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the american-nazi connection

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Obsidian is right. This is exactly what's going on. A lot of you who posted are so scared of the truth, that you deny yourself of it, and shut him down.

Ease it Rusty Shackleford.

You live better with the fantasy, what can I say. I've looked into it, researched, and found out for my self everything thats going on. And talked to countless people, who are aware of what's going on.

People you speak with at the mental asylum don't count.

This is a time of the masses waking up. I can write 15,000 words, but my lunch break is almost over. So I'll just leave with some things that can start you off.

Wow, it's like 1917 all over again, except not really.

I read an article about how the internet has made some people stupider. A perfect example is using youtube, I think I can find a video of a kid eating dog sh@t on youtube.

Secondly, there are some really bright people who are taking on the system themself, and that feel oblidged to reveal the truth:

Alex Jones

Robert A. Menard

Aaron Russo

Wow, what a list. Alex Jones is a bright guy, could have fooled me. Robert A. Menard I've never heard of, and Aaron Russo is in show business and is a "tax protestor".

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People you speak with at the mental asylum don't count.

Hahaha, I've heard that one before. Perhaps that's just what they want you to think...

And a lot of stuff is on Youtube, type in history channel, or discovery channel. That doesn't make the shows from those stations discreditable. Just showed some clips to get you thinking, and how can you dispute the first one there I listed...if you did infact watch it. You can look up those quotes for yourself.

And don't tell me you just wikipedia'd those guys names, that's not the most realiable source.

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"For example, current records show that at least five associates of the notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann worked for the CIA, 23 other Nazis were approached by the CIA for recruitment, and at least 100 officers within the Gehlen organization were former SD or Gestapo officers."- Richard Breitman, Norman Goda, Timothy Naftali, and Robert Wolfe, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, (Washington, DC: National Archive Trust Fund Board, 2004), 377.

It's old rule - specialist is specialist -for special service It's the most important factor . Don't be so naive.Such cases are connected with security service. Each security - doesn't matter in which country.

Forgive my poor English but I'm from East Europe.

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Pre-Nazi Germany was essential broke from 1. depression 2. paying obscene amount of war debt which was imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. The German people would have believed Ronald Macdonald at that point if he could have gotten them out of destitution. While it is your belief that Most Americans are dirt poor, I actually live a better life in my middle income then anywhere that i went in the world. Even in Europe they have more living issues then i have to deal with in the USA. The US economy is still an Economic power house growing at a rate of 3 percent a year. (roughly) Now i know thats not China, who has been growing at around 10 percent. But thats still a solid growth rate.

If the US of A was descending into a Nationalistic "NAZI" party, then Liberal party would have to be disbanded. The major news networks taken control of, any outside news cut off. Are children taught to toe a particular party belief system. Since are schools are more liberal then the democratic party, i think were missing the boat on that.

Also, and this is really important, nobody has come to round up my South American, black, or Jewish friends. Or for that matter come to take my firearms away from me. All key things to a good totalitarian Regime. Well if when we decide to go the way of Hitler, I can promise that Canada will be first on the Agenda of Countries we need to occupy to reunited are English speaking brothers. (think Northern Czechs) You can keep French Canada though because who really wants em! LOL I joke I joke

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I think it the way you look at it. Two different people who are looking at the exact same thing from different angles, could have a totally different opinion on whats going on. Although all those positive things you listed are all true, I'll still believe we're heading in a direction for disaster, if you look at the negative side of things.

And people keep saying it's going to be a nazi nation or something like that...but it actually seems more like it's turning into a communist dictatorship.

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i never said american were nazis, there were simalarites.

and what was the debt of germany?

was it more than the estimated 58 trillion dollar total US debt...?

The debt owed was an obscene amount for the time, im not sure what that would have translated into, plus there was a world depression, a key factor currently missing at this time. In the most WHAT IF situation i can conjur up, i think if the you saw the American Government system fall, you would be more likely to see the country break up into smaller countries then unify into one giant war machine. Thats just my opinion though. Where ever im living though, can Canada take over?

