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CBC to air comedy "Little Mosque On The Prairie"

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There were *four* silly little generalizations before the show has been aired. It attacks four things the CBC doesn't like.

1. People who don't believe in their left-wing ideology.

2. Christians

3. Canadians from the Prairies.

4. People who are not of colour.

If there were attacks on the opposite in each case people would be up in arms.

Um, there were "attacks" (to use your over-zealous language) on the opposite; while your four points are valid, there were at least three more silly little generalizations before the show has been aired, targeting:

1. Muslims

2. Immigrants to the Prairies

3. People of colour

The fact that you failed to see the above within the advertising clips, as well as your ease with slinging around more vicious than humorous "attacks" at other stereotypes, says to me that you actually don't have any issue with stereotype based humour, as long as it's focused on those who don't fit your particular stereotype.

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The complaint has always been about the use of a massive annual subsidy to push an agenda. LMotP is simply another example of the misuse of that subsidy.

Well, no, it hasn't:

It's offensive.

They actually have a scene where a dumb, hick white farmer says to the hardworking under employed muslim woman:

"Would it kill you Muslim gals to show a little cleavage now and then?"

wtf is up with that?

Yet another attack on the stupid ignorant white christian male.

Any bets on this offensive piece of crap lasting past the original run of eight episodes?

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The complaint has always been about the use of a massive annual subsidy to push an agenda. LMotP is simply another example of the misuse of that subsidy.

Well, no, it hasn't:

You had to go back to post #2 on a thread with more than 200 posts to find that.

OK, for all but the first two posts of a thread with 200 posts in it the issue has been the use of a massive subsidy to push a political agenda. Do you feel better picking on that now?

The fact that you failed to see the above within the advertising clips, as well as your ease with slinging around more vicious than humorous "attacks" at other stereotypes, says to me that you actually don't have any issue with stereotype based humour, as long as it's focused on those who don't fit your particular stereotype.

Never said I had an issue with stereotype-based humour. My issue is with a billion dollar a year subsidy to pay for it. If it were privately-funded I wouldn't give a rat's arse about this issue.

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You had to go back to post #2 on a thread with more than 200 posts to find that.

OK, for all but the first two posts of a thread with 200 posts in it the issue has been the use of a massive subsidy to push a political agenda. Do you feel better picking on that now?

There was one poster who brought the subsidy issue up early. But the crux of the debate, until about the 7th page, was the content.

Never said I had an issue with stereotype-based humour. My issue is with a billion dollar a year subsidy to pay for it. If it were privately-funded I wouldn't give a rat's arse about this issue.

I first must point out the $1 billion figure is misleading. That budget includes anumber of television networks, including the English-language CBC, Radio-Canada (French-language), Newsworld, Le Réseau de l'information and CBC North television, and the numerous radio networks: Radio One, Two and Three, Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada AM, La Chaîne culturelle FM, Galaxie, AND Radio Canada International.

Second: if you don't object to stereotype-based humour on principle, why is how it is funded relevant? If there's nothing wrong with mocking or perpetuating sterotypes, then there's nothing wrong with it no matter who's paying the shot. IMV, the two issues are completely seperate.

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Second: if you don't object to stereotype-based humour on principle, why is how it is funded relevant? If there's nothing wrong with mocking or perpetuating sterotypes, then there's nothing wrong with it no matter who's paying the shot. IMV, the two issues are completely seperate.

Of course it matters where the funding for this tripe comes from.

In this case my tax dollars are being used to fund this crap. I object to my tax dollars being spent in this manner.

If it's private money being used what say should I have in the matter?

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Never said I had an issue with stereotype-based humour.

Then how come, in the post directly above yours, you are cited as saying you find the stereotype-based humour offensive? Perhaps being called on being politically correct made you decide to change your approach to your argument?

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Then how come, in the post directly above yours, you are cited as saying you find the stereotype-based humour offensive? Perhaps being called on being politically correct made you decide to change your approach to your argument?

