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Liberal contenders slam Harper for 'anti-Israeli' accusation

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Liberal contenders slam Harper for 'anti-Israeli' accusation

Liberal leadership candidates angrily denied and denounced an accusation by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that most of the contenders for the party's top job were "anti-Israeli."

Harper made the remark in response to Michael Ignatieff's recent comments that the Israeli air strike in Qana during the Israeli/Hezbollah conflict was a war crime.

"Well, that's a serious charge," Stephen Harper said when asked by a reporter about Ignatieff's stance. "As you know, I don't support that view.

"Frankly, I think, though, this is consistent with the anti-Israeli position that has been taken by virtually all of the candidates for the Liberal leadership. And I don't think it's helpful or useful."


To save people time I present the response quote highlites here:


"I think what he said was disgraceful,"

"I think to suggest that there is a pro-Israel party in Canada and there's an anti-Israel party in Canada is something of which he should be thoroughly ashamed."


"Mr. Harper really diminished his post of prime minister by being so unstatesmanlike,"


"I think it's not prime ministerial,"

"The prime minister is dividing communities, dividing the nation for clearly partisan purposes."

Personally, I like Bob's comment best.

Steve let his nasty pants show, and he's getting rightfully pumelled for it.

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Liberal leadership candidates angrily denied and denounced an accusation by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that most of the contenders for the party's top job were "anti-Israeli."

Why do you even bother? This is news? Liberals say bad things about Harper. Big deal. You expect them to react in any better way? Liberals express shock at Harper not living up to Kyoto. Liberals shocked at this. Liberals shocked at that. I think most of their top people practice indignation and self-righteousness in front of mirrors.

Nobody cares what these people say. It's just wind.

Now if any of them ever had anything constructive to say, offered up any useful and workable advice or suggestions, THAT might be news.

I won't hold my breath.

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Liberal contenders slam Harper for 'anti-Israeli' accusation

Liberal leadership candidates angrily denied and denounced an accusation by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that most of the contenders for the party's top job were "anti-Israeli."

Why do you even bother? This is news?

Yes, it is news. Front page at CTV and CBC. Do you think the Iggy comments are news? But Harpers comment isn't?

I think a better question is why do YOU bother. And learn to quote properly and/or edit posts.

Nobody cares what these people say.

Ok keep telling yourself that. Obviously you care enough to get all hot about it.

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I'm frankly surprised Harper didn't send his henchman, Jason Kenney, out to make these comments. Harpie just looks inexperienced painting all the candidate with the same brush.

Come to think of ...perhaps the reason why the Liberals didn't think he is statesmanlike...is because he failed to follow Chretien's example: Harper should've grabbed and collared Ignatieff and menacingly said, "Oh you Jew-hating Iggy!"

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I greatly admire a PM that "says it like it is". Frankly, the Jews (of which I am proudly one) have, for a long time, been supported by the US Democratic Party. That started to change ever so slightlywith the Olympic Massacre, and Democratic support for Israel has hemmorhaged since the early 1990's.

I know that the Liberal PM King was anti-Jewish, and that subsequent PM's, except Pearson and to a lesser extent Trudeau, were not much of an improvement. I also kow that Chretien moved the Liberal Party sharply against Israel.

The Jews have a habit of maintaining allegiances long after they make sense. Harper did the CPC and the Jews a service by spelling out, in clear Canadian, that the CPC is the true friend of Israel, not the waffling, dithering Liberals.

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The Jews have a habit of maintaining allegiances long after they make sense. Harper did the CPC and the Jews a service by spelling out, in clear Canadian, that the CPC is the true friend of Israel, not the waffling, dithering Liberals.

If it was only about Israel, perhaps many Jewish citizens of Canada might support one party over another. However, a majority of Jewish voters have other issues they are concerned about. It would be hard for many of them to vote for a party that might have other negatives.

You yourself are a supporter of George Bush and Republicans but are still a Democrat, no? Is there no social issue that would compel you to vote against the Republicans?

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Thanks, Gerry, for that link above. Here's what Bob Rae says in 2006 seeking the Liberal leadership so that he can defeat Stephen Harper:

Liberal leadership candidate Bob Rae slammed Harper for the "shameful" comment and demanded an apology.

"I think what he said was disgraceful," Rae said.