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still the debt is HUGE. 400 billion a year in defence spending, and it gets higher nearly every year. its not justified by the % of GDP, it should be relative to the threats(russia=60B china=40B iraq=<5B). after the collapse of the CCCP the USA's primary focus is to be the sole super power. they do whatever they can to keep this hegemony and foreign policy dictates domestic policy. we can see this happening as i type this.

they gain public support by usurping 9/11 and turning it into a slogan that brings back all the emotions we were made to feel that day. iraq no justification, and who cares? anyone who uses logic and debates against it is called unpatriotic, a terrorist, someone who wants to get rid of freedom. this is the farthest from the truth, for all who wage this war want the exact opposite, for freedom to be reinstilled


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Pre-Nazi Germany was essential broke from 1. depression 2. paying obscene amount of war debt which was imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. The German people would have believed Ronald Macdonald at that point if he could have gotten them out of destitution. While it is your belief that Most Americans are dirt poor, I actually live a better life in my middle income then anywhere that i went in the world. Even in Europe they have more living issues then i have to deal with in the USA. The US economy is still an Economic power house growing at a rate of 3 percent a year. (roughly) Now i know thats not China, who has been growing at around 10 percent. But thats still a solid growth rate.

If the US of A was descending into a Nationalistic "NAZI" party, then Liberal party would have to be disbanded. The major news networks taken control of, any outside news cut off. Are children taught to toe a particular party belief system. Since are schools are more liberal then the democratic party, i think were missing the boat on that.

Also, and this is really important, nobody has come to round up my South American, black, or Jewish friends. Or for that matter come to take my firearms away from me. All key things to a good totalitarian Regime. Well if when we decide to go the way of Hitler, I can promise that Canada will be first on the Agenda of Countries we need to occupy to reunited are English speaking brothers. (think Northern Czechs) You can keep French Canada though because who really wants em! LOL I joke I joke

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Your ‘lecture” – explanation about Pre-Nazi Germany is too simplified in my opinion – in order to understand the problem of Nazi and Nazism.

I know the history of Eastern Europe – especially economic history. It was one of the important factors that caused Nazism.

Most of the Eastern European countries were poor – especially from Eastern Europe. Poorer than Germany.

Only in Germany - Nazi party emerged as a powerful force on the political stage.

Why ?

Germans are very good community, nation – but when they start to march – it’s dangerous for …………..

“Most Americans are dirt poor” ??? I said something like that ?

“But thats still a solid growth rate” – I agree – but one of my American fellows said that – “Our unemployment, economic growth and inflation are very low, but the

country is not doing well. We seem to be hovering, just waiting for

something big to happen so we can either have growth or recession..”

“All key things to a good totalitarian Regime” ? I think you exaggerate.

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I don't think we're far off from the United States, if not all North America, from being flung into martial law, and with a dictator not far behind either. But of course something huge would have to happen, and it's probably gonna have to be a negative thing. Like you said, a recession, but much more severe then that, like a depression. I can see it coming a mile away.

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Frankie, I'm not sure if you noticed by their are these people down in the states who are running the presidential primary. I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about a dictatorship.

Now go for a long walk, and remember that you still have more freedom than the other 5 billion people in the world.

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FEMA is a disaster waiting to happen

FEMA can now declare a disaster, with or without presidental permission

FEMA has the authority to:

Executive Order 10995: All communications media are to be seized by the Federal Government. Radio, TV, newspapers, CB, Ham, telephones, and the internet will be under federal control. Hence, the First Amendment will be suspended indefinitely.

Executive Order 10997: All electrical power, fuels, and all minerals well be seized by the federal government.

Executive Order 10998: All food resources, farms and farm equipment will be seized by the government. You will not be allowed to hoard food since this is regulated.

Executive Order 10999: All modes of transportation will go into government control. Any vehicle can be seized.

Executive Order 11000: All civilians can be used for work under federal supervision.

Executive Order 11490: Establishes presidential control over all US citizens, businesses, and churches in time of "emergency."

Executive Order 12919: Directs various Cabinet officials to be constantly ready to take over virtually all aspects of the US economy during a State of National Emergency at the direction of the president.

Executive Order 13010: Directs FEMA to take control over all government agencies in time of emergency. FEMA is under control of executive branch of the government.

