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The NDP Supports Our Troops


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A Vancouver Island NDP riding association is calling on the federal government end its combat role in Afghanistan, saying that the mission is being guided by the United States and that Canadian troops are acting like “terrorists.”



This is some prelude to what....if they are acting like terrorists, Jack is ready to talk to them....?

My heart goes out to the next NDP canvasser who comes to my door.....

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It's sad, really. In the hills of Pakistan, the Taliban recruit the young and ignorant from areas which are almost entirely illiterate, have no electricity, no running water - nothing. It's not their fault they're ignorant.

Those people in BC are ignorant by choice, defiantly ignorant in the face of all the information and education available in a country like this. I think they should all be drafted, given guns, and dropped out into Taliban country to either "negotiate" their survival, or fight for it. I wonder how many would survive.

Not that I care.

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A Vancouver Island NDP riding association is calling on the federal government end its combat role in Afghanistan, saying that the mission is being guided by the United States and that Canadian troops are acting like “terrorists.”



This is some prelude to what....if they are acting like terrorists, Jack is ready to talk to them....?

My heart goes out to the next NDP canvasser who comes to my door.....

The NDP calling our troops terrorists? For doing what, trying to give these people a better life?

The NDP is truly a disgusting, fourth-rate, pathetic party that will never form a government.

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My brother put it very well the other day when we were chatting it up. He said 'If someone came into your home, took away you valuables, personal items, beat you, and told you what to read and how to raise your children, how to dress, and what religion you had to follow, took away all your choices and ability to make your own future...wouldn't you want someone to come and help?'

I think so.

Everyone in this whiny country wants "Canada to be a role model". Well, being a role model is more than just talking about being a role model, we may have to get our hands dirty to make the world a little bit better.

I support Canada in Afghanistan, I support our troops, and I support a better future for the people of Afghanistan.

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My brother put it very well the other day when we were chatting it up. He said 'If someone came into your home, took away you valuables, personal items, beat you, and told you what to read and how to raise your children, how to dress, and what religion you had to follow, took away all your choices and ability to make your own future...wouldn't you want someone to come and help?'

That sounds a lot like the UN and the road they're on.

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This and these leaked proposals could have an impact, could lose them a lot of votes. Think I'll start printing this stuff out for when they knock on my door LOL Think this gives a new meaning to whacko jacko

I'm a New Yorker, and not even a Canadian, and I'm insulted. I live about 45 Trudeau Units from the World Trade Center. My wife, and my office's lawyer, lost family in the attacks. Comparing dedicated troops to cowards who slaughter helpless civilians deliberately is as bad as making jokes about Hitler.

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I'm a New Yorker, and not even a Canadian, and I'm insulted. I live about 45 Trudeau Units from the World Trade Center. My wife, and my office's lawyer, lost family in the attacks. Comparing dedicated troops to cowards who slaughter helpless civilians deliberately is as bad as making jokes about Hitler.

My neighbor died in the attack.

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What makes me just scratch my head in agony that people can be so stupid, is that the NDP wants us to take a peacekeeping role in Afghanistan...

So in other words, just have our men and women sit in their base and take it from the Taliban, don't fire back. God forbid a terrorist Taliban gets killed...

It's time to show the NDP to the door, with such a left leaning Liberal party, their relevance and intelligence has hit an all-time low for a political party in the Western world. I hear more constructive and intelligent things from 3rd world dictators. Goodbye Jack.

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My brother put it very well the other day when we were chatting it up. He said 'If someone came into your home, took away you valuables, personal items, beat you, and told you what to read and how to raise your children, how to dress, and what religion you had to follow, took away all your choices and ability to make your own future...wouldn't you want someone to come and help?'
That has nothing to do with our mission in Afghanistan.

The world has 6 billion people. Terrible things happen. Our troops are not in Afghanistan to fix these terrible injustices. They are there to ensure that Afghanistan cannot harbour another terrorist group like al-Qaeda, and to teach a lesson to other regimes that think of harbouring such groups. They are there to eliminate a threat to Canada and other western countries.

As to the NDP, Canada has 30 million people. Some of them have absolutely outlandish ideas according to your own personal criteria - according to others, you might be the crazy ones. It's called society. Live and let live.

If some people join the NDP and then suggest that the NDP adopt certain policies, so what? These are only proposals - they have not been adopted by the NDP.

I'm sure the Conservative and Liberal Parties have a few members lacking a card or two from the deck, and they probably have made proposals at meetings too.

Do you suggest that we hold Stephen Harper to account for every opinion of every member of the Conservative Party? Then why do you want to hold Jack Layton account for the opinions of NDP members?

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The world has 6 billion people. Terrible things happen. Our troops are not in Afghanistan to fix these terrible injustices. They are there to ensure that Afghanistan cannot harbour another terrorist group like al-Qaeda, and to teach a lesson to other regimes that think of harbouring such groups. They are there to eliminate a threat to Canada and other western countries.

You are partially correct. We are there because we have learned that allowing a large area to become a festering black hole without law can cause trouble to more than just the people there. Everyone looked askance at Afghanistan before 911, but it was only after 911 that the world realized their danger.

But there is an idealism involved, as well. People genuinely did not like what the Taliban were doing to people there even prior to 911, and they genuinely don't want the Taliban to take over again, even leaving aside terrorism. Canada is spending a billion dollars on rebuilding Afghanistan, not to keep terrorists out, but to help people (and yes, that can serve both functions). We actually do want little girls to go to school, and for people to be able to listen to music, and for a reasonably sane government to be in power there.

If some people join the NDP and then suggest that the NDP adopt certain policies, so what? These are only proposals - they have not been adopted by the NDP.

Just by an entire riding association of a sitting Member of Parliament.

I'm sure the Conservative and Liberal Parties have a few members lacking a card or two from the deck,

Quite true, and on the occasions their opinions are exposed it makes national headlines for days on end.

But let a Liberal say Israel is the most vile nation in human history and it's shrugged off.

Let a a whole riding association call Canadian troops terrorists and we don't even know the names of any of those involved.

Do you suggest that we hold Stephen Harper to account for every opinion of every member of the Conservative Party?

Yes. That, in fact, has been the case. The tory leader, or previous, the Alliance or Reform leader, and the entire party, for that matter, have been held directly responsible for every opinion held by anyone even remotely connected to anyone in the party.

Then why do you want to hold Jack Layton account for the opinions of NDP members?

Layton has not only refused to state that he holds a contrary opinion, the MP of that riding has refused to state they hold a contrary opniion. Given the dispicable nature of the opinion I am going to assume, therefore, that both Layton and that MP, Jean Crowder, agree wholeheartedly with that opinion, and are presently consulting the polls and advisors to see what their response should be.

One can only imagine the national furor if a conservative riding association put forward a similar resolution and Harper refused to talk about it. But the media shrugs off these kinds of things by anyone other than conservatives.

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What makes me just scratch my head in agony that people can be so stupid, is that the NDP wants us to take a peacekeeping role in Afghanistan...

So in other words, just have our men and women sit in their base and take it from the Taliban, don't fire back. God forbid a terrorist Taliban gets killed...

It's time to show the NDP to the door, with such a left leaning Liberal party, their relevance and intelligence has hit an all-time low for a political party in the Western world. I hear more constructive and intelligent things from 3rd world dictators. Goodbye Jack.

Do you actually have a clue what the REAL reason for the war in Afghanistan is all about.

For starters there is no way economies in most third world countries will ever be developed similar to ours the U.S. or Europe.

For instance the only real reason China is successful as they are is they have an non-exhaustible number of their own people they will perpetually be able to exploit.

But the real reason for the war in Afghanistan is "The survival of the culture".

Large civilizations are presently dying with others trying desperately to claw their way to the top.

"Radical Islam is an opportunistic infection."

" Radical Islam is what multiculturalism has been waiting for all along"

Here is an interesting article:


The war in Afghanistan IMO is not our war. It would make more sense simply to bomb these countries off the map rather than waste lives with our ground troops in an offensive role.

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For starters there is no way economies in most third world countries will ever be developed similar to ours the U.S. or Europe.

Really? What evidence do you have to support that? Would you say that 25 years ago someone would have predicted that India would be a player in the global economy? Or Korea?

Would you say that someone 50 years ago would have predicted that Japan would become the world's leading auto manufacturer?

Where does, Malaysia or Singapore fit in to your already antiquated opinion?

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For starters there is no way economies in most third world countries will ever be developed similar to ours the U.S. or Europe.

Really? What evidence do you have to support that? Would you say that 25 years ago someone would have predicted that India would be a player in the global economy? Or Korea?

Would you say that someone 50 years ago would have predicted that Japan would become the world's leading auto manufacturer?

Where does, Malaysia or Singapore fit in to your already antiquated opinion?

The economies you quoted happened years ago when technology was still progressing.

To-day we already have all the cheap plastic items, dvd players and the sort anyone could possibly want and jap cars if you want them.

Technology has reached a peak and there is really nothing new to bring new third world countries into the fold without sacrificing modern technology necessary to keep our own countries functioning.

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Technology has reached a peak
To-day we already have all the cheap plastic items, dvd players and the sort anyone could possibly want and jap cars if you want them.

Do you pull these gems out of your arse or do you have someone to assist you?

I got news for you, I'm not sure what part of the hinterland you are currently squatting in, but DVD players are obsolete or will be in the next 5 years....and the last I looked "jap" cars are in demand so I don't know what you intend to mean when you sputter so. Perhaps you are like that urban legend fellow Charles H. Duell who urged the President to close down the patent office because everything had already been invented.

The "technology" that has propelled India is not new. It's called education. India has seen a boom in knowledge based industries like programming. Not to mention it's becoming an outsourcing capital. So be it. What has happened in India can be replicated anywhere there is education and capital. Your gloomy and near sighted predictions are hilarious. We had a good chuckle in the office, keep them coming.

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It is hard to say just what kind of manufacturing can and will take placein Afghanistan, but one thing we do know for sure, is that they are a willing workforce and yes they will work very cheaply in many things. While they do not have an Ocean port thay are situated close to China and many other countries. So they are an overland trade route. While at this moment in time it is hard to say if any of this can and will help them form a strong economy, it does give the seeds for the start od many things.

For us to sit here a world away and say they have no chance to become a contributing member to the global economy, is just wrong. I am sure there are many things we do not see as being life sustaining that they do. The fact that they have been a country for so long and have maintained a population, is something we need to think about. Once peace is the norm in afghanistan, we will see things come to light that we never thought possible. That is why I support our troops, in their efforts to make this a peaceful country once again.

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It is hard to say just what kind of manufacturing can and will take placein Afghanistan, but one thing we do know for sure, is that they are a willing workforce and yes they will work very cheaply in many things. While they do not have an Ocean port thay are situated close to China and many other countries. So they are an overland trade route. While at this moment in time it is hard to say if any of this can and will help them form a strong economy, it does give the seeds for the start od many things.

For us to sit here a world away and say they have no chance to become a contributing member to the global economy, is just wrong. I am sure there are many things we do not see as being life sustaining that they do. The fact that they have been a country for so long and have maintained a population, is something we need to think about. Once peace is the norm in afghanistan, we will see things come to light that we never thought possible. That is why I support our troops, in their efforts to make this a peaceful country once again.

Allowing Afghanistan the peace it needs so it can even trundle along in a 19th century economy would be a start. Afghanistan used to be a profitable agricultural enterprise, but unfortunately the fields are sewn with mines. If and when it's energy potential is exploited, the opportunity to better the people will be huge.

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Technology has reached a peak
To-day we already have all the cheap plastic items, dvd players and the sort anyone could possibly want and jap cars if you want them.

Do you pull these gems out of your arse or do you have someone to assist you?

I got news for you, I'm not sure what part of the hinterland you are currently squatting in, but DVD players are obsolete or will be in the next 5 years....and the last I looked "jap" cars are in demand so I don't know what you intend to mean when you sputter so. Perhaps you are like that urban legend fellow Charles H. Duell who urged the President to close down the patent office because everything had already been invented.

The "technology" that has propelled India is not new. It's called education. India has seen a boom in knowledge based industries like programming. Not to mention it's becoming an outsourcing capital. So be it. What has happened in India can be replicated anywhere there is education and capital. Your gloomy and near sighted predictions are hilarious. We had a good chuckle in the office, keep them coming.

Iam really not certain how you can predict the future relating to economies in to-days volatile world especially Afghanistan's in which I predict will not advance or progress very far from it's present state.

Import vehicles are Not leading the way in Canada and had in 2005 only a 32% market share.


I don't know what this India thing you have but per capita income of a 496.4 million working population was $3,400 U.S. and ranks 122nd world wide in 2005.

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The NDP calling our troops terrorists? For doing what, trying to give these people a better life?

The NDP is truly a disgusting, fourth-rate, pathetic party that will never form a government.

So an NDP riding association submits a cockamamie resolution (one of 600 that will be debated) that would most certainly have been defeated at the convention, and they are damned as a whole. I can't wait until the next CPC policy convention to see what some of the fringe of that party comes up with.

There has to be something on the books for arresting these traitors during war time and putting them on trial.

Why do you hate freedom?

Yes. That, in fact, has been the case. The tory leader, or previous, the Alliance or Reform leader, and the entire party, for that matter, have been held directly responsible for every opinion held by anyone even remotely connected to anyone in the party.

So you feel obliged to adopt the same tactics? Look, if holding the leadership or entire membership responsible for the actions or beliefs of a few is wrong, then don't do it. If not, well, don't bitch about it when it happensto your guys. Simple.

Layton has not only refused to state that he holds a contrary opinion, the MP of that riding has refused to state they hold a contrary opniion. Given the dispicable nature of the opinion I am going to assume, therefore, that both Layton and that MP, Jean Crowder, agree wholeheartedly with that opinion, and are presently consulting the polls and advisors to see what their response should be.

Uh...why should the party leader comment on a single resolution? If a CPC riding association put forward a resolution calling for the internment of all Muslims in Canada, would you expect Harper to comment? What you'd get would be a spokesman saying something along the lines of "the democratic process...blah bhal blah..open to many viewpoints...blah blah blah...up to the party membership to decide..blah bhlah blah." And rightly so.

One can only imagine the national furor if a conservative riding association put forward a similar resolution and Harper refused to talk about it. But the media shrugs off these kinds of things by anyone other than conservatives.

Which is why the o.p has articles from both national newspapers on the NDP resolution. Because they are ignoring the issue. :rolleyes:

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