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NDP- LAYTON "Invite Taliban to Peace Talks"


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Well I do live in the US during the summer months although that is neither here nor there.

I recall a claim of dual-citizenship...so I ignore the Canadian part.

Didn't Harper giver her that money? It could have done wonders at home but I guess because we take all of Haiti's educated it is almost a fair trade.

It's a fair deal considering that Canada invaded the goddamn country and overthrew a democratically elected president. :lol:

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Last time I checked I live on Canada not the US but I will look at a map again.

I am for getting out and not spending money in a country which is not our own. I know you love to spend all of Canada's money in other countries but I think my tax dollars should be spent here.

As for being prudent what does your prudency say how much money should we spend per budget on the Military, RCMP, and CISI 1% 2%? What? It is easy to say "WE DON'T SPEND enough" what is enough? What about health care, education, infrastructure? See that is where we differ the NDP knows there isn't a limitless supply of money the Conservatives don't. Sometimes it is guns or butter, I always pick butter.

Yes, I know the NDP doesn't really think Canada needs a military that can adequately respond to national disaster, an intelligence agency to find out threats to lets say the Jewish community in Montreal, or the RCMP to ensure that people in rural areas can have law enforcement.

That's why you seem to think that Canadian's money is better spent on art projects instead of border guards, or daycare for residents of Toronto instead of let's say ensuring that extremists don't bomb residents of Toronto.

However I do agree, the NDP does know that their isn't a limitless supply of money. That's why they want to raise taxes on business and individuals which will merely chase said businesses and individuals out of the country. Sure we'll be mediocre, but atleast we have Young People F*cking.

But let me remind you that it was the military that took out the Nazis, not a crappy film funded by the government.

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Yes, I know the NDP doesn't really think Canada needs a military that can adequately respond to national disaster, an intelligence agency to find out threats to lets say the Jewish community in Montreal, or the RCMP to ensure that people in rural areas can have law enforcement.

That's why you seem to think that Canadian's money is better spent on art projects instead of border guards, or daycare for residents of Toronto instead of let's say ensuring that extremists don't bomb residents of Toronto.

However I do agree, the NDP does know that their isn't a limitless supply of money. That's why they want to raise taxes on business and individuals which will merely chase said businesses and individuals out of the country. Sure we'll be mediocre, but atleast we have Young People F*cking.

But let me remind you that it was the military that took out the Nazis, not a crappy film funded by the government.

Keep preaching the supply side BS maybe someone will buy in 30 years after we all forget it got us into this mess.

As for the rest of your post. It is fear mongering but I actually believe you believer half the stuff you wrote is real. It isn't fighting Nazis or making films, we don;t live in the 40's and you really need a reality check. It however is about spending 17 billion in a country which isn't our own all the time claiming "We wont leave until we win this thing" then pulling in 2011 regardless. Heck we could have pulled out 2 years ago if that was the case and saved 5 billion to spend here in this country. I know you would rather spend the money on bullets to shoot brown people then to provide care to our elderly but some of us have different priorities. Have fun fighting those Nazis though.

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Keep preaching the supply side BS maybe someone will buy in 30 years after we all forget it got us into this mess.

Osama Bin Laden?

It isn't fighting Nazis or making films, we don;t live in the 40's and you really need a reality check.

Agreed, their has been no country on earth since the 1940's which could have threatened the west. [with the exception of that dustup in Cuba]

It however is about spending 17 billion in a country which isn't our own all the time claiming "We wont leave until we win this thing" then pulling in 2011 regardless. Heck we could have pulled out 2 years ago if that was the case and saved 5 billion to spend here in this country.

Well you need to have some knowledge of history though, which you obviously don't have since you think the United States was never targeted in the 1990's.

I know you would rather spend the money on bullets to shoot brown people then to provide care to our elderly but some of us have different priorities.

I do care for the elderly, it's just that my compassion isn't confined to paying taxes. Caring for the elderly isn't really a priority, if it was you'd do it on your own time. My compassion extends beyond the ballot box my friend, I can assure you of that.

However I don't mind shooting at Osama Bin Laden or any person who wishes to destroy innocent life. I'm certain that you shrug when seeing this, but I don't:

But yes, you're 100% right. We don't require any soldiers, police officers, intelligence officers, border guards, etc. to ensure our country is safe.

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Osama Bin Laden?

