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My favorite business card from Shanghai


Li chang long

Sale the golf tennis set and equipment


Please being busy sends out the postal matter to me

What a great place.

"Never trust a man who has not a single redeeming vice". WSC

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I'd like to see more availability of European 'city' cars (as Chery describes their vehicles). They'd sell, people like to be unique. Plus they are likely of higher quality than these Chinese cars.

Why can't I buy a Citroen in Canada? A Peugeot? Are our auto laws/tariffs prohibitive?

What do they drive in China?

RealRisk.ca - (Latest Post: Prosecutors have no "Skin in the Game")


China is roughly the same size as Canada and has the same types of land use. There are 33 million people in Canada and over a billion in China. It works out to something like 8 people per square mile. in Canada and 300 people per square mile in China. Should we fear China? As far as my historic knowledge is they never were an agressive county. I know they backed the communist regime in several countries in this last century but before that the seem to have been introverted with their own country.

The biggest fear I hear is the loss of our high living. And this is because we demand so much so cheaply and China can produce. They have cheap labour.

There is no reason to fear China. You know how women sometimes joke about how simple men are? "Sex and food bascially sum us up and if you figure out how to manipulate those two things you can get a man to do whatever you want"

China is even simpler than men. There aren't two motivating factors, there is only the one:


What do they drive in China?

Cars and lots of them. They have their own called Chery and Geely. IIRC there are 16 million cars on the roads, but pop is over a billion so there is a little room to grow.

My secretary just came back from China and she says the number of cars and the living standard is improving daily. But not enough for her to move back thank god. She says her family in China lives pretty good, even by our standards.


plenty of cheap labor; which we, sadly, in the West exploit to the fullest.

I do not see that to be true. Economic activity is emotionless. There is no "exploit" to economic activity in its pureist form which is what globalization represents. What is sad is the lost dreams many in the west are experiencing because of the sea of people China represents. Their good jobs, and lifestyle they had grown to expect may not be available because of the Asian invasion.

Globalization is not economic activity in it's purest form, it is simply profit maximisation before everything else. The Asians haven't invaded, the wests companies have invaded them in search of cheaper workers so as to increase profits. I have never read anywhere that asians have taken over a factory and demanded lower wages .

huh? It';s called capitalism. The 'slave labourers' work there of their own free will. They could always go back to the rice paddy if it was so bad.

Those Dern Rednecks done outfoxed the left wing again.




and I personally will be responsible for the overthrow of America and the institution of China as "world overlord"! *holy crap I had no idea I have so much power -- lil ol me!*

Drea, if only you had such power! *LOL

It's just that you seem to relish America's demise and China's rise. Good luck to you, I say. China might start out paying market rate for your timber and natural gas, but if you think 35 million Canadians can say No when China's 1+ billion people start demanding a better price for your resources, I'd say you're being naive. What Wal*Mart is to the economics of retail, China will soon become to "your" natural resources. Don't be too surprised when China Inc. starts buying "your" timberlands and wheat fields.

I don't understand you people. Trade is dealmaking. Good deals have winners on both sides. Certainly there are some challenges for both us and China moving forward, but there are also immense opportunities on both sides.

Good economics and business sets aside nationalism. Smart American businesses will benefit from the rise ni china's capabilities - in the near term with respect to manufacturing and in the longer term with respect to it's consumerism. So will smart Chinese companies.

The real question is how the day of reckoning INSIDE china will be played out - and it will. The politburaeu likes it's new windfall, but it won't let power go gently. Should be interesting. And this is a political risk any company doing business in China must factor into it's future.

huh? It';s called capitalism. The 'slave labourers' work there of their own free will. They could always go back to the rice paddy if it was so bad.
Are you shitting me?

Some truth there BD. People willingly work in these factories.

There are some that use coercive techniques, but I think overall most of these people choose to work there... which implies that they think their previous existence was worse.

RealRisk.ca - (Latest Post: Prosecutors have no "Skin in the Game")


Some truth there BD. People willingly work in these factories.

There are some that use coercive techniques, but I think overall most of these people choose to work there... which implies that they think their previous existence was worse.