I do find it offensive, but that has never been the main crux of my argument. If it were on a private broadcaster I just wouldn't watch it and would feel that I have no say in whether or not it was broadcast.

If you feel better picking out that slight difference power to you.

Bottom line. Don't make me pay a little more than $300 a year in taxes to fund this crap.

If my apparent contradiction makes you feel somewhat better that's great.

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The fact that you failed to see the above within the advertising clips, as well as your ease with slinging around more vicious than humorous "attacks" at other stereotypes, says to me that you actually don't have any issue with stereotype based humour, as long as it's focused on those who don't fit your particular stereotype.

Never said I had an issue with stereotype-based humour. My issue is with a billion dollar a year subsidy to pay for it. If it were privately-funded I wouldn't give a rat's arse about this issue.

As stignasty has already pointed out, you do seem to have an issue with stereotype based humour, albeit only, apparently, with humour that focuses on the stereotype of the old-school Prairie inhabitant.

As Little Mosque on the Prairie does indeed pick on both the stereotype of the traditional Prairie Canadian and the new immigrant Muslim (and even the stuck-up Toronto urbanite, but let's not go there), the singular bias that you claim exists actually doesn't. So, then, if LMotP is a stereotype-based humorous show that does not single out only one group as a target, and you assert now that you have no problem with stereotype-based humour in general, then the issue simply comes down to the production of sitcoms using tax dollars.

On that issue, you've stated, I believe, that it is acceptable for Canadian television networks to produce shows using tax monies - as they all already do, in the form of grants and subsidies. You're only beef seems to be the amount of money the CBC receives as compared to the others. What then is the appropriate amount of money to be granted to a television network for the production of stereotype-based humorous shows?

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The complaint has always been about the use of a massive annual subsidy to push an agenda. LMotP is simply another example of the misuse of that subsidy.
You had to go back to post #2 on a thread with more than 200 posts to find that.

You claimed that the complaint has always been about the CBC. I showed that the thread started out differently. Why are you still arguing?

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As stignasty has already pointed out, you do seem to have an issue with stereotype based humour, albeit only, apparently, with humour that focuses on the stereotype of the old-school Prairie inhabitant.

As Little Mosque on the Prairie does indeed pick on both the stereotype of the traditional Prairie Canadian and the new immigrant Muslim (and even the stuck-up Toronto urbanite, but let's not go there), the singular bias that you claim exists actually doesn't. So, then, if LMotP is a stereotype-based humorous show that does not single out only one group as a target, and you assert now that you have no problem with stereotype-based humour in general, then the issue simply comes down to the production of sitcoms using tax dollars.

On that issue, you've stated, I believe, that it is acceptable for Canadian television networks to produce shows using tax monies - as they all already do, in the form of grants and subsidies. You're only beef seems to be the amount of money the CBC receives as compared to the others. What then is the appropriate amount of money to be granted to a television network for the production of stereotype-based humorous shows?

I have an issue with the CBC doing this with public money as well. It has nothing to do with the amount per se. Since they broadcast in the name of our government, they are not to take sides in an issue, but to treat all sides fairly. What I object to is the effort to take one side of an issue and 'educate' the public. If this is what they do(and we haven't seen proof yet, but with the teasers they are broadcasting it seems they are at least testing the waters), then it will only be the latest in a long line of items in which the CBC has attempted to 'educate' from the left wing.

I predict they will hide the controversial side of Muslim culture which includes women as property with few rights, hatred for the western lifestyle, hatred of gays and hatred of Jews. Meanwhile it will be open season on Canadian prairie folk.

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have an issue with the CBC doing this with public money as well. It has nothing to do with the amount per se. Since they broadcast in the name of our government, they are not to take sides in an issue, but to treat all sides fairly. What I object to is the effort to take one side of an issue and 'educate' the public. If this is what they do(and we haven't seen proof yet, but with the teasers they are broadcasting it seems they are at least testing the waters), then it will only be the latest in a long line of items in which the CBC has attempted to 'educate' from the left wing.

The CBC does not broadcast on behalf of the government.

