admited to the 1993 WTC truck bomb... Bin Laden who?? But ignore all this again, Bin Laden was responsible for it all. Anyone else see a problem with this? Honestly. Quote Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser ohm on soundcloud.com
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 The FBI did wtc'93. It was on tape. The driver of the truck taped the whole thing. It was on w5 or 60 minutes or one of those shows. I watched it on TV. Everyone knew this back then. They are just somehow programmed to forget these things. Maybe they didn't torture him like he says. Maybe they put pliars to one of his kids genitals like Gonzales says they can do legally. This is the United States Of America North American Union. Its not NAZI Germany or Stalins Russia. Anything is possible. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 na85:All right Poly, I've watched that Osama tape. I am uncertain about its authenticity. I could be persuaded either way. I'm waiting for you to admit that the overweight black man with a pug nose is not Bin Laden. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 kimmy:Clearly, the means to perform the 9/11 attacks were easily within Osama's capability; he's astoundingly wealthy and has access to many willing recruits. No way. He did not have the capability to get Cheney to give the stand down order for Pentagon defences (surface to air missiles) after two buildings had already been hit and the plane was 50 miles away from the Pentagon and techincally a UFO. This is congressional testimony by two witnesses. He did not have the capability to prevent the White House from launching fighters from Andrews air force base to protect the White House & Penthouse Pentagon after two buildings had already been hit. The US armed forces were not confused on that day. Excercises could have been called off after the second building was hit. Fighters could have been launched to intercept these planes that went off course just like they do in every other case. Planes that go off course are intercepted as a matter of policy. Bin Laden did not have the capability to have the authority to do these intercepts taken away from the armed forces and handed over to Dick Cheney a short time before 911. Bin Laden could not have planeted bombs inside the Pentagon and set them off 5 minutes before anything hit it. (See Seven Hours In September - written by a Colonel at the Pentagon.) kimmy: Sure, money does go missing from the Pentagon, and it could be (and undoubtably some of it is) used to fund all kinds of shenanigans Three trillion dollars have gone missing from Pentagon with no investigation and a very laughable explanation from Donald Rumsfeld that consists of transaction losses due to old poorly connected old computers. Three trillion dollars is enough to build and fully equip 500 Nimitz class aircraft carriers or 3000 Los Angeles class nuclear submarines. Three trillion dollars is four times the entire yearly economic output of Canada. Do you think they have a bag of 3 billion hammers buried somewhere that they paid $1000.00 each for ? Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
sunsettommy Posted March 15, 2007 Report Posted March 15, 2007 You have utterly failed to convince me that Dr Jones OR the section of the website are either right or wrong. I'm not here to argue for Jones. His analysis is not yet proof so its not fact. I don't care if Jones is right or wrong - there are competing theories. I will only discuss fact I have explained that I will not engage in speculation because it doesn't win arguements. LOL, Then why did you say this? Which point specifically do you want me to rip apart using simple science and/or logic that can be found on the 911 Myths site ? I just see another example of your unwillingness to make a full rebuttal. I gave you the opening and so far you have flubbed it. I think you are simply a paranoid conspiracist. Quote Visit GLOBAL WARMING SKEPTICS
PolyNewbie Posted March 15, 2007 Author Report Posted March 15, 2007 kimmy:I think you are simply a paranoid conspiracist. I think you are the number one contender for the golden hockey puck award. Pick one point from Popular Mechanics or 911Myths. I have dealt with your speculative web sites as far as I am going to. I will not argue with speculation that may be on these gate keeper publications. It has to be fact. Dragging me into an arguement in speculation shows that you are not interested in truth, you are interested in winning an arguement and will use any means possible. Quote Support the troops. Bring them home. Let the bankers fight their own wars. www.infowars.com Watch 911 Mysteries at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8172271955308136871 "By the time the people wake up to see the bars around them, the door will have already slammed shut." Texx Mars
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