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CBC to air comedy "Little Mosque On The Prairie"

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Why would any Muslim who isn't a terrorist find that stereotype offensive?

Why would any East Indian who isn't a cab driver find that stereotype offensive?

Why would any Jew who isn't cheap find that stereotype offensive?

And so on and so on and so on...

The difference being the LMotP character is not suppossed to represent all westerners in general, despite your protests to the contrary.

Once again: what evidence do you have that the single character in question is intended to represent all western Caandians?

Hi! Blonde here. I have this same argument every time I fail to laugh at somebody's hilarious dumb blonde joke.

"Ok, come on. You're not *that* dumb, so obviously the jokes aren't about you."

Yeah, but when I was growing up it seemed as though half the shows on TV and half the movies I saw had the same stock characters over and over... the comedies had blondes who were promiscuous bimbos, snobs, or gold-diggers; the dramas had blondes who were prostitutes, snobs, or gold diggers. At some point they realized it wasn't even necessary to have these characters talk or do anything; the audience could take one look at the character, recognize the stereotype being referenced, and say "ah, a promiscuous bimbo."

I lived in Ottawa for a while and I know the stereotype of westerners that exists. Easterners say it doesn't, but it does. And CBC isn't above playing on it, either. They proved that when they did that feature for one of their news programs where a Toronto Liberal-voting woman was brought to Alberta to experience "western alienation" first hand. And while they allegedly made the effort to be even-handed, the image they portrayed for the folks back in central Canada was still carefully tailored to the stereotype. They took her to a cattle-ranch, an angry-people phone-in radio show, and country music at a pub on Whyte Ave. Huh? Come on, nobody goes to a Whyte Ave pub and finds country music unless they looked pretty hard for it.

As Ricki points out, saying "oh, this doesn't represent *all* westerners, just stupid rednecks" wouldn't fly if the discussion was about anybody else. "Oh, these characters don't represent *all* black people, just the ones that drop out of high-school, smoke pot all day, sell drugs from a beat up car, and talk like morons." or "Oh, these characters don't represent *all* muslims, just ones that run around blowing shit up, work in convenience stores, and behead their own daughters for being unchaste." If you based a programme around either of those premises, you'd have some explaining to do, regardless of the fact that you're not claiming to represent "all" or even "many" of those groups, or of the fact that some members of those groups do actually fit the stereotype.

It remains to be seen whether "Little Mosque" will be as unflattering in its portrayal of rural western Canadians as people here expect. I suspect that it probably won't. I suspect that the producers and the network are somewhat inspired by the success of Corner Gas. I believe that one of the key elements that makes Corner Gas appealing is that it's never mean-spirited or unkind, and I expect that "Little Mosque" will likewise be good-natured.

I might give the show a look. I doubt they actually have the courage to do anything offensive to anybody. Unfortunately, I also doubt that they have the courage to do anything that'll be either enlightening or truly funny. I expect it'll be safe, cute, and rather bland.


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You forgot to mention the condescension of silver spoon socialists to redneck prairie hicks. But you made up for it by being condescending yourself.

Probably because the producer/star and the CTV execs who made it happen are all westerners....too bad you fufill the stereotype of an ignorant hick so wonderfully or you would have caught that

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TORONTO, Ontario (Hollywood Reporter) -- "Little Mosque on the Prairie," a Canadian sitcom that debuts Tuesday, January 9, depicts immigrant Muslims bumping up against white locals in rural Saskatchewan.

Zarqa Nawaz, creator and writer of the groundbreaking show, insists she's an equal-opportunity satirist taking dead-aim at both Muslim and Canadian stereotypes in a post-September 11 world.

"I expect both groups will be wondering if the other finds the show funny," says Nawaz.


Nawaz, a British-born Muslim and mother of four who settled on the Prairies with her family a decade ago, downplays the idea that the homegrown comedy may spark widespread controversy.

She insists her comedy springs from a relatively uneventful life in multicultural North America, unlike Europe, for example, where relations between Muslims and the wider Christian community are often a powder keg.

"North America should be the first place where a comedy like this would come about, where Muslims can be comfortable in their own skin and questions of Canadian identity can produce a sitcom," she says.

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Probably because the producer/star and the CTV execs who made it happen are all westerners....too bad you fufill the stereotype of an ignorant hick so wonderfully or you would have caught that

So I fulfill the stereotype of an ignorant hick?