If you don't know what I am talking about you can say so and I will make my post clear. Supply side is also know as trickle down. It is what you mean when you say cut taxes and everything will work out great.

Agreed, their has been no country on earth since the 1940's which could have threatened the west. [with the exception of that dustup in Cuba]

Really? Cuba?

Well you need to have some knowledge of history though, which you obviously don't have since you think the United States was never targeted in the 1990's.

I think you will have to quote me on this one becuase I don't remembering saying that and I reread my post and I don't know where you got this from.

I do care for the elderly, it's just that my compassion isn't confined to paying taxes. Caring for the elderly isn't really a priority, if it was you'd do it on your own time. My compassion extends beyond the ballot box my friend, I can assure you of that.

Great I am glade to hear this. Although you can't care for the elderly, improve education, expand infrastructure, provide free health care, blah blah blah. You only have so much free time and I think that is where our priorities should lie as a country. Every

However I don't mind shooting at Osama Bin Laden or any person who wishes to destroy innocent life. I'm certain that you shrug when seeing this, but I don't:

I just don't believe you shot Osama Bin Laden.

But yes, you're 100% right. We don't require any soldiers, police officers, intelligence officers, border guards, etc. to ensure our country is safe.

Never said that what I said was our budget is only so large and I perfer to spend the lions share in other places. Everytime your guy Steve cuts taxes (I know you love him for it) but it should mean a spending cut too. Well where do you want the cut? Underfunded Health Care? Education? Where. This is what I mean guns or butter. I pick Butter. There is a saying in Cuba "But the children need milk" I think that holds here too.

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If you don't know what I am talking about you can say so and I will make my post clear. Supply side is also know as trickle down. It is what you mean when you say cut taxes and everything will work out great.

It definitely will, as long as spending is cut as well. Unlike yourself I prefer compassion to be dealt with by individuals and voluntary institutions instead of government bureaucrats.

Really? Cuba?

Once again, your ignorance of history is showing. Did you know that at one time nuclear missiles were being stationed in Cuba? Probably not.

I think you will have to quote me on this one becuase I don't remembering saying that and I reread my post and I don't know where you got this from.

By all means:

I love the "putting the country at risk" line who do we have to fear?
Great I am glade to hear this. Although you can't care for the elderly, improve education, expand infrastructure, provide free health care, blah blah blah. You only have so much free time and I think that is where our priorities should lie as a country. Every

Well you see we used to have this thing way back in the day called charity. That was when compassion meant more than voting for your local idealistic socialist who promised to raise the wages of bureaucrats in the name of helping the poor.

I just don't believe you shot Osama Bin Laden.

If you give me a Colt .45 and a parachute I will.

Never said that what I said was our budget is only so large and I perfer to spend the lions share in other places. Everytime your guy Steve cuts taxes (I know you love him for it) but it should mean a spending cut too.

I agree, let's start with useless social programs and the welfare trap.

Well where do you want the cut? Underfunded Health Care? Education? Where.

Education and healthcare are provincial responsibilities.

There is a saying in Cuba "But the children need milk" I think that holds here too.

There is another saying in Cuba, if you dislike the government get on the next raft to Miami.


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It definitely will, as long as spending is cut as well. Unlike yourself I prefer compassion to be dealt with by individuals and voluntary institutions instead of government bureaucrats.

Yah works great in the world doesn't it? I see you would prefer to shoot a brown guy then go to Africa to help out Aids orphans or are you writing from Africa.

Once again, your ignorance of history is showing. Did you know that at one time nuclear missiles were being stationed in Cuba? Probably not.

Really? Next you will be telling me that the US, Russia and North Korea have Nuclear missiles as well that would terrify me.

Well you see we used to have this thing way back in the day called charity. That was when compassion meant more than voting for your local idealistic socialist who promised to raise the wages of bureaucrats in the name of helping the poor.

Maybe it is just me but the life expectancy back then was about 15 years shorter then it is today. I would say it was becuase of War but from the time Medicare was established until now all in non real war times it has increased by 10 years. Sounds like they weren't taking care of each other with those charities back then. Oh wait literacy went up with school as well. Crazy how that works eh?

If you give me a Colt .45 and a parachute I will.

Who is stopping you Captain Crunch?

I agree, let's start with useless social programs and the welfare trap.

Seems I would rather increase the standard of living here then send people off to other countries to get killed. I PICK BUTTER. Now you say you pick guns please.