A bit contradictory there. Nobody goes to work willingly they go to work because they have to. The conditions of that work is the responsibility of the factory not the worker so if you own stocks how responsible is your portfolio?


USATODAY.com - Pollution poisons China's progress

huh? It';s called capitalism. The 'slave labourers' work there of their own free will. They could always go back to the rice paddy if it was so bad.

Are you shitting me?


Those Dern Rednecks done outfoxed the left wing again.


Some truth there BD. People willingly work in these factories.

There are some that use coercive techniques, but I think overall most of these people choose to work there... which implies that they think their previous existence was worse.

A bit contradictory there. Nobody goes to work willingly they go to work because they have to. The conditions of that work is the responsibility of the factory not the worker so if you own stocks how responsible is your portfolio?


USATODAY.com - Pollution poisons China's progress

What? Peopel in China are leaving the rice patties in droves going to work at these factories that you people brush off as 'slave labour'. If they are slaves now what were they before they left to go there?

THINK people.

Those Dern Rednecks done outfoxed the left wing again.


I'd like to see more availability of European 'city' cars (as Chery describes their vehicles). They'd sell, people like to be unique. Plus they are likely of higher quality than these Chinese cars.

Why can't I buy a Citroen in Canada? A Peugeot? Are our auto laws/tariffs prohibitive?

What do they drive in China?

There are some great city cars in Japan as well. I guess they figure there isn't enough market for them here yet to make it worthwhile to certify them for North America. Probably only a matter of time.

Beijing is full of Citroen cabs. Shanghai is full of VW cabs. Older designs which I think are built locally, as well as a bunch of no name (to us anyway) local cars. GM builds Buick's in Shanghai (you see lots of them), the well heeled drive the kind same cars as they do here (European, Japanese) as do the less well heeled who can afford cars.

They used to sell Citroen's and Peugeot's here, I had a Peugeot 504 wagon for years. Gutless but built like a tank and really roomy and comfortable. A buddy of mine had a Citroen Masserati. Cool car but it must have been the most complicated thing on the road at the time. Everything was high pressure hydraulics including the self leveling headlights which turned with the steering. Cost a fortune to fix it especially the Masserati engine. My mother had a Renault R5 for awhile. The French either couldn't hack it in North America or weren't willing to do what it took to survive. Either way, they left.

"Never trust a man who has not a single redeeming vice". WSC


i dont think china will be to peaceful when 70% of there reserves liquidates into nothing. of chinas 1 trillion in reserves, 70% of them are in USD or US treasury loans. the bubble is about to burst, and the commodity bull market reign supreme. think of all the work china has done for us, and the united states. now consider how unbelievably angry they would be when they find out what they've been working for is either worth nothing or won't be paid to them? the us knows there dollar is bound to collapse, they have been doing this on purpose with disregard for everyone else. by devalueing the USD it forced other countries to lower their standards because the US was their largest market. they devalued the dollar by abondoning the bretton woods trade agreement, and allowing for unregulated market growth, the same thing that caused the great depression...but you may be pondering why they would do this, how does it make sense? it makes perfect sense when your military doctrine states that you must seize the worlds commodities. when cash is worth less, and during times of war, commodities are EVERYTHING. the us is creating a bull market for oil, gold, diamond, etc knowing that thats what they will and are fighting for. iraq, afghanistan, soon to be iran. worst of all this pins us against other countries in a world war situation. china gets about 90% + of its oil from iran. now just picture what would happen if the US invades iran; china would be angry because 1. their oil supply has been jeprodized, the sole reason for their success in the last 20 years. and, 2. because the US gets into even more debt and it would be impossible for the US to pay off their debt to china.

and some of you act as if china doesn't have the worlds largest military. like 3 months ago china shot down a us sattelite...that seems to be either a CLEAR warning, or and act of war in itself

now doesnt that get things rollin'

like 3 months ago china shot down a us sattelite...that seems to be either a CLEAR warning, or and act of war in itself

Actually it was an old Chinese weather satellite in low orbit. Does say something about their capabilities though.