CBC Mandate

And if you think a sitcom is part of some diabolical re-education plot, I would sugest a hot bath and a stiff drink.

I predict they will hide the controversial side of Muslim culture which includes women as property with few rights, hatred for the western lifestyle, hatred of gays and hatred of Jews. Meanwhile it will be open season on Canadian prairie folk.

Ah so they aren't prepatuating enough stereotypes. Gotcha.

Also: it's a comedy, ferchrissakes. Do you find people blowing themselves up or treating women like shit to be the stuff of big laffs?

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I have an issue with the CBC doing this with public money as well. It has nothing to do with the amount per se. Since they broadcast in the name of our government, they are not to take sides in an issue, but to treat all sides fairly. What I object to is the effort to take one side of an issue and 'educate' the public. If this is what they do(and we haven't seen proof yet, but with the teasers they are broadcasting it seems they are at least testing the waters), then it will only be the latest in a long line of items in which the CBC has attempted to 'educate' from the left wing.

I predict they will hide the controversial side of Muslim culture which includes women as property with few rights, hatred for the western lifestyle, hatred of gays and hatred of Jews. Meanwhile it will be open season on Canadian prairie folk.

If you watch the previews it's blatantly obvious that no one side is taken; that there is a mission to promote a left-wing, anti-Christian-white-male, anti-Westerner stance is a complete fabrication by those who only want to see their perceived enemy wherever they look.

The show clearly does take pot-shots at the way women are treated in Islamic culture, including segregation, oppression, etc - though not so seriously. As the show probably won't focus on how various Christians hate gays and Muslims I doubt it will put forward any commentary on those Muslims who hate gays and Jews. It's just a light-hearted poke at stereotypes to make us laugh at ourselves and perhaps consider our standpoint and view of the world around us. If you can't laugh at yourself, then that says more about you than the show, regardless of how it's paid for.

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I predict they will hide the controversial side of Muslim culture which includes women as property with few rights, hatred for the western lifestyle, hatred of gays and hatred of Jews. Meanwhile it will be open season on Canadian prairie folk.

And when they do watch how quickly the CBC hacks here jump on you rather than dealing with your legitimate criticism.

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I predict they will hide the controversial side of Muslim culture which includes women as property with few rights, hatred for the western lifestyle, hatred of gays and hatred of Jews. Meanwhile it will be open season on Canadian prairie folk.

And when they do watch how quickly the CBC hacks here jump on you rather than dealing with your legitimate criticism.

What criticism? So far the two of you have made sweeping assertions about a show based on nothing but a few seconds of clips, and on a selective interpretation of those clips at that.

The fact that you continue to ignore valid points and simply repeat your paranoid mantra shows that you're not interested in debate in the least, and purely in propagating your simplistic anti-CBC bias, no matter how stupid you look in the process

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I predict they will hide the controversial side of Muslim culture which includes women as property with few rights, hatred for the western lifestyle, hatred of gays and hatred of Jews. Meanwhile it will be open season on Canadian prairie folk.

And when they do watch how quickly the CBC hacks here jump on you rather than dealing with your legitimate criticism.

What criticism? So far the two of you have made sweeping assertions about a show based on nothing but a few seconds of clips, and on a selective interpretation of those clips at that.

The fact that you continue to ignore valid points and simply repeat your paranoid mantra shows that you're not interested in debate in the least, and purely in propogating your simplistic anti-CBC bias, no matter how stupid you look in the process.

Get over yourself.

I base my assertions not only on the clips( come on, the one that shows a white guy pointing out to the muslim woman that it wouldn't hurt to show a little cleavage is so off the radar of reality it's pathetic), but also on a several minute long promo of the show with interviews of the actors and such and their comments.

And perhaps you should reread my previous post in which I clearly state we haven't seen proof yet, but teasers only.

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What criticism? So far the two of you have made sweeping assertions about a show based on nothing but a few seconds of clips, and on a selective interpretation of those clips at that.

The fact that you continue to ignore valid points and simply repeat your paranoid mantra shows that you're not interested in debate in the least, and purely in propagating your simplistic anti-CBC bias, no matter how stupid you look in the process

It's clips *and* characterizations from the show's web site.