Have I said racist things on the board?

Is my grammar or spelling poor?

Why exactly are you calling me an *ignorant hick*?

At least I'm not ignorant enough to confuse CBC and CTV!

I lived in Ottawa for a while and I know the stereotype of westerners that exists. Easterners say it doesn't, but it does. And CBC isn't above playing on it, either. They proved that when they did that feature for one of their news programs where a Toronto Liberal-voting woman was brought to Alberta to experience "western alienation" first hand.

I have experienced that stereotyping in Toronto and Ottawa. That piece on the CBC was totally insulting.

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The point is that it's potraying white Canadians as sex crazed, immoral perverts while the Muslim woman is proper and righteous.

Got all that from a single snippet of a 30 second clip? Wow, your powers of deduction are staggering. :rolleyes:

I lived in Ottawa for a while and I know the stereotype of westerners that exists. Easterners say it doesn't, but it does. And CBC isn't above playing on it, either. They proved that when they did that feature for one of their news programs where a Toronto Liberal-voting woman was brought to Alberta to experience "western alienation" first hand. And while they allegedly made the effort to be even-handed, the image they portrayed for the folks back in central Canada was still carefully tailored to the stereotype. They took her to a cattle-ranch, an angry-people phone-in radio show, and country music at a pub on Whyte Ave. Huh? Come on, nobody goes to a Whyte Ave pub and finds country music unless they looked pretty hard for it.

SFW? I'm not denying the stereotype exists. Nor would I deny that people who conform to the stereotype exist. If there weren't dumb rednecks, there would be no dumb redneck stereotype.

As Ricki points out, saying "oh, this doesn't represent *all* westerners, just stupid rednecks" wouldn't fly if the discussion was about anybody else. "Oh, these characters don't represent *all* black people, just the ones that drop out of high-school, smoke pot all day, sell drugs from a beat up car, and talk like morons." or "Oh, these characters don't represent *all* muslims, just ones that run around blowing shit up, work in convenience stores, and behead their own daughters for being unchaste." If you based a programme around either of those premises, you'd have some explaining to do, regardless of the fact that you're not claiming to represent "all" or even "many" of those groups, or of the fact that some members of those groups do actually fit the stereotype.

If every single white westerner on the show is portrayed as a dumb hick, I will offer my mea culpas. But I don't expect that to be the case. As for the whining from privileged white males about a double standard: it's bullshit. The problem with so many stereotypes is that they have been used by privileged white males as the basis for real social injustice. There's far more baggage attached to the stereotypes you cite than with anything whitey has been subjected to. But people like Ricki Bobbi tend only to get upset when they are the targets, which make it clear that their little hissy fits aren't about the unfairness of stereotyping, but are a reaction to an attack on their status. Hence the willingness to emply stereotypes of effete latte-drinking Torontonians.

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If every single white westerner on the show is portrayed as a dumb hick, I will offer my mea culpas. But I don't expect that to be the case. As for the whining from privileged white males about a double standard: it's bullshit. The problem with so many stereotypes is that they have been used by privileged white males as the basis for real social injustice. There's far more baggage attached to the stereotypes you cite than with anything whitey has been subjected to. But people like Ricki Bobbi tend only to get upset when they are the targets, which make it clear that their little hissy fits aren't about the unfairness of stereotyping, but are a reaction to an attack on their status. Hence the willingness to emply stereotypes of effete latte-drinking Torontonians.

So if I the show portrays all but one of the Muslims as fanatical terrorists you won't have a problem with it?

I'm not a white male. I'm pretty sure that Kimmy isn't a white male. But I have a lot of friends who are and I feel their opression.

It's about being forced to pay to be attacked and put down by our national public broadcaster.

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For all of you that believe this new show is going to "slam" white males... have you ever watched "According to Jim" or "King of Queens"?

Fat, stupid men with hot slim wives that are the only brains in the family. The men are blathering idiots.

So how are these shows different than Little Mosque? Oh, I know -- they are NOT on the CBC.... of course. :rolleyes:

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Probably because the producer/star and the CTV execs who made it happen are all westerners....too bad you fufill the stereotype of an ignorant hick so wonderfully or you would have caught that

So I fulfill the stereotype of an ignorant hick?

Have I said racist things on the board?

Is my grammar or spelling poor?

Why exactly are you calling me an *ignorant hick*?

At least I'm not ignorant enough to confuse CBC and CTV!