Executive Order 11004: provides for the housing and finance authority to relocate communites, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for the population

a bit excessive dont you think? and there is no definition for the "emergency", it could be a stock market crash, a super virus, another terrorist act, or blasphemies...there are many more executive orders that have already passed that allow them to take absolute control of the US.

do any of you remember how hitler turned germany into a police state? executive orders, much like these.

and if FEMA is actually funtional, asides to establish a police state, where were they for katrina?(then again thats a whole different topic)

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Yep...reads much like the Canadian Emergencies Act (formerly War Measures Act). So just like Security Certificates going back to at least 1991, Canada has passed and implemented such measures many years/times before the United States.

http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/Collection-R/Lo.... Preamble(txt)

Canada also has an Energy Supplies Emergency Act and Health Emergency Act.

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you think that is a good thing...? whats your stance :S

I think it doesn't matter. Citizens and resident aliens were interned during WW2 in Canada and the US by similar measures. The internments were upheld in court. That's why Canada added all the Charter of Rights disclaimers.

So was America the Arsenal of Freedom or a Police State in 1942? Answer: it was both.

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you think that is a good thing...? whats your stance :S

I think it doesn't matter. Citizens and resident aliens were interned during WW2 in Canada and the US by similar measures. The internments were upheld in court. That's why Canada added all the Charter of Rights disclaimers.

So was America the Arsenal of Freedom or a Police State in 1942? Answer: it was both.

I cannot think of an example of country with a Growing Economy any wear in the world that switched from a democracy to a Police state. People have to be pushed into that by desperate times. Since MOST Americans can still put a roof over there head and Macdonald's on the table I do not think we have reached the point where were looking for that radical a change. Also, you have to keep in mind that we have a fairly well educated population. I know were not Europe or Japan but as the world goes.... Another Issue is the size of the country. For example, do you think your gonna get Texans to support a police state? There more likely to shoot you for being on there property. I suppose certain parts of the country might be acceptable to that but I can pretty much guarantee you there would be one helluva fight over it. If they tried it I would drive myself and my 308 to DC and take a crack at the would be dictator and i seriously doubt i would be the only one.

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Police state ? What is the similarity between police state and Nazism ? In my opinion Police state is not far away from democracy. The main problem is - against whom is directed Police .

Most of the European countries were poor – especially from Eastern Europe. Poorer than Germany.

Only in Germany - Nazi party emerged as a powerful force on the political stage.

Why ?

Germans are very good community, nation – but when they start to march – it’s dangerous for …………..

Why only Germans ?

„fairly well educated population” – it doesn’t matter.

Pre-Nazi Germans were very well educated in comparison with another nations !

I hope that my post is understandable.

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you think that is a good thing...? whats your stance :S

I think it doesn't matter. Citizens and resident aliens were interned during WW2 in Canada and the US by similar measures. The internments were upheld in court. That's why Canada added all the Charter of Rights disclaimers.

So was America the Arsenal of Freedom or a Police State in 1942? Answer: it was both.

I cannot think of an example of country with a Growing Economy any wear in the world that switched from a democracy to a Police state. People have to be pushed into that by desperate times. Since MOST Americans can still put a roof over there head and Macdonald's on the table I do not think we have reached the point where were looking for that radical a change. Also, you have to keep in mind that we have a fairly well educated population. I know were not Europe or Japan but as the world goes.... Another Issue is the size of the country. For example, do you think your gonna get Texans to support a police state? There more likely to shoot you for being on there property. I suppose certain parts of the country might be acceptable to that but I can pretty much guarantee you there would be one helluva fight over it. If they tried it I would drive myself and my 308 to DC and take a crack at the would be dictator and i seriously doubt i would be the only one.

Desperate times will come. Like a said before, possibly a depression, or worse. Your right, the population is relativily educated, they what 2+2 is, and the value of pi. But they are uninformed on what's really going on. I have a cousin who lives in the states, he was never taught the constitution, or encouraged to learn it. How would you never if somebody is doing something wrong, if you don't even know what right is? And your right about the Texans, and perhaps there will be a lot of gun fire from both directions.

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Desperate times will come. Like a said before, possibly a depression, or worse.

We've had the Great Depression and two world wars with no effect on our democratic institutions. If such a thing were to turn us into a dictatorship in the future, it would be because we were not up to the standard of those who came before us.

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