Education and healthcare are provincial responsibilities.

You do know the Federal government transfers money to the province for healthcare right? You did know that? That a large part of the money comes from the feds? As for Education Post secondary again a large amount of the funding is Transfered.

There is another saying in Cuba, if you dislike the government get on the next raft to Miami.


Funny I think the right wing in this country has the sameone it goes more like this though "love it or leave it"

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Yah works great in the world doesn't it? I see you would prefer to shoot a brown guy then go to Africa to help out Aids orphans or are you writing from Africa.

What's the brown guy doing that would force me to shoot him? But it's more likely that said guy is throwing acid in a schoolgirls face.

Really? Next you will be telling me that the US, Russia and North Korea have Nuclear missiles as well that would terrify me.

So you don't know anything about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Son, if you're this ignorant of history I don't know what to tell you, other than letting you know that the public education system failed you.

Maybe it is just me but the life expectancy back then was about 15 years shorter then it is today. I would say it was becuase of War but from the time Medicare was established until now all in non real war times it has increased by 10 years. Sounds like they weren't taking care of each other with those charities back then. Oh wait literacy went up with school as well. Crazy how that works eh?

Actually the same progress also happened in capitalist countries as well. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that when a country produces more and has more capital people's lives will start to improve, to argue a correlation is absurd. The North Korean government owns just about the entire economy however the people their aren't better off than their Southern bretheren.

However I wouldn't be so foolish as to credit all progress to government bureaucrats. However some people such as yourself should be reminded that state worship is often unhealthy.

Who is stopping you Captain Crunch?

No, an anal cyst.

Seems I would rather increase the standard of living here then send people off to other countries to get killed. I PICK BUTTER. Now you say you pick guns please.

Well, I'd suggest you stop picking butter because it's bad for your heart.

You do know the Federal government transfers money to the province for healthcare right? You did know that? That a large part of the money comes from the feds?

Yes, and we've had moaning and complaining ever since.

As for Education Post secondary again a large amount of the funding is Transfered.

Trust me, I'm glad that my taxes are going to fund suburban Marxists hip hop dance instruction classes at Universities right across the country.

Funny I think the right wing in this country has the sameone it goes more like this though "love it or leave it"

The difference is that in the United States they tolerate differences of opinion, in Cuba they don't. But then again I suppose a suburban Marxist such as yourself doesn't mind while typing on the tyrannical keyboard that capitalism built.

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What's the brown guy doing that would force me to shoot him? But it's more likely that said guy is throwing acid in a schoolgirls face.


Better go fight a war with Malaysia now right? That is your justification for shooting people and trying to make them have your morals right? You can't make people change by telling them it is your way or the highway. It just doesn't work.

So you don't know anything about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Son, if you're this ignorant of history I don't know what to tell you, other than letting you know that the public education system failed you.

Just cause you keep repeating does not make it true. I know about the Cuban Missile Crisis. The point I was making was that there are plenty of countries with Nukes yet the world hasn't fallin apart why do you think it would have if Cuba got a Nuke? In fact know what Canada has been trading partners with Cuba for a long time now and it seems to have worked out well. Cuba has never really had a problem with the US and has been open to negotiation with them for a long time it the US who wont sit at the table.

Actually the same progress also happened in capitalist countries as well. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that when a country produces more and has more capital people's lives will start to improve, to argue a correlation is absurd. The North Korean government owns just about the entire economy however the people their aren't better off than their Southern bretheren.


Look at that map and tell me what countries have the longest life expectancy?

Well, I'd suggest you stop picking butter because it's bad for your heart.

Funny way of saying you would rather fight and impose your will on others then take care of those at home but whatevs.

Yes, and we've had moaning and complaining ever since.

Yet our standard of living and HDI just keep going up. Maybe you should look at the HDI as well and see what you notice.

Trust me, I'm glad that my taxes are going to fund suburban Marxists hip hop dance instruction classes at Universities right across the country.

Well they go to train that pipe fitter on the riggs in Alberta as well or the plumber in Nova Scotia or the electrification in Ontario. See Post secondary just means after high school. There are plenty of education programs after high school. Some which I think you would even approve of. The engineer creating you missile systems even.

The difference is that in the United States they tolerate differences of opinion, in Cuba they don't. But then again I suppose a suburban Marxist such as yourself doesn't mind while typing on the tyrannical keyboard that capitalism built.