I'm not confused. You said that Corner Gas was a silver spoon toronto thing....that is ignorant. You think that the execs of CTV are toronto silver spoon things...even though the execs involved are mainly from the west.

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I'm not confused. You said that Corner Gas was a silver spoon toronto thing....that is ignorant. You think that the execs of CTV are toronto silver spoon things...even though the execs involved are mainly from the west.

I never said anything negative about Corner Gas.

Corner Gas is privately-funded and examines the stereotypes with a lot more deft than this terrible LMoTP.

Even if it didn't, it's none of my busines because my tax dollars aren't going to fund it....

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I LOVE THAT LINE "why can't you muslim gals show a little more cleavage". :lol:

That's funny stuff.

If the whole show is like that - I'll watch for sure.

The point is that it's potraying white Canadians as sex crazed, immoral perverts while the Muslim woman is proper and righteous.

The whole point is that the 'communist broadcasting channel' think that (with the tremendous help of the CBC and the charter) the Anglos have been beat down by Quebec and now CBC is unleashing the immigrants to do the same to Canadian Westerners.

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So if I the show portrays all but one of the Muslims as fanatical terrorists you won't have a problem with it?


I'm not a white male. I'm pretty sure that Kimmy isn't a white male. But I have a lot of friends who are and I feel their opression.

Uh huh. :rolleyes:

It's about being forced to pay to be attacked and put down by our national public broadcaster.

You haven't even seen the fucking show!

Corner Gas is privately-funded and examines the stereotypes with a lot more deft than this terrible LMoTP.

Again: You haven't even seen the fucking show. Second: how does CG "deftly examine the stereotypes" by perpetuating them?

Also: if the dumb hick stereotype is so terrible and "oppressive", then the funding issue shouldn't matter, but the principle.

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Again: You haven't even seen the fucking show. Second: how does CG "deftly examine the stereotypes" by perpetuating them?

Easy tiger. No need for the swearing and hanger. Unless you are trying to satirize the angry, embittered, entitled leftist pseudo-intellectual. If so, you are doing a brilliant job. :lol:

Also: if the dumb hick stereotype is so terrible and "oppressive", then the funding issue shouldn't matter, but the principle.

I'm not a censor. I believe in the free market place of ideas. If somebody wants to produce garbage like this and foot the bill it's none of my business. I'd just ignore it if that were the case.

As my tax dollars are going to fund this putridity I do have a say. And I'm saying "Quit wasting my money on this garbage."

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Easy tiger. No need for the swearing and hanger. Unless you are trying to satirize the angry, embittered, entitled leftist pseudo-intellectual. If so, you are doing a brilliant job.

What can I say: idiocy riles me up.

I'm not a censor. I believe in the free market place of ideas. If somebody wants to produce garbage like this and foot the bill it's none of my business. I'd just ignore it if that were the case.

So you don't have a problem with the perpetuation of negative stereotypes of westerners. Glad we got that straight.

As my tax dollars are going to fund this putridity I do have a say. And I'm saying "Quit wasting my money on this garbage."

Again: Corner Gas recieves public funding. Why no complaint there?

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What can I say: idiocy riles me up.

Easy tiger.

So you don't have a problem with the perpetuation of negative stereotypes of westerners. Glad we got that straight.

Ignorant fools will say what they want and see the world in black and white ... when it is to their advantage. Just don't make me pay to enable them to do so.

Again: Corner Gas recieves public funding. Why no complaint there?

Compare the funding. The pittance given to CG is nothing compared to the billions poured into the CBC.

There is no need for a black and white world. But you can't justify your stance wihout resorting to one.

Should their be some funding to promote Canadian television? Yes. Should it be in the billions annually to promote a political agenda? Absolutely not.

Poor, poor angry, emittered leftists. Caught up in web of their own hypocrisy with no justificaiton.

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For all of you that believe this new show is going to "slam" white males... have you ever watched "According to Jim" or "King of Queens"?

Fat, stupid men with hot slim wives that are the only brains in the family. The men are blathering idiots.

So how are these shows different than Little Mosque? Oh, I know -- they are NOT on the CBC.... of course. :rolleyes:

Not to mention Trailer Park Boys. . . now a major motion picture.

Poor, poor angry, emittered leftists. Caught up in web of their own hypocrisy with no justificaiton.

For someone so outraged by stereotypes, you sure don't mind flinging them about yourself, do you?

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