"Never trust a man who has not a single redeeming vice". WSC


i also know for a fact the chinese hackers can get on virtually any computer and access information. china has already militarized this field. chinas plan, if provoked, is to destroy our communictions and render them useless. feed misinformation. etc. they also have thousands of cruise missles stored in close proximity with their borders.

i picture the next world war involving the anglo alliance + EU vs russia, china, s america, and the middle east. taking that into consideration i think there could be fighting on canadian soil. the us has always been worried about canadas vast north. a relatively small coalition force from russia and china could assemble in the north and push all the way to the american border with little or no resistance, bringing the war right to the americans.

i also know for a fact the chinese hackers can get on virtually any computer and access information. china has already militarized this field. chinas plan, if provoked, is to destroy our communictions and render them useless. feed misinformation. etc. they also have thousands of cruise missles stored in close proximity with their borders.

Sounds a lot like the Cold War.

"Never trust a man who has not a single redeeming vice". WSC


Just watched the CNN Business Report. Author Ted Fishman who wrote China Inc., had some interesting points.

The Chinese and American economies are now strongly intertwined. No surprise there. There are a huge number of protests each day, most of which are actually environmentally motivated, e.g., toxins in the water. China is under a great deal of environmental stress, which of course translates into social and political pressure. Water is the main issue in this large country.

Some people think the Olympics will benefit China, what Fishman calls a "fantastic coming out party." But one million people will be displaced and factories will close. Fishman feels that there will be a huge cooling internationally toward China before the Olympics in 2008.

An aside: China has huge and apparently very successful programs in combatting internet addictions. Of course, some of their methods would be very unpopular in the oh-so-politically-correct West.

An aside: China has huge and apparently very successful programs in combatting internet addictions. Of course, some of their methods would be very unpopular in the oh-so-politically-correct West.

Well yes, we do frown on beating people up and throwing them in prison for daring to express anti-government sentiments on the internet.

Silly us.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

China is roughly the same size as Canada and has the same types of land use. There are 33 million people in Canada and over a billion in China. It works out to something like 8 people per square mile. in Canada and 300 people per square mile in China. Should we fear China? As far as my historic knowledge is they never were an agressive county.

They never were an organized country. Most of China's rulers spent most of their rule trying to gain control, and keep control, of China. But China's history is as bloody as any place on earth, with wars involving far larger armies and greater slaughter than anything Europe used to see.

For my part, I worry about any nation without any visible military threat which continues to build up its own military far beyond what it could possibly need for self defense.

China's military budget will rise again this year, by some 18%.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

You didn't have a point.

Commie bbaaaaad -- America gooooood.

That's simplistically put but - so what? Are you suggesting communism is good? China has slave labour camps and massive numbers of political prisoners. China is engaged in ethnic cleansing, religious persecution, and the brutal repression of all rights and freedoms.

And you evidently have no problem with this.

China is a growing economic force in the world. The USA is a dying country.

Insipid drivel.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

I'm trying to figure out why Drea felt the need to address Borg's conerns about China by sending up the US as the worse of the two? As far as I could tell, the US was not part of the discussion.

To fringe leftists, the US is the great Satan. This is how they manage to convince themselves its morally acceptable to cheer for hard-line Muslim terrorists and brutal repressive regimes the world over - so long as they too, are anti-American.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

I compared the two (China and the US) because China is where we were 50 years ago.

Ignorant drivel. You know nothing whatsoever about where Canada was fifty years ago.

You don't even know where it is now.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

huh? It';s called capitalism. The 'slave labourers' work there of their own free will. They could always go back to the rice paddy if it was so bad.
Are you shitting me?

Some truth there BD. People willingly work in these factories.

Not all of them. China has an enormous prison industry, and those prisoners have no choice but to work.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

An aside: China has huge and apparently very successful programs in combatting internet addictions. Of course, some of their methods would be very unpopular in the oh-so-politically-correct West

I dunno, I saw a feature on the news the other day about an internet boot camp for addicted kids in China. From what it said, the success rate wasn't very good.

"Never trust a man who has not a single redeeming vice". WSC

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