There are less political prisoners in Cuba then terrorist suspects being held at Gitmo.

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Better go fight a war with Malaysia now right? That is your justification for shooting people and trying to make them have your morals right? You can't make people change by telling them it is your way or the highway. It just doesn't work.

No, my justification is that if you give shelter to someone who was complicit in incinerating thousands of civilians in skyscrapers that you should get attacked.

Just cause you keep repeating does not make it true. I know about the Cuban Missile Crisis. The point I was making was that there are plenty of countries with Nukes yet the world hasn't fallin apart why do you think it would have if Cuba got a Nuke?

Yes, more or less because a Soviet submarine nearly launched a nuke during the Cuban Missile Crisis. As well with nuclear weapons that close to North America it would have impaired our ability to retaliate to such an attack.

In fact know what Canada has been trading partners with Cuba for a long time now and it seems to have worked out well. Cuba has never really had a problem with the US and has been open to negotiation with them for a long time it the US who wont sit at the table.

That doesn't mean it's acceptable that Miami could be incinerated within a minute.


Look at that map and tell me what countries have the longest life expectancy?

The country's that have an extremely low birthrate that won't be able to sustain their welfare system for more than a generation.

Yet our standard of living and HDI just keep going up. Maybe you should look at the HDI as well and see what you notice.

That the richer a country is the better it's HDI will be.

Well they go to train that pipe fitter on the riggs in Alberta as well or the plumber in Nova Scotia or the electrification in Ontario. See Post secondary just means after high school. There are plenty of education programs after high school. Some which I think you would even approve of. The engineer creating you missile systems even.

If theirs a demand then the employer will pay for them, as they have in Alberta.

There are less political prisoners in Cuba then terrorist suspects being held at Gitmo.

Gitmo's being shutdown. But I'm sure you'd find some way to justify jailing opponents of the Cuban regime. I've always found it hilarious how suburban Marxists such as yourself always praise some mediocre Marxist country yet then enjoy all the benefits of capitalism. You're like a modern day George Bernard Shaw:


By the way I support trade with Cuba, much like I do with China. The difference is that I can support that policy yet also criticize China for it's atrocious record on Falun Gong, something you're likely incapable of.

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Yet when those soldiers speak to these people and tell them they believe in what they are doing and want to be there, rather than listen, they stick to their own prejudices. How is that supporting the soldiers? The day the soldiers no longer believe they should be there is when we should be calling for them to be brought home. That is supporting the soldiers.

Thats just not true. In fact to be good soldiers they MUST convince themselves that they are making a difference, and are doing something good and useful. Soldiers can't afford to let their moral fall by even conssidering the possibility that they are accomplishing nothing, or even maybe doing more harm than good. They are too close to the situation to make an unbiased assessment of the situation and must depend on the military and political leaders to do that for them. Jack Layton is an honourable politician, in a world that has few. Jack Layton only wants what is best for our troops, and our country.

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No, my justification is that if you give shelter to someone who was complicit in incinerating thousands of civilians in skyscrapers that you should get attacked.

Maybe it is just me who sees you, the guy who keeps accusing me of not knowing history and the guy who keeps touting the states as the moral high ground, as being ironic here. Do you remember the US support for the Contras in Nicaragua? You know the guys who terrorized, kidnapped and bombed civilians? Seriously if you get to pretend you stand on some sort of moral ground then do it but you don't get it both ways.

Yes, more or less because a Soviet submarine nearly launched a nuke during the Cuban Missile Crisis. As well with nuclear weapons that close to North America it would have impaired our ability to retaliate to such an attack.

K what? You haven't proved in anyway that Nukes in Cuba would have changed anything.

That doesn't mean it's acceptable that Miami could be incinerated within a minute.

Yep yet we still live with that everyday. Plenty of places could be whipped off the face of the earth yet I get up every morning and go to work with out fear.

The country's that have an extremely low birthrate that won't be able to sustain their welfare system for more than a generation.

It is called immigration and soon it will be a good friend to Canada.

That the richer a country is the better it's HDI will be.

How misinformed are you? The richest nation the US is 12th on the list, Luxembuorg the country with highest income per capta even lower somewhere around 20. If you actually look at the list you will see the countries which provide for their people are the highest.

If theirs a demand then the employer will pay for them, as they have in Alberta.