As someone who is clearly more intelligent than me, restate those valid points clearly and simply.

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have an issue with the CBC doing this with public money as well. It has nothing to do with the amount per se. Since they broadcast in the name of our government, they are not to take sides in an issue, but to treat all sides fairly. What I object to is the effort to take one side of an issue and 'educate' the public. If this is what they do(and we haven't seen proof yet, but with the teasers they are broadcasting it seems they are at least testing the waters), then it will only be the latest in a long line of items in which the CBC has attempted to 'educate' from the left wing.

The CBC does not broadcast on behalf of the government.

CBC Mandate

And if you think a sitcom is part of some diabolical re-education plot, I would sugest a hot bath and a stiff drink.

I predict they will hide the controversial side of Muslim culture which includes women as property with few rights, hatred for the western lifestyle, hatred of gays and hatred of Jews. Meanwhile it will be open season on Canadian prairie folk.

Ah so they aren't prepatuating enough stereotypes. Gotcha.

Also: it's a comedy, ferchrissakes. Do you find people blowing themselves up or treating women like shit to be the stuff of big laffs?

the left always has difficulty in seeing left wing bias, just as the right does right wing bias. You are the former. The CBC is also supposed to preserve Canadian culture, not promote other cultures.

Geez, you don't get it. The CBC is willing to perpetuate red neck stereotypes, but at the same time champion Muslim culture. That is what is troubling.

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Speaking of moving the goal-posts...

If every single white westerner on the show is portrayed as a dumb hick, I will offer my mea culpas. But I don't expect that to be the case. As for the whining from privileged white males about a double standard: it's bullshit. The problem with so many stereotypes is that they have been used by privileged white males as the basis for real social injustice. There's far more baggage attached to the stereotypes you cite than with anything whitey has been subjected to. But people like Ricki Bobbi tend only to get upset when they are the targets, which make it clear that their little hissy fits aren't about the unfairness of stereotyping, but are a reaction to an attack on their status. Hence the willingness to emply stereotypes of effete latte-drinking Torontonians.

So, are stereotypes only stereotypes if it's applied to every single member of the show?

(did having a token Arab good-guy in "True Lies" invalidate criticism of the dozens of fanatical Arab terrorists in the film, for instance?)

Or is it just matter of some stereotypes being "ok" and others being verbotten? You can still make fun of blondes, yokels, and white males in general, but ethnic and religious minorities aren't allowed right now. It used to be ok to pick on the fatties, but that's not ok anymore because of issues relating to body image and anorexia. But I think alcoholics are funny again, so that balances it out a little. You can make fun of black male stereotypes, but only if you're a black male.

Anyway, if the Muslims on the show come across looking like Hogan's Heroes, and the white rural Canadians on the show come across looking like Schultz and Klink, then I'll be upset and I think the criticism will be well deserved. From what I've heard so far, that won't be how the show comes across, though.


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I base my assertions not only on the clips( come on, the one that shows a white guy pointing out to the muslim woman that it wouldn't hurt to show a little cleavage is so off the radar of reality it's pathetic)...

I'm still unclear about why that particular gag is so contentous. The only person who even tried to parse it was mikedavid00, but his atempt was just kinda sad. So what's the big deal about that gag? Why is it so offensive? And to who?

the left always has difficulty in seeing left wing bias, just as the right does right wing bias. You are the former.

Naw. I find questions of bias in the media to be pretty ridiculous because anyone who sets out to look for bias will inevitably interpret the evidence in a way that supports their preconceptions. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The CBC is also supposed to preserve Canadian culture, not promote other cultures.

So Muslims can't be Caandian? What about Hindus? Jews?

Geez, you don't get it. The CBC is willing to perpetuate red neck stereotypes, but at the same time champion Muslim culture. That is what is troubling.

As the bambino has pointed out, the fact that the show also seems to poke fun at Muslim stereotypes would undermine your point that it's exclusively championing Mulsim culture. So if the show makes fun of rednecks while also making fun of Mulsims, what do you have to complain about?