"I think to suggest that there is a pro-Israel party in Canada and there's an anti-Israel party in Canada is something of which he should be thoroughly ashamed."

Here's what Bob Rae wrote in 2002 in the National Post when he left the NDP:

Svend Robinson, the federal New Democrat spokesperson for foreign affairs, has gone to Ramallah to show solidarity with Yasser Arafat. In a recent interview, Mr. Robinson described Israel as a terrorist state and proudly declared that he had "taken sides."

Mr. Robinson's views are apparently now the official stand of the federal New Democratic Party.


If Svend Robinson's foray had been a solitary event, it might have been possible to brush it off as yet another escapade from a histrionic crank. But he is the foreign affairs critic of the New Democratic Party. The NDP criticizes the Third Way, opposes the World Trade Organization, sits on its hands when Tony Blair praises the advantages of markets, and denounces any military action against terrorism whether by the United States, Canada or Israel. This is not a vision of social democracy worthy of support.


Bob Rae said that it's wrong to paint a party as being pro or anti Israel when he himself did exactly that 4 years ago! (True, I'm making the distinction of a lawyer.)

Bob Rae's a smart guy so if he says this now, it's because he plans to say that he doesn't want to take sides. He wants to say that the NDP (Sven Robinson) and the Conservatives (Stephen Harper) do take sides but the Liberals don't.

Rae may be mistaken here. I think English Canadians are well-tired of these North Korean, Iranian, Hizballah charades. "It's time to say where we stand." I suspect Harper has a better reading of the Tim Horton crowd than Bob Rae does. (It's an interesting question whether Harper reads the Super C/Maxi crowd better than Gilles Duceppe.)

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Bob Rae's a smart guy so if he says this now, it's because he plans to say that he doesn't want to take sides. He wants to say that the NDP (Sven Robinson) and the Conservatives (Stephen Harper) do take sides but the Liberals don't.

This is a no-win situation for the Liberals and *all* the serious contenders are making sure it stays that way.

Take a frickin' stand.

Conservartives are going pro-Israel, that will help them electorally.

NDP are going anti-Israel, that will help them electorally.

Liberals are tying not to offfend anybody. That won't help them at all.

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Liberal contenders slam Harper for 'anti-Israeli' accusation

Liberal leadership candidates angrily denied and denounced an accusation by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that most of the contenders for the party's top job were "anti-Israeli."

Harper made the remark in response to Michael Ignatieff's recent comments that the Israeli air strike in Qana during the Israeli/Hezbollah conflict was a war crime.

"Well, that's a serious charge," Stephen Harper said when asked by a reporter about Ignatieff's stance. "As you know, I don't support that view.

"Frankly, I think, though, this is consistent with the anti-Israeli position that has been taken by virtually all of the candidates for the Liberal leadership. And I don't think it's helpful or useful."


To save people time I present the response quote highlites here:


"I think what he said was disgraceful,"

"I think to suggest that there is a pro-Israel party in Canada and there's an anti-Israel party in Canada is something of which he should be thoroughly ashamed."


"Mr. Harper really diminished his post of prime minister by being so unstatesmanlike,"


"I think it's not prime ministerial,"

"The prime minister is dividing communities, dividing the nation for clearly partisan purposes."

Personally, I like Bob's comment best.

Steve let his nasty pants show, and he's getting rightfully pumelled for it.

Scary Scary Scary Harper!

"Soldiers...In our Cities....We can't make this stuff up!"

Double post much you twit?

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Non-PC post ahead.

The Jews have a habit of maintaining allegiances long after they make sense.
I'm not Jewish but I think you're right. Jews trust too much in the written word.
If it was only about Israel, perhaps many Jewish citizens of Canada might support one party over another. However, a majority of Jewish voters have other issues they are concerned about. It would be hard for many of them to vote for a party that might have other negatives.
Very good point. Harper is a WASP and is perceived as one. Pearson was the last WASP Liberal leader. None of the contenders for the Liberal leadership are WASPs.
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You yourself are a supporter of George Bush and Republicans but are still a Democrat, no? Is there no social issue that would compel you to vote against the Republicans?

For the most part, social issues are state and not federal issues. Also, except for abortion and intelligent design teaching I'm largely with Bush. Bush is not a conservative by any commonly accepted definition of the term. Nor am I.

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Scary Scary Scary Harper!