The community collages still get money from the government even if you refuse to accept this fact. Post secondary schools get money from the government. In fact the model for this would be NS where the collages get a lot of money from the government, degrees are cheep and 94% of those coming out of these school get jobs in their field of work.

Gitmo's being shutdown. But I'm sure you'd find some way to justify jailing opponents of the Cuban regime. I've always found it hilarious how suburban Marxists such as yourself always praise some mediocre Marxist country yet then enjoy all the benefits of capitalism. You're like a modern day George Bernard Shaw:

I am pointing out a fact. The US has more political prisoners being held on Cuban soil then Cuba does. Some of them are US citizens too. I am sure though that you don't care you only care about the Cubans right? I love your hypocrisy. It is in every post you make.

By the way I support trade with Cuba, much like I do with China. The difference is that I can support that policy yet also criticize China for it's atrocious record on Falun Gong, something you're likely incapable of.

Good one step forward. I can criticize Cuba I think they need to do many things. One being letting out those political prisoners. I also think they need to get over it and open their shores, no one is changing the population. Although unlike you with the US I believe they can do wrong and still be a country trying to do what is best for their people.

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Maybe it is just me who sees you, the guy who keeps accusing me of not knowing history and the guy who keeps touting the states as the moral high ground, as being ironic here. Do you remember the US support for the Contras in Nicaragua? You know the guys who terrorized, kidnapped and bombed civilians?

I wasn't particularly fond of the Contra's or the Sandanista's. But this thread isn't about Nicaragua, you might as well point out the injustices of the War of 1812.

I've stated before that if I had to choose between war or free trade, I would always go with the latter. The difference is though that I don't think one should be foolish enough to not prepare for any future hostilities. Nor should a nation ignore attacks on it's citizens, if an attack happened on our soil I would expect a similar response along with aid from our allies.

K what? You haven't proved in anyway that Nukes in Cuba would have changed anything.

I've just proven that you're an apologist for communism. As well the fact you don't know the strategic problems that nukes pose to the North American continent from Cuba also showcases your ignorance, not to mention the fact was a hair away from nuclear war at the time. You do realize that Che Guevara wanted to nuke North American cities right, I'm guessing that doesn't really make much of a difference to you though.

Yep yet we still live with that everyday. Plenty of places could be whipped off the face of the earth yet I get up every morning and go to work with out fear.

Yes, thanks largely to the military and the United States.

It is called immigration and soon it will be a good friend to Canada.

Much like it's been a good friend to the suburbs of Paris, the streets of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the London tube, and the Madrid train stations. Needless to say I'm looking forward to it considering the reaction to a couple of cartoons and the murder of Theo Van Gogh along with the calls for the implementation of Sharia law in Europe.

Besides, many immigrants will go onto the welfare roles so it might not be as much of a benefit as you'd like to think. Immigration is more based on politics than the needs of a country.

How misinformed are you? The richest nation the US is 12th on the list, Luxembuorg the country with highest income per capta even lower somewhere around 20. If you actually look at the list you will see the countries which provide for their people are the highest.

Yes, and they'll likely collapse after a generation. However most European nations also depend on the United States for national defence, much like Canada has, if we didn't have the US we likely wouldn't have those welfare states.

The community collages still get money from the government even if you refuse to accept this fact. Post secondary schools get money from the government. In fact the model for this would be NS where the collages get a lot of money from the government, degrees are cheep and 94% of those coming out of these school get jobs in their field of work.

Yet Nova Scotia is still largely a have-not province.

I am pointing out a fact. The US has more political prisoners being held on Cuban soil then Cuba does. Some of them are US citizens too. I am sure though that you don't care you only care about the Cubans right? I love your hypocrisy. It is in every post you make.

No, I make a differentiation between people who were on the side of Osama Bin Laden and those who criticized the government of Cuba.

Although unlike you with the US I believe they can do wrong and still be a country trying to do what is best for their people.

Yes, and they've turned their country into a veritable slave state, individualism is crushed, once you're born you're the property of the state, and you are denied certain basic rights, but I suppose it's worth it if they've got free college. This reminds me of the kind of rhetoric you would often hear that would praise the countries under the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe. Sure, they don't have any freedoms, are property of the government, and they can't think for themselves, but atleast everyones "equal."

It's not surprising that communism has killed well over a hundred million people yet you'll still hear apologists for it.