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As the bambino has pointed out, the fact that the show also seems to poke fun at Muslim stereotypes would undermine your point that it's exclusively championing Mulsim culture. So if the show makes fun of rednecks while also making fun of Mulsims, what do you have to complain about?

Do point out the stereotypes of Muslim's being poked fun at.

Is it the most disgusting stereotypes of Muslims? Links to terrorism and the like or is it more benign stereotypes being poked fun at.

I can't think of any more disgusting sterotypes of white prairie folk than racists and sexists....

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It's clips *and* characterizations from the show's web site.

As someone who is clearly more intelligent than me, restate those valid points clearly and simply.

Jesus! I don't think it needs repeated again. But okay, here goes: You ignore the pot shots taken at the stereotypes of Muslim culture, and of other Canadians besides Prairie folk. Perhaps you should watch the commercials again and take specific note of the scene where the women are segregated behind the hockey boards, as well as the comment made about the attitude of Torontonians. As well, from the website: "Muslims are known around the world for their sense of humour" (that's called sarcasm), "Desperate Housewives? Why should they be desperate when they're only performing their natural womanly duties?" And you think Western white folk are the only target of this programme? Please.

I'm not more intelligent than you, but I do expect people's opinions to be grounded in some semblance of fact. When you fly into a tirate about how bigoted a show is, when the show clearly isn't, and refuse to acknowledge what makes the show balanced instead of biased, you loose credibility. But, whatever; I suppose we all see what we want to see anyway, and some will maintain a broader view than others.

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Do point out the stereotypes of Muslim's being poked fun at.

Is it the most disgusting stereotypes of Muslims? Links to terrorism and the like or is it more benign stereotypes being poked fun at.

So what is it you want? Would you really tune in for the very special episode where Jamil murders his daughter for stepping out of the house unveiled? Oh man, or think of the belly laughs when young Muhammed joins Al Qaeda in Iraq and blows up a U.S. convoy with an I.E.D. Comedy gold!!!

Think about it: you're pissed because they aren't showing Muslims as murderous thugs while depicting some people as small-minded boors.

I can't think of any more disgusting sterotypes of white prairie folk than racists and sexists....

Well it's a matter of degrees, innit? Now, you might have a point if instead of commenting on her lack of cleavage, RedNeck Sterotype chained her to the back of his pick up and dragged her around until she died. But I'm pretty sure that isn't what we're gonna get.

One last thing: if this show was called "Little Temple on the Prairie" and featured Sihks, no one with their knickers in a twist over it now would bat an eye at the same gags.

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we're gonna get.

One last thing: if this show was called "Little Temple on the Prairie" and featured Sihks, no one with their knickers in a twist over it now would bat an eye at the same gags.

You mean no one would start going on ad nauseum about Sihks taking away RCMP jobs from derserving white folk?

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"Muslims are known around the world for their sense of humour" (that's called sarcasm), "Desperate Housewives? Why should they be desperate when they're only performing their natural womanly duties?" And you think Western white folk are the only target of this programme? Please.

I have already answered you so here it is.

Are these stereotypes truly the most disgusting stereotypes of Muslims? Links to terrorism and the like or is it more benign stereotypes being poked fun at.

I can't think of any more disgusting sterotypes of white prairie folk than racists and sexists.

You have a point with the Despereate Housewives thing. But that is the one and only example you can find. *Known for their sense of humour.* Is that really attacking a stereotype.

"I'm not more intelligent than you, but I do expect people's opinions to be grounded in some semblance of fact. When you fly into a tirate about how bigoted a show is, when the show clearly isn't, and refuse to acknowledge what makes the show balanced instead of biased, you loose credibility. But, whatever; I suppose we all see what we want to see anyway, and some will maintain a broader view than others.

If you really want to nitpick try cutting down on the typo's and spelling errors.

IYO anyone here who hasn't been pro-LMoTP been credible? If not, maybe, just maybe because they can't be in your eyes...

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