"Soldiers...In our Cities....We can't make this stuff up!"

Double post much you twit?

Be afwaid. Be vewy afwaid.

  1. Harper is eating your children;
  2. At 24 Sussex Drive;
  3. In Ottawa;
  4. In Ontario;
  5. In Canada

I'm not making this up. I'm not allowed to make this up. As a Yank I wouldn't know that this should be made up.

Choose Your Canada!!!

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For the most part, social issues are state and not federal issues. Also, except for abortion and intelligent design teaching I'm largely with Bush. Bush is not a conservative by any commonly accepted definition of the term. Nor am I.

So you'll accept that a federal court might make abortion illegal nationally as the price of security?

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Scary Scary Scary Harper!

"Soldiers...In our Cities....We can't make this stuff up!"

Double post much you twit?

Be afwaid. Be vewy afwaid.

  1. Harper is eating your children;
  2. At 24 Sussex Drive;
  3. In Ottawa;
  4. In Ontario;
  5. In Canada

I'm not making this up. I'm not allowed to make this up. As a Yank I wouldn't know that this should be made up.

Choose Your Canada!!!

Ith ith the twuth! :lol:

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Take a frickin' stand.

Conservartives are going pro-Israel, that will help them electorally.

NDP are going anti-Israel, that will help them electorally.

Liberals are tying not to offfend anybody. That won't help them at all.

If you are 'pro' or 'anti', aren't you then letting another government decide your foreign policy in all matters that relate to that country? I would rather have a government that takes things one issue at a time and examines each of them on a case by case basis and in light of changing exigencies on the ground.

George Bush is pro-Israel and he bought into an Iraq policy that was essentially drafted for Benjamin Netanyahu by Paul Wolfowitz.

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If you are 'pro' or 'anti', aren't you then letting another government decide your foreign policy in all matters that relate to that country? I would rather have a government that takes things one issue at a time and examines each of them on a case by case basis and in light of changing exigencies on the ground.

George Bush is pro-Israel and he bought into an Iraq policy that was essentially drafted for Benjamin Netanyahu by Paul Wolfowitz.

No to your question. It just means a general inclination to see things from that country's point of view. That doesn't mean you always have to agree with them, but just that you give them the benefit of the doubt.

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For the most part, social issues are state and not federal issues. Also, except for abortion and intelligent design teaching I'm largely with Bush. Bush is not a conservative by any commonly accepted definition of the term. Nor am I.

So you'll accept that a federal court might make abortion illegal nationally as the price of security?

A federal court probably could not make abortion illegal. They could allow state legislatures to reclaim the territory of legislation in the area. This would probably result in legal abortions in the highly urbanized states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, California, Illinois, Oregon and Washington, and a patchwork of restrictions elsewhere. In practice, abortions are not available in much of the remaining areas now anyway, because of fear of social disapproval and/or violence.

George Bush is pro-Israel and he bought into an Iraq policy that was essentially drafted for Benjamin Netanyahu by Paul Wolfowitz.

Nice loadup with code words and code names.

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Where are all the condemnations of Hezbollah by the liberals - the one sided condemnation on their part points to their anti-Israeli stance. Harper is only stating the obvious - methinks the Liberals doth protest too much.

What? Like Bill Graham saying.......

Liberal leader Bill Graham said his party views Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and it "should be treated as such under all applicable Canadian laws."
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George Bush is pro-Israel and he bought into an Iraq policy that was essentially drafted for Benjamin Netanyahu by Paul Wolfowitz.

Nice loadup with code words and code names.

Thanks. Do you deny it is true?

No to your question. It just means a general inclination to see things from that country's point of view. That doesn't mean you always have to agree with them, but just that you give them the benefit of the doubt.

In that case, I'd prefer neutrality on Israel. Under Rabin, I would have been willing to go pro, but since then Netanyahu, Sharon, Olmert.... No thanks.

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Where are all the condemnations of Hezbollah by the liberals - the one sided condemnation on their part points to their anti-Israeli stance. Harper is only stating the obvious - methinks the Liberals doth protest too much.

At least at the Francophonie, Harper insisted that casualties on both sides (Israel and Lebanon) be recognized! And they followed as Harper wished! Now, that's leadership! He can lead other nations too!

If it was a Liberal PM....huh, they'll most probably go the other way...and suggest a punishment for Israel!

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