It's unfortunate that the children of the west still buy into such utopian bullshit. But then again I doubt western civilization will last for more than two generations given that we're in the decadent stage right now.

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I wasn't particularly fond of the Contra's or the Sandanista's. But this thread isn't about Nicaragua, you might as well point out the injustices of the War of 1812.

I've just proven that you're an apologist for communism. As well the fact you don't know the strategic problems that nukes pose to the North American continent from Cuba also showcases your ignorance, not to mention the fact was a hair away from nuclear war at the time. You do realize that Che Guevara wanted to nuke North American cities right, I'm guessing that doesn't really make much of a difference to you though.

I love this. In one post you talk about how the Contra don't matter becuase that is well in the past and in the very next sentence you talk about something that happened 25 years before the whole Contra thing. You are a hypocrite through and through my friend.

Yes, thanks largely to the military and the United States.

Prove it.

Much like it's been a good friend to the suburbs of Paris, the streets of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the London tube, and the Madrid train stations. Needless to say I'm looking forward to it considering the reaction to a couple of cartoons and the murder of Theo Van Gogh along with the calls for the implementation of Sharia law in Europe.

Besides, many immigrants will go onto the welfare roles so it might not be as much of a benefit as you'd like to think. Immigration is more based on politics than the needs of a country.

Citation needed. Last time I checked your lovely US is a country made up of immigrants isn't that right? I think about 10-25% of the US is made of legal and illegal immigrants. Yet no Sharia law weird eh?

Yes, and they'll likely collapse after a generation. However most European nations also depend on the United States for national defence, much like Canada has, if we didn't have the US we likely wouldn't have those welfare states.

Again saying something does not make it true.

Yet Nova Scotia is still largely a have-not province.

Yet in these tough economic times NS has lost almost no jobs and the government posted a surplus. Unlike Alberta.

No, I make a differentiation between people who were on the side of Osama Bin Laden and those who criticized the government of Cuba.

Accept many of those people weren't on the side of Osama. In fact they have released more prisoners from gitmo who had no connections with Osama then political prisoners in Cuba. So what you differentiate is those who are innocent with those who are innocent. One in the same. Funny they are both on Cuban soil.

Yes, and they've turned their country into a veritable slave state, individualism is crushed, once you're born you're the property of the state, and you are denied certain basic rights, but I suppose it's worth it if they've got free college. This reminds me of the kind of rhetoric you would often hear that would praise the countries under the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe. Sure, they don't have any freedoms, are property of the government, and they can't think for themselves, but atleast everyones "equal."

I don't know if you have ever been to Cuba, but it is not like people wake up and yell CUBA IS GREAT then walk to work with out talking do their job for the state and go home. They live and have choice. I do no praise them for their oppression but it with 150-250 political prisoners I don't think you really understand what one has to do to land themselves in jail there. It could be a freer yes but then again the US could stop tapping peoples phones with out warrants too.

It's not surprising that communism has killed well over a hundred million people yet you'll still hear apologists for it.

Cuba is no a communism country. Not in the way Russia or China was. Cuba is a country which suffered under Spain, under Batesta and when farmers were given land were happy for it. They still talk about the revolution almost everyday. It isn't really fair to compare Cuba to those other countries. I mean Castro told everyone who wanted to go he would put them on a boat to the US no questions asked and he did that. He didn't torture them he didn't try to reeducate them he said "love it or leave it". Although I wouldn't put it above you to blame him for the killing of Millions in Russia, the Soviet bloc, and China.

It's unfortunate that the children of the west still buy into such utopian bullshit. But then again I doubt western civilization will last for more than two generations given that we're in the decadent stage right now.

I think it is terrible that you think the government plays on part in helping the people. I am not for communism in anyway but I do think the government should look for it citizens and not through wars with countries who didn't even know our name before that war began. I can't you believe that is what is best for our country.

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I love this. In one post you talk about how the Contra don't matter becuase that is well in the past and in the very next sentence you talk about something that happened 25 years before the whole Contra thing. You are a hypocrite through and through my friend.

No, you previously stated that the west faced no threats since the 1940's. I corrected you, and then you proceeded to say that you really didn't know anything about the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Prove it.

You see after World War 2 this thing called the Iron Curtain descended across Europe. Now you likely would have been far more supportive of Stalin's regime since it provided free college education and butter at the cost of individual liberty....

....then Ronald Reagan funded the Afghan fighters in their battle against communism and produced a military build up, the Soviets could not match it and would eventually crumble under their own inefficient and immoral system.

Citation needed. Last time I checked your lovely US is a country made up of immigrants isn't that right?

The US requires it's immigrants to work, as well immigrating to the United States is much tougher than that of Europe.

Yet no Sharia law weird eh?

No I was talking about Europe, specifically those countries where artists, cartoonists, and politicians, often require bodyguards for speaking against extremism or honour killings.

Again saying something does not make it true.

Yes it does, especially if the demographics back it up. You cannot have a stable society built upon the pedestal of ethnic balkanization. If you do it'll breed internal conflict.

Yet in these tough economic times NS has lost almost no jobs and the government posted a surplus. Unlike Alberta.

Alberta also gives money to Nova Scotia in the form of equalization, weird how that works eh. But, let me remind you that one of the reasons for said deficit is because the government tampered with economy.

Accept many of those people weren't on the side of Osama. In fact they have released more prisoners from gitmo who had no connections with Osama then political prisoners in Cuba. So what you differentiate is those who are innocent with those who are innocent. One in the same. Funny they are both on Cuban soil.

All I can say is that they shouldn't have been in those terrorist camps or killed American medics.

I don't know if you have ever been to Cuba, but it is not like people wake up and yell CUBA IS GREAT then walk to work with out talking do their job for the state and go home.

Yes I have, I recall many Cubans had a dismal knowledge of their own history.

They live and have choice. I do no praise them for their oppression but it with 150-250 political prisoners I don't think you really understand what one has to do to land themselves in jail there. It could be a freer yes but then again the US could stop tapping peoples phones with out warrants too.

Yes, because their is absolutely no surveillance of citizens in a totalitarian country.

Cuba is no a communism country.

Yes, it is.

Cuba is a country which suffered under Spain, under Batesta and when farmers were given land were happy for it. They still talk about the revolution almost everyday.

How about all those people who were killed by Che, or for that matter those artists who were forced to flee Cuba after the glorious revolution that you so admire.

I mean Castro told everyone who wanted to go he would put them on a boat to the US no questions asked and he did that. He didn't torture them he didn't try to reeducate them he said "love it or leave it".

He also sent alot of violent criminals to the United States. But given your love affair with totalitarian dictatorships, I'll provide you with the following:

Cuba is ranked 169 in terms of press freedom:


The internet is restricted:


Discussions of leaving Cuba can get you a six month prison sentence:


The Black Book of Communism estimates 15,000 to 17,000 peope were executed in Cuba:

Black Book of Communism. p. 664.


Vaclev Havel on Cuba:


One point though, you tout Cuba's low infant mortality rate and other apparent favorable traits. Have you ever considered what the system really is like in Cuba. You do know about the forced abortions and infanticide that is regularly happening.


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They look pretty stuipd reading their posts now. Does Jack get to keep the name "Taliban Jack"? Or do we give it to Harper now?
Just because Osama's Obama's doing crack doesn't make it a great idea.
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Thats just not true. In fact to be good soldiers they MUST convince themselves that they are making a difference, and are doing something good and useful. Soldiers can't afford to let their moral fall by even conssidering the possibility that they are accomplishing nothing, or even maybe doing more harm than good. They are too close to the situation to make an unbiased assessment of the situation and must depend on the military and political leaders to do that for them. Jack Layton is an honourable politician, in a world that has few. Jack Layton only wants what is best for our troops, and our country.
Congratulations. A post off your one-trick-pony favorite topic.
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Guess Layton was not so crazy after all when he suggested the very same thing back then.

I don't recall Layton suggesting that the moderates aligned with the Taliban be disengaged from the hardline Taliban and that the Afghan government and Nato work towards bringing them into the fold.

I believe Layton's plan was.....

<plan> make a statement, get it on the news, pose for photo op.</plan>

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No, you previously stated that the west faced no threats since the 1940's. I corrected you, and then you proceeded to say that you really didn't know anything about the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Where where did I say that. Please show me becuase you keep making claims which aren't true. Go back and re-read the like 5 posts and just cite it ok? I don't think you can because you made that up.

You see after World War 2 this thing called the Iron Curtain descended across Europe. Now you likely would have been far more supportive of Stalin's regime since it provided free college education and butter at the cost of individual liberty....

....then Ronald Reagan funded the Afghan fighters in their battle against communism and produced a military build up, the Soviets could not match it and would eventually crumble under their own inefficient and immoral system.

Really the Large Soviet Union fell becuase they fought a bunch of huge wars they could not afford along with their normal government spending? I wonder what that sounds like.

See th Soviets picked guns this is what I am arguing against I think you would have been more for Stalin than I becuase they had a large military build up and enforced their will on those out side of their own country. See how that goes both ways.

The US requires it's immigrants to work, as well immigrating to the United States is much tougher than that of Europe.

Accept 15 million or so of them just walked across the boarder with on check of any kind. So it is not nearly as tough considering the requirement to get in was "can walk in extreme heat until across the boarder". See not all immigration is bad.

No I was talking about Europe, specifically those countries where artists, cartoonists, and politicians, often require bodyguards for speaking against extremism or honour killings.

I got the reference I was pointing out we are not Europe. No matter how much you hate them and wish to point them as a failed system. We have other factors which influance our immigration.

Yes it does, especially if the demographics back it up. You cannot have a stable society built upon the pedestal of ethnic balkanization. If you do it'll breed internal conflict.

Again I point the US a country which has done great with Immigrants and was made up of immigrants when it became a world power.

Alberta also gives money to Nova Scotia in the form of equalization, weird how that works eh. But, let me remind you that one of the reasons for said deficit is because the government tampered with economy.

Yes it does never said it didn't but it also gave money to NS 5 years ago too. So nothing has changed but NS is succeeding in these tough economic times where others are failing.

All I can say is that they shouldn't have been in those terrorist camps or killed American medics.

Or been a citizen of Syrian and in Canada under observation from our own government when he was supposed to be a terrorist camp right? How dare he work in Canada.

Yes I have, I recall many Cubans had a dismal knowledge of their own history.

You mean the colonization and the stealing of Cuban resources for others? I think that is what casued the revolution in the first place.

Yes, because their is absolutely no surveillance of citizens in a totalitarian country.

So you are ok with the US doing it as long as Cuba does it. But if Cuba does it is bad Hypocrisy again.

Yes, it is.

Ok saying it makes it so.

How about all those people who were killed by Che, or for that matter those artists who were forced to flee Cuba after the glorious revolution that you so admire.

How about all those killed by Spain. Those who starved under Batista (who if you recall was a US backed dictator but those are ok if the US backs them) as Truman would say. You are the only person I know who can talk out of both sides of his mouth and being lieing out of both. Batista had political prisoners too remember? History is not your friend

"Dictators are bad............unless the US supports them"

"Cuba should be get ride of their dictator.............accept that one the US supported"

He also sent alot of violent criminals to the United States. But given your love affair with totalitarian dictatorships, I'll provide you with the following:

Yes he did. Seems like the whole landed immigrant thing might have been not thought through idea on the US's part.

Cuba is ranked 169 in terms of press freedom:


The internet is restricted:


Discussions of leaving Cuba can get you a six month prison sentence:


The Black Book of Communism estimates 15,000 to 17,000 peope were executed in Cuba:

Black Book of Communism. p. 664.


Vaclev Havel on Cuba:


I have already said they need to open their shores becuase I don't think the out side world is going to change the people much. You can go back and read that post.

One point though, you tout Cuba's low infant mortality rate and other apparent favorable traits. Have you ever considered what the system really is like in Cuba. You do know about the forced abortions and infanticide that is regularly happening.

Yet per capita they have about as many abortions as the US. The US is at about .5% of the population and Cuba is a .6-.7%.

Wow the miami herald. A dependable resource written by those who have been wanting Cuba to fail for 50 years. I think Batista landed in Miami when after he emptied the treasury and the US offered that dictator a place to hide from his people right? Dictator bad though.

Edited by punked
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"Afghans know better how to decide about their destiny," he replied when asked if the Taliban were willing to hold talks with Karzai's government should and when the troops leave.

Funny given that they want no part in the upcoming afghan elections where ordinary afghans gt to decide their destiny.

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Isn't the right the ones who spent the last 6 years saying "we can't trust them", "we can't take their word", "we should not talk to them"? Now they speak the truth of course they don't want to be divided. I find it funny.

So did you read the artical and find out which taliban